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Everything posted by Zalavaaris.5329

  1. Maybe just maybe the classes are different so you can't just say, this was nerfed so we must also nerf this other thing. Totally different classes with different balance needs. Also minion health was just nerfed.
  2. So... I encountered this last month. I had done the meta on a few different characters and got achievements on a few. So I had selected different weights. But the recipe is a learnable recipe in your bags that you get when you get a piece via achievement. I had to jump from character to character trying to find where the recipes were in my inventory and then learn them. Luckily for me I didn't delete any of the characters with the recipes on them lol
  3. Nevermore is so cool on daredevil, the ravens that fly out when you crit is soooo satisfying
  4. Well until they make it happen you can assume they don't want it. Because... you know... it's existing in the game for years with 0 changes. Gooooose egg...... get me?
  5. It's not that they aren't listening, it's that they aren't agreeing and not acting because of it. That's completely fair.
  6. It is steep but legendary! I just love the idea of adapting the radiant set into a legendary version with more flash. 😍 I'd even go for it over time as I'm nowhere near that. Might even make that the most prestigious set in the game.
  7. How about the proof that you yourself said "I want legendary gear to be able freely experiment with builds......". This is a quote by YOU that YOU posted on August 18th God that must be embarrassing....
  8. Honestly, I'd love to see the open world legendary armor be an updated upgraded radiant/hellfire set. I'd love to see you need the original piece of the set as a precursor (having the skin unlocked I mean), and I'd love to see each piece (6 total pieces) require a gift of exploration, a gift of maguuma mastery, gift of desert mastery, and whatever new eod map mastery exists. Get 6 of each of those and a high achievement point requirement and you've got something that actually requires effort. You'd have to be a hardcore pve player that doesn't raid to do this and if people are what they claim, that shouldn't be too much of a problem 😉
  9. Thats an interesting idea.... make each piece of the set of 6 require a gift of exploration and a gift from the other 3 expansions. Thats a LOT of open world pve... I might not even do that one lol Tack on a mandatory 30k achievement points and it might actually be a legendary task. Obviously with different skins than the raid set though.
  10. Someone just lost in pvp lololol soooooour grapes.....
  11. Depends on the fight. I'll bring power reaper for xera, kc, ca, escort, etc. Etc.
  12. Power reaper is my go to for certain raid bosses and fractals. I often switch between scourge, power reaper, and sometimes condi reaper for flavor!
  13. So, I'm watching the condi reaper video snowcrows put out. They are using blood is power, then plague lands, then blood is power again and THEN hitting dagger 4. They transfer the torment and the bleeding and are left self poisoned. I however transfer the torment and poison but I'm left with 5 stacks of bleeding. How do I fix that?
  14. I bet condi reaper in fractals with epi would be siiiick
  15. Condi reaper is out pumping power reaper by about 4k so..... I wouldn't say that
  16. As someone with legendary gear, they NEED to make beta gear ascended stat swappable. You should have access to all runes, sigils, stats, etc. Etc.
  17. Nope nope nope, not today!!! I will not tilt.... not on here anyway
  18. No... just no.... not again... I will NOT be sucked into this one again.... I have restraint and discipline... I can do this... I can do this....
  19. No I get it, someone said they wonder if scepter will still be used for condi reaper. I think it'll still be used for the duration.
  20. I assume it will because the damage carries over to other weapons but they said nothing about the condi duration also being added to other weapons.
  21. I don't really understand... I keep hearing about this buffing torch. Doesn't the trait say that when holding a scepter your condi damage is increased by 200? Taking away the scepter part doesn't make EACH hand give 200 condi damage (aka you won't get an EXTRA 200 on torch.). When holding a scepter you just get 200 extra condi damage which should also apply to torch currently right? It opens up weapon swap options but I don't think we will see a torch damage increase.
  22. Yea it needs to be 25% max for blight. 50% is just too much to not have any defensive at all.
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