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Why I think a Sylvari Revenant fits the story best


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Okay so first please note that I am heavily biased as I've played a sylvari herald since HoT was released. 😄

I'm not sure where exactly to start... I guess I'll try and follow the story chronologically-ish

In the original personal story, sylvari contend with risen earlier than the other races, and work with Trahearne and Caithe earlier as well. Being immune to (Zhaitan's) dragon corruption, a sylvari commander is also a logical choice to combat zhaitan's forces.

Scarlet is a sylvari, which makes lws1 more personal and interesting (at least I'd imagine... I didn't play much of lws1 as I had to focus on school during most of it)

Lws1: Returning to the grove to speak with the pale tree again makes it much more personal to the character. You also have the shadow of the dragon, which matches what you fought in the Dream. Caithe, (who you've met a while ago and therefore have a strong connection to! Wow!) steals the egg.

Heart of thorns. Need I say more? Your character gets to contend with Mordremoth's corruption, and as a herald channeling glint, you have a stronger connection to Aurene.

Lws3: Not much. Norn or Human would fit better here, except for maybe your brief visit to Orr.

PoF: Vlast! Glint! Whoa! You also spend good amounts of time with Canach. (Also, Rytlock the revenant freed Balthazar, so there's kind of a connection there.) Glint's lair exists, and you get further insight into the spirit you're channeling. Also, through Glint you have a connection to Kralkatorrik as well. The domain of the lost reminded me vaguely of the dream. 

Lws4: At this point you have a connection to the chart storyline through your renegade stance. Other than that, there's not too much there.

Icebrood saga: This connection persists throughout, along with the others. 


Also! With all of these masteries and new magics being harnessed, it just makes sense for a revenant to deal with all these different types of magic than, say, an engineer. 

I also have a few headcanons that make it even better for me personally, but it's not like I can argue their validity

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Out of all the professions, I'd say that an Engineer use the widest range of magic, so all those masteries with different kinds of magic fits Engineer best.

Remember that everything players do is connect to magic in some way, even core Warrior's abilities.

Kalla has nothing to do with anything in Season 4 or 5, so there is no connection there.

Even the Flame Legion as it appears in season 5 is no longer the enemy that Kalla once fought against.

Out of the playable races, Glint has the closest connection to humanity, overseeing the Tyrian ascension and having created the Flameseeker Prophecies.


Orr and its undead are closer connected to humans than Sylvari or the other races, so for the Vanilla end game, humans fit better than Sylvari.

Sylvari are simply immune due to being minions of a another (during that point in time still living) Elder Dragon, but there is no specific connection between Orr and Sylvari (except for Trahearne, who is a singular case).


Season 3 definitely is human-centric, in all aspects aside the Bitterfrost Frontier, which had a focus on Norn stuff.

Remember that the Druids (the tree ghosts) in Draconis Mons once were devout followers of Melandru, which most likely means they were human, so the story in Draconis Mons has a closer connection to Humans than Sylvari.

PoF is a human-centric expansion in all of its aspects, too.

In season 4, we have two human-centric episodes (1 and 3), with a significant part of Episode 4 also dealing with humans issues.

Aside from Champions, season 5 is mostly Charr-related with a few sprinkles of Norn (mostly Braham).

And Cantha will probably be very human-centric again.


As you ought to see, humans have been more in the focus than Sylvari.

Which means, a Human Herald (specifically Herald ,not Revenant in general) would be a better fit.

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A Revenant usually describes a person who has returned from the Realm of the Dead and now walks the World of the Living as neither truly alive nor dead (also referred to as "undead"). Revenants are also often associated with great (magical) power(s).


In the case of GW2, Rytlock returned from the Mists after chasing after his sword and escaped the Realm of the Long Gone and Forgotten (or otherwise removed from the World of the Living, e.g. a fallen God who's been chained there for all eternity... or so they had hoped). Since Rytlock was the first Revenant we encountered, Sylvari makes zero sense as the race for the Revenant profession.


