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Quick patch for engi grenades ... ?


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The issue with these Nade 1 shot builds are how they are extremely feast or famine.It strictly requires them to chug potions and burn them in order to deal that amount of damage, for 1 instance, at most every 1 minute.

I've met these guys around, and usually it's a "got me once, shame on yu" type of deal.Once I'm aware of their existence in the current map, they rarely ever get me the same way again, and because of their potion chugging nature, it's extremely easy to pull a reversal on them and punish with a good well deserved spank to the backside.

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@Choppy.4183 said:

Dunno... you engineers would know better than me. That all said, I haven't found the problem to be a huge issue on balance overall just because of how few people run it. More of a dramatic meme level issue.

I'm having a great laugh with the gimmick, but I really don't think any class should be able to this tbh =)

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@Helicity.3416 said:

Dunno... you engineers would know better than me. That all said, I haven't found the problem to be a huge issue on balance overall just because of how few people run it. More of a dramatic meme level issue.

I'm having a great laugh with the gimmick, but I really don't think any class should be able to this tbh =)

Yeah, I may come to eat my words there. Came across 3-4 of them today alone on a pretty empty map, with two roaming around together. Still, I'd like to come across more so I can see if I just need to l2p to better counter the, before nerfs. More than 1 chucking tuned up nades around sure makes positioning hard though!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@"solemn.9608" said:I would be surprised if anyone actually tried to say engi grenades are balanced. We all know they're still OP even after the recent nerf. Two, three if you're lucky, nade hits and you're dead. Extremely spammable, low cooldown, can't be reflected, brainless gameplay.

Why is this still a thing

also, I do realize I'm going to get some trolls replying with the usual "just dodge, just kite and counter it, you got outplayed"Ya, you say that about everything. Sorry but some things are genuinely unbalanced lol I know what I'm doing, actually win sometimes vs this build but for the most part it's just so stupid-OP that I'd rather not engage at all. Fun and engaging gameplay.

It's not trolls. Judging by above this is a gimmick build being used. So obviously players using the holosmith meta build will state it's not true because the meta build doesn't do that sorta damage.

Whatevers powering the nades need nerfing sure, by the sounds of it it encourages a degenerate way of playing engi.

But it sounds like this is a glass cannon build. Which every class can effectively do. I've seen guards 1 shot players with gimmick builds, I've seen mesmers 1 shot with gimmick builds, thieves can do it.

It's just the builds mean you die very quickly also.

And yeah no one should be doing it. But engineer ain't alone in having builds that can do it.

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