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Is There A Way To Reset My Skills?

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It's been literal years since I used my only level 80 char; an engineer.

I don't know if I was hacked at one point, or if Elite skills did not exist at the time I last played him, but he has EVERY non-elite tree maxed out, with 2 skill points left over.

So I cannot use elite specs, and I'm not sure how many hero points are left in Tyria for me to get any more...


Edit; Somethign must be wonky, because I have a sword in my second weapon slot, but I don't have any points in Holosmith...So I must have had Holosmith at SOME point!

Edited by Akisohida.8963
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There is no way to reset Hero points and you have to have all the base trait and skill lines unlocked to start training the elite ones. 


Since theres no way to reset them it seems unlikely you had holosmith and lost it. My best guess there is you went to the Heart of the Mists or another PvP area, because all characters have all available specialisations unlocked there, and equipped the sword then. (Its often recommended as a way to try elites before committing to one.)


The good news is there's far more hero points available than you need. Hero challenges in core maps give 1 point each and ones in expansion maps give 10 so if you want it trained up quickly it's best to focus on expansion maps. If you play WvW you can also use testimonies of heroics to unlock them. 

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17 minutes ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

It's been literal years since I used my only level 80 char; an engineer.

I don't know if I was hacked at one point, or if Elite skills did not exist at the time I last played him, but he has EVERY non-elite tree maxed out, with 2 skill points left over.

So I cannot use elite specs, and I'm not sure how many hero points are left in Tyria for me to get any more...


Edit; Somethign must be wonky, because I have a sword in my second weapon slot, but I don't have any points in Holosmith...So I must have had Holosmith at SOME point!

you cannot place point in elit specialisation before completing all the rest so reseting wouldn't help you
unlock hero point in HoT or PoF they grant you 10 instead of 1. As you can see below all hero poing grant you 404 spare points even after unlocking all specs so you shouldn't have an issue getting your elit spec 😉

Edited by Fangoth.4503
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Oh! Thank you, folks! I guess that means I should run PoF (I swear I did this! I remember fighting the end-boss, Big B!)

Maybe I deleted whoever I beat it with? Because my level 80 Charr Engineer does NOT have the Crystal Desert mapped...


Ah well. I can either level up a new dude, or try to muddle my way through a character I don't remember, while not knowing if my level 80 orange gear is the best it can be.

And, considering the first event I ran into nearly pasted me solo; I don't think my gear is up to snuff...

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yeah hero pont are not account shared you need to unlock for every character (if you need elit spec, else just reaching level 80 grant you enough hero point to cover all the core bits)
PoF hero point are fairly easy to solo but if you have trouble don''t hesitate to activate mentor or to join a HP run (speedy bois that run all hero point) in lfg (usually in verdant bring for HoT or crystal oasis for PoF but look up in other pof or hot lfg maybe you can catch a HP run midway)

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8 minutes ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Nope. it seems my gear is also max; nothing in the level 80 on the player market is any better, damage or defense-wise...

orange is the second best, pink/violet is the best (~7% above orange) but bit more complicated to get.
-you can craft it with jobs lv 500
-loot rarely on some world boss
-get some trinkets out of guild missions
-amulet by traiding laurel (i don't recomand ring/accessory as its cheaper everywhere else)
-get trinkets in LW s3 maps and some LW s4
-do strikes mission/fractal/raids/wvw


Edited by Fangoth.4503
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1 minute ago, Fangoth.4503 said:

orange is the second best, pink/violet is the best (~7% above orange) but bit more complicated to get.
-you can craft it with jobs lv 500
-loot rarely on some world boss
-get some trinkets out of guild missions
-do strikes mission/fractal/raids/wvw


So I basically need to find an active guild? Since I don't do PvP; I get too angry.

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25 minutes ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Edit; Somethign must be wonky, because I have a sword in my second weapon slot, but I don't have any points in Holosmith...So I must have had Holosmith at SOME point!

That is not true because you can do stuff like go into the PvP lobby and use the elite spec and equip the weapon. My lv50 engineer has sword/shield equipped.


