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Posts posted by aymnad.9023

  1. Clearly you are proving why it does not matter if they go through the trouble of balancing PvP. Have you been reading the patch notes that we had over the past months? Most of them were aimed at PvP and were good. Not WvW, not PvE, but PvP. They even added details again.


    We had a massive diversity in ranked recently (probably one of the highest [if not the highest] the game has ever seen) but it does not matter, people are always crying. Only the last patch has shaken things up but it in EVERY GAME MODE. Adjustments will be coming for sure.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  2. 32 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

    Druid needs a full rework, the specialization is too easy to break with any buff. Ancient Seeds with 20s iCD  is not unbearable in sPvP that's true but still is pretty bad if you have your doubts.


    In WvW however it is in a 10s iCD and that's simply too much. Pair that with trailblazzers and you have the most disturbing build in game  designed just  to grief other players.  Pair it with a Dreamer and you have the perfect combo. 


    The roots as mechanic from my experience is bad as elite in a 60s cooldown with very little tells or in a pet skill withno tell even if it's an slow projectile every 30s.


    If Ancient Seeds trait would be removed and intead the roots would come up if  you get hit with the Vine Surge staff skill It would not be that bad. Any player see the effect and understand why you got trapped. 


    So if Juvenile Jaracanda would cast the same skill Vine Surge and trap the target it would be simply perfect.  Or the Entangle to be removed from Survival and set as Active for the Spirit of Nature. That would make much better sense and it would be more fair against other players.  


    But a passive trait which procs with any CC you are afflicted every 10s is a spammy no-no as game pvp design. Even 20s iCD is questionable at best. 

    I had no idea the cd was 10s in wvw, that seems crazy. Yes I was thinking about sPvP.

    I am not a fan of having a gm tied to a weapon (especially when we already have a trait with staff) but I like this idea. It reminds me of an old suggestion I made to change the staff 4 like the rev road but against immob, cripple and other alterations.

  3. Some part I do not agree with:


    1. Sb has 1 fully defensive skill (3) and 2 that you can use to also gain time / distance (4 and 5).
    2. I find Axe 5 fine because of the damage it can bring.
    3. Spirits are fine in PvE since the addition of a tp skill. It does not bother me to not have them in PvP.
    4. I do not think we need piercing baseline because weapons are good enough

    I do agree that the next part is not in a good shape. But maybe you underestimate them or how hard they can be to balance which I think is the main reason they are like this 😕 

    1. Primal Cry has some solid damage. The only reason it is not used often is because condi slb needs an additional sustain. I would be hard to buff without making the damage broken.
    2. As sustain went down, traps became better. Condi ranger can actually be dangerous on some mid nodes. Right now it would be impossible to throw them again without a drawback.
    3. Evasive Purity The ICD on the dodge trait is an issue on any profession. The trait is strong, but it sure is hard to use because most of the instant cleanse are tied to survival. 

    I agree with :

    1. Axe 4 should get some damage back. I think it was also in one of your threads where I suggested a damage increase with the range because it is hard to land and not rewarding (but they should keep it constant in PVE to avoid a new nerf)
    2. Dagger 3 ; it does feel weird.
    3. Invigorating bond : I have still cannot find a use with the values and the cd. Even Guard and eternal bond which I find some of the worst things on ranger can sometimes have a use (Soul River as a druid and kite on deimos)
    4. Pets are a full thread by themselves. What they should do or not is an endless debate. There are so many families that are weak or bad. I know they do not want to buff them but I do not like bears, devourer, Even Moa in PvE is a lucky accident.


    In addition

    1. I would love to see a change to Eternal Bond : maybe reward  staying a long time merged or out of merge
    2. Signet of Renewal + Spiritual Reprieve : Some change / buffs pls 🙂 especially for soulbeast



    In PvE

    For power slb I am still waiting to try the nerfs in a raid but I would not be surprised to find myself asking for a buff.

    For druid I am getting a bit worried by the impact the new mirage staff will have.


