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Posts posted by aymnad.9023

  1. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:No idea what's going on in EU, but lately in NA I am the only Ranger that I ever see in ATs. Of course that statement isn't counting G1 casuals who join ATs with any and all possible build structures. When I say I'm the only Ranger playing in NA ATs right now, I mean players who are like P1+.

    Actually I was referring to the "pre-feb ranger was already winning against war". War brings more to its team so we will slowly get back there. Right now I am now trying a different profession / build every season because I do not enjoy ranger current state.It took me some time to dig up this old thread because I forgot I answered in it. I went over quite a few pages to find it :)https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1142758

  2. @Tayga.3192 said:

    @aymnad.9023 said:Weren't spellbreaker/weaver picked more in tournaments than ranger?

    Current cmirage destroyed prenerf crev 1v1 in almost any situation. Why didn't we see any cmirages in MOTA or mATs?

    Because teams include other professions / builds they have a hard time dealing with? War / ranger battles would have most likely happened on the side node. Spellbreaker was a stronger pick there as far as I remember.

  3. @Pimsley.3681 said:

    @Pimsley.3681 said:I used to main anything necro back in the day... even power necro before reaper existed. It's incredible how tanky they are now, geez.

    Best counter is power ranger. Working on a build.

    Oh and back to the subject, did ranger traps get nerfed? I remember fire and bleeding traps doing more damage/had more stacks back then.

    I guess fire/burning isn't the way to go. Based on traits, it looks like poison is the winning condi for trappers?

    But yeah, power rangers have always countered necro, not sure if that's the case anymore.


    Traps have since been buffed actually, small buffs.

    The reason they feel weak is because literally every class has been granted a bloated amount of condi cleanse and other forms of self sustain over the years. And traps were never buffed enough to keep up with it.

    But I do remember that bleed and burn traps did multiple damage stacks. I was surprised to see that each only had one stack bleed and burn. The trapper runes work well tho. Still I think they want us to lean towards poison damage instead of bleed, burn and poison. Dagger main is a but under powered without any form of evade but does offer some kind of poison dmg integration

    Spike trap burst got nerfed in favor of a shorter cooldown. Now it has a short cd and is more a setup utility. Some people like this change, others don't. I like it because it gives it a clear role and more utility, a bit like how it used to work in the core game with a short cd and an immob but I understand people who liked it with a larger condi application + cc. It is harder to include it in a pure trapper build.As for flame trap. I cannot remember the last time it was changed.

  4. @TEAMeLLis.6832 said:

    @aymnad.9023 said:As always there is no right answer to this. What is your level? What is your understanding of other professions?

    If you want a profession that can do a little of everything (teamfight, side node), then professions like necro, builds like condi revenant or holo are your go to but you need a little understanding of when to back up.

    If you want a build easy to pick and play for beginners then core ranger or core burn guard are right up your alley. I think necro or a scourge with wells are also beginner friendly because the aoe cover small nodes and they have a decent sustain. But all those builds will have drawbacks you will notice the higher you climb.

    All the professions have builds that can punish mistakes up to plat so nobody is wrong when they give you a profession. After plat this is a different story between solo queue, duo queue and tournament.

    Also take everything with a grain of salt because while people described the last patch as “too small” or “not doing anything”. The small tweaks here and there to some profession (like herald) could mean something in the long run we do not realize yet.

    I just wanted to say thank you for everyone for the responses and for helping me out.

    You're absolutely right, I missed some key details here. I have been playing a condi rev and placed into silver three. The class is currently my main but I find it a little hard to solo queue with, so that's why I was considering some other classes.

    I took your advice too heart and rolled a HoloSmith and a ranger. Now I know I shouldn't expect to have a complete understanding of how the class works just by playing it for a day, but here's a couple of things I struggled with and maybe I can get some advice.

