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Should GW2 come out for PS5 or XBox

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@Astyrah.4015 said:i'm all for more players so i'll only be for a PS5/Xbox GW2 if and only if it's cross platform like FFXIV. getting official controller support for the PC as a result of these is a bonus but not a requirement.

@"maximusmann.1263" said:Hell to the no. Why limit the game is to a platform that will replaced in a couple of years? Spend those resources on ways of bringing the consolers here to the major leagues.

this isn't much of an issue (the obsoletion/phasing-out of the platform)..
, FFXIV did an upgrade thing when it dropped ps3 (free upgrade to ps4) from it's platforms and just kept ps4+pc cross-multiplayer... and if it (FFXIV) will not be replaced by a newer FF mmorpg in the next 6 or so years, it might do the same and drop ps4 for the ps5 and offer ps4 users a free upgrade

the one problem i always see is that ppl compare FFXIV to show it's possible but fail to see why its so, GW2 was never made for console use and it will take a huge overhaul to do so while FFXIV is specifically made for console/pc play.

i only mentioned FFXIV's way of upgrading because the previous person mentioned "Why limit the game is to a platform that will replaced in a couple of years?"

GW2 can be made for the console (not with the current PS4 though with the engine we're using right now and with Anet being busy with the current saga + upcoming expansion) and the slow GCD in FFXIV isn't a reason why that game can do cross play (this is the argument of many: slow gcd so controller people/console can be on par with keyboard mouse users/pc).

you can have a faster GCD and the hybrid action/tab combat of GW2 in the next gen consoles... control scheme isn't an issue too since you can always just require the user to buy a keyboard and mouse if Anet would be lazy to implement proper controller support (though if you're porting to console, then why not do it anyway?)

as for hardware, the specs of the upcoming PS5 and it's Xbox counterpart is probably on par or even way better than many of gw2's current users.

that said, you are right that it will take a huge overhaul mainly because they need to write a new engine for PS5/Xbox's SDK and APIs .... so a console port, if ever, wont be seen atleast until 3 to 4 years from now. on the pc side of things unless they would drop directx9 in favour of directx12, there wouldn't be a need to overhaul the current client, they just need to add in new code on the networking side of things so the PC clients and the servers can "talk" to the console clients (how huge this would be would depend on how they code things)

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MMOs aren't made for consoles because of many reasons. One of them being that a keyboard can bring up more keybinds than a simple controler.I grew up with PS1 and PS2 games and even to this day I enjoy playing on console but I think MMOs aren't for consoles as they're simply too complex. Also you'd need to pay for online services these days which you can get for free on PC.However when I play on console I mostly enjoy playing for myself and relaxing on my couch instead of having 12 year olds scream into my ear that they did that or this to my mom. I grew up in a time when coop was couch coop and you had the people you play with sitting right beside you, as a side note.I think MMOs are fine on PC because of many reasons of which one are the technical reasons.GW2 doesn't even have the macro/keybinding mess compared to other MMOs such as WoW. Also consoles will never be stronger than a good PC. Even though I hate this whole console wars and masterrace bullshit it's true that PCs are really more powerful than consoles.Anways, I just play games for fun and I hope I'm not alone with that.

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@"Cynder.2509" said:Also consoles will never be stronger than a good PC. Even though I hate this whole console wars and masterrace kitten it's true that PCs are really more powerful than consoles.

I really think this argument should stop, it is true that PCs are more powerful than consoles, but at least compared to the upcoming PS5 and XSX the amount of PCs that are more powerful is absolutely pitiful. The PS5 and XSX have a more powerful CPU and GPU than 92% of Steam players (using official data), so more powerful than the vast majority of PCs out there. Let that sink in. There are arguments against adding the game on console, but the "power argument" is very weak and already proven to be factually wrong.

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