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Living World Season 2 adjusted price help?


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I noticed that season 2 is on discount. However, I also remember reading you get a price reduction if you have some episodes unlocked, which I do.

So, is that reduction already calculated here for me?

Or, is it just showing the 50% discount from 1600 gems to 800? Because I think it's just this (8 episodes 200 gems each, 1600 total).


So what about that price reduction for having unlocked episodes? How do I get it?

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@"Danikat.8537" said:I don't think it's actually on sale - I think it's just showing the discount you get compared to buying each one separately. I logged into my free account which doesn't have any of Season 2 unlocked and it's showing as 20% discount - from 1,600 to 1,280 - for all 8 episodes.


Yes, it does looks like this.

The boundle is normally at 1280 Gems (160 gems each chapter) and you have already 3 chapters. so 160*3=480 gems and 1280 - 480 = 800 Gems.

So its not really on 50% discount. its still on 20%.

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