    I can see why ranger is strong. Great DPS and sometimes you can just free shoot in the background. my only struggle is anytime anyone ever got in my face I feel like I died instantly. Even while trying to utilize my stealth shot and movement skills. I think maybe this comes down to me not utilizing the greatsword correctly, because I would normally just panic and try to run without attempting to switch to it.

    I must say that I do love the holosmith and all of their skills, but I'm really bad at staying alive with them. Maybe I'm playing them too sword based and not kiting enough with grenades, but whenever I try to jump in The fray things I feel like I get dropped very quickly.

    but yeah, I just wanted to give you guys an update on where I am and see if you guys had any further advice to help me optimize these classes in PvP.

    Thanks again !


    I hope you will find something you enjoy with those 2 builds. Obviously starting with something new will get you more losses than wins :)

    I do not play engineer so if any holo main comes here feel free to correct me.Holo build spam 2 before going to a node for the movespeed and heat generation. They engage fights with 2 - 3 - 4 (photon forge). Once they have a lot of heat (>100) they go out of photon forge and spam grenades because they build might with Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit. While using the grenade kit they do not stay on the node (if this is mid and there are too many aoes) but move slightly around it. Then they can wait for additional cds with shield + elixirs and go in / out to trigger Prismatic converter or run away quite fast if needed (photon forge 2). The elite elixir can create a lot of chaos in fights allowing for a kill or securing an ally stomp.

    For ranger you will do well vs power builds but have a harder time vs condi. Rotate your defensive skills to last longer (heal, gs block / evade, stealth, survival skills). You will need to stay (and keep your pet) in range if there are too many aoe. When you see that your enemies used a few defensive / offensive cds you can go in and try to burst with GS. Use GS 2 with the pet F2 because it boosts the pet next attack (at the end of Maul animation). Pet swapping (F4) is super important because it gives you a fresh pet (meaning you do not get an increase cd), it also clears 2 conditions (because it triggers a dispell with Lesser zephyr + Wilderness knowledge) and increase your next attack (because it triggers remorsless and gives you a first strike). Also after pet swapping your pet next attack is unblockable + does more damage (Clarion Bond) which also means it is a great time to use your pet F2 if the enemy is in close combat. Do not hesitate to run away if you have to (it is better to stay alive) heal and come back to pressure with lb.

  5. As always there is no right answer to this. What is your level? What is your understanding of other professions?

    If you want a profession that can do a little of everything (teamfight, side node), then professions like necro, builds like condi revenant or holo are your go to but you need a little understanding of when to back up.

    If you want a build easy to pick and play for beginners then core ranger or core burn guard are right up your alley. I think necro or a scourge with wells are also beginner friendly because the aoe cover small nodes and they have a decent sustain. But all those builds will have drawbacks you will notice the higher you climb.

    All the professions have builds that can punish mistakes up to plat so nobody is wrong when they give you a profession. After plat this is a different story between solo queue, duo queue and tournament.

    Also take everything with a grain of salt because while people described the last patch as “too small” or “not doing anything”. The small tweaks here and there to some profession (like herald) could mean something in the long run we do not realize yet.

  6. They added more nerfs in the final version.

    • "Protect Me!": Increased cooldown from 30 seconds to 40 seconds in PvP only. Reduced base barrier from 3,973 to 3,377 in PvP only.
    • Spiritual Reprieve: Reduced base heal from 4,235 to 3,600 in PvP only. Reduced healing coefficient from 1.74 to 1.25 in PvP only.

    In my opinion :Protect me barrier nerf -> values are fine. Except they also added.Protect me cd increase-> too long for a stunbreak, too low values for a defense, I do not think I am going to take it often. Somewhat ok with resouding timbre if you face some condi build on slb. I do not see it being that great on core which struggles vs condi (condi clear might be better).Spiritual Reprieve heal nerf ->I find the values getting low for the cd but resistance is still there.

  7. @mistsim.2748 said:

    @aymnad.9023 said:Staff
    • I will say it as many times as people suggest it : condition damage on staff is an awful idea. Do not give a support weapon free damage.

