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Best aoe dps?


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Necromancer is easy to get into for very new players and AoE dps can be great but takes special conditions to peak, unlike other professions which have mechanical rotations to learn but have steadier and more reliable output. EDIT: core Necro does almost no AoE damage without Epidemic and was so horribly bad at AoE damage that Reaper was created just to fill that gaping hole.

Epidemic does no damage to its target without a second Necro to "bounce" the first Epi back but, alone, it can quickly wipe trash mobs, if its use is timed properly. Epi takes both skill and luck to do much damage but, when things work out, it is the highest damage skill I know of. (It can also do little to nothing at all.) Epi can be used in all Necro builds.

Reaper is a power or hybrid AoE spec but is not fully ranged so it needs to be in the crowd where other professions can spend time ranged.

Scourge is a condition and support AoE spec that can be tuned toward more group support or more condi offense.

Both elite specializations are better at area denial / point (tower) defense play than ranged or strike-and-retreat play styles while core Necro is not so highly tuned that way but is also weaker. All Necro builds do best as offensive AoE support though Scourge can also do some defensive support, too, and minions can do a bit of light tanking.

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Almost every melee weapon in the game has a cleave that AOE's 3 targets. So you can play literally any melee build and have strong AOE.

Full AOE is only an upgrade to 5 targets. It matters, but not as much as you'd think. Staff Ele is the top class for this. Ele is a very hard class to master, but if all you want to do is drop fireballs on things, even new players can do good dps with it. It's also the only ranged class with sustained AOEs; everything else is either situational or requires cooldowns for their ranged aoes.

Other noteworthies:Guradian/Firebrand - Tome of Justice hits hard and hits 5 targets, but has a cooldown. GS 2 and 4 hit 5 targets.Thief/Daredevil - All of the staff skills hit at least 3 targets and are spammable for high burst damage. Staff 5 is also 5 targets.Necro/Epidemic - Very situational and takes some setup to stack and spread conditions, but can be the highest dps in the game when the stars align properly.Ranger/Soulbeast - Axe 5 + Longbow 5, combined with One Wolf Pack, drops a MASSIVE burst of aoe damage. Long cooldown, but it will drop anything you hit with it.

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