Since a bunch of patches ago(I think that was when templates were introduced) it is no longer necessary to have the corresponding elite spec enabled in order to equip the respective elite spec weapon although you won't be able to use the skills.


7 minutes ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Nope. it seems my gear is also max; nothing in the level 80 on the player market is any better, damage or defense-wise...

Gear matters but it won't carry you through content.


Fully unlocking one of the elite specs is trivial. Between HoT and Pof there should be at least 25 communing Hero Points.


1 minute ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

So I basically need to find an active guild? Since I don't do PvP; I get too angry.

before anything else you need to relearn how to play the game otherwise you'll probably still get wrecked in full ascended

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9 minutes ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

So I basically need to find an active guild? Since I don't do PvP; I get too angry.

i don't think pvp gives you any.
the difference is 7% so if you ain't speedrunning stuff it doesn't matter that much.
Armor and weapon can be crafted with tailoring and other jobs when reaching 500.
Not sure if jeweler is useable for trinket but you are anyway curently receiving the living season 3 for free so you can make your trinket in these maps
if you make slighly harder pve content (strikes/fractal/raid) then you loot some ascended (pink) you get tokens that can help you gear faster.
Violet gear are legendary items, very practical but one legendary item cost around 2000gold and gearing up a character with ascended (pink armor + weapon) cost you roughly 200-250gold so if you're short on coins i wouldn't recommend to start with legendary

Edited by Fangoth.4503
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1 minute ago, Fangoth.4503 said:

i don't think pvp gives you any.
the difference is 7% so if you ain't speedrunning stuff it doesn't matter that much.
Armor and weapon can be crafted with tailoring and other jobs when reaching 500.
Not sure if jeweler is useable for trinket but you are anyway curently receiving the living season 3 for free so you can make your trinket in these maps
if you make slighly harder pve content (strikes/fractal/raid) then loot some ascended (pink) you get tokens that can help you gear faster.
Violet gear are legendary items, very practical but one legendary item cost around 2000gold and gearing up a character with ascended (pink armor + weapon) cost you roughly 200-250gold so if you're short on coins i wouldn't recommend to start with legendary

I guess I should ask what Strike Missions and Fractal Raids are, first and foremost. I recall WvW being PvP across the servers? Hence why I said I don't do PvP


Maybe I should stick with my Charr Ranger and level her up instead.

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9 minutes ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

I guess I should ask what Strike Missions and Fractal Raids are, first and foremost. I recall WvW being PvP across the servers? Hence why I said I don't do PvP


Maybe I should stick with my Charr Ranger and level her up instead.

play the character you enjoy 😉.

raid/fract/strikes are endgame content so lv 80+ content. some encounters are free others require you to have some thought about your gameplay and team composition so don't hesitate to take time unlocking elite specialisation and look up for a dps/heal/boon build and train it a bit before going there 😉
-Strikes mission are weak to moderate 10man encounter available in the Eye of the north:

-Fractals are 5man dungeon/encounter in lion arch, there is 100 level that increase in difficulty. first few are easy and require no ascended gear. above level 20 you'll need some ascended gear to evolve there
-Raids are 10man encounter that are moderatly difficult and their hub is located at lion arch aerodrome


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1 minute ago, Fangoth.4503 said:

play the character you enjoy 😉.

raid/fract/strikes are endgame content so lv 80+ content. some encounters are free others require you to have some thought about your gameplay and team composition so don't hesitate to take time unlocking elite specialisation and look up for a dps/heal/boon build and train it a bit before going there 😉
-Strikes mission are weak to moderate 10man encounter available in the Eye of the north:

-Fractals are 5man dungeon/encounter in lion arch, there is 100 level that increase in difficulty. first few are easy and require no ascended gear. above level 20 you'll need some ascended gear to evolve there
-Raids are 10man encounter that are moderatly difficult and their hub is located at lion arch aerodrome


Thank you. I have a group of 3 friends I'm playing off and on with, but maybe I should find a guild, once I near 80 with a new character, to do those things.

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What you should concentrate on is learning the game.