    Edit : Right now I am not sure if ancient seeds really need a nerf. Maybe a 5s increase if you buff some aspect of druid.

  4. 3 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    yes, having immortal pet AI that can kill someone in 1hit was legit, and in no way degenerate o/
    same way people defended bird spam that was hitting people for 6k+ each F2 and 4,5k+ with basic attack
    DoNt NeRf, JuSt KiLl ThE pEt
    Yes ranger has issues and its not all that amazing but lets not forget that it also has some stupid kitten, ancient seed, entangle, jarakanda F2, pet damage, longbow range come to mind.

    Funny. If you really look at the state of the game when pets could reach those numbers (and not even consistently) you would see how useless they still were. There was one time were it was relevant and that was with druid (I think during hot).

    • Like 2
  5. Let’s keep our head cool and not say nonsense on both sides shall we?


    I was at 34 + and now am at 32+ (no infusions and probably failing some stuff). Unless I messed up somewhere, if you reached 37 consistently you should probably be higher.


    Comparing benchmark on pslb does not mean anything for a lot of real fights because you are static for quite some time (the most important part of your dps). A year and a half ago the difference between a soulbeast and a banner warrior was only 1.5k which meant in a good amount of fights the warrior ended up higher (because you had to move, bosses were phasing and so on).


    Let's wait to see how it goes for every profession and take some rest.

    • Like 1
  6. I did a quick try on the golem. Maybe other professions will have it better after the patch (I still think holo and dh will be strong) but the changes do not look as bad as I thought. (you do feel the burst loss but the average dps looks good enough) 


    Edit : golem benchmark can be deceptive because you need to be static during the burst 😕, I will play it more tonight


    Edit 2 : without the arcdps update we all went for something else to have fun (mirage boon, quickness  support / tank engie, condi druid). I will try slb later this week

  7. Hello @Jazzman.7135


    I will try to answer in this thread instead of Is it just me, or mesmer is completely overpowered? Answers from non-mesmer players please. - Player vs. Player - Guild Wars 2 Forums



    I think the comparison with fighting games is unfair. In a fighting game you are not bound to your cds. You can try the same attack again after the animation, you can block, backdash or even counter attack. In gw2 if my block is still on 15s I cannot defend. An other thing that makes the fighting game analogy incorrect is that most of those games probably do not have a healing skill. It means the pace of the combat is decided by the mesmer because he decides if you can heal or not while it does not carry an handicap as big.


    On 5/4/2021 at 2:14 PM, JazzXman.7018 said:

    you have a lot of drawbacks, i explained them in the powerblock bug thread, in case you are interested in them 

    Latency and reaction time are important but they apply to anything.

    I do not interrupt most of the 0.5s cast skills unless I have an idea of the timing (and it still is mostly a guess). But most heal skills are around 0.75. This small additional fraction makes a difference and I am way more consistent getting it. It does not feel good at all to have to wait for the mesmer to charge his mantra to be able to heal. In theory he could still have the F3 while charging the mantra which means you are still bound to the mesmer success or failure.


    F3 is an instant cc but I find it fine because it is limited by both the range (far is random with clones and close is great) and the cd.


    For me stability and los are the true counters. I find it better to try to use the heal as soon as possible if I cannot back it up with stab or I will not have a way to hide / do not want to leave the node. I might as well take a 5s cd (in general) and have a chance to use it later rather than gambling if I can get it and wait too long. 



    esp the mantra format was great for skills you want to be or which need to be instant, the active recharge adds more counterplay other instant skills like meditations on guard, fa ele air burst and warrior shouts and all other castskills in the game  dont have (sadly they will remove that, stupid as it is).

