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Would you crowdfund an engine upgrade?

Would you crowdfund an engine upgrade/new engine?  

91 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you crowdfund an engine upgrade/new engine?

    • Yes, i would crowdfund an engine upgrade!
    • No, i would not crowdfund an engine upgrade!
    • Yes, i would crowdfund a new engine!
    • No i would not crowdfund a new engine!
    • I'm satisfied with how things are!
    • Other (post in comment)!

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If you want to "crowdfund" an engine upgrade donate some money to DXVK or D912PY instead. Now for the specific options.


Crowdfunding a new engine is impossible. Even if you get a million players that are willing to donate some money towards that goal, it wouldn't work because the game's assets would need to be ported. That's an insane amount of work, given how old the game is and how many assets it has. Take a look at what happened to the game Mass Effect: Andromeda, when they tried to port animation systems from one engine (Unreal Engine) to another (Frostbite). Sure we could "crowdfund" a new engine, but that new engine would be used for a new game.


Now upgrading the engine instead is a valid goal. Not only the game has been already updated numerous times (so it's something doable), but the "upgrades" can work on newer content and leave old content the way it is. Furthermore, upgrading the engine does not require re-creation of any assets, so it's much cheaper and a very cost effective solution. But even in this case, crowdfunding a solution like this isn't really needed, it's not the insane/expensive endeavor many believe it to be. I mean solo coders have been making new rendering solutions for years, and things like Reshade, DXVK, D912PY work with Guild Wars 2, they are just added -after- everything else, if they were integrated by the developers would be "used" at the corrent place on the pipeline, to vastly improve performance and quality.

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