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Everything posted by Thorstienn.1642

  1. I'm fine with the way it is, version 2 probably is more simple visually. However, the real QoL change I'd like would be able to put weapon choices in as well. Though I understand that's probably a "storage" issue.
  2. If noone likes it, it won't get voted on, if its players trying to get Achievements only, well you and your legendary/plat2+ pals shouldn't be effected as your of course playing matches against other top players and not farming the only noobs that dont have those achievements yet.If the problem is MaT rotation (I have no idea if it's in it) then that's a fair request I guess.
  3. The damage modifiers in this game work multiplicatively instead of additively. Let me explain this:Say the damage of a skill reads as 1000.Now say that the person landing the 1000 attack has different damage modifiers coming from traits, which let's say are +25% and another +25%.People think that the two +25% add together to make a +50% resulting in an equation like 1000 + (25% + 25%) = 1500, but it does not.The way it actually works is like this: 1000 + 25% = 1250, now it adds the next +25% to 1250 +25% = 1562.5 So in the long run, a single stand alone +25% mod is not nearly as much damage as a bunch of small mods that add up to +25%, whith the way that it multiplicatively adds this up. If you were to have +5%, +5%, +7%, +7% = 24%, that would actually create a lot more damage than a single source modifier of +25%. Now when you start adding ferocity into this, and things like 25 stacks of vulnerability, the damage begins to explode, quite literally "exponentially". Consider that 25 vuln stacks applies AFTER the normal mods apply. So after the already broken exponential wind up of the normal damage mods, THEN 25 vuln amplifies it by another 25% in another grand exponential manner. This is why glass cannon specs hit so hard in GW2. When you're talking Warrior specifically, that class can front twice as much ferocity as any other class and nearly permanent 25 might. That's why Warrior Rifle can hit absurd numbers. But rest assured, if a Warrior Rifle hits you for 60k, his build sucks. Just auto attack him a couple times, he'll get downed easily. Also, you were probably in Eternal Coliseum getting hit by a Warrior with a Sword Artifact buff, if he was hitting 60k on you. well ty for the explanation, still don't make sense, if you pick kill shot and volley they have almost the same base dmg and volley will never hit like that even if you get all the hits https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charge_(warrior_skill)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warrior%27s_Cunning 2/5 hits get buffed by charge.1-2 hits drop you below HP treshold or take out your barriers.volley will be dodge after first hit so people dont use all damaging buffs with it, and instead save them for killshot. well that make sense for kill shot, but what about the other's burst skills like eviscerate? a warrior hitted me for 12k on my herald with dwarf stance + weakness and traited with retribuition to tank even moreIf a warrior chooses to, they can make any burst hit really hard at the expense of other things. The Arms trait line will heavily boost any burst, signet stacking for massive ferocity boosts, FGS for instant full might stacks, etc It's more common on killshot builds though, as the range gives you the added protection you need from such a glass cannon style build.
  4. What skill are you even talking about? Have you factored in anything? What class do you play? Sure we can make some huge damage out of it's skills too.
  5. No to everything you said about mithril, leathers and silks. I'm working on the Precursor collections and they expensive enough as it is. Do you already have your legendaries, crafted your ascended sets etc? I do agree that there are some "other" materials that need more uses, but dont mess with the "core" materials.
  6. The issue of "communication" from game developers comes up a lot, in every MMO I've played.It comes down to 2 things in my opinion. (The situation that wont happen); game developers tell the community what they are/arent focusing on. This just would be a mistake.What would they say: "we are no longer doing raids as the percentage of players doing that content is so small" BAM! Angry posts, players quit. "We are only focusing on story content" BAM! Even more angry posts, even more players quit. (The situation that SHOULD happen but never does); what is the developers mission statement of the game; is it a "casual friendly" game, is it a "hardcore friendly" game, is it a "competitive" game, is it an "everything" game (biggest mistake game companies do)? Is there a hard/soft trinity, is there "only 1" way to play a class? Is it a grind game or time friendly game, skill game or build game? Etc, etc. I think people focus too much on option 1, frankly because they want the devs to GIVE them the reason to quit, as opposed to option 2 where you can know what the game is aining to achieve and decide if it's what you want to play. Hopefully that made some semblance of sense.
  7. It is probably the most balanced of all the one shot build nonsense. For big D damage, they really dont have much defences. And as much as I hate to say this, just dodge; see a warrior kneel down, dodge the incredibly telegraphed projectile, 100% burst shutdown (LoS works too when possible). They truly are a 1 trick pony.