    I am not sure why you mentioned those professions skills. Instant damage skills and traits have been nerfed for this very reason, they are instant and thus you cannot react. Instant defense skills got some number tweaks (cds or values) when they were used too often. But yes I hated getting  os without a warning by the old fresh air elementalist. While they still do exist they are not as tanky as before and most of the time warn you with a cc.



    powerblock and mantra being only a short daze with low impact without interrupt then adds the interupt need (and even more the need to interrupt keyskills in keymoments not just random rupt autoattacks like old pi or old ci for decent value) what adds even more countrplay which other on hit reward skills/ traits dont have (for that they are reactive dodgeable but you cannot perma cover yourself vs them while you can temporary cover your important skills like heal vs interupts in several ways) and as said the other drawbacks i mentioned in the other thread.


    mes only has f3 and mantra as interupt focused cc. everything else is casttime cc not able to reactive interrupt average casttime skills of 3/4 secs casts (can rupt on expectation/ guess/ prediction, so ofc when ppl play super predictable and emergency heal last moment then pistol will do the job wit the healrupt prob) and also have way more value on hit already (thats why they have a casttime, they are hard cc highly rewarding on hit already, not on interrupt only) and while torch phantasm has an insane window and easy counterplay by just moving (same for sword ambushes btw), pistol is indeed broken with the short casttime and bad visible animation for an overly long hard lock down cc stun of 2 secs on a burstclass with oneshot potential. but as said pistol still is not an interrupt cc but should get a bit longer cast time and better animation. so you have 2 dazes with currently 18,25 secs (if you pressure or interrupt the mes he maybe even cant get a recharge of the mantra for a bit longer) and f3 with 38 secs cd (32 traited). that is not an high amount for a trait (pb)/ skill (mantra) with such situational (less permanent) impact with higher skill requirement compared to on hit reward traits/ skills from the need to interupt (esp interupt keyskills in keymoments). 


    also dont mix condimes balance issues with interupt/ powerblock stuff. there is stuff like axe 3 (completely overloaded skill, double defense with detarget and dodge, reduced skill cap by porting clones to the target so no need for skillful and on purpose clone positioning, very good dmg and that all on pretty low cd), broken pistol (es already explained) and signet of illusion what needs to be reworked or at least should lose the f4 reset since it does nothing else than breaking cd balance from strong instant shatters and providing shatterspam and lower punishment for shatterwatses. if those stuff would finally get attention by anet powerblock/ mantra would also be no problem on this build, just as it is no problem on power mes. even more powrblock/ mantra is what adds a bit skill to the condi spam and with that makes it semi intersting to play at least for a while for me as a challenge player. 

    I agree with most of this section.


     I was not talking about the mantra alone but the full rotation with all the skills you mention after (mantra, weapon 5, F3, mantra, other weapon 5 and maybe something else). If everything adds up you have at least 2s for the mantra, 1 s for the weapon and 0.5-1 for the F3. Thanks to the healing skills cast time you can add a small delay and reach at least 5s where someone cannot heal and barely attack even if you miss. This is a long time in a 1V1 and an eternity when there is another opponent focusing you. I would love to not take condi into account but when it is the most common thing you see it is hard to do 😕


    Actually I think power block is not great for the game for the cd increase and the icd. I find it wrong to reward what is possibly a random cc with such a huge time lock on skills and not give a full control of when it procs. To reward a skillful interrupt you would have needed to tie this effect to a single skill, quick to use and with a decent cd. If I had to choose power block feels like it should have worked like impairing daggers on the mantra. I also like the cd increase between charge use you suggest in this thread. 


    On a side note How do you avoid the sword one ? Sometimes it hits sometimes it doesn’t but I did not figure it out (outside of people just running away from the fight).



    also that you get interrupts (even on heals) that easy atm is just bc lot of ppl just refuse to accept and learn the counterplay. like me, i know the interactions from both sides of the fight (means when playing vs powerblock mesmers also on other classes than my power mes, ranked and ats) and i have no problem to counterplay powerblock/ mantra from mesmers of any skill lvl and that even in outnumbered situations or when a pb mesmer tries to +1 me.  


    for a trait like powerblock mantra needs to be as it is currently and you cannot compare to headshot on thief who has a way stronger instant class mechanic doesnt need setups and class resources before use and thief doesnt have such highly situational and high skill cap interrupt traits like powerblock (and only has a powerblock light version on one utility for good reasons).


