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Posts posted by aymnad.9023

  1. 18 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

    @aymnad.9023 No, players say Rangers are incapable of anything which is false.


    There is no exaggeration in the infinite riskless rotation having such access to Stealth for engaging or disengaging, in a 1v1 they easily have the edge over anything. Step by step quite literally.


    Barrage node Engage, Rapid Fire, Point Blank Shot, Hunter's Shot, Maul, Hilt Bash, Maul. Losing fight? Block, GS Leap into Stealth, back away and start shooting again, getting teleported on? PBS or HS. Person camping node? Barrage and keep shooting until no LoS, HS or PBS as soon target is not obstructed, Maul, Hilt Bash, Maul. Losing? Rinse and repeat until you win.


    In between it all you have 2 low cd stunbreaks, possible Stability to push with, Lesser Muddy Terrain. It's like to see you try and ever stunlock a good Ranger 1v1 without unblockables, this not counting all the stupid shenanigans pets can be doing.


    I did see your later answer so you probably know that we could apply this line of thinking to any profession. I could make reaper look like a godlike / unstoppable spec who has the ability to destroy teamfights and be a duelist if I were listing all of its skills and all of its utilities.



    This is the same story as before, Rangers saying they have nothing when lesser muddy terrain was pretty much just muddy terrain on a heal, free decap against almost anything. Still I am not saying nerf the player, nerf the pet co-efficient. The pet that can instantly be saved from being killed and come back 20 seconds later with full HP.


    Profession is overbloated by pets, they're able to do fine without them being overpowered with co-efficient. What nobody gets is no matter how obvious the pet is, it's still another wild entity on the field and you expect people to dodge their important skills where as those skills are BLOATED in all sort of ways.


    Such as Furious Pounce being a 10 seconds CD, that's the equivalent of a full evade recharge with the damage of a high damage burst skill.


    If I dodge Furious Pounce, what stops you from Mauling me at the end of my evade? PBS, Rapid Fire?


    Too much, I can save evades by having Stability for the CC, doesn't stop a second Maul, doesn't stop the safe distance from shooting with the pet adding damage on top.


     The tiger will most likely be used with a maul, has very few hp and has no cc either and you can cc during the cast too. The cd could be increased a bit but with all the drawbacks this pet has, you are pretty much exaggerating (as the rest of your posts shows).


    I already mentioned some drawbacks. Being in range means that you are giving up on the node. The pet only has 2 positions, on the enemy or close to the ranger which means that if it is on you while the ranger is not you can probably los and kill it(with some exceptions).


    Is fighting a ranger with lb frustrating? Yes. Is it op? No. There are builds which have ways to deal with the pet without thinking or deal with range damage or have enough regen to deal with the phases without burst. Those situations are the ones frustrating for a ranger because you cannot contest the node and are not going to do much in teamfights either.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:


    @aymnad.9023 Making a statement is not a complain. Only have to remind Rangers who use Smokescales are playing with lowest risks of having any downtime that exposes them to danger. Not talking about attacking from Stealth either which is another strong yet claimed to be weak asset.

    In the first post I could see you went into the classic nonsense exaggeration mode you can see on the forums. This was not a statement, at least not in the way you think it is.


    Smokescale field is a disengage exactly, not an engage which buys time to decap. 



    This 16 seconds CD pet skill alone saves them a million of times from pressure with little concern for cooldowns because of the 5 hours of stalling, multi purpose approaches and wearing enemies from any distance.

    Maybe the ranger standing in range cannot fight you on the node like other professions? An interesting time to decap then move out.

    The 16s window depends of the pet family and your build. Lots of pets will just burn during this time, even if not focused. Not to mention lots of pets will not hit you if you move.



    Adding Pets that can "possibly" deal more damage than the user or other players on top of all that is just stupid.

    Try a power core ranger without anything pet related and maybe you will notice a few things missing compared to some professions. Just a few.


    In my post what I meant to say is that I could see a correct argument in favor of nerfing the drake skill (which you did not make) and could hear arguments for some other skills. 


    On the other hand anyone I will laugh at the face of anyone just complaining about pets existence because they are the base kit of ranger. Your tiger example is funny because you have everything people ask for. A big warning and it is one of the lightest pet around. 

