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Everything posted by Zalavaaris.5329

  1. But it's ok, you're not going to get every player to engage with every bit of content. They can't make a game where every player wants to do everything. It's an mmo where you engage the content YOU want. Some people don't even play the game other than making money on the TP. That's not how I'd want to play but it's how they enjoy it. Who gaf if less people play it? It's important for the game to have a variety of content for everyone and rewards that reflect the modes skill requirement/accessibility.
  2. Then they won't get it. It's one of those scenarios where if you're hungry enough, you'll eat. If you don't want to do the content that bad then you don't want the rewards enough. It's perfectly ok that some people will NEVER get the rewards. That's fine.
  3. What content is that? If you're argument is specifically around legendary armor ALL 3 end game modes offer the reward.... its an end game reward for end game content. I think a less significant player base is one that doesn't do wvw, doesn't pvp, doesn't raid, doesn't do fractals. Maybe they should add a piece of legendary armor to the end of the monthly log in rewards? Im getting a feeling that you think the majority of players log in, pet bunny rabbits, throw snowballs at kids and log out perma locked at lvl 42
  4. What metric are you using to determine this? What proof do you have for that claim?
  5. So you're saying people don't care about legendaries.... so wtf is your point?!? Why does it matter if people don't care?!?
  6. It absolutely can be more clear..... what are you trying to say?.... What does "So Anet makes a game that is converging on 'getting legendaries' that the vast majority of the people don't care about doing" mean?!? Please explain
  7. What does that even mean?!? The game isn't ABOUT legendaries..... that's such a small part of it. Again, what is your point. please be specific and detailed because I don't understand what you're trying to say.
  8. Just because we are talking about this doesn't mean it doesn't work. What it means is there are a bunch of people who want the grade without doing the homework. There will ALWAYS be those people in life and you can try to encourage them to push for their goals but they will sit back wanting something catered to their own preferences. Many people see unique rewards and go for them. Myself included. People need to grow up and accept that you don't just get things because you want them. Not in life and not in a game.
  9. Very true! It sounds like those people who want the items should do the content to get them. I really liked the wvw legendary armor but didn't have a 5k rank to do it back when it came out. Guess who never got the armor? And that's ok
  10. You dont think literally spending thousands of real dollars for 1 set of armor isn't exclusive?... you know people who spent, what is it now, 2k gold a week for 10 weeks to get it? Hell, if you bought 20k gold with real money you can have whatever if you want ifgaf. I'm talking about real players. Just remember, anecdotal evidence is only evidence of an anecdote.
  11. Maybe it's not a bad thing that legendary armor is so limited. Is it really a problem that it isn't the norm with regards to gearing? It's something special and unique. Maybe it's ok that it's so exclusive.
  12. It's a general you to anyone who doesn't want to do content for rewards. Also, when im talking about legendary armor I'm not talking about envoy. I'm talking about any of the sets. If you want it, go do the content. Idgaf if it's wvw, pvp, raids, etc. Just go do it. Again not specifically directed at you, directed at anyone who doesn't have it and wishes they didn't have to do the required content.
  13. I'm a casual player. I get very limited time to play the game. I'm a nursing student which takes priority, ill be a dad in 3ish weeks, and I still raid in WoW as well. I get a couple hours a week to kill and I'll raid in gw2. Casual has nothing to do with it.
  14. You dont think they are making any more raids? Think the 7 wings are all they will do? I havent seen the devs say they are done with development. There's a huge content drought I'll give you that but other than living world where in the game isn't suffering from that? That's not an indication of player enjoyment. When they announced raids they announced it as the ultimate instanced challenge for pve in gw2. Legendary armor is the reward for that content. It's as simple as do the content get the armor. Don't do the content don't get the armor. Why is it that I never hear raiders say they would love to make the pvp back piece but don't want to be forced to pvp? I never heard hardcore pvpers saying they wish they could get ad infinitum. If you don't pvp, don't raid, don't do fractals, and don't do wvw what do you do? I'm not asking in a judgemental way, what I'm doing is establishing what content you're doing. If it's just open world stuff, im sorry but there's nothing legendary about that. It's the lowest common denominator with regards to content difficulty. That isn't a personal attack, it's just how the games designed. I raid with a guy who lost 6 fingers working..... the man has 4 fingers and still raids... you can do it if you put in effort. Edit: I need to add to this, there is a legendary for the story content. It's a legendary neck piece. If you don't like the story content you won't finish it. Same with aurora and vision. You know what content I absolutely hate doing?!? Open world stuff and story... just finished aurora a couple weeks ago and now working on vision. Wanna know why I'm doing content I hate? Because I want the reward. This is the pve content and open world content that leads to legendaries. And you can put the confused emoji on my post if you want to because you don't like it but it doesn't make it not true. Now go play the game and get what you want.
