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Quick patch for engi grenades ... ?


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I would be surprised if anyone actually tried to say engi grenades are balanced. We all know they're still OP even after the recent nerf. Two, three if you're lucky, nade hits and you're dead. Extremely spammable, low cooldown, can't be reflected, brainless gameplay.

Why is this still a thing

also, I do realize I'm going to get some trolls replying with the usual "just dodge, just kite and counter it, you got outplayed"Ya, you say that about everything. Sorry but some things are genuinely unbalanced lol I know what I'm doing, actually win sometimes vs this build but for the most part it's just so stupid-OP that I'd rather not engage at all. Fun and engaging gameplay.

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Out of curiousity, if you count all the times you died since this weeks matchup started, how many was due to grenades?

I'm guessing 1 and that was right before this thread was created.

Thats not even a troll reply, I am genuinely curious. I roam a couple of hours every evening and the last time I met a nade engie was maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago (in DBL hills, yes I even remember that lol, and he only won because I was trying to stomp while surrounded, kept tossing from above some stairs).

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Out of curiousity, if you count all the times you died since this weeks matchup started, how many was due to grenades?

I'm guessing 1 and that was right before this thread was created.

Thats not even a troll reply, I am genuinely curious. I roam a couple of hours every evening and the last time I met a nade engie was maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago (in DBL hills, yes I even remember that lol, and he only won because I was trying to stomp while surrounded, kept tossing from above some stairs).

I would be inclined to agree that Nade engies are rare solo. An organized roamer group does usually have a Grenade Holo.

Despite this, the build I see more these days from solo engi roamers is that of power scrappers. I've seen them use one shot mechanics from stealth, I've seen them use almost only gyros and decimate with hammer and I've seen Grenade scrappers too, but not enough to say that it's all I see. Fighting in open field with grenades sounds tough tbh. To easy to kite away from (coming from warrior main).

As for me, i go around with a core engi with elixirs and a build dedicated to mortar kit. Very fun.

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@"solemn.9608" said:I would be surprised if anyone actually tried to say engi grenades are balanced. We all know they're still OP even after the recent nerf. Two, three if you're lucky, nade hits and you're dead. Extremely spammable, low cooldown, can't be reflected, brainless gameplay.

Why is this still a thing

also, I do realize I'm going to get some trolls replying with the usual "just dodge, just kite and counter it, you got outplayed"Ya, you say that about everything. Sorry but some things are genuinely unbalanced lol I know what I'm doing, actually win sometimes vs this build but for the most part it's just so stupid-OP that I'd rather not engage at all. Fun and engaging gameplay.

Honestly, not counting the misformation, what kind of answer do you expect with all you've written anyways?

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@"Samug.6512" said:Whatever, it's not like there'll be a balance patch any time soon. Buckle up and get used to it coz the next real balance patch is at least 3-4 months away.

And nades definitely can be reflected, what gave you that "impossible to reflect" idea?

Poison grenades can't be reflected. He might've got hit by some and concluded that grenades in general are unreflectable.

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@"Infusion.7149" said:Grenades can be reflected, how about you try playing it before complaining. That goes for any complaint thread, not just this one.

LoL Name 1 other skill thats a blast finisher AoE with 5 targets- KnockBack(so it's an interrupt x5)- and strips 3 boons x5.It's about balance and what's fair.....Not "Im Paper, Nerf Rock, Scissors is Fine"Throw Mines is still grossly unbalanced even at 30 sec recharge.Give everyone stealth. Give everyone a spammable knockback. Give everyone a weapon that reaches out to 1750 range with an arc. imo

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@"Infusion.7149" said:Grenades can be reflected, how about you try playing it before complaining. That goes for any complaint thread, not just this one.