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Crozame.4098 said:

    The first half, you are saying stealth is a key part of theif, I agree, this is true for other games. Mesmer more confustion? I really dont know, its Anet who decides that condi mesmer applies kitten loads of confusion, based on certain traits.

    But you say quickness is a key part of ranger, I dont see it.


    I do not know why you are fixated onto quickness like this is the secret to some magic potion.
    Quickness is used on power ranger builds as a way to land burst. I am going to repeat myself here :


    Quickening zephyr : As I was saying it is used to burst. Condi builds will not use it and even power side noder will probably not. Most will rather slot an additional defensive utility because you take a risk with this utility.

    Lesser quickening zephyr :  Once again you will not use it out of cd. I think this is the only quickness source in the game that you can disrupt like that by tripling the cd.



    Second half, I said one of the highest uptime. ANd wonder why it needs it~

    Now I somewhat agree that it "can" be one of the highest uptime but even that is not saying much. Also this is not what you were suggesting at the time nor what you seemed to imply in the message I was answering to.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Crozame.4098 said:

    ok, sorry inaccurate information. Should have checked before posting, given that I have been playing core ranger this season. But ok, fine, so 2 seconds quickeness on pet swap -- 16 seconds. And a 4 sec quickness every 32 seconds. Can you let me know which other class has more uptime?


    If you want to use this kind of arguments then you could say “ok why does thief have more stealth”  “why does mesmer have more confusion uptime”  why X has ccs Y has cleanses and so on. You bring nothing to the argument.

    Also technically it is very easy. Firebrand mesmer if want to push it. Scrapper does decent and reaper will  make out way more out of its quickness than a ranger. No ranger is going to be able to use them out of cd and maintain this kind of uptime and many play without the zephyr utility


  5. 56 minutes ago, Crozame.4098 said:


    About the quickness: ranger has 3 second quickness every pet swap -- sow every 9-10 seconds? I am not sure what other class, which are played quite frequently in PvP, has the similar quickness uptime.

    wow wow wow. It is 20s baseline reduced to 16 with the traits, 60 down to 48 with traits if you kill it and it gives 2s of quickness

  6. 1 hour ago, Guzzo.5274 said:

    Ranger : Stealth, uncounterable

    Necro doesn't really need cc, and can survive for ages

    Guard doens't need to cc indeed, and a blink is much less predictable than a bull's charge or a shield bash

    Mesmer : Stealth uncounterable

    Ranger : stealth on hit or huge aoe  = warned (+ they are used more defensively than offensively)

    Necro : most of the damage comes from cc  / setup to either land reaper burst or allow condi to not be cleansed (+ damage on fear). Right now I think they are a bit too tanky and could get some LF decrease.

    Guard : it is not that they do not need cc but they do not have enough cc outside of fb.

    Power mesmer : do you want to compare the defenses like you did for necro? 


    Let's summarize :

    Option to counter a cc :

    Bull's charge and Shield Bash : Stun, Daze, blinds, interrupt

    Blink from guards : Dodge

    Fear from necros : Dodge or blind

    Bull's charge has an evade.

    Blink from guard is usually followed by an ability (for guard it often is a channeled one) because it is not the source of damage. You can usually apply the same counter as for a cc because it does not interrupt.

    Fear : you can also stun daze, blind, interrupt core necro and you can also blind reaper.


    You have to realize that nothing is specific to a cc or a warrior.



    And only Ranger and mesmer are sidenoders in your list.

    Aaaanndd once again you are moving your posts to something different 😄 


    Saying that war is the only one that uses cc as a setup, is affected by cc, blind or the damage is low would be ridiculous.


    You can ask for some buffs like resolution or resistance (only in small doses to not remove counters and because spellbreaker has a lot) which I find fair. You could also change some heals to allow more variety which is something cruelly lacking. 


    I also think some issues come from the e-specs. Spellbreaker is way too loaded (Defense, setup, utility) which means anything on core gets better. Berserker could be less all in with some sustain increase and damage reduction.


    (also the cc duration / cd is way too generous in general)

    • Confused 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    Okay, now i'm starting to understand this better I think.


    Yeah I don't like what's been done for over a year personally, so anything that goes against that i'm all for.

    Well most of it. The skill's team did a nice job shaking things up, I think. The rest; the year & 1/2 of nerfs, amulet removals, all that. No like. Find very boring. 