  8. I honestly dont mind if any of your suggestions are implemented, but I also dont think it'll really change the population.As is so often the case, most of these suggestions will only "reward" the top players even more. I have never quite understood how team matchmaking could every be balanced. You're either locked into a team for a season; which would fail as people may not be able to play the exact same time everyday etc. Or, (for example) the top 5 players group together rotating through their smurfs accounts just farming everyone. The mode desperately needs more players as is so that even the current matchmaking can function properly, the only way I see that happening is if they make gold per hr from winning matches then highest farm in the game, with losing still being very close. This of course would bring in more afk pip farmers, but potentially with more active players they would be pushed far down the ranking system. For players to improve, they need to be on more equal footing: I can improve losing in close matches as the TTK can still be "long" enough to see what's going on. VS ATs where I often have no idea whats going on with all the porting/stealth/cc/explosion death fest at spawn I get against "proper teams". Death Recap needs a serious update too, on a seperate note. As I said, I'm not against your ideas, I just dont see them helping the mode. Just rewarding the hardcore for not quitting the game.
  9. I dont get it, those stats are already shown at the end minus assists which I believe gets rolled into kills anyway. Or you want to see everyone's individual stats? So you can flame at the weak link?And having it DURING thennatch, would only make people chase those stats more and/or more easily flame again.
  10. It would just give bloated numbers, as damage is far higher in this game than healing. FB would almost always take lead, maybe a Spellbreaker; just stand in all the damage with full counter, block, or aegis spam.And if you count that, you may as well count evades too, or invulnerable, as they mitigate damage as well.And by "mayor" damage etc do you mean show everyone who has to stat? As you can already see that.
  11. Thanks, so the slot in method is just better. Would you think condi is probably the better choice?
  12. @Ayrilana.1396I completely understand. I've just always like the aesthetic of mace. Was thinking it may be more for a sustain bar. 2 is still a symbol with some bonus regeneration, 1 is meh, but I love 3: it's like the original full counter Haha.My problem with healbrand would be that I would ultimately be a healer, without a group. And no torch :(Maybe my best bet would just be condi firebrand, just swapping scepter for mace? I guess then if I wanted to be more competitive with that, I could just weapon swap.
  13. I want to preface this is for fun. When I first started GW2 way way back, I had a guardian that I ran with mace/torch and greatsword, rocking that sweet Apothecary gear (lol), I really enjoyed it, but then the trait change came and it became (even more) unviable for any form of serious play. Fast forward to now and we have templates. I dont WvW on this guardian (I have 2), so I have a "for fun" slot now. My main setup is a Quickbrand so have "the meta" covered. I would like to use Mace and torch again, though not necessarily on the same bar, but if so with Greatsword: though I imagine axe/torch and mace/focus may be smarter. How would you all try to go around building this (for Open world I guess)? Condi or power? FB, DH or core? Just choose a meta build and switch the weapons? (Which build?)
  14. So, in the pvp panel it would be the right hand sigil? In would say yes, but the results I saw were from a 2handed, so may want to do a quick test, or run a match and risk it, should be obvious if the movement conditions AND damaging go off, otherwise swap them. :D
  15. I haven't tested, but after some searching I would believe: Should be ALL as it uses the plural form.It appears that sigils activate in an order with the "2nd or bottom sigil activating first". So you would want sigil of escape in that position.
  16. Not that it affects me anymore, but I agree with the OP. As long as your account has the expansions Core Tyria masteries should be unlocked. They have nothing to do with the expansions, and as the OP mentions, "needing" to jump forward in the story just to get them rolling is just plain stupid design.
  17. While I dont like the way conditions are handled in this game, I don't like any of your suggestions and think that they would just make the experience worse.
  18. As an "overall" type: White Mantle.Specific enemy: PoF Harpies
  19. Very well written.I'll give each section "a, b, c." a1. This is a wierd one. I get for a hardcore raider 6 is too small for just 1 piece of content, yet for everything else 6 should be fine, especially since this game is so alt friendly (see below), so it's not unreasonable to think players can have 1 warrior with 6 PvP readouts, 1 warrior with 6 WvW and 1 with 6PvE. However, I dont see any harm in making it Infinite: though I do believe this is the section you can get the chat codes for, so maybe that's their reasoning (not saying that is ideal, especially in a QoL feature). a2 and b2. Completely agree! Isn't this the whole point? a3. I can't imagine this one being 400 gems, surely this will be cheap, if not it just reinforces making alts as a character slot would be cheaper. b3. While 400 at first would seem fine, as it is storage, this now goes AGAINST the previous idea of players having alts. Account wide would make more sense. b1. Agree 100% I dont even have legendary and with this system I never will. This basically even makes "Account bound" less useful as everything will just get hidden away in "the vault". This systems implementation for legendary items is completely amateurish, and a huge fail. C in total. I dont even understand the point of this. I will only ever use these as temporary fixes for the fact the system doesn't "save" things as noted in your a1 and b1. As said, very well done and well written. You strictly critiqued the information we have been given about a new and flawed system, and didnt "compare" or cry about what "was lost".
