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Some suggestions for Anet after I watched the first look of End of Dragon

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29 minutes ago, alberte.2685 said:

Could you please compair the weapon skins between getting from HOT+POF with black lion weapon skins. You can find most skins you can get from PVE content are poor quality and fewer numbers. Of cousre, 99%  suits, mounts and glide only can get from gem store. Players are hardly get any rewards from PVE contents. That's the problem.

Well hardly any is a big laugh because I get most of my stuff from in game, with the exception of mount and glider skins. There are plenty of rewards in game. And the vast majority of black lion skin sets, as in the ones you buy with tickets can be bought on the TP for gold. So you can get the vast majority of those just by playing. 


In fact, you can farm gold if you like that sort of thing and get anything from the gem store. Don't know a lot of games where you can do that, even sub games that also have a cash shop.

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1 minute ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Well hardly any is a big laugh because I get most of my stuff from in game, with the exception of mount and glider skins. There are plenty of rewards in game. And the vast majority of black lion skin sets, as in the ones you buy with tickets can be bought on the TP for gold. So you can get the vast majority of those just by playing. 


In fact, you can farm gold if you like that sort of thing and get anything from the gem store. Don't know a lot of games where you can do that, even sub games that also have a cash shop.

I know you can transform gold into gem, but the players will become a gold farmer. That's why most player spend time on fractals.  However, we have played in fractals for 9years with a boring experience.

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They should have put basic glider skin and basic mount skin in the loot table or hearth vendor etc. I find it very annoying that the only glider you can get are in the gemstore... Gw2 want to be horizontale with skin as reward, yet they put all the new skin type in the gemstore only... And since I dont have infinite transmutation charge, I dont change the look of my armor, so I have basically no reward for playing....

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8 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Just want to throw something in quickly: they said in the live stream that they would rework the reward system for Strike Missions completely. I wish people had listened more carefully before posting criticism.

Strike reward are not the only problem, its a game wide problem. So it wont change anything

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8 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Just want to throw something in quickly: they said in the live stream that they would rework the reward system for Strike Missions completely. I wish people had listened more carefully before posting criticism.

Dungeons of differents difficulty are very common in most MMO, but Anet said that they will adjust it after 9years later.  A common sense takes Anet 9 years to understand. It's unbelieveable.

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6 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

They should have put basic glider skin and basic mount skin in the loot table or hearth vendor etc. I find it very annoying that the only glider you can get are in the gemstore... Gw2 want to be horizontale with skin as reward, yet they put all the new skin type in the gemstore only... And since I dont have infinite transmutation charge, I dont change the look of my armor, so I have basically no reward for playing....

I agree with you. I afraid that Anet will put 99% boat skins and 80% high quality skins of fishing rod into gem store. Anet seem to dont understand the rule of MMO, no rewards no playing.

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33 minutes ago, alberte.2685 said:

I know you can transform gold into gem, but the players will become a gold farmer. That's why most player spend time on fractals.  However, we have played in fractals for 9years with a boring experience.

You may be bored of Fractals, some people love them.  And the Fractal experience today is very different from the Fractal experience of 9 years ago.   And there are other ways people farm gold besides fractals.  

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55 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Great so you're saying in 9 years, the entire history of the game, we have as much as HoT and PoF put together.

To be more precise, we've got as much in the first two years of the game. It took 2 years after that for the game to catch up with the gemshop, and only because gemshop completely stopped releasing any sets in that time.


Like i said, the only reason why there's any equality is because they stopped doing armors for a while, switching to outfits instead (of whose only one is acquirable in-game, from what i remember), deciding that would be more profitable to them. It's the weapons that show how that looks when they are actually doing something. Which i notice you didn't even try to contend with.


55 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I also would like to say that the vast majority of that was early on and in recent years there's only been one complete set put into the gem store.  I hope they don't keep going down that route, but there was a point where Anet said they were reserving armors for in game and outfits for the gem store. Since that time, they've only put one full suit of armor in the shop.

That's only because it wasn't profitable to them. If the Ice Reaver set sells well, however, we can probably expect them to start releasing gem shop armor again, and if that does happen, the balance would definitely shift towards the gemstore again.

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14 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

To be more precise, we've got as much in the first two years of the game. It took 2 years after that for the game to catch up with the gemshop, and only because gemshop completely stopped releasing any sets in that time.


Like i said, the only reason why there's any equality is because they stopped doing armors for a while, switching to outfits instead (of whose only one is acquirable in-game, from what i remember), deciding that would be more profitable to them. It's the weapons that show how that looks when they are actually doing something. Which i notice you didn't even try to contend with.


That's only because it wasn't profitable to them. If the Ice Reaver set sells well, however, we can probably expect them to start releasing gem shop armor again, and if that does happen, the balance would definitely shift towards the gemstore again.

I didn't defend weapons because I was talking about armor originally anyway, but there are tons of weapon sets in game, and most of the black lion sets are available in the cash shop, I know I've bought quite a few for in game gold without converting gold to gems.

I'm not saying there are no weapons in the cash shop. But I don't think that most weapons are in the cash shop or even a decent percentage. But there are far more weapons in the cash shop than armor. On the other hand, I don' t think most of the weapon skins in the cash shop are that nice, and I like quite a few of them in game. There are occasional exceptions but they are just that. Occasional exceptions. 

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3 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I didn't defend weapons because I was talking about armor originally anyway, but there are tons of weapon sets in game, and most of the black lion sets are available in the cash shop, I know I've bought quite a few for in game gold without converting gold to gems.

And? You being able to buy them off TP does not change the fact they come from gemshop. It's just a more indirect form of converting gold to gems.