    I can understand. But while some change seemed questionable, in the end, before the mechanical changes, I think we had a massive diversity in the game.

  8. 2 hours ago, Guzzo.5274 said:


    Most of these classes don't need to cc to deal damage, contrary to warrior.


    Warrior has to land a cc because most of his damage comes from 100B that locks you in place.

    The goal of the post I answered to was “war is the only profession easy to understand how to fight” which you swapped to “warrior needs cc for damage”.

    With this way of thinking I could easily say ranger lands its cc before landing damage, core necro need to land cc to get most of its damage, power reaper need to land their cc to get their damage, guard has to use blinks to land its damage because it lacks cc, power mesmer needs stealth to land its damage. 

    • Confused 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Guzzo.5274 said:

    The problem is that the level of understanding isn't the same for warrior and the other professions.


    You can play 1 hour and understand every skill that you have to dodge against a warrior.


    The same can't be said with others.

    Ranger ? Guard ? Necro ? Engineer ? All those professions have pretty clear animations and rhythm. Let's not exaggerate this much.

    • Like 2
  10. 8 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    I know they aren't bad. I just said I play one. They're stronger now than they ever were before.

    It's not about having any actual more or less than they used to. The reason there's so much CC now is the result of it doing no damage, damage being reduced in general, and increased(sometimes ridiculously so) CD's on Stunbreaks.

    You said there would be less cc which is why I asked this.



    Before CC did damage, but less damage. Damage was was higher in general, and Stunbreaks could be used more often. There was also more access to boons like stab. 

    I pretty much agree with this because I also said it 🙂 and I think this is the core of the problem.


    All that in mind, now you can totally rock a mace/shield + Hammer warrior and breeze through games without a single death or a single kill. Just booping people and wasting their time for 10 minutes basically. 


    Back when things actually did damage and there were more ways to deal with CC, you wouldn't rock Mace/shield + Hammer because you had the option to go for a damage build like Strength dagger. You might take like 3 CC skills total, 6 if you count rampage. 

    Now it's up to 12, because Strength dagger is a squishy mess of a build, low sustain, low damage. High risk, low-reward like most other pure power damage builds in the game. Unless you're trying to style, there's 0 reason not to play something tanky that just chains CC's all day.


    As a person who plays a CC vomit build I take offense. All I do is throw out CC's and blocks randomly because there's no consequence for doing so and most the skills are refreshed in 10s or less. Heck, by the time Backbreaker is even done casting, mace 3 is probably already done. 


    But i'm sure you're right. If I was wasting time actually trying to play a fun build in a 0 damage PvP game, then yes I probably would try to time all my stuff efficiently. There is no damage though, so why would I do something like that when I can put in 0 effort and win every time while also leveling up my Fishing skill on OSRS on the side? 



    Well yes. I am playing with mace on warrior. While the cd on F1cd  is on par with the rest, a 3s stun almost every 8s sure feels right doesn’t it ?

    With heavy cc professions if you take the a single cc by itself and they look fine, but once you add up the rest it becomes ridiculous. Adding damage would just make them even worst. On the other hand if you take a dps build and add damage to the cc you make it more deadly. In both cases it works against what has been done for a year.

  11. 5 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    Warrior just needs half its damage back on all of its CCs.


    Problem fixed.

    That suggestion is on the same level as when people were asking for « compensation » on thief after the sb cost increase. Damage is not an issue, with the amount of cc (and the duration) you can have in a build and the amount of skills to avoid this would not be a good idea.


    Also cc is a form of utility.

    • Like 1
  12. On 6/11/2021 at 1:06 AM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    I know what you mean. I play a CC spam build with 12 different CCs after the nerfpocalypse. 

    Well I fought a build like that. Once your average 2 stunbreaks are gone you can go grab a drink and wait which is not fun. I could mention dodges but they are also limited and nobody is going to avoid everything perfectly (+ some random source of damage).
    As gimmicky as heavy cc builds sound they are not bad in practice. Last season I was playing chrono and it was decent at holding a node (the enemy often get cced which buys time and makes landing damage easier) and I would contribute in teamfight (by locking down a target).



    What people don't seem to understand is that if CC actually did damage, and if it could be used to set up for combos that actually do damage as well, then there'd be less of it.