I'd suggest leveling a character from 1 to 80 to familiarize yourself with the game, again.

Don't worry about end-level content right away.  The game offers much more than just end-level instanced encounters.

A PvX Guild could be helpful, if that is your thing.


Welcome return, and good luck! 


p.s.  The Wiki (link above) is a great resource for all things Guild Wars 2. 

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10 hours ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Nope. it seems my gear is also max; nothing in the level 80 on the player market is any better, damage or defense-wise...

As others said, gear doesn't carry you in this game. You can have full ascended/legendary gear and still get wrecked by lvl 80 content, while the person next to you with the same build/class but only green gear can easily beat the same content if they are experienced in playing this game.


Choose the class you find most enjoyable and go back to core Tyria maps to learn how to deal with different situations. Silverwastes and Dry Top (in the Maguuma Wastes west of Brisban Wildlands) are two lvl 80 maps that sit in the middle between the leveling maps and the expansion maps difficulty wise, so those would be a good target if you want to learn your lvl 80 character.


Learn how to deal with boons and conditions, which skill combinations give you combo fields and finishers for extra effects, when and how to cleanse conditions, to crowd control your enemies, how to time your dodges and invulnerabilities, and more. Don't hesitate to swap to different characters/classes for a change of scenery as well as to learn different ways of tackling the world.


The combat system in this game is pretty complex, but once you dive into it you'll find plenty of fun.


One last word on the question of "endgame": in this game, endgame literally starts at level 1 (well, level 2 past the tutorial instance to be precise). The game doesn't give you a carrot on a stick to follow, nor does it lock endgame rewards behind a narrow number of max-level activities. Instead you pretty much have to find yourself what activities are fun to you, and if you are a pve player, then you will pretty much find yourself doing the same kinds of activities at level 2 that you'll still do and enjoy at level 80.


You can even start instanced group content at low levels. The first dungeon opens at level 30, and fractals (a special kind of dungeon) even up-level your character so you can play entry-level fractals at pretty much any character level. Beware though that instanced group content in GW2 is considerably harder than open world content, so you might want to avoid those until you've got a good grasp of your character/class and the combat system in general.

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5 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

As others said, gear doesn't carry you in this game. You can have full ascended/legendary gear and still get wrecked by lvl 80 content, while the person next to you with the same build/class but only green gear can easily beat the same content if they are experienced in playing this game.


Choose the class you find most enjoyable and go back to core Tyria maps to learn how to deal with different situations. Silverwastes and Dry Top (in the Maguuma Wastes west of Brisban Wildlands) are two lvl 80 maps that sit in the middle between the leveling maps and the expansion maps difficulty wise, so those would be a good target if you want to learn your lvl 80 character.


Learn how to deal with boons and conditions, which skill combinations give you combo fields and finishers for extra effects, when and how to cleanse conditions, to crowd control your enemies, how to time your dodges and invulnerabilities, and more. Don't hesitate to swap to different characters/classes for a change of scenery as well as to learn different ways of tackling the world.


The combat system in this game is pretty complex, but once you dive into it you'll find plenty of fun.


One last word on the question of "endgame": in this game, endgame literally starts at level 1 (well, level 2 past the tutorial instance to be precise). The game doesn't give you a carrot on a stick to follow, nor does it lock endgame rewards behind a narrow number of max-level activities. Instead you pretty much have to find yourself what activities are fun to you, and if you are a pve player, then you will pretty much find yourself doing the same kinds of activities at level 2 that you'll still do and enjoy at level 80.


You can even start instanced group content at low levels. The first dungeon opens at level 30, and fractals (a special kind of dungeon) even up-level your character so you can play entry-level fractals at pretty much any character level. Beware though that instanced group content in GW2 is considerably harder than open world content, so you might want to avoid those until you've got a good grasp of your character/class and the combat system in general.

Thank you for the info! 🙂

Yeah; I'm doing a Sylvan Revanant with some friends and a Charr Ranger solo at the moment, to get back into the game. I just love the various Charr personal stories too much to not play a Charr.

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