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Jackal: How to use it properly?

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I do not achieve to use the Jackal really well, probably because I do not understand it properly. Therefore my questions:

  • Clicking the spacebar makes the "sand trick" and we re-appear somewhat farther. What is not clear to me: At what elevation compared to start location? Lower or same or higher?
  • What length does it cover upon jumping? It seems very short to me. Do I see that wrong? Can we make it jump long?
  • Related to both previous points: We can repeat the vanishing trick several times in a row (within same jump): Is it what helps going farther in term of distance covered? I mean, do we regain elevation that way?

Due to my poor performances at using Jackal up to now, it seems to me that the only real good use for it are the sand portals. Can it be used for more good actions than just that, once we can manage it better?

Thank you for hints :)

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Same elevation as the start location. Unless you're going uphill, the jackals teleport is really handy going uphill because it is always the same distance. The Jackal and the Raptor are the fastest mounts. Jackal is also good for falling from massive heights if you don't have the Griffon, because you can use the teleport before you hit the floor and take 0 damage.

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First of all the Jackal only really shines once you bind the Mount-ability 1 to a different key than spacebar. That way you can use spacebar to do a normal jump and then use the Jackal's sandstep (shadowstep just with sand) from an elevated position.The sandstep itself does not generate any elevation from what I've seen.Keeping the Mount-ability 1 key pressed results in a chain with minimal loss.The sandstep also works on slopes, which makes it better than the raptor jump in many (not all) situations.A triple-sandstep can cover a little more distance than the long raptor jump, but at an elevation loss.There don't seem to be many places that make use of the Jackal's strong point, the ability to change direction mid-jump.So most of the time the Jackal is just an alternative to the Raptor but does not offer any new places you can go or paths you can take besides sand-portals.

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The other thing to note is that the sandstep will go in the direction your camera is facing when you press the keybind (tip: your Dodge key can also be the Mount Special Action key, no need to use extra keyboard real estate or different muscle memory. You'll want this different binding if you get a griffon, as space bar wing flaps you up but special action dives you once you master it). So on the Jackal you can jink left, right, or even back the way you came if you can spin your view fast enough.

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