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  1. Once again, take a look at a thread by a Thief Profession player addressed to Thief Profession Dev.: Karl to make Stealth Mechanic competitive and fair to the playerbase. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/thief/A-Plea-to-Karl By the way, through years, many in the Thief Profession Community, had written countless of threads, posts. Giving suggessions, providing feedbacks to make their Professions including Stealth Mechanic to be rework/removed to create a healty gaming experience for the playerbase. 13 years later I will continue to remind the playerbase and The Community over and over again; this game is made for us. The difference between Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 -Guild Wars Cornerstone Embraced The Principal Of Fair Competitive Sportsmanship Play - Promoting a Positive Gaming Sporting Culture Experience For The Playerbase- (Stealth Mechanic was non-existent) That is all!!
  2. It already is spreading since the begining of the game and worsening in a alarming rate. Even Commanders are playing every Professions thas has access to Stealth Mechanic; mainly Thief Profession, in granting access inside keeps. Lately, many were left in the state of shock when a popular Thief Profession Commander alongide with a Mesmer Profession Commander, were able to Stealth Teleport 25+ of us inside a secured keep. By the way, this is not an isolated matter only in WvW but has spread out to all game modes including raids. Nothing will change until Bad Design Professions and Bad Design Mechanics/Skills/Traits/Weapons are removed/reworked from the ground up. It is not a matter about more people are doing it. It is a matter about how Bad Design has been giving Permission in ruining the player experience in leaving the game. It has been the same Professions, same Mechanics, same Patterns since the begining of the game "Don't Blame The Tool. Blame The Carpenter"
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ1Jz5V7i0g There's a part 2 which I won't post here By the way, when someone tells you to "dodge", they literally meant "auto-dodge" Lastly, there's a new hack/exploit where mass players are porting under the ground to re-appear at another location. There's also a new exploit/hack in Thief Profession, Mesmer Profession and Elementalist Profession design where they can not be targetted to be attacked. Hackers and cheaters are taking full advantage of Bad Design Professions including Bad Design Mechancis such as stealth, teleport, dodge, evade, pulling everything that is Badly Design and Broken....to hide exploits, hacks and cheating. What is happening is that, they are using old tools which Anet refused to resolve for years, to justify their actions as "Anet didn't fix it and so it is ok" to do anything they want. It is no longer a secret of playing favorites of Professions and mechanics. Players including myself has been calling out this Toxic practice for years with the inclusion of Willbender. Years of call out by concerning posts, thread's, streaming videos of Professions and mechanics being abused for years, were thrown under the rug. Well, fast forward Abuse has turned into exploit. They have figured out that, there are no need to use tools. Everything they want, are already there. They're are available in those Professions and Mechanics designs. You teach the players how to treat your game by what what you allow, what you enforce and by what you tolerate for years and years..... since the game was released "What you put up with you end up with. What you allow continues." It is only going to the point where, Anet will be forced to shut down WvW Indefinitely (my last post)
  4. "Nobody remembers the excuses, Nobody remembers remember the failures but they will always remember the results" Isn't that's what it is all about... Leaving a Legacy? Making a difference? Isn't that what matters... The Results? Letting Results speak for themselves?? Until there are results, there are no reason to play
  5. In The Past 12 Years, Guild Wars 2 Toxic Game Design /Toxic Profession Design Continues To Make History By Laughing Hysterically Once again At "Balance" (Build included) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKTHXkv-w1Q "will bender out here pumping out herald level damage with daredevil mobility." "bro you already playing most broken Kitten in the wvw. keep blinking 20x in row with perma alac and enjoy it while you can." "kitten I liked it when we were talking about Condi DH. Trust me i want nerfs too, so tired of people whining about the same Kitten over and over. If this is what this conversation is going to devolve into, have a good one and thanks for the comments :D"
