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Everything posted by Zalavaaris.5329

  1. Well I also have a condi scourge if it's better. I see thats still in the good category so I'll probably just rock that. I do have cm experience just not the "new" one
  2. Hey all! Been out of the game for a while and just getting back. Is staff DD a good choice if I want to run cms? I've got my eye on that abyssal infusion and I'd like to use my thief to do it. Thanks!
  3. I'd absolutely love for thief to get the greatsword. Absolutely 💯 want it lol
  4. I'd honestly keep the mechanics as they are now, limit the rewards (obv no li for this) and the boss won't regen health between wipes. You work him down to 76% and wipe? Sweet next pull starts at 76%.
  5. escape will close it but I like using the same button for open and close. muscle memory is important
  6. Muscle memory for using V in every game I play. Also it used to work and now does not. Something changed and broke it.
  7. wow that is soooo sooo annoying, I would hope they fix that soon
  8. I rebound the map open close button to "V". It will open the map but will not close it. If I rebind it back to M it will open and close. Is there a reason why I cant use V to open and close my map? Thank you
  9. if 90 % of the consumers have trouble with it . that would make it a BAD fight/product Problem is before HoT anet breeded the community of uninspired bots who only care about autoattacking and looting, with 0 awareness of combat mechanics or the ability to read boss animations. It's good they stepped up their game with HoT and so on but many players are too lazy to adapt. It's good Anet works on some tutorials in the background, maybe finally some people will learn how to use their skills. those "uninspired bots" paid for the game, if you think they would had invested this much for a niche population , then you dont know how business workswithout the casuals to fund it, this would had gone the same way as wildstar You give the casual player not enough credit here. You can be casual and still know your class. You can be casual and still adapt to a given situation. I like that GW2 is a very casual friendly game but that doesn't mean there can't be some kinda demanding content every now and then. A casual friendly game does not need to be like candy crush or fruit ninja to be a casual game. Casuals have dem skillz too u know you are missing the point, and you are wrong toowhenever i chose to adapt and get better(if its even possible)..im not a casual anymore, since the game has MOTIVATED me to IMPROVEthat is the exact OPPOSITE of casualI think you're confusing the word casual with the word bad. I can only play a couple hours a week. I'm a good player but my time limit makes me casual and when I do play games I like to improve and progress.
  10. 20ish minutes maybe slightly more Was there another support present & made them think your friend's FB is a dmg dealer? It is weird for them to stay for the entire run and waited to express discontent after it ended (100cm ain't a short fractal). Nope, so what happened is we had a chrono for the entire run and their internet went out right before arkk (they were another friend of ours). So we filled their spot with another chrono who was the one complaining about a quick arkk kill. We explained that we one shot the fractal and they didn't really give a kitten. We didnt do it the way they wanted us to and flamed for it. There isnt any reasonable explanation for their bevahior other than being an unacceptable child that wasnt raised properly.
  11. That is exactly what I'm talking about right there. Discrimination regardless of performance. I would fathom a guess that it wasn't regardless of performance. You can one-shot the fractal while underperforming heavily. For instance, the group I joined today featured a dps chrono who did worse dps than the banner warrior on more than one fight. We still one-shot everything. But it doesn't mean his performance was okay. His performance was just fine thanks and honestly, as the top dps in that fractal nobody had any right to say anything as they all were lower than me. I don't know in what group you were top dps, but it wasn't in mine. It looked like you were referencing my friends performance as a fb support. In which I was top dps. Your comment saying "you can one-shot the fractal while underperforming heavily" seemed as if you were doubting our performance. That's all, if that's not the case then it was a misunderstanding. Maybe you should read what you quote. They saidthe group I joined today featured a dps chrono who did worse dps than the banner warrior on more than one fight. Your friend was a firebrand so how could that sentence in any way shape or form be tied to him/her?Yep, already stated it was a misunderstanding. Do I need a formal apology?