3 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I'm not saying there are no weapons in the cash shop. But I don't think that most weapons are in the cash shop or even a decent percentage.

There's a lot of weapon skins from core - but since that time the rate at which gemshop introduces new ones vastly outstrips those that are added to the game. I don't know what is the percentage at the moment (although i suspect it might be higher than you think), but it is constantly shifting more and more in gemshop's favour. Also, as i mentioned, gemshop is significantly ahead when it comes to skin quality .


3 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

On the other hand, I don' t think most of the weapon skins in the cash shop are that nice, and I like quite a few of them in game. There are occasional exceptions but they are just that. Occasional exceptions. 

That's a highly subjective judgement. For someone else it can easily be the exact opposite. As such, which skins you prefer aestethically and which not should have no bearing at all on the argument at hand. Unless you want to sound up as the person that goes "it is not a problem because it does not affect me personally" - which is type of argumentation you yourself have been quite often speaking against in the past.

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6 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And? You being able to buy them off TP does not change the fact they come from gemshop. It's just a more indirect form of converting gold to gems.


There's a lot of weapon skins from core - but since that time the rate at which gemshop introduces new ones vastly outstrips those that are added to the game. I don't know what is the percentage at the moment (although i suspect it might be higher than you think), but it is constantly shifting more and more in gemshop's favour. Also, as i mentioned, gemshop is significantly ahead when it comes to skin quality .


That's a highly subjective judgement. For someone else it can easily be the exact opposite. As such, which skins you prefer aestethically and which not should have no bearing at all on the argument at hand. Unless you want to sound up as the person that goes "it is not a problem because it does not affect me personally" - which is type of argumentation you yourself have been quite often speaking against in the past.

Yep, it's highly subjective. But I'm also a guy that makes virtually every weapon set that comes out. I really liked the fiery and icy weapons (the ascended ones). I've made all the icy ones, but I'm still working on the fiery. That was 32 new weapons for me, but the ones you had to make before that to get those recipes unlocked were also weapons. I think this collection gave me 64 weapons. And they're all nice.  That's not subjective.

The price of those weapons is far more expensive than most of the black lion stuff I can get on the cash shop, and I have a lot of those as well, but they're available.  Instead of doing one piece of content to get them that I might not like, as happens in some games, I can simply do whatever I want, and when I get gold for doing it, buy the weapons I want.  A single t4 fractal run usually brings me within striking distance of one of the new weapons for example. And those weapons rotate in the black lion chest and every time they're back they drop in price.

The fact that they originate in the trading post is not an issue for me. They're generally affordable with probably a few exceptions and I have them. You may not like the idea that they cost gold instead of playing for them, but I am in fact playing to get that gold. I never sell gems.  But I do sometimes spend gold to get a few gems.

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26 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Yep, it's highly subjective. But I'm also a guy that makes virtually every weapon set that comes out. I really liked the fiery and icy weapons (the ascended ones). I've made all the icy ones, but I'm still working on the fiery. That was 32 new weapons for me, but the ones you had to make before that to get those recipes unlocked were also weapons. I think this collection gave me 64 weapons. And they're all nice.  That's not subjective.

No. Them being several variants of the same set is indeed not subjective. Them being nice however very much is. And since those are variants around the same theme (well, two elemental themes, but the same base visuals), if you happen to not like the basic theme, you willl not like all of those weapons together.


26 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

The fact that they originate in the trading post is not an issue for me.

Again, "it's not an issue for me, therefore it is not an issue". If that one works for you, then i'll have to counter it with "It is an issue for me, therefore it is an issue".


26 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

They're generally affordable with probably a few exceptions and I have them. You may not like the idea that they cost gold instead of playing for them, but I am in fact playing to get that gold. I never sell gems.  But I do sometimes spend gold to get a few gems.

They still ultimately come from gemshop and cost real money.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No. Them being several variants of the same set is indeed not subjective. Them being nice however very much is. And since those are variants around the same theme (well, two elemental themes, but the same base visuals), if you happen to not like the basic theme, you willl not like all of those weapons together.


Again, "it's not an issue for me, therefore it is not an issue". If that one works for you, then i'll have to counter it with "It is an issue for me, therefore it is an issue".


They still ultimately come from gemshop and cost real money.

I agree it's an issue for you. Doesn't change the fact that most of those weapons are available without spending cash. That's a fact.

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7 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

But they cannot be obtained ingame. That's also a fact.

The BLTP is in game to me. When I buy wood on the trading post, I'm attaining it in game. Commerce between players is something that is part of any fantasy world. Someone else gets it and sells it, and I can get it. What you probably mean is you can't earn it in game by doing an in game activity.

The Black Lion Trading Post in game is owned by Evon Gnashblade and it's part of canon. It's there. Therefore, to me, it can be obtained in game. Cash shop stuff, that's different, because it's out of the game and not really canon, even though you can pay gold to buy gems. But gems aren't in game. But paying gold to another player through the Black Lion Trading Post?  It's not a fact that those weapons can't be attained in game.

Not to mention I get black lion keys for doing zone completes and I find that sometimes I get a black lion skin opening a chest, which is also in game.


Your fact is in fact, an opinion.

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Getting skins without Black Lion can be good for us, but maybe bad for them. They already don't do sub as is and you can always convert to gems. They just need to find the right balance I suppose. 


We would have a better in game economy if the LFG was better, Guild Wars 1 was great at it.

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26 minutes ago, Veka.8710 said:

We would have a better in game economy if the LFG was better, Guild Wars 1 was great at it.

Sorry, but I can't follow you here. What does the economy have to do with lfg, and what do you mean by "better" economy? In what way would it be better?

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