  20. The only actual Templates are the account wide ones, not the 3+3 character ones, which are still just Loadouts.The new character Loadouts, just as right now with PvE, PvP and WvW Loadouts automatically save any changes, so what you are describing is precisely what you won't be able to do, except if you keep a file around with chatcodes to constantly spam in chat, load into your Account templates, load into your character Template, to then delete again, to circumvent the whole unnecessary monetisation in the first place.Aside from when it comes to Gear Templates, which in turn are going to be awful value for anyone with Legendary Gear as they wont get any value out of them like saving inventory space, but are must buys for those especially since Legendaries are a special chore to swap. Can the people defending these Anet Templates at least watch the stream from Anet showcasing them, to actually understand how clunky and bad they are, before highlighting features as defense of them which are precisely lacking? I can say for myself, the more I looked into how they work (or don't work), the more disappointed I was with them. Especially from the viewpoint of a hardcore player, every little aspect of them is pretty much the worst case scenario.Not only do they colossally fail as template system in almost every way concerning what hardcore players actually need in such a system (aside from the build linking, which is cool), it's also monetised in a way we actually joked about years ago with how someone like EA would monetise such a system, selling single Template/Loadout slots for 5€ and up, which is highly disappointing to see become a reality from Anet to say the least, and probably not what most people had in mind when they said that they wouldn't mind if Anet charged for them a bit, to justify their development. I rewatched. And you are correct. I misinterpreted how the 2 seperate tabs function.In fact the "account" tab seems only useful to a player like myself (testing something new, playing a quick bit of story on a fractal character, etc), in that I wouldn't be "saving" a chat code; but that's a big who cares.To be honest, I'm not even sure I understand the point of those tabs at all now. Why would I care about a firebrand setup I have when playing a necro? The equipment part is a different story, but still poorly implemented for both Legendary gear and to a lesser extent any account bound gear. I can still use its functionality to benefit myself more than the current system, but definitely not as QoL as I had thought.
  21. You had unlimited before...now you have three...and if you want 1 for each mode, you have to pay for an additional three just have to three...otherwise everytime you swap between modes you have to recreate templates or just manually click and drag. What?I have 3 now; 1 in each mode. After the change I will have 3 (which I can use for whatever, but let's just say I use 1 for each mode again).Example,Currently, in PvE I use a Core Bannerslave for fractals. I got to do some story mode. I manually change all my traits etc. I play. I go back to fractals, I manually change all my traits etc again. After change, in PvE I use a Core Bannerslave for fractals and save as my template. I got to do some story mode. I manually change all my traits etc. I play. I go back to fractals, I select my saved template and im good to go. Delta's templates had unlimited slots.I am aware. I was pointing out that it is an upgrade to what we have IN THE GAME. Ie we have 3 now, but the new 3 will be better. I will not join the discussion about Deltas templates, as 1 it was 3 party, 2 I didnt use, 3 I dont "need" unlimited, and 4 it's a moot point: you can't use then anymore this is the new thing.
  22. You had unlimited before...now you have three...and if you want 1 for each mode, you have to pay for an additional three just have to three...otherwise everytime you swap between modes you have to recreate templates or just manually click and drag. What?I have 3 now; 1 in each mode. After the change I will have 3 (which I can use for whatever, but let's just say I use 1 for each mode again).Example,Currently, in PvE I use a Core Bannerslave for fractals. I got to do some story mode. I manually change all my traits etc. I play. I go back to fractals, I manually change all my traits etc again. After change, in PvE I use a Core Bannerslave for fractals and save as my template. I got to do some story mode. I manually change all my traits etc. I play. I go back to fractals, I select my saved template and im good to go.
  23. 1 thing I'll add as it seems people ignore this: its 3 "saved" templates, so it is a small upgrade to the 3 builds we currently have, because you can swap around stuff for testing, then 1 click later go back to what you had it saved as. I know that I will like that feature in PvP for sure. The rest of the discussion I leave to those that care.
  24. Unranked is the most clear display of why the pvp population is soooo low. A "new" to pvp player has to go through ~50 unranked matches of nonsense, team queues, off season ranked players, plus the garbage condi/power burst cancer builds, ALL before they even get to "theoretically" play against their peers.
  25. Regardless of any other new vs old player type situation, theybwould need to pay the VA to do new lines. Granted I dont know who that is, but VA's are sadly always an issue when it come to new dialogue in "old" games
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