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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I main a Sylvari Warrior, and I think there's no doubt it was hugely more influential to play as a sylvari than any other race for not only the Personal Story, but Seasons 1/2 and HoT:


In personal story:

  1. Your intro story *literally* has you fighting a shadowy dragon, and you are given a Wyld Hunt to slay a dragon. The Sylvari is the only race whose intro story is actually relevant to the larger personal story of the core game.
  2. You meet Trahearne and establish a relationship with him early, which removes that whole "who is this guy and why did he just usurp my primacy" thing.
  3. You also (depending on story choices), wield Caladbolg before Trahearne does, too, and set up the whole reason why Trahearne even gets it.
  4. You *also* set Caithe on the path to trying to reunite Destiny's Edge. So you're the entire reason every dungeon exists, and why they ultimately get back together at the end.
  5. As a Sylvari, you're the only race immune to Zhaitan's corruption, so you can go and do things (in theory) the other races couldn't.

In Season 1/2

  1. You're working against another Sylvari to prevent the destruction of the world, so the stakes are a bit higher for you.
  2. You learn that maybe Zhaitan *wasn't* the dragon you were meant to slay.
  3. You get to fight the actual dragon you fought in the Dream back in your intro story.
  4. The Caithe who steals Aurene's egg isn't just "that weird plant chick from Destiny's Edge who is following you for some reason", she's your mentor and your friend who betrays your trust. That makes the subsequent long road to restore the friendship make more sense.
  5. The Pale Tree getting injured is a much bigger deal to a Sylvari, and her asking for your direct intervention and help makes more sense when she's been doing that since the day you came out of the pod. (I.e. - she's asking one of her children to help - not some random from another race.)

In HoT:

  1. Obviously, the entire thing interweaves heavily with the Sylvari. You learn your origins, you're fighting against your god, and you even hear Mordremoth whispering in your head.
  2. It becomes your first big test as a solo leader - moreso if you're Sylvari: Trahearne disappears, and everyone mistrusts you. you need to lead the Pact recovery while trying to rebuild trust in your entire species.
  3. Killing Trahearne becomes a bit more personal, because you knew him that much longer.
  4. Bonus: the Knight of the Thorn sidequest is *immensely* personal if you were a prior wielder and a Sylvari. This is the only weapon the Pale Tree ever made, and it is the weapon of Sylvari heroes.

After that Sylvari obviously fall out of the limelight, although as you remain uniquely immune to Dragon corruption you're a safer bet to fight against Kralk than other races. And as a bonus, you're *also* immune to the Scarab Plague, unlike humans. (And you don't really have a dog in the fight with Norn and Charr civil conflicts, so you can be an effective neutral third party.)


On top of all of that, here's the best kicker: you're the only Sylvari in Dragon's Watch, so by playing one you're keeping the "one of every race" theme intact from Destiny's Edge. The fact that Destiny's Edge had every race as a member was actually a really big deal, and keeping that concept intact is lore relevant even if it has no impact on the story.


Really, every race finds its time to shine (except the poor Asura), but I'll confess that my Sylvari became my new main over my Asura Ranger and Human Necro specifically because of how much better the story felt to play through with him.

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there is also one other point with a sylvari to better fir the story.  something that also happens in other RPG's. when you start the game, your character is basicly an adult, so what did your character do before this time? never ever set foot outside the city, not even explored POI's?, 

with a sylvari this all makes sense, as you litteraly are just 'born' , you are literally new to game, never explored it.


i do am sad they changed the startpoint after the tutorial, at launch ypou started just east of the gate to the grove, under some green sylvari pods, naked, without armor and weapons, you had to talk to a guy to get your weapons back with dialogue "in my dream i had armor and weapons" and then the guy gives them to you. (humans at that time literaly started in the true world in the house, next to the priestess who talks to you in the cinematic)

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  • 4 months later...

The Revenant, Herald, and Renegade artwork depict a Sylvari. They don't depict any other race. The only Revenant NPC's in-game are Sylvari, Asura's, and 2 Charr's Rytlock and the Renegade Mentor. Sylvari Revenant is the quintessential Revenant in my eyes, and you get more out of the story then any other race playing as one. 

Edited by Andrew.2604
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maybe your right, have some more ideas/stories/motivation on why.


I still have a name reserved for a sylvari, i wanted her to make one of the new elites and then slowly go through the story and write down and some screenshots to tell her story


but i cant decide on a profession, i want it to be magical, but also alone, so no ranger, warrior, engineer, thief. i always thought trevenant was a bit human centric , because most of the characters they can use are from gw1 lore, and gw1 is human centric.

now revenant offcourse is magical.


why would you think it fits the best?



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