  6. Thief Profession Dev. is strictly Thief Profession and has been since the game was released. Unlike other Professions accessibility to Stealth Mechanics, Thief Profession Stealth Mechanic remain the Gaming Industry most Toxic Bad Design Mechanic ever existed in a so called Competitive game. With being intentionally designed to be exploited and gaining unfair advantages to bypass gaming rules and policies of hacking, exploit, grieving, bullying, stalking, harassment etc... More importantly, designed specifically to break Healthy Competitive Game Design rules willfully and intentionally. This is what makes Guid Wars 2 Stealth Mechanic the gaming industry most Dangerous mechanic to ever exist with having 13 years history to back it up. I Know I went off a bit but I had to let it out. As always, any Professions who has access to Stealth Mechanic especially Mesmer Profession will be used as a Scapegoat for Thief Profession Stealth Mechanic
  7. ?"GW2│SPECTER EXPLOIT - WILLBENDER can COMBO 2 SPELLS Too - Isn't that AN EXPLOIT AS WELL? My Thoughts" "The main issue is the wells of spector shouldn't follow the sword 2 to land on the enemy. If the wells stay in the 1st place(aka the middle of the path) then even it is a glitch it would be less controvercial. The range issue is also secondary. The main issue is still the wells move with sword 2. My issue is, why the wells of spector have a casting delay. What's the purpose of that design? If it casts immediately like Chrono or staff of necro then it would be less issue. I was trying to play the same trick with Scourge sand well, it failed of course lol But even it can do the same, I don't think there would be anyone have issue with it bc it causes no damage and it is funny as well lol" "Anet left the ghost thief build in the game for forever, and it wasn't until someone used it to solo a raid boss that they finally decided to nerf the build. They aren't quick to tweak those things, especially for thief specs. That said, this is very much by design and thief players have always found ways to pull off crazy 2000+ distance one shots since the beta of the game. In short, even if anet tweaked this, something else will take its place." "The .... have already outted themselves for playing favoritism with their classes and the balance passes. The fact they haven't fixed the issue with celestial builds that have been a pain since EoD dropped is evidence of this." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6qdOCdBDCg
  8. Here is another one that will make you cringe- GW2│SPECTER - Sword.../Wells Combo Glitch - EXPLOIT Approved by Anet? "I think this exploit is ridiculous since Thieves are so strong already. But if Anet allows it.. then I guess" "The balance team can fix all of these teleport exploits by adding cast times to all non-stunbreak teleports. Guardian and thief can get away with it because they are golden children. They stopped untamed from doing this by just putting a 1/4 sec cast time." "Just wanted to add that thieves don't even need sword to do this trick. You can do it with shadowstep, .....signet and steal as well. Also guardian, mesmers, and elementists have an instant cast teleport that one could use to increase the distance of a movement skill. From what I have tried out, leaps are the only skills that have bad interactions with teleports that are movement skills." "But there is a way to make it 1800 range with the shadow teleport utility skill. Tested my self" "you can also go really wonky if you use shadow teleport into signet of....so that's 2400 range into the field teleport so 3k range teleport" "Wait, does that mean Sword... + F3 of willbender can do the same?" "oh my, thief's axe 3 is even easier to reach this trick." ---------------------------------------------------------------- "I always wonder how the willbenders, thieves and mesmers teleport up giant cliffs when they start losing." "There's a player in my guild that clearly wants to hack, but when he brought up asking how to basically do that our Guild Leader told him he'd get kicked from the guild, lol." - "Ah. I like this Commander" "Well... lately there is an increase of hackers in this game, especially in WVW. I encounter a thief that literally can port from keep to keep, and there was another scenario with a guardian that has no cooldown for his buff, he end up killing us 5PEOPLE. This really ruined the game for me and my buddies." "I've been seeing a lot of them in wvw lately along with bots. Bots are annoying but easy to deal with however flying mesmers/soulbeasts, under the map firebrand/dragonbrand/mesmer/scourge/deadeye, porting/walking through walls thief/mirage/chrono/scrapper has made solo roaming even harder. Not to mention when a group of 6 omegas go through your keep wall undetected and kill the lord without it getting contested or there being any damaged walls or gates til the last second is bs."