  15. You said something really interesting here and I think it's a good thing to point out. You said "why would I want to be miserable...... struggling through content I hate". This is important because while you hate it, the content is not universally hated. So many people love the content and doing it every week with friends etc. While others might hate the existing legendary weapon grind. Art and enjoyment is subjective and I wouldn't blame you for not enjoying the content if you say you don't enjoy it. I'm not trying to come off as harsh or attacky because I'm not meaning it that way. However, that line of thinking is very "me" focused in a game designed to be enjoyed by millions. I'm not sure any aspect of the game could be designed around every individuals preferences for reward balance.
  16. One of the unfortunate truths in life is that where skill goes, ego will follow. And where ego goes, toxicity is right behind it. Raiding isn't inherently toxic but the fast clears that don't wipe for an hour on sloth can be. Not always is but I won't try to say it never happens.
  17. Thats not a bad idea but do know that having a game related conversation without a development outcome is also appropriate for the forums.
  18. I'm thinking people care too much. It's just a video game. I've been berated and yelled at and insulted over the years of playing all my games. Ok... new group, hope this one's better... I won't let some jerks stop me from getting my legendary armor if it's what I want. I didn't let the wvw toxicity drive me away from warbringer when I wanted to zerg on my thief. Just push through, people will be people and unfortunately a lot of them are toxic jerks. 😕 It's also a problem with a limited duration. The more groups you get yourself into the better you get (as was the case with me). Now I'm the one helping others with mechanics.
  19. I'm also curious what toxicity means to people who bring it up as a concern. The other day I was in a deimos pug and the group kicked me for being toxic. What happened was it was a group of 6 or 7 friends who pugged the rest to fill the raid and 2 of the guys were going back and forth failing the oil. If it wasn't one of them it was the other. About 6 or 7 wipes to the same thing. I literally said "ok guys, we HAVE to dodge the oils on the ground. The orange circles that turn black are what I'm talking about. If we can't dodge it we won't kill it". I was then removed and whispered saying I was a gate keeping elitist and that I was being toxic. No insults were thrown, no belittling, and no sarcasm. Is this the toxicity you're describing?
  20. Would you consider offering helpful communities as being helpful? I recently posted about the group in this thread to encourage players to learn and get better. Not just with the game but also navigating the community. Also keep in mind, toxicity isn't just raiders. Hardcore pvp players can be toxic, hardcore raiders can be toxic, hardcore mountain biking can be toxic, hardcore card collectors can be toxic. Do you see where I'm going with this? Enthusiasts in anything can be toxic. Don't let others sway your gameplay. Take the toxicity in stride and move onto the next group. You cant control who is toxic, you can only control how you react to it.
  21. Well that makes it better at least because I can't imagine the amount of people that had two of the same type legendary armor are very many. In that scenario it's kind of like legendaries being handed out to pvp tournament winners.
  22. Thats not right.... that completely goes against the idea of doing the content that is attached to the reward.... so you could spam wvw legendary sets and just trade the extras in for envoy? Well why aren't people just doing that then? That's wrong...
  23. Wait what? People who made multiple wvw sets got envoy skins? Is that a thing that happened?
  24. Honestly toxicity and gate keeping is an unfortunate reality of mmos and games. Anything with a hardcore player base is going to have it. It really really sucks and I sympathize. I exclusively pug raids every week. I've got a full medium set, 3 pieces of heavy, and I took a break from heavy to do light. Currently 4 pieces into light. Has every group been easy and chill? Helllllll noooooo! Some groups were so toxic and the funny thing is the toxic people were also the ones who were constantly screwing up mechanics. I've been in other groups where people didn't ask for kp, we joked in discord, had a good time, made friends and full cleared wings 5-7. There's a lot of social awkwardness trying to fit yourself into an established community regardless of where you're at in life. Being the new person is terrifying. There's a discord community called Raid Academy that I just recently found out about. I'm doing 20-25 bosses a week in a few hours just pugging. If you want the pve armor you CAN do it. It might not be content you want to have to do but you do have to do it if you want the armor. The legendary armors and back pieces require the highest level of a given genre. For pvp you can't just spam unranked for 6 months. You need to play competitive which is harder. For fractals you can't spam T1s for ad infinitum. You have to do high level fractals. Open world pve is pve but it's the lowest required skill pve. Raids are the highest tier of pve content so it makes sense the rewards are structured around it. Recently I came back to the game after a long break, I saw something called the abyssal infusion. I had to have it..... I googled where it came from and was disheartened to learn it came from CM 100 or just farming CMs.... whelp..... time to get to fractals I guess. There was a significant amount of gate keeping from even doing 100 CM to even unlock the vendor. Eventually I went in to exp groups. I told them I had watched the video on how to do the fight but hadn't done it. I offered everyone in the group 10 gold if they let me go AND I wiped the group (if we wipe and its not my fault nobody gets paid). It worked a couple times, I lost the bet a couple times, but in the end I got a kill, got the tokens, and bought it from the vendor. If you want something you can get it. Just have to persevere. Tldr: you got this
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