  12. That is exactly what I'm talking about right there. Discrimination regardless of performance. I would fathom a guess that it wasn't regardless of performance. You can one-shot the fractal while underperforming heavily. For instance, the group I joined today featured a dps chrono who did worse dps than the banner warrior on more than one fight. We still one-shot everything. But it doesn't mean his performance was okay. His performance was just fine thanks and honestly, as the top dps in that fractal nobody had any right to say anything as they all were lower than me. I don't know in what group you were top dps, but it wasn't in mine. It looked like you were referencing my friends performance as a fb support. In which I was top dps. Your comment saying "you can one-shot the fractal while underperforming heavily" seemed as if you were doubting our performance. That's all, if that's not the case then it was a misunderstanding.
  13. That is exactly what I'm talking about right there. Discrimination regardless of performance. I would fathom a guess that it wasn't regardless of performance. You can one-shot the fractal while underperforming heavily. For instance, the group I joined today featured a dps chrono who did worse dps than the banner warrior on more than one fight. We still one-shot everything. But it doesn't mean his performance was okay.His performance was just fine thanks and honestly, as the top dps in that fractal nobody had any right to say anything as they all were lower than me.
  14. That's a infamous allegation and a blatant lie. It's obvious that I ran more off-meta stuff in 6 years of GW2 than you and still doing it from time to time when I'm in the mood. But I didn't expect anything from someone who has no clue about an easy mechanic behind a fractal instability. The problem of his story is it's kinda way too unrealistic that a group will take him over the whole run, everything went fine and in the end - after a successful run without any wipe - they started to complain and being toxic. That doesn't make any sense at all. Of course there are irrational people in this game but from a n=1 story you can't infer that this is the general rule while on the other hand people are doing hundred of runs without any incident.Last but not least if they don't agree to a sup firebrand they wouldn't take him from the beginning and boot him or kick him after 1-2 bosses because it's not working or less effective as they wished. THEY didn't take him. It was our group that we started so we made the rules. It was an unusually quick easy run as my groups usually wipe on arkk a couple times due to pugs missing red orbs or not killing the anomaly. I wasnt claiming it was an every day occurence, it really wasnt. The fact of the matter is that even on this day we had to deal with this bs.
  15. The funny thing is I did lol We didn't break any records but we one shot all of the 100 cm bosses. Everyone dodged arkks red orbs and we all quickly got our rewards. The fact that someone ignored our success and focused instead on a class that isnt on the "members only" list is just embarrassing for a community. League of legends might be less toxic. And I dont use that word often.
  16. Noobs following SC/other guild benchmarks thinks Firebrand support is bad. Nothing new. But.... a quick oneshot... what more could they want? Lol
  17. So. Just going to leave this here. My buddy and I just did a pug 100 cm. We one shot the entire fractal. At the end 2 people start complaining because my friend was using a firebrand support build. They were bashing his build when we just one shot the entire fractal in good time. Now that's extreme... completely uncalled for
  18. Greatsword because.... I want to use my eternity lol
  19. I'm just guessing, but a GS is big, bulky and hard to conceal, which far removes it from the theme of trickery and subterfuge that the Thief is going for. That's probably why it doesn't make sense. "BUT WHAT ABOUT STAFF?!" you ask. . Well a staff doubles as a walking-stick, so it's both a weapon and an inconspicuous tool. You could argue that you could wrap a greatsword in a cloth and walk around with it, but that would still attract a lot of attention as everybody and their mother would be able to label you as a warrior. From a lore perspective, the theme is all about not attracting unwanted attention to yourself until you engage. Yeah, but the problem with that is that Daredevil already exists. Elite specs are supposed to switch things up in terms of playstyle. Daredevil is basically an offensive oriented Acrobatics trait-line, which would completely overlap with an acrobatic focused GS trait-line. I know it overlaps but I'd still be super happy to use my eternity on my thief :)
  20. I would die happy if I got a gs for my thief. :) Also the acrobatic greatsword does seem kind of animeish but that could be a cool play style in this game.
  21. Imgur This is my fiery war thief. Killer of dragons and basically any other race that gets into range. EDIT: Huzaah! Figured it out finally!
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