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Everything posted by Zalavaaris.5329

  1. Listen man, I wasn't inviting you to then flame you if you refuse or can't. You seemed like someone who wanted something and struggled finding people to play with. I was offering you an option because as much as you might think I'm an elitist or an a hole, I wanted to help you out. To give you an environment to play with other people, make some friends, get some experience, and get more enjoyment out of the game. If you don't want to, thats whatever, I wont flame you on here for it. I was simply trying to be nice to you regardless of our disagreement. If I see you in group, awesome, I hope you have a good time. If I don't see you in group, it's whatever, I'll be raiding with my friends and having fun anyway.
  2. Did you add me back yet? I added you in game and I sent you a dm on here. You gonna raid?
  3. LFR is terrible for the game. I miss the days of asking in trade chat for groups and actually being social to form a party. The only way WoW is any fun now is to do mythic raiding with a group of friends. Otherwise it's just a big afk fest of LFR trash.
  4. Yea that feels like a must, a separate spot for raid training. Give the community tools to do it without having to go to a special discord. I love this idea!
  5. How on ANY planet is it more insulting to tell someone to do the work for the reward?!? Am I going insane?!? Did I literally just read that?!? I LITERALLY invited you to solve your problem and you turn me down. I have an 11 day old daughter, I go to nursing school full time, I'm a devoted husband, and I have a job that I work at. I also take care of 3 disabled animals that require special needs. I STILL raid with a static group 2 nights a week AND help another casual guild for training runs (the one I mistakenly invited you to). THEN you come on here demanding special treatment and oh poor woe is me I don't have time blah blah blah hand me what I want or I'll spend the precious little time I do have to complain on a forum. I'm sick of typing back and forth with you. Good luck with your open world raids/whatever else you want. I dont care anymore.
  6. You say that like nobody else has school, work, kids etc. and still make it work. You say it like your situation is so special and unique that nobody else works around it for their hobby. That's actually rather insulting.
  7. You did say however that no numbers would be changed right? In that case that comp wouldn't work very well and people would leave before the boss would die.
  8. You queue for that right? That wouldn't be open world in that case right? And that bring the question again, how do you set roles?
  9. Is there any other open world content in the game that has a player limit? How does that work? How often does it respawn? What if you die? Can you run back and rejoin? Or can someone else take your spot and lock you out? It's almost like the best answer for this is to somehow instance the content. I'm not sure if it's possible but its so crazy it just might work....
  10. Well currently the raids are limited to 10 players. A mass open world boss zerg would be able to do things that raids can't. The first, you can rez people who are fully dead, you can respawn immediately and run back, and you can use things like revive orbs. You also have way more than 10 people to auto attack the boss down. Current world bosses are a push over. How do you stop this from being the case?
  11. That's not necessarily true though. You said they were designed for 5-6k dps. Healers don't do that much, ESPECIALLY without optimal raid buffs. So again, how does it work?
  12. How? Are you gonna code it? What is a PVE mmr and how does that work?
  13. So, basically anyone could queue with any build? What would stop people from queuing up, finding out if the group is any good, and then bailing when they see 7 longbow/bear rangers? I would leave that group. How do you stop 10 healers from being queued in together? You wouldn't be able to kill the bosses. There has to be a role select.
  14. So let's address this. You're repeating an OW option and an auto-LFG. So, 1.) How do you limit an OW boss to only 10 people? How do you stop it from being an auto attack fest? 2.) For an auto-LFG like WoW has, you'd need defined roles (dps, tank, healer). But in GW2 the roles are much broader with buff support etc. etc. How would the game determine what the ideal comp is? What would the queue time look like for a dps compared to an alac renegade for example? Those are all good reasons why not honestly.
  15. Add me in game and you can join on some training runs! But sadly again, I can't do anything about an auto-LFG system lol And really you might as well. I'd bet money that you can play casually for a half hour a week and still get all 3 sets of legendary raid armor before they implement an auto-LFG. Might as well start now!
  16. That's why I said that there isn't a strict schedule. If you're on when we are running you can join, if you aren't on no big deal! And trust me, I get the time constraint. I have a week old baby and full time nursing school. I'm no stranger to a lack of time.
  17. Because I just play the game, I don't make it. But I can invite you to a raid. Here is your chance. No more saying there's no opportunity, no more talking about toxicity, and no more excuses. Here is your shot. You won't disappoint anyone for failing mechanics or doing low dps. As long as you WANT to improve and grow as a player, groups will want you. I think you're intimidated and that might be without good reason, but I'm offering an environment where you don't have to be.
  18. no, I can't do that, I don't actually MAKE the game. But as a player I can invite you to the actual raids which is a realistic expectation.
  19. We have bosses in the open world. I've done them, they are ok. Now, want to join us?
  20. This is an mmo, it's not a massive single player game where there are other people around also playing single player games. This is an mmo where people communicate, fight difficult content, and work together to accomplish goals. Add me in game, I'll get you into a training guild, if you're dps is bad I'm happy to set aside my time and work with you on it.
  21. Well there's no real raid schedule. We post when we are doing a training run and you can just sign up to join us. I'm assuming you have no interest? If you say no then you can't claim there are no groups and you have no opportunity. I'm literally inviting you.
  22. That right there is an opportunity to learn. There's gameplay there! Watch some videos, read some guides, talk to someone with more experience, keep practicing on the dummy, or even switch to an easier class. There are options for you to fix that. Edit: in fact, what if I told you I was in a guild with people who raid and train people with zero toxicity? Would you join and participate? Would you try to improve in both fight mechanics and class mechanics? Join us and learn!
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