    There is one big thing you don't understand - ANet will never rework the Druid, so all the elaborate suggestions proposed by you and others are nothing but a pipe dream.

    Giving Druid access to more condis is actually the most efficient way to fix the spec, and it doesn't require any reworks. ANet needs to aim to make a really good Sage amulet build (support condi hybrid), and go from there.

    Every other buff (like the upcoming ones) takes us back to the bunker meta, which no one wants to play apparently.

    Burn on the third tick of Staff 1. Poison and bleed on Staff 4, and Bob's your uncle. A few buffs to all Glyphs, and Druid is suddenly decent.

    Now, if you want Druid to be a full support spec, then it needs to be reworked from the ground up. Simply because CA, staff, and glyphs are terrible support tools, at least for PvP.

    Give damage to a support instead of fixing the support capability? What kind of nonsense is that?Not only do you not fix anything but you make it more annoying to fight. (and also allow bunker condi to come back)

    Druid tools in their current form are weak and that is why I made suggestions accordingly. Being able to go in / out more regularly without being full and changing traits would already be a big step and allow them to pin point more why the skills are not working properly because right now they do not see it.

    edit for word repetitions and mistakes

  8. Traits :

    • No longer need full astral force : Yes please. The number of requirements to get ca form is ridiculous. Long cd, full energy and losing everything on downstate.
    • Druidic clarity : Seems good with the first change. And is not selfish.
    • Celestial shadow : I prefer to have a longer stealth / superspeed and a 20s cd. Beeing so short, it will see little to no use. (in my opinion)
    • Ancient seed : can be changed for all I care. I think this is what people are the most afraid of. (and frustrated about)

    CA form :

    • Cosmic ray : not sure about the protection.
    • Natural convergence : Looks like a decent suggestion. I like the current one more for the mixt of risk and value but this is personal preference

    Glyph :

    • Taunt is not needed. Glyph could work in range like glyph of the stars with some changes. Every time I look at firebrand I think “why was it not put on druid?”. It looks like they took a lot of element from druid and made it more reliable. Like the range pull on tome 1, the aoe heal, the quick dispels, larger aoe heal allowing to still use other skills.
    • Not sold on the generation / consumption. Looks like it will kick you out super fast and make you get energy way faster than the ca cd allows to. I would prefer to have a % of damage / healing converted into energy instead of every tick of damage.


    • I will say it as many times as people suggest it : condition damage on staff is an awful idea. Do not give a support weapon free damage.
    • I think the dash is better for enemies and the druid. The tp might be too strong. No self heal would be killing the weapon and be pretty stupid considering every other aoe healing weapon skill heals the user.
    • I love the idea of vine surge staying like a revenant road (I think I also suggested it a while ago?). But I would prefer to have it a bit like dolyak stance or natural stride. Making allies stronger to movement impairing conditions and / or crippling enemies.(Edit : I realize this could already be what you suggested)
    • Sublime conversion needs to be higher. Maybe this is for the visual effect but this skill does nothing on people slightly above you.

    My main issue with the current druid is how slow it is to react compared to other support. This is why I do not like the buff to seed of life and vine surge. Buffing those “semi random” skills (takes forever and can be punished by enemies) will make them too strong or still useless.

    A few of my own suggestions :I would love to have other support skills during the “regular form”. I suggested some things for a future e-spec which I think can be implemented into druid

    • oakheart / thorn armor : allies get some barrier and heal / inflict bleed when enemies hit them.

    We could also remove one of the 2 cc glyphs and have a few working a bit like aoe effects around the druid. This way you can also increase glyph of unity radius (or it will make it feel more reliable).

    • Overgrowth / Debilitating spore: Allies in the area around you get 200 vitality and a lifesteal / Creates an area around you inflicting vulnerability and confusing the enemies.
  9. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:The 10s CD will make Brave Stride very bearable trust me. That and stability can still be corrupted by classes that have access to that. You also have to take into consideration that they also majorly buffed Mending, which makes Peak Performance even more important to take so Brave Stride might not even be taken that much more often that it is now.