    There would not be less cc. How many builds have more cc now than what they used to have? The reality is that they all have the same amount of cc skills and similar or even increased cds as before.


    Edit :  Maybe you could provide some examples or details? Most of the current meta / competitive builds are similar to what they used to have. The only exception I can think of were decap builds which were few and more a consequence of the global nerf than cc nerf. The same nerf also allowed to bring support builds back.



    They've historically always done less damage so if I was playing strength spellbreaker and I landed a bull's charge, I wouldn't want to follow up with stacking more CC because I could swap to GS and actually do a decent damage follow up. 


    But now pretty much any follow up is going to tickle, so it's best to just stack CC effects and stall fights as long as possible.

    Then there's things like the torment change which just encourage CC spam even more.


    In general cc is already rewarding because it buys time, now people have gotten use to the changes and do not waste ccs as much as before, defenses (passive and active) have been reduced. There are a lot of reasons to not want this change. You probably would not want to give those builds more qualities than the one I mention earlier.

  13. 1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    Agree Knights should come back and CC should still do power damage based on the skill. Something like backbreaker which is a long-cast melee skill should hurt if you actually get hit by it. Reaper shroud 5 as well.


    They're skills that look painful visually but then crit for 34 damage. What a joke.

    Imagine if Goku spent 54 episodes charging his spirit bomb just to chuck it and slightly tickle Frieza. That's post-Feb 25th PvP for you.

    Sorry but Reaper 5 is definitely a perfect counter example. Reaper is already impactful. Anytime you land the 5 you are able to freely cast something else which is huge for them!

    The past months should have taught people how cc already has a huge value and is dangerous. I am getting more and more concerned by this suggestion because people are at the same time

    1. complaining about cc
    2. asking for damage on cc

    CCs  are getting used better by a lot of players and getting more and more crucial in fights (also one of the reasons core guard is key).

    • Like 1
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    • Confused 1
  14. (a bit off topic like most answers)

    Looking at the current builds and how you can play them I really do not thing damage on cc is as good or necessary as some people think. Anyone should be able to just see how cc is dangerous / impactful as it is.

    • Thanks 1
  15. I would say it is around average. It is something you can play by yourself and do decent. It has a low skill floor but is hard or situational to reach the level of some professions. People only look at the pet or the skill floor and give it a bad press despite other professions having similar if not more "toxic" / easier mechanics / builds. In pvp being self sufficient and not benefiting to the team directly also does not help to make others appreciate when you do something good.


    After the last furious strength buff in PvE it is good with both power and condi slb. Druid is still raid focused because it is slow to react and needs to be close to its allies.


    In sPvP it is average. Not bad and not great. Not a team player by any means. Has a good variety of builds for ranked (if solo queue) which all have some weaknesses / strengths. 


    I do not care that much about WvW because I find the mode leading to things too gimmicky but it is similar to the pvp situation. Ranger is better for small scale.

  16. Professions like Ele and thief have different mechanics but are in no way harder or more skillfull than the other professions. What will take you more time is learning what every skill does. Once you have done it, it offers strong options either for solo or for teamfight and is very adaptable.

  17. I am happy to be wrong here and see a power damage buff 🙂. I still find it strange to rely that much on this trait.

    The golem gave me some good numbers. I did not expect to get this much out of 5%.

  18. 38 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:


    tbh i doubt it will be that bad, we are basically on maintaince til EoD at this point.. and with the fact we dont know what EoD will bring Ranger i dont t hink this is a future problem depending on how our elite turns out. all power builds are underperforming to Condi based DPSers currently.

    Well I am not expecting a power upgrade on any profession but I agree that condi will see some change especially professions with torment. I noticed the difference for the first time when I was doing some leg bounty run. Condi is a good choice for open World but the gap ended up being huge between the builds / professions.

    • Like 2
  19. I wanted to play it in raids before commenting about it but I went for all the strikes a few times last week and can say that the nerf is way too much for power builds. In strikes I expected to be “cheating” my dps with the special action but with food I am trying to catch up to a holosmith not using any.

    Power ranger is back among the lowest damage builds. I see some suggestions to keep on pushing the bonus to have a more smooth dps curve. I think I would rather have a stronger sicem but I do not expect any big changes.


    A small note about spotter which has seen a debate in this thread : a lot of professions are fine without spotter or do not need it. People were fine playing without a ranger in fractals before and I can see some comps playing without it in the future.