    so in context of the basic class mechanics and its strengths and weaknesses mantra is totally balanced as it is (as long as anet balance interupt traits around that instant interrutp tool, and ineptitude and maybe ve are the only triats left could cause problems wit that, old lost time gone, old ci gone, old confounding with stun on each daze gone, powerblock is perfectly designed already with mantra in mind since pb needs a precision tool and casttime hard cc can not give mes that) 

    I only started playing mesmer (specifically chrono which is even more cc heavy) in ranked this season. I really love using cc as a support vs some professions. I can save allies from channeled abilities (like ranger lb) or interrupt supports trying to save someone (like scourge rez), all those times feel right. On the other hand most players (including myself) would probably rather have to face a profession with 2 skills with 2 of cc and a long cd than something with 4 skills with a short cc because it is easier to deal with it. With a longer cc you can chose to take it, get damaged and be safe to heal later or use your stunbreak and try to heal immediately hoping you will trade 1 stunbreak for 1cc. This is an example of what I meant when I said I have mixt feelings about the profession.


  8. That's too bad for Clarion bond 😕 I understand why they do it (it probably is for the best) but it ends up being a new nerf for core power ranger. If only they could keep the old one for the trait... 


    Edit : If I try to guess the trait will be 2s of weakness and the warhorn 3s.

  9. 15 hours ago, JazzXman.7018 said:

    ppl will never get that difference between hard lock down cc with main purpose of offensive pin downing the target (no dodge, no movement, no skilluse) to hit  follow up dmg and short soft interrupt focused cc (only skill use prevention, you can outmove/ kite and dodge follow ups) which can be instant 😆 short soft interupt cc lit needs to be instant. that only counts for short daze with 1 secs or less duration. otherwise have fun interupting 3/4 secs average casttime on lot of keyskills with human reaction time+ latency+ own casttime.

    and it also has tons of counterplay to get interupted on keyskills, just dodging is not one of them. sadly they will remove a bit of counterplay by removing the active mantra recharge (most stupid thing ever). its a casual pve game tho and when they leave the current count recharge with 24 secs (totally overnerfed cd for a skill doing nothing  else than a short daze) you will neither see daze mantra nor powerblock after mai patch. game and mesmer dumbed down by a lot gg anet. 


    By themselves the instant interrupt are in theory fine and super satisfying to land. But they need a small drawback whether it is the range or the cd because of how strong they are and can completely nullify some professions. When I face power rangers it is so easy to interrupt their heavy skills like rapid fire, barrage, maul.


    The mantra has no cast time and travel time so it is less susceptible to lag than anything in the game and can be used while cced, it is not a projectile so it has less counter than most range cc, it is range so you do not put yourself in danger and the cd is quite short.


    Also do you realize how none of the things you mentioned matter when a targets reaches 30% and gets hit by mantra, weapon 5, F3, mantra, other weapon 5 and whatever other mechanic your current specialization has? Add your allies or the conditions that 95% of the mesmers use into the mix and all those “smart skills” become stupid. Let’s not pretend that this chain of cc is a rare / lucky occurrence that you get once in a while. The best part is that you can afford to miss most of them because of a dodge because it also takes around 1s to complete.


    Edit : Even I started playing mesmer recently I see how cc is a part of my dps and an interrupt can turn the game (this is also why I would rather play mid than the sides). Because of it (and other things) I have mixt feelings about the profession because I see how little impact I would have without, how great it feels to land something (just like I loved getting a good corrupt on necro) but also how ridiculous it can be to just make someone stop playing for such a long time (also I have been on the receiving end for years).


    • Like 2
  10. 6 hours ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

    With retaliation being changed to provide - 33% condition damage, would it be worthwhile changing axe5 to providing another boon instead? Perhaps stability?

    I cannot think of a weapon skill that gives stability. The 33% damage reduction is good because you will not be able to cast dispells, why do you want to change it?