    Now if that ICD on Brave Stride were shorter, then yeah you'd see it get run in a heartbeat. Truly a shame that took such a nice idea that come up out of the warrior forum and slapped too long of an ICD on it.

    I think it fits perfectly warrior. In its current state, I am not worried it will break anything. I did not consider mender at all. To be honest I forgot it was physical. So you are most likely right.

    What I had in mind is that warrior can already be a hard to lock profession, especially once you go with spellbreaker. It is probably safe to say the same skills working for warriors sprint are going to work here (which there is a good amount). While using axe 3 on necro during a rampage is super satisfying, professions who do not heave those corrupt / removal just get an extra layer to get through feeling sometimes random (I wonder if it pops during or after the skill) which is what I described as frustrating. (again not too strong because of the lack of damage)

  10. Copy paste from the profession section

    • Protect me : Great ! Finally we know what it is. Took so long I saw it as a feature X). A somewhat small buff to sicem after being bashed for so many patches.
    • Nerfs to slb XD. Those number reductions should be fine. It finally has a build doing better than what a ‘support’ banner warrior can do. But I am not sure I get it since it was behind a lot of builds for so many years without getting a buff.
    • Druid : I like the glyph and grace of the land changes in PvP but druid is not a problem of numbers. Actually it is for a lot of things but not this way. The spells and conditions (ca full and other stuff) you need to make druid work make are too slow for being a good support. Increasing the spells values are a good first step but not exactly what it needs to be a support and could become more frustrating in lower levels. Seed of life is a perfect example. You put it, hope for an ally to go in, and take huge damage / risks compared to other profession really quick dispells.
  11. Runes : I am curious about the weaver runes values. I could try for fun on soulbeast. (I guess the values are low)

    General : Need to see how much light there is on traits / daze.

    Elem : Staff buff and fire trait are interesting. I have no clue how this affects their balance. I did not know about that glyph thing but I might have seen it in 2V2 / 3V3.

    Engie : Small buffs on core and scrapper. It does look like holo pressure is unchanged in PvP.

    Guard : Hoping to see a few power builds in the future but condi might be easier to play and still be more impactful. I like the small shouts buffs

    Mesmer : Letting chrono analyze it for both PvE and PvP : )

    Necro : Looks fun for power builds :D. I am going to miss vampiric rituals a LOT. That did so much for the power well scourge build that I am trying this season. I know this trait was highly situational but this is its strength and I do not think the new one does look as good as the other options in PvP. The lack of protection is going to be a huge loss (and I understand those complaining about WvW and I got quickly used to the shade mec in sPvP)

    Ranger :

    • Protect me : Great ! Finally we know what it is. Took so long I saw it as a feature X). A somewhat small buff to sicem after being bashed for so many patches.
    • Nerfs to slb XD. Those number reductions should be fine. It finally has a build doing better than what a ‘support’ banner warrior can do. But I am not sure I get it since it was behind a lot of builds for so many years without getting a buff.
    • Druid : I like the glyph and grace of the land changes in PvP but druid is not a problem of numbers. Actually it is for a lot of things but not this way. The spells and conditions (ca full and other stuff) you need to make druid work make are too slow for being a good support. Increasing the spells values are a good first step but not exactly what it needs to be a support and could become more frustrating in lower levels. Seed of life is a perfect example. You put it, hope for an ally to go in, and take huge damage / risks compared to other profession really quick dispells.

    Revenant : Lots of small fixes. I find interesting that they went for this cut in herald survivability. The changes to sevenshot are curious? I would have missed the implications of the teleport skills without others comment and I did not expect that. I think guard had it years ago. Is it going to be the standard way "on target teleport" that are not shadowstep work?