LoL Name 1 other skill thats a blast finisher AoE with 5 targets- KnockBack(so it's an interrupt x5)- and strips 3 boons x5.It's about balance and what's fair.....Not "Im Paper, Nerf Rock, Scissors is Fine"Throw Mines is still grossly unbalanced even at 30 sec recharge.Give everyone stealth. Give everyone a spammable knockback. Give everyone a weapon that reaches out to 1750 range with an arc. imo

yeah you're just mad you lost a skirmish

you dont even know what you're talking about , throw mine only throws 1 mine , 2 with the gadgeteer trait

mine field deploys 5 mines they all strip one boon at a timemine field does not interrupt/knockbacki do agree throw mine is unbalanced , we meed it reverted back to when it was a 5 throwable mines kit

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@"HARDOFREADING.7298" said:And yet you didn't name another skill. I'm going to suggest you go and read the wiki Description for "Throw Mine".

engineer is one of the professions i ve played and i used to run mine on my pvp build 6 years ago

Throw Mine = Unblockable , 180 radius activation/240 explosion damage 3 boon removal Knockback 1 single mine another spawns on player feet with gadgeteer trait equipped

mine Field = 5 mines spread around 180 radius each with 180 radius activation 1 boon removal each no knockback , not unblockable either .

so what is your point again ?

theres far superior boon strip/corrupt or unblockable cc abilities in game

ah i see you want me to name other professions that got abilities like that , you're under the impression we do not know of any

well theres basically elite specs that spam stuff like it such as : Tempes,Firebrand,Mesmer,scourge, thief,Spell breakerranger traps .

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I do not think grenades are op. The damage and range are not great and the throw speed is quite slow even with grenadier. It says 0.5 secs cooldown but it takes a little over 9 secs to throw 10 times. When I use grenades I hit for so little that it feels like I am actually healing my opponent. Is a balance thing but at the build level, not at the skills level. They keep increasing cooldowns and nerfing skills damage but what they should really be looking at is why some builds can do insane damage but at the same time can take/avoid/reflect/heal so much that they feel overpowered.

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@MaLong.2079 said:I do not think grenades are op. The damage and range are not great and the throw speed is quite slow even with grenadier. It says 0.5 secs cooldown but it takes a little over 9 secs to throw 10 times. When I use grenades I hit for so little that it feels like I am actually healing my opponent. Is a balance thing but at the build level, not at the skills level. They keep increasing cooldowns and nerfing skills damage but what they should really be looking at is why some builds can do insane damage but at the same time can take/avoid/reflect/heal so much that they feel overpowered.

Wait... are you joking? I get literally 1 shot by grenade engineers. Hit for 13-15k by that stupid toolbelt skill, usually either killing me outright or leaving me almost dead to a single follow up grenade toss depending on whether I am running mostly zerker or marauder. No one should hit that hard, let alone a class that farts stability and barrier like they ate some bad beans.

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@Affinity.7253 said:

@MaLong.2079 said:I do not think grenades are op. The damage and range are not great and the throw speed is quite slow even with grenadier. It says 0.5 secs cooldown but it takes a little over 9 secs to throw 10 times. When I use grenades I hit for so little that it feels like I am actually healing my opponent. Is a balance thing but at the build level, not at the skills level. They keep increasing cooldowns and nerfing skills damage but what they should really be looking at is why some builds can do insane damage but at the same time can take/avoid/reflect/heal so much that they feel overpowered.

Wait... are you joking? I get literally 1 shot by grenade engineers. Hit for 13-15k by that stupid toolbelt skill, usually either killing me outright or leaving me almost dead to a single follow up grenade toss depending on whether I am running mostly zerker or marauder. No one should hit that hard, let alone a class that farts stability and barrier like they ate some bad beans.

That is exactly my point. Doing insane damage and also having a lot of survivability is the real problem. They should be mutually exclusive. If that grenadier did a lot of damage but died just as quickly then there would be no problem because the fight could go either way.

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I mean, you can get some pretty dumb results with grenades, and it probably needs to be tuned down a smidge.

At the same however you're giving up all hopes of surviving if you miss when you max out for damage; which is probably why it's not that common of a thing to run into in WvW...

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@Grand Marshal.4098 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Out of curiousity, if you count all the times you died since this weeks matchup started, how many was due to grenades?

I'm guessing 1 and that was right before this thread was created.

