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Just got an idea to make Guild hall decoration placement more interesting and opening infinite possibilities

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It is simple, we had 3 new skills in the Decorator skill bar. Those are blue because they are SELECT skills, to opposite them to creation skill (green) and destruction skills (red).

Three functions:

1- Modifying the size: Shrink / Expand. Those aren't infinite, It can example, reduce/multiply size by 4 as maximum/minimum.

2- Rotating on Z axis aka, vertically, rotating toward you or further than you.

3- Rotating on X axis aka horizontally, rotating clockwise or counter clockwise. (rotating to left or right).

Of course you can exit those sub-skillbar with the last icon of a guy in a blue portal.


https://imgur.com/XqBQtSN Illustration with skill icons and what alternate skill bars it unlocks. (yeah made a reddit post to have an image to display)


It open many possibilities for decorators:

-> Want a fancy ceilling? Boom, you use elegant wall as one by rotating it 90° on Z axis.

-> Want a slope made of clocks? Possible! Just do a 45° rotation on Z axis.

-> Enough of using 10 decorations to make a whole? Hooray, just take a racetrack, turn it 90° on the right on X axis then 90° toward you on Z axis, you now have a long wooden wall.

-> Want to put more decorations in your area? Expand the ground decoration, expand ceiling, use just 2 walls decorations and hooray you can place more decorations inside.

-> Annoyed how big a deco is? Shrink it!

-> Some decos are ridiculous? Hello forged brazier and bone pillar; expand it!

-> Revolution of JP making: Any decoration can be used as a slope or edge!


Also what would be very nice isn't an increase of maximum guild hall decoration count, bit an increase of how many of them you can place in the same range:

I did the experimentation: 20 decos in same neighboorhood. https://imgur.com/LuT0Sly

20  may sound a lot but:

-> 4 used to make walls and a ceiling, 6 used to places some trees/garden, 3 used as light sources and torches, 4 used as bed/rug/table/chair, 2 used as goodies like brewer keg and gramophone, finally 1 as tombstone to indicate who is the owner of the home. 20.

I ask for the number of decos in the same neighboorhood to be increased to 30. The maximum cap stay 2000, but in same area it is now 30 instead of 20.


Please, do it ArenaNet. This would be a great improvment to my guild hall decorator life. This is my "home" btw: https://imgur.com/a/mEiV3ec Lost precipice.




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Agreed, but the fact they haven't yet tells me they don't have any interest in touching it.

There are a lot of random decorations that if able to be sized up/down or rotated in a different direction could have significantly more use. Like the Gilded Walls being able to be turned on their sides and rotated, could become ceilings/floors. 

The fire beam pyres from... Dragonstand?... being able to be rotated could make for interesting spotlights. Was really hoping we would get at least one quality of life patch dedicated to guilds and guild halls at some point, but it's probably so small of a playerbase that they don't to invest the time. Not to mention the majority of the people that worked on the systems for guild halls and things like the decorating tool might not even be with the company anymore and make them hesitant to approach it.


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You're describing how ESO housing decoration works.  Which also has way more items you can use, plus no limit on jamming them up against or inside each other or peeking out from walls/floors/ceilings.  There is an item cap per house, exact number varying with size (and expense) of the house, doubled for paying subscribers, and one fork counts as an item same as a huge fountain with animated water, but the creative possibilities are enormous.


I have long hoped that GW2 would implement housing very similar to ESO's system, just with lower mat costs for building items and more reasonable cash costs for houses and gem store furniture.  I have no idea if GW2's code can handle it, even after a move to DX11, but I can dream.

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