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Everything posted by Flowersunshine.7385

  1. So, I saw a comment somewhere on map design relation to flying mounts. And then I realized that in large parts of Nayos, many Kryptis probably can't get around at all and are mostly stuck on their islands. I mean, do Eppie and his friends look like they can fly? Or climb vertically up the trees? Some Kryptis look like they are better suited to at least climb the winding trees and the like, but they still look unlikely to move from island to island. How do Peitha and Nephus get around? They hardly look like the flying or climbing types either... Perhaps it's part of the reason why they are so easily captured, but it just seems unlikely they would end up living on these floaty rocks to begin with. Seems like quite an oversight to me... Maybe Kryptis create portals within their own realm as well? If so, where are they and how are they made? Or is it just inconsistent game design?
  2. So many complaints about the upgrade being just a glowy effect. Is it just me remembering reading complaints about the armor not being glowy enough when it first came out? I'm quite happily surprised the glow is dyeable.
  3. Twice told legend was a thing looooong before the armory. Excuse me, I forgot I cannot actually read first thing in the morning. I read 'armory' where it said 'wardrobe'. Never mind me.
  4. Right, since the glider/mount-equipment tab-link seems to be hard to create (I do not doubt Anet would have implemented this long ago if it had been easier, both because devs are nice and because it might boost glider sales), I have a suggestion that might make at least the glider easier to fix in this sense. Make the glider legendary equipment. Since gliders don't have stats, before the equipment templates it basically already acted like legendary gear in the sense that we could swap skins for free. Making gliders into (statless) legendary equipment would allow them to be used in the legendary armory like all other gear: equipped per template and skinned & dyed per template. Moving gliders to this existing system might be easier to implement than combining the current glider system with the equipment templates. I hope that in this way we can get at least gliders per template to complete our fashion wars! Now to ponder the solution for mounts. There isn't really space in the equipment tab for all our mounts, so I don't think this would work for mounts... I'll be back when I've figured it out!
  5. Another way to gave have boons not constantly moving around is to have all coins appear greyed out by default and to have them light up when activated, at least during combat. Every boon would always be in the same place.
  6. How about we get extra slots for making better power cores? Right now there isn't really any reason to make T10 cores, is there? The extra vitality is not really something I'm gonna notice... You'd think that a better power core would allow more modules to be used 🧐😇
  7. Although I'd love to save myself the inventory space, I'd feel bad about throwing living creatures into the Mystic forge. Wouldn't want something like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Antonina to happen!
  8. Mystic coins: yay! Plated weapons: who thought this was a reward for returning to HoT? I spend aeons in HoT when it came out working on the various achievements and collections. If you want to incentivize returning to HoT for things other than HoT itself, plated weapons are not the way to do it. 🤦‍♀️
  9. The straps are not in the wardrobe. So if you equip an actual backpack with stats and a skin, you cannot reskin it to backstraps. I prefer using a backpack with stats and infusion slots rather than a statless back item 😛
  10. Omg, I asked for invisible back pack, shoulders and gloves a few weeks back in the QoL thread, as a work around for being unable to check the show/hide boxes per equipment template. I'm so excited there's an invisible back item now!
  11. That's not my definition of easy builds. In my definition 'easy builds' are the builds that are easy to play. An easy build can be hard to gear. Accessible builds, now that's a different story. An accessible build is easy to gear.
  12. If GW is going to expand out of Tyria, I don't think it will be through space. It will be through the Mists. Which would be better, I think, because it would accommodate the tech-magic combo more easily.
  13. Heal tempest is lots of fun and super easy. I use it a lot in open world with world bosses, but it also allowed us to do 4-man Cairn back when double staff mirage first became a thing. It has been useful in fractals too.