  9. "That... is also related to the PvP wintraders who sell the accounts with the tournaments gizmos, you would be surprised how anet doesn’t care about it. Check the channel of guy “ ” and the video about team USA to understand for example. There’s a lot of shady stuff going on for years and anet knows everything so it’s very sad and that’s why people don’t care anymore."
  10. "These methods are accomplished by either Thief Sword 2 or Thief Staff 5. The Staff 5 jump requires a normal jump at the start of the skill.... My goal with releasing this video is that Anet will resolve these issues. No third party software is being used. I'm just using in-game weapon skills. --------------------------------------------------------- The Thief Sword #2 can be fixed by changing the objectives. Towers have been moved in the past (Ogrewatch) and when the Warclaw was released there were often small touch-ups to objectives to prevent getting inside without using siege. I don't see how this is any different. The Thief Staff #5 should disallow for jumping to be used before you use the skill so that the extra... isn't achieved." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Kinda sucks to see this video. Was thinking about trying GW2 myself and have been just going around checking out videos of guides, class stuff, all the gameplay but after seeing this it kinda turns me off of wanting to even give it a try 😞 "
  11. Same trash is recycled More trash is added -Repeat- Same trash is recycle More trash is added -Repeat- When you are trying to balance trash on trash can, what do you expect to come out? WvW Community has been treated as trash can...as a recycle trash far too long. It is time for WvW Community to send a clear message to Anet; we are worth more than the value you place on us. WvW Community are done being always available to you. WvW Community are done pleasing you. WVW Community are done being treated for less after years and after years. WvW Community will never win because you will never change. Anet we understand you very clearly, you don't Respect, Value, Cherish and Appreciate WvW Community. You've taken us for granted far too long. You gave us moer then enough of false hope, empty promises by telling us that you care about us. You assume that we will always be there to be treated all over as trash can and as a recycle can. We've seen plenty and enough of your mocking balance stream videos, laughing at us, making jokes at what is negatively affecting our experiences, turning our game mode into a live tv comedy clown fieasta network show. You love it!! You find pleasure in our pain at each time we express our concerns on the forums by intensifying more damage to our experiences. You've made your decisions long time ago to treat WvW Community for less than we deserve. This isn't about feelings, this is about finding what we deserve better and leaving the trash behind. You intentionally Allow, Tolerated and Promoted Toxicity to ruin every chance our experiences and our happiness years and years and over and over again. We went above and beyond to provide you with more then enough of everything to make our home-WvW a better place and and Healthy Competitive Gaming Experience. Your response....Rejection "The chains that break you are the chains that make you. And the chains that make you are the chains you break." "Rejection teaches you how to reject." We Win!!
  12. After logged in for 5 minutes... "Never tolerate disrespect. The more chances you give someone the less respect they'll start to have for you. They'll begin to ignore the standards that you've set because they'll know another chance will always be given. They're not afraid to lose you because they know no matter what you won't walk away. They get comfortable with depending on your forgiveness." “Stop trying to change someone who does not want to change. Stop giving chances to someone who abuses your forgiveness. Stop walking back to the place where your heart ran from. Stop trusting their words and ignoring their actions."
  13. speaking of Warrior Profession, few minutes before I logged out; few of us encountered an enemy Warrior Profession stealthing and teleporting backward at 1500 range at the same time. The enemy Warrior Profession player sent a tell to one of the player and said that, Anet knows about this exploit and they will not do anything about it LOL I didn't even laugh because the Circus Show has ended long long time ago in this game.
  14. Anet, your thoughts?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5CRPX3hCNQ "this is crazy" Anet, did this make it to June 25 Balance Update?? "So huge! That dmg! Please share the build" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csoT42LhZqU&t=51s
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