  11. 1 hour ago, miifi.2150 said:

    Well I'm a noob tbh, but nobody wrecks me as hard as mesmer, the burst is crazy..

    There is no shame to that. I remember when people said weaver was dead yet I had no ways to deal with them in ranked or in tournaments while playing core ranger. Months later it became meta, some people were surprised while it felt natural to me for multiple reasons.

    This is part of gw2, some builds just cannot deal with others. It is both great for the health of game (in tournaments) and an incredible source of frustrations in ranked. If you read something on the forums or feel a way about a build it can be very hard to determine if this is a general feeling for most people (in which case a build is probably meta for tournaments or good for solo queue) or just for you (because people will always say you are the issue).

     There are builds that you will never be able to fight and mechanics that are super easy to use and strong. While I do not feel like mesmer is op it is definitely frustrating to fight and as soon as I will play something else I will absolutely hate them.


    Since the most common build is mirage your build probably cannot cleanse or face the amount of condi they bring for 10s while being hard to touch.  I do not know the level of the mirages you fight but the average ones give everything at the start so you need some strong blocks, cleanse or anything to kite / avoid / survive the initial part of the fight.


    Edit You should probably find someone playing the same profession as you do, maybe they will have a variant of your build or some tricks that are better than my answer which can feel like the general "just survive"


    Edit 2 : maybe your heal also has a ~1cast time and they can interrupt you. You have to find a timing to heal (which is hard) or be hidden when you do it.

    • Like 1
  12. Any mesmer build is quite solid right now but not op yet. When I see mirages they feel like a solid duelist with a condi burst potential, core feels very tanky or bursty (this one is rare), sometimes I see a power phantasm chrono with a good dps or a condi one.


    I think the worst aspect of fighting mesmers is how overwhelming it feels. There are a ton of animations, a good amount of evades and the amount of cc they can output feels crazy. On the other hand they tend to be fragile (tend is important) and vulnerable to builds that have either aoes or constant condi cleanse.


    The more I play chrono the more I feel like I am mostly an offensive supports in fights and getting things right feels so satisfying. I hold big nodes very well but cannot force someone out, I have a decent potential single target burst but I get destroyed by cleave, I rez quite fast, can protect against projectiles, stunlock / immob a target.


    If you are mostly single target focus power build or do not have that many condi cleanse when you fight a mirage or do not have stab to cover your casting then yes mesmer is a huge pain to fight because at any critical moment your life can become hell. I believe this is what you are experiencing, they have drawbacks and maybe your build cannot exploit it.

  13. This duo is very strong, even if one dies the other can sometimes stall until they are a duo once more. I would say strong damage and lockdown are the best option and I would always prioritize the guard.

    When I bring a cc spam on chrono reapers do wonders in fights (of course it means that they already used some stab).

    • Like 1
  14. 20 hours ago, mistsim.2748 said:

    FT scrapper has no utility. while it's annoying in a teamfight, it loses every 1v1 and you can just kill it by looking at it. forget about CC, just kill it. and near-perma stab FT has been around for a long time.

    Just no. There is a plethora of builds that you can play in ranked that will never be able to deal with the scrapper in 1V1 and / or have to concede the node.

    As I said in the general section they probably added the stab to make it competitive in pvp and the icd is going to be a major factor of balance.

    • Like 1
  15. copy paste from my post in the profession section




    Sicem and wolf pack : I have flashbacks of how ranger was in the 3 worst dps for years, without getting buff, and we had to wait for some players to make multiple variations and iterations to make it viable… Power ranger sustain dmage is and has always been bad. This small buff is not going to do anything for it. It seems too much.

    Soulbeast merge skill supportive pets (spiritual reprieve) -> CHANGE THE BUFF !! The skill got so many nerfs and most people do not use it, with the cd and no more condi immunity it will not have much use.

