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Everything posted by Zalavaaris.5329

  1. After reading both of those statements by anet, neither say they are discontinuing raids. They said it's a challenge to make stuff for such a small audience. They then mention gathering data to figure out why. That's them deliberately saying that they want to bring more people into raids. They also mention using strikes as a way to get more people into raiding. That doesn't sound like they are DONE with raids. Just that they are challenged to bring more people in. I knew that message was going to be taken out of context so I had to see it for myself.
  2. Not agreeing doesn't make me intentionally disingenuous. You just don't like what I'm saying, it doesn't mean I'm TRYING to mislead. You made a terrible argument and I pointed it out. Now you're trying to back out and fire back at me even though you're WRONG.
  3. That's a terrible argument. LFG has it's own section for world bosses, living world, fractals, strikes, etc. etc. By the same argument world bosses aren't standard PVE either.
  4. That would be awesome because I have a hard time seeing them saying that. But I keep hearing it so I can't tell if that was just a rumor or a misunderstanding or something. I'd need to see exact phrasing etc.
  5. Please give me some sources for that. I keep hearing that but have never seen it. I'm not saying you're wrong or lying but some proof for my own education would be appreciated.
  6. It obviously is for some. I see people all the time who are raiding in order to get their armor. Saying its not a good enough incentive isn't based on any known metrics. It's all personal perception based on a self supported narrative. But we will see I guess.
  7. So they want people to do strikes as a way to get them into raids? That tells me they WANT people raiding. Legendary armor seems like a good incentive for that. I'm sure they feel the same way.
  8. Well considering there is a new expansion coming out I would say we need some more time. 2020 was a tough year especially for content development for ANY game. WoW went through a big drought as well. I think the circumstances mean they focused on the new expansion and more broadly consumed content (I'm not going to pretend the majority of people raid). But like I said, we just don't know what they have planned. Maybe I'm wrong and they will add envoy armor to a birthday box, who knows lol I won't pretend I know any more than anyone else here.
  9. And I don't believe they are gone. I guess we will agree to disagree.
  10. Like I said though, they may have a raid in development. So we can't assume they've retired the content. And a lot of games make items that are amazing that only a small percentage of players ever see. For example, in WoW the gladiator mounts are VERY exclusive and amazingly designed. I run around and see legendary armor everywhere I go. It isn't a super exclusive rare sighting.
  11. It's a grind that many mmos including gw2 has. It's still work for people who enjoy it. Honestly, some days I enjoy it, some weeks I wish I could never do it again. I'm working on my third set now and it is a major chore. Every 2 weeks though I finish a piece so it's really rewarding to see the ui for legendaries pop up twice a month. I should be done by September. Looking forward to others hopping into the game (raids specifically since they have to) and getting what they want! Also for reference, they are bringing FISHING before an open world envoy set. Let that one sink in.
  12. The problem is, we don't know the metrics of the actual raid population. We can't go off of perception from seeing forum posts. Perhaps there are a lot more raiders out there than you realize. Maybe they have a raid in the works for the expansion that we don't know about, so we can't even say the lack of a raid in recent times is proof of low participation. Without those important metrics (that only anet has) all we can do is speculate and form opinions based on effectively nothing. However, we CAN form an idea of what they will do based on historic data (aka raids have been out for a long time and so has the armor, yet its still exclusive to raids). I wouldn't expect that to change. I'm sorry though, I know this is hard news for some. Luckily there is a community there to help players through the process.
  13. While still remaining calm, you're correct. There is no compromise. But we are here to help people through it. I'd be happy to work with people on it too (showing how to join training runs, etc. etc.)
  14. It's a blanket invitation to anyone who is struggling with the idea. And no I didn't audit your gear or accomplishments. Grats to you though!
  15. So, without taking as much of an aggressive tone. Let me be calm and rational here. It isn't about sharing or not wanting to share. I want to see more people get the rewards they want. To me there's nothing fun about someone else not getting what they want. This isn't about gate keeping or any of that toxic elitist stuff. I'm actually a very helpful player and when people ask me how I got the armor I got I don't just tell them I raid. I'll link collections, give in depth info if they want it and point them in the direction to get started. What this is about is following the same path and doing what others did to get the same reward. There isn't some elite group that are just so far above everyone in skill that they can get legendary armor. That doesn't exist. You don't need to speed clear to get the armor, you don't need to do CMs weekly, you don't need to have an established group, and hell, you don't even need a meta build. I think a lot of issue comes from either performance anxiety with the fear of ridicule or social anxiety in general. Those are both something that I also face and it's a struggle. It's a reason why I get so heated when people want an easy way to do what I already had to overcome. I've even met some amazing friends in the process. Come join the raiding community. There are a lot of amazing people here (along with a lot of toxic, but even I still have to put up with them as well). You will absolutely be surprised.
  16. There's no compromise. A lot of the discussion is based on the skins not the functionality. They either do the raids or live happy knowing they can but refuse to. Edit: I wish they would bring the dislike option back so I wouldn't have to decide whether someone doesn't like the truth I'm saying or if they are genuinely confused by such a simple concept. Go ahead and make the stupid little confused emoji so I can assume you have a serious reading comprehension issue on top of poor player skill. (The edit was not referring to you Aeis so please don't read it that way) ❤
  17. What's niche about it? There's nothing niche about raiding. There is an AI enemy that has a list of abilities they use. We use our abilities and see who dies first. It's the same thing as a difficult bounty that requires multiple people. Pve is pve, stop pretending it's not. Raiding is the highest level of pve just like rated pvp is the highest level of pvp. It's the same core gameplay but more difficult. I'm now accepting more of your "points" to bash holes through.
  18. Don't start cherry picking. They said there was no sub category. It's wrong. I said it's wrong. It is.
  19. That's incoherent rabble. Can you elaborate on a point you were trying to make?
  20. What does that have to do with anything?!? Ok so let's say they completely retire tbe content. You still need to do it to get the armor! God the whiney entitled bads in this game are enough to drive people to ff14 or new world I swear. I'll tell you what. If they EVER make an open world way to get envoy armor I'll personally pay for yours. Hell I'll pay for everyone's in here who is "totally capable and obviously good enough but just doesn't want to on principle" or whatever bs you said earlier. In fact, ill start saving money now because I'm sure that's right around the corner.
  21. So go raid or stop whining. I think the fact that the envoy armor has been out for 4 years now tells me something..... what's that tell you? Anet agree with us or you'd be able to be fully decked out in legendary envoy armor while you feed bunnies or pick flowers or whatever it is you do in the game.
  22. Paying for raids and dying off the start doesn't make you a raider. Never think it does.
  23. Then go pay for raid sales then and get it that way. You can just jump off the edge of every boss platform and get carried all the way to shiny victory. You might even feel an inkling of achievement after that too.
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