Thats not even a troll reply, I am genuinely curious. I roam a couple of hours every evening and the last time I met a nade engie was maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago (in DBL hills, yes I even remember that lol, and he only won because I was trying to stomp while surrounded, kept tossing from above some stairs).

I would be inclined to agree that Nade engies are rare solo. An organized roamer group does usually have a Grenade Holo.

Despite this, the build I see more these days from solo engi roamers is that of power scrappers. I've seen them use one shot mechanics from stealth, I've seen them use almost only gyros and decimate with hammer and I've seen Grenade scrappers too, but not enough to say that it's all I see. Fighting in open field with grenades sounds tough tbh. To easy to kite away from (coming from warrior main).

As for me, i go around with a core engi with elixirs and a build dedicated to mortar kit. Very fun.

Can you recommend a power scrapped build? I'm desperately tired with being a cleansebot healer.

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@"HappyHubris.1096" said:Can you recommend a power scrapped build? I'm desperately tired with being a cleansebot healer.

The "meta" one is https://gw2mists.com/builds/engineer/power-scrapper

edit you'll note it runs flamethrower because it is meant for large scale. As mentioned above, grenades can be reflected. Before the bomb kit autoattack nerf I believe they had bomb kit there. If you're not in an organized squad and can't make use of stealth gyro you can bring mortar to drop fields & range pressure.

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@Infusion.7149 said:

@"HappyHubris.1096" said:Can you recommend a power scrapped build? I'm desperately tired with being a cleansebot healer.

The "meta" one is

edit you'll note it runs flamethrower because it is meant for large scale. As mentioned above, grenades can be reflected. Before the bomb kit autoattack nerf I believe they had bomb kit there. If you're not in an organized squad and can't make use of stealth gyro you can bring mortar to drop fields & range pressure.I dont think I've ever seen a scrapper using that skill combo lol.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"HappyHubris.1096" said:Can you recommend a power scrapped build? I'm desperately tired with being a cleansebot healer.

The "meta" one is

edit you'll note it runs flamethrower because it is meant for large scale. As mentioned above, grenades can be reflected. Before the bomb kit autoattack nerf I believe they had bomb kit there. If you're not in an organized squad and can't make use of stealth gyro you can bring mortar to drop fields & range pressure.I dont think I've ever seen a scrapper using that skill combo lol.

The one on metabattle swaps the flamethrower for bomb kit and purge gyro (more cleanses) for elixir U (stunbreak + superspeed on toolbelt). It really comes down to whether you are in a comped squad : is more cleansing needed or would you rather have the stunbreak?

Flamethrower doesn't have a delay but you eat a lot of retaliation, whereas bomb kit has a delay on it and lower range.

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Reflects and projectile blocks are unique with grenades. Each grenade is it's own projectile, but their landing destination is RNG. You can actually hit things outside of the AoE marker if grenades hit closer to the edge. Sometimes grenades get lucky and bypass projectile hate by hitting the ground, creating the AoE to hit a player anyways.

Don't count on getting lucky in WvW, though. The projectile shields are so large that there's no room for luck.

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@"Helicity.3416" said:kGEEi1v.gif

I mean, you can get some pretty dumb results with grenades, and it probably needs to be tuned down a smidge.

At the same however you're giving up all hopes of surviving if you miss when you max out for damage; which is probably why it's not that common of a thing to run into in WvW...

Lol, I came across something like this yesterday, but the person added stealth to the mix. So you wouldn't even know that someone was there, and then you were dead. It was hilarious.

But the other part of what you said is true too. I caught the guy deleting another guy's account with that burst, and I burned him down with one rapid fire. Thieves aren't even that glassy most of the time.

That all being said, there are slightly lower tuned grenade builds that are super deadly while having some decent defense. I come across maybe one or two a week, and the only skill that probably needs a little shave (if anything) is Grenade Barrage. Maybe removing two grenades to reduce the up close shenanigans but tightening the spread to improve the ranged value?

Dunno... you engineers would know better than me. That all said, I haven't found the problem to be a huge issue on balance overall just because of how few people run it. More of a dramatic meme level issue.

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