    Warhorn : not bad for supports, I would even say pretty good but still limited by the cd. It could be a minor nerf to the power core variant in pvp but I am not even sure. My attempt at a core ranger axe / warhorn, frost trap mid is going to like it X)


    • Thanks 2
  16. EDIT : it seems like the forums repace d-a in dmg or dgger with kitten, same for pasiv so I have to make mistakes on purpose 😄


    Condition and boon rework

    Retaliation – Resolution : So guards are going to be stacking both power and condi reduction??? It is not like they are tanky anyway right? I wonder what impact this is going to have on other professions or bosses. Something like Adina suddenly becomes less scary unless she gets an armor like Gorseval, maybe you can even skip the one on Quadim with a power composition.

    Resistance : I guess it makes sense with the boon conversion tables. This has a huge impact… on runes, on builds, on professions (revenant, soulbeast merged with supportive pets, firebrand F3 are the main ones I can think of and I do not see them here).

    Torment : I like this for pvp. Have you checked the impact in PvE on some bosses like Quadim? (cough renegade cough)


    Mantra changes

    I like it for firebrand but I am not sure for mesmer, I need to wait for more information. I started playing chrono in PvP and while tinkering with it noticed how sometimes you really need the effect at the end of the charge.



    Breakbar : I like this change to close the dmage gap between power and condi. Those who will like it the most are professions with burn AND / OR torment. With the other power nerfs incomings I am a bit scared of what condi can do in general because they are already strong on some bosses.



    Scepter : flamestrike auto spam in pvp? I need to try it.

    Warhorn : I am not playing dps tempest in PvE so no I have no idea how much of its dps it is X)

    Weaver : small power nerf and condi stays as strong. I guess it will not have an impact most of the time.


    Engineer :

    Rifle : decap is back in PvP? I have seen some builds using it in ranked. Decap on engi is probably worst than the decap druid to fight but I guess dmage engineers are happy

    Kinetic stabilizer : No idea how much it will be used. I find that other traits are quite good. Someone told me that it will probably not see that much play.

    Applied forced : I like the might change but I am not sure it needed an extra stability… I guess this is for pvp so I hope the icd is not too low.

    Laser’s edge : It seems like it targets the holo burst phase. I do not play holo but if I have to guess they will feel it with when they can cleave like in fractals, on bit hitboxes but less on small hitboxes.



    Scepter : Scepter is pretty strong but I do not play it. The change to 3 is a small QoL

    GS : I think this will be a bigger buff for pvp, I liked core power guard and it will be good for it. The overall buff is probably meant to compensate the changes to retaliation but with a firebrand mantra a guard group will not be impacted that much.

    Consecration : Sanctuary is annoying and comes more often,  wall of reflection is annoying and comes more often, purge of flames looks strong, good thing it was not reduced in PvP.

    Shouts + Radiance : Ok

    Inspired  + Power of the Virtous : That seems so strong… especially for pvp

    Zeal : Wow that is a huge condi nerf I did not expect. But with all the general buff to condi that is a good thing.

    Longbow : So you can get the cripple after you get hit? Do I understand it correctly? Also on ranger and mesmers it means that nothing changes because of the pet / illusions. Not sure I understand the ward (Lb 5) change. Is it 1 s then the barrage comes while the dh can do what it wants? If so it is strong.



    Downstate : Stolen from a thief  how ironic 😛

    Sword / Arcane thievery : makes sense to me

    Chaos armor : I will still hate chaos armor in pvp, it is stupid to get so many negative effects and have the enemy also gets bonuses for doing nothing good (you talk a lot about frustration and this one always has been high on my list). Also I think mesmer has enough instant abilities to use while cced. Maybe the blind could be used with the trait in PvE? 

    Chaos vortex : Some people in my guild are really excited about this. But they were also wondering about the condi stacks which gave me flashbacks of the staff mirage in pvp. I really hope it will not be too loaded. Maybe a moa stance ranger will be used or we could see raids stacking mirage with 2 quickness firebrand.

    Chronomancer : Once again I have no idea how it impacts the overall dps in PvE. Someone told me chrono will still be good but it will probably depend on how long fights last so wait and see.