  14. Oh, I had the feeling I was forgetting something! (I kept adding to my post and then removing things xD) I'm on EU!
  15. I'm a mostly casual player who would like to get back into endgame content (fractal CMs, raids, strike CMs). About 5 years ago I was relatively active with raids and T4s, but the guild I was in sort of dissolved. Since then I've sporadically played this content. I'd like to get back into the harder content, but I need some practice & advice, and unfortunately, I can't play in the evenings atm. So I'm looking for a guild that runs trainings (or does anything that requires a proper build at which they are willing to take me along) during weekend afternoons. What do I bring? - I'm willing to learn any role: dps, qdps, aladps, (ala)heal. Classes I know relatively well: ranger & ele. Classes I know somewhat (but probably utterly outdated): warrior, mesmer, necro. - I can gear any role pretty much instantly. - Non-elitist attitude. If a build works, it works, I don't care where you found it. (I just hope you can teach me!) - Non-selfish behavior. (If I'm a dps, I res.) - Preference to learn mechanics rather than cheese them. (Cheesing is for after you've learned to do them.) - Patience/endurance. I'm not in it for the full clear, so I'll stick as long as there is a group to stick with. - Regular attendance - probably at least 9/10? - A sunny personality. - Someone willing to help with any content whenever I'm online. Open world, guild missions, non-daily fractals for your collection: I'm up for it. - Excellent sense of fashion. My characters are a joy to look at. (No, I don't use infusions.)
  16. To me this would make sense, specifically if the common denominators of all leggy's were the cost-part that was reduced (clovers and perhaps trophies). You are after all not really getting a legendary with all the functionality entails, since you already got that. You're just getting a skin, and skins don't cost clovers. I think the game mode currency should remain part of the price - although I imagine this would frustrate a lot of people, since they would be 'forced' to play a certain game mode. (I got two sets of leggy gear from PvP, but I'm not really looking forward to get back into that for the final skins... Nevertheless, I do think that's a reasonable ask.)
  17. I am confused too. But there's a work around: stat-swap them and you can salvage the resulting weapon. That's how I got rid of the ones I don't need.
  18. Invisible backpack, shoulder, gloves and headgear skin. Probably easier to implement than being able to check the show/hide boxes per equipment template. And I would really love to be able to decide if I do or do not want my backitem showing per equipment template. Sometimes you need a cape, and sometimes your weapon is all the backitem you need - visible, that is. Wouldn't want to miss the stats O:)
  19. kitten, I applaud you for finding this approach to the argument. You are entirely correct.
  20. I'm considering crafting the OW-armor at some point. I already got leggy armor for all weight classes, but fashion wars! What's stopping me now is not the SotO-grind, but the clover/MC grind (gold grind since I've already emptied the WV for this round). Skins are not worth mystic coins/clovers to me, not when I could still be making leggy weapons. I've got 9 now, but only a single one of each. Finishing my collection and getting a second weapon for each (yes, for rare those double sb/staff/gs/etc. builds) would give me more utility and skins. (Some of which are definitely better than others.) So right now I'm staying away from rifts, lest I be tempted to spend my precious clovers/MC on skins just to get rid of some essences. xD I sure wouldn't mind a clover-free way to obtain the armor. Sure, I'll make those minor gifts and spend the ectos. I'll grind those SotO maps. Just let me keep my clovers! 🙏
  21. I'd like to keep my champion bags, tyvm. I open them on a low-level character to get low-level gear to salvage for low-level mats that would otherwise take ages to farm or lots of gold to buy. (And I don't want to imagine what's gonna happen to the price of platinum and iron when bag-openers are no longer a thing...) On the topic of trash materials: half of these items aren't an issue in my game, I have like a handful of most of these things. But I don't think there's anything wrong with at least giving everything a vendor price. I have the kudzu garden with a glyph of reaping on my harvesting sickle, so I get lots of sugar pumpkins etc. that don't sell on the tp. But a stack is almost a quarter gold at the vendor, so I'm satisfied with that. It's a sad business when people start avoiding content so they don't end up with certain types of loot. Highest priority to get a fix are the HoT-mats, hatched chilli's, prismaticite and SotO-essences.
  22. How close is very close? Touching hitboxes? Overlapping hitboxes? Or like one hitbox in between? Can I remain at a respectful distance or should I be kissing her feet? xD
  23. I'd really appreciate it if you would read my post before suggesting things to try: Yes, I did in fact wait until he was kneeling - or until he seemed to be up again, like you said, he hardly finishes the animation.
  24. OK, just to be clear, this is what I did: Have /kneel typed in the chat windows & ready to pop. Stand between Nephus and Peitha. Wait until Nephus kneels to Peitha (not the queen). Immediately turned to Peitha, pressed enter in chat. My character knelt before the next part of the dialogue happened. I triple checked my chat log. So afaik I did everything exactly as I should have done. I did not get credit.
  25. You mean /kneel @Peitha? Or just face her direction? Cause I was definitely kneeling towards her at her feet when I tried. >.<
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