  20. Most of the duos are not using vocal or anything and just play for fun together. I only find it an issue for the highest part of the ranking and sometimes an annoyance (like double rev 😞).


    To be honest I have not played any tournaments recently (maybe the last was 6months ago?). In the past I always joined random groups. The only issue was getting some random player who would always “disappear” at the start of the game but I never encountered bots there. You also get to fight some good team and even gold2 + teams can pull out some great move.


    In a thread where the poster said "there are almost no bots" I told him / her that (s)he was wrong. It only makes sense that in a post saying that bots are everywhere I also have to say that this is wrong. Even in silver you will see some anomalies 1/3 games, less the higher you go (then it moves a bit more into speed hacking). But there are a lot of people grieffing (my blocklist slowly increases).


    Maps have been added or updated during this time frame. Lots of balance changes, new reward tracks each season.

    • Like 1
  21. 19 hours ago, Kreths.8457 said:


    Well that's the perfect question, will allow me to develop my point.


    For me, PvP is dead if there is no people to watch it on stream, no real competitions with real money involved.


    The question is why are they so focused on balance when it's not the real problem, the actual game mode does not work in term of twitch views and "life" around the game, even if they balance it perfectly, there wont be a big living community around it because gamers don't like it (if they liked it, there would be a lot of streamers etc..).

    Ok I think I see what your vision of the PvP is. But I do not think they can push that far.


    The main appeal of the game is not the pvp or the competition but the casual approach of the game. Casual is often used negatively but this is an advantage. I was playing an mmo like wow before and I enjoyed gw2 because I could take a break, come back or just go in the open world for some time instead of a constant race to not be left behind, feeling like I had to do some stuff everyday (I sometimes do get this feeling but way less).


    Getting some of the people enjoying this aspect of PvE into PvP is really hard (or even raids) and I cannot blame them, the environment and the flow are so different. It really takes a lot of time to be rewarding and you have to go through all the older players. Even later you can sometimes feel like you play the lottery (like in a lot of pvp games anyway) because not everybody is on the same page when they try to move around the map.


    Can they promote PvP some more? Maybe ? I think they try some stuff with the gear and it probably works for some players (it also works the other way around since pvp leg gear got me into raids). Sometimes they advertise some events on their main website. I guess they could also put a direct link to the replay but even then I am not sure it will draw people into PvP or they would even be able to enjoy the casting  / gameplay and  have the courage to go through the hard learning of conquest 😕.


    Learning could be improved but this issue is even present in PvE! I guess they could have better training grounds but giving guidelines is also hard when so many decisions are situational… A lot of people are not even aware of the golem training area in the aerodrome.



    Edit : In the end I find it way better for sPvP to be balanced than popular / advertised to fade away. It means a lot of people can enjoy it at any time and probably makes it easier for everybody to find something they like even if this is only for a quick match.

    • Like 1
  22. 50 minutes ago, Kreths.8457 said:


    Build changes wont push the game back to the e-sport scene, it did nothing for the past 8years, why should it now ?


    Plus i specified we are not really talking about balance here but something more.

    Your post is super vague in my opinion. I got the same vibe as the standard post saying “PvP is dead and everything is broken”. Look again at your questions / wording and tell me that I should not have it.


    Why are they not communicating on the forums (to tell us they gave up on PvP ) -> recently they started doing it again by explaining why they do a change.


    Why can’t they make good PvP? -> This is as vague as it can be. Everybody can put what they do not like here. Pvp works for me. I find the conquest mode really good because it promotes a lot of gameplay and thus you can find a lot of variations (also the good balance we had recently). I tried the other game modes none of them worked as well for me.


    Is PvP dead / does it lack dev / resources ? -> As I said most patches were aimed at PvP and we reached a good balance but it never stops people from not looking at them or trying them.


    Coronavirus is not an excuse  + We got nothing -> lots of patches for pvp only



    Now my question is : What are people expecting? This is what I cannot tell even from your post and I think most people do not know either.

    Edit Maybe I am wrong but sometimes I feel like people are just expecting something different, that will make them feel like they rediscover the game again but has elements of the past which is just a dream. And they should not forget that all modes are tied together which probably has an impact on some  rework suggestions (I think this is the main and most costly reason for them).

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