    Chaos : Talk about a lot of pasiv stuff… I never liked this specialization for mesmer.



    Curses : Looks fine?

    Lich : nice I guess even if this is not the main issue with this elite.

    Blood magic : Hum ok? I guess it is good to try an alternative to the full rez build.
    Bloodbank : Isn’t it going to make scourge more tanky again if I understand it correctly?



    Sicem and wolf pack : I have flashbacks of how ranger was in the 3 worst dps for years, without getting buff, and we had to wait for some players to make multiple variations and iterations to make it viable… Power ranger sustain dmage is and has always been bad. This small buff is not going to do anything for it. It seems too much.

    Soulbeast merge skill supportive pets (spiritual reprieve) -> CHANGE THE BUFF !! The skill got so many nerfs and most people do not use it, with the cd and no more condi immunity it will not have much use.

    Warhorn : not bad for supports, I would even say pretty good but still limited by the cd. It could be a minor nerf to the power core variant in pvp but I am not even sure. My attempt at a core ranger axe / warhorn, frost trap mid is going to like it X)



    Retribution : Vicious Reprisal is huge for this specialization.  Maybe condi herald will go with retribution to get some retaliation / resolution?

    Destructive impulse : Is it a mistake or was the previous text incorrect?

    I do not see that many torment nerfs.  Seems weird with the mechanical change.
    I do not see many resistance into resolution changes. Seems weird with the mechanical change.

    Maybe I did not understand the note correctly but condi revenant seems to lack a lot of details while being heavily impacted.



    Boon thief : no opinion here but I am sure people are going to not like it for a good reason (a build nerf). I feel like it is necessary for how much stuff it was giving even if it was situational.

    Dgger : seems weird and annoying to add condi to cleanse when it is strong on power builds.

    Improvisation : always strong despite being random. I guess the icd is going to impact deadeye more than any specialization or maybe this is to prepare the future e-spec (otherwise I have no idea why it was changed).

    Preparedness : (edit : the description does not say if this is a replacement or in addition so I can be wrong) An other minor that becomes stat increase? While I am still laughing at people who said / are saying that thief is just used for sb 5 (because they got proven wrong once more but will never admit it) this change is going to have a huge impact on thieves in PvP.  Really need to see how it goes.

    Deadly ambush : seems like a straight buff to condi thief. Kind of scary

    Binding shadow :  ok. I would say deadeye n1 problem is more how toxic the elite design can be.



    Rifle : The new skill sound fun especially on maps with small nodes (even if it will not become meta)

    Banners : Really curious choice to have put a light field but better than just an explosion.

    Strength : Same 5% reduction as on most professions. I like the change to great fortitude.

    Defense : cull the weak ok. Spiked / hardened armor is going to be a masive condi reduction. I am a bit scared by how much dmage reduction the hardened armor / rousing resilience asociation can bring.

    Tactics : pretty good for pvp

    Discipline : Double standrd looks like a small nerf to banner warriors dmage. The axe reduction is weird, I do not see why it happened.

    Spellbreakers : Wow, those look like good buff to spellbreaker dmage. They do not look too strong while not beeing negligible.



    I really like the idea to help condi builds in more fights. Obviously there is stuff I do not understand or seems overkill.  (No change to the 300cd talents yet?)

    The mechanical changes are going to change a lot of things especially for guards and rev which are probably going to get adjustments.

    I feel like engie or an old full guard group could be the best power option in raids, renegade will nuke stuff to an absurd level. I am curious about how power guard is impacted (in both PvP and PvE) and the future benchmark for mesmer builds.

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  17. Indeed it is really good. But you are never going to see people praise the large variety of builds you can play…The forums are just filled with a constant flow of nonsense/exaggeration and cries on a permanent loop.

    Edit : Just like anyone there are going to be mechs / builds/ heroes / characters that I do not like in games I play(ed), things I wish were different but people never step back. I can find the same forums / chat issues in a lot of games. One difference is that in mobas I do not get the blame just because I said hello :tongue:

    I think the block list only looks scary because you can see it. In mobas it probably is crazy long too.

