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Pet swapping whilst downed - Soulbeast


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10 hours ago, Substance E.4852 said:

Okay, cool

In exchange, every other class gets a little npc that follows them around at ~300-2000 units and if it's killed, their class mechanic goes on cooldown for 15-45 seconds

No more adrenaline gain, no more clones, no more initiative regeneration

Fair is fair, after all

Lmao at this. Ranger cannot use F skills on itself.  So this scrapper argument is just stupid. The pet res is a downed skill, and the only thing pets can do while ranger is down is AA and cast 1 ability. Keep in mind, healing abilities do not work in downedstate. If engi had a call function gyro to res yourself skill comparable to ranger, that would make sense. But as it is, engi already has the most CC out of any downed class. 

Keep in mind, you can still kill the pets while ranger is down. 

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4 hours ago, bigo.9037 said:

Lmao at this. Ranger cannot use F skills on itself.  So this scrapper argument is just stupid. The pet res is a downed skill, and the only thing pets can do while ranger is down is AA and cast 1 ability. Keep in mind, healing abilities do not work in downedstate. If engi had a call function gyro to res yourself skill comparable to ranger, that would make sense. But as it is, engi already has the most CC out of any downed class. 

Keep in mind, you can still kill the pets while ranger is down. 


Bigo, it is useless to explain them, the only purpose they have is to disable pet in downstate. Doesn't matter the pet is actually part of the Ranger, and it is not just a skill/utility/accessory or tool. They don't know as a Ranger you can't disable your pet and fight by yourself, because pet always will follow you, even if he is dead he will revive himself in time, they don't know that even you are going in stealth the pet will still follow you without being invisible and reveal your position or at least what direction are you heading.

I will happily trade these things with disable pet in downstate, because downstate 90% of the time it is useless anyway in WvW and sPVP.

As I said above, we should let them say whatever they want because they are incorrigibles.


Have a good day or night!

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I see no issue with maintaining control over the pet while in downstate, but back to the original topic at hand: Soulbeast technically should not have petswap while downed. To my knowledge, any trait that has the potential to interact while in downstate maintains that interaction while downed. Soulbeast's minor adept Elevated Bond explicitly states that you cannot swap pets while in combat, so I see no reason for it to be otherwise. It really is that simple. No need for personal bias and imaginary justification to cloud this argument.


Do I actually care? Not at all. It doesn't bug me in the slightest in its current implementation and it wouldn't make me feel any differently if they changed this. The point is that there should technically be consistency here. A Soulbeast is still a Soulbeast while downed; it is unmerged, but remains in combat (I guess techincally if you OOC while downed you should be able to swap pets). If there are any other downstate/trait interaction outliers, please enlighten me, but if all other traits maintain their interaction while in downstate, please tell me why it should be any different for Soulbeast's no-petswap.


My guess as to why it is still like this:

* Anet never realized this inconsistency.

* Anet forgot it was a thing.

* Anet doesn't care enough to change it.

* This is an unintended bug.

* There is some coding issue with changing this so they haven't been able to change it.

Edited by Za Shaloc.3908
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Remove Thunderclap, replace with F2 of what ever Pet is currently active, changing the skill if the Pet is swapped. Make it a "Lesser" version such that what ever damage or effects the F2 applies are weaker in the downed state version, but also on a lower cooldown (10 second, like Thunderclap currently is).

There. Don't need to add a whole other UI and if the Ranger isn't using a Pet that CC's then they don't get to spam them while downed anymore. But if they are, they can still use multiple, but one less than currently.


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