    Thief : Waiting for the rest :)

    Warrior : Small buffs but they need it :) Brave stride is probably the only one I am not sure. Between this and warrior’s sprint warrior it could feel frustrating to fight.

  12. I always missed my original warband. The charr personal story has always been my favorite. The characters had so much personality. I always wanted to see them again. So whenever we had characters from the personal story ( like Galina / Snarl the female from blood and the old male from ash ) I would be happy.

    I noticed a boss looking like Luccia but when I noticed Reeva I was sure of it. Dominion seems to attract those who were gladiums so it makes sense. Even if this is sad news I am still really thankful that those characters have made it to somewhere else in the game. As happy as finding about the olmakhan doing magic since you see charr elementalists during the first mission and then they vanished for years. (a bit like our warband) (but now we finally have flame which I also wanted for a long time yay)

    I am really looking forward the voice acting in this episode.

    • Like 1
  13. @Sandzibar.5134 said:In my defence.. my post was from 2 years ago.. before the mechanic change for soulbeast where merging now actually triggers any pet swap procs - due to the loss of the 2nd pet.:P

    I did not notice :open_mouth: . This thread had almost no views and no answers so I assumed it was new.

    It would have made sense since the merge mech is quite confusing and the game never explicitly explains all the traits / utilities variations between regular and merge.

  14. @Eurantien.4632 said:When unmerging if it pops, pet does not get unblockable.It does if the trait is not on cd. Look at my example n°2. I even checked in PvE. It works exactly as it should. So if it does not in PvP this is a bug.Or maybe you are talking about something else?

  15. Sandzibar is right, For core and druid it only is for the pet.I will just clarify the soulbeast part with examples.

    For soulbeast (wiki) :Traits that activate when swapping pets will instead activate when entering or exiting Beastmode.-> So it just depends on the internal cd and your current status (merged or not) when you press F4.

    For example :

    1. If you are not merged and combat starts. Just merge (F4) and your 2 first attacks are unblockable.
    2. On the other hand if combat starts and you were merged. When you unmerge (F4) your pet gets 2 unblockable.

    The 15cd icd is close to the 10s of beastmode cd but not exactly the same. So if it triggered in situation n°2 and you want to have it for your attacks, you need to wait a few additional seconds before merging.

  16. @Tazer.2157 said:

    @aymnad.9023 said:Lack of sustained damage : checkLong cd : checkHuge warnings : checkThe burst has both a huge animation and a massive sound warning making it one of the easiest skill to avoid.Gs mobility is one of those things people have no clue what they are talking about. The cd is huge. If ranger uses it to go away, he concedes the node. If he doesn’t then he used it to avoid a skill and has 0 mobility left on gs.The knockback has a huge animation + a big warning because it can only be triggered after the first block. So a double warning sign.The only skill that is hard to avoid is hilt bash. Since it has >90% chance to be followed by a huge bear attack, you know that is the only time you need to trigger a defensive utility.Conclusion ?L2P issue : check

    Edit : it also misses on targets just running in the opposite direction

    It does not matter. No other weapon in the game has this much utility. Couple this with the recently changed protect me. A skill that breaks stuns, grants protection and a barrier of 3,973 on top of it. It becomes ridiculously difficult to take down a ranger. The ranger GS and the protect me skills transforms a DPS ranger into a tank with DPS. Not a good thing! The game should separate DPS and sustain builds not merge them into one.

    I semi do agree for the utility part. Gs does offer a lot. But does it really do more than what most professions can have with main + off hand weapons? Is’nt it more predictable and easier to avoid?You can see that ranger weapons are not used for dps or utility they provide in tournament because they are easy to counter + ranger does not have any team synergy but instead for a fully solo pushing style. To be honest I hate it.

  17. @Ragnar.4257 said:

    @aymnad.9023 said:Lack of sustained damage : checkLong cd : checkHuge warnings : checkThe burst has both a huge animation and a massive sound warning making it one of the