  18. With all the aoes you find in teamfights there often is a risk that you have to consider. There are a lot of situations where it is better to not rez or just revive a little to prevent bleeding and then go back to racing to get a kill. I really like that. The only part I do not like is having to wait while I am bleeding but it also helped me winning some games sooooooo...Also this season I do not see that many rez with the amount of cc my chrono has :lol:

  19. There is no new amulet (we lost some) but there is a new sigil (Transference) which increases the healing you provide to your allies. I do not think any druid will use it for healing since druid healing is locked behind a lot of conditions and is too slow for PvP.

    If you want to look at it as a support druid is not back.

    If you want to look at it as a sidenoder it already was kind of back with decap druid. Decap druid brought node control through cc and a good survivability because it has a good condi clear and multiple heals ticking over time. This makes it very good in long battles but weaker to burst damage.

    If you are talking about the recent PvP thread (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/126443/happy-to-report-that-druid-is-back) what they most likely mean is that “one variant that they like is back” but even that is debatable since nothing in the patch improved it.What happened is that mender got removed. For decap druid it means a big survivability loss (because all the healing ticks get nerfed). So instead of trying to do the same thing with Avatar some players decided to compensate the survivability with a more aggressive build, a bit similar to what core ranger brings.Using druid over core can be a smart choice to win the node over time since you lose burst but gain an additional condi clear and cc. Using this version over decap druid is not too bad either since you do loose a bit of condi clear, a lot of passive regen but gain damage and physical resistance (toughness) (and with mender removal it will probably be better in ranked or in general [edit : need to see how it will turn out in tournaments since it cannot stall the node like the decap build was able to do and I believe decap still is good enough to be used / bring something to its team]).

    Now I do consider this build way less fun to play and fight than a core ranger and not much better but those are my personal opinions and preferences.

  20. @mistsim.2748 said:

    @aymnad.9023 said:This type of build reminds of when people where playing something like a longbow bleed druid… I never understood this and never will.For me using damage stats on staff is a complete heresy + it does not bring anything outside of an annoying auto.I would rather use core which is more fun to fight and play or, instead of playing on the side, make a variation to use mid and bring some utilities / cc to the team.

    Yeah, I mean it doesn't have to be staff but it's just there for resetting fights, projectile hate, and additional immob. I delete pew pew Soulbeast with this.

    Druid is good now because CC is king, and the spec has a lot of sustain with Demolisher.

    I do believe you. I tried core ranger with demo amulet, frost trap, healing spring on the mid node during this off season and was surprised to see how long I could last (it was also easier because I was in unranked).It is just that damage stats with a healing spec can trigger me (especially because I have been trying to play support with said spec for a while :angry: ) but I might try it mid later.

  21. This type of build reminds of when people where playing something like a longbow bleed druid… I never understood this and never will.For me using damage stats on staff is a complete heresy + it does not bring anything outside of an annoying auto.I would rather use core which is more fun to fight and play or, instead of playing on the side, make a variation to use mid and bring some utilities / cc to the team.

  22. In addition to my previous message I believe more and more that it will be roughly the same for builds using mender (big heals get buffed and small heals nerfed if my super quick attempt at calculating the impact on some skills is right). But this idea got me a thinking about sage. It could become an indirect buff to condi healers (firebrand / condi tempest) compared to power because they also get roughly the same healing for more pressure. As always, wait and see.EDIT : noticed it was mentioned in the note :)

  23. As I said in the previous patch note I will support this change if there are regular adjustments which you seem to aim for. The change of the amulet + the loss of a sigil is a double nerf to support sustain. Maybe some teams will stack double off supports.

    I would have loved to see some druid changes (but to be honest it needs mechanical changes [not being forced into 1s or more delay for a fast paced game mode + energy loss on downstate] or a complete change of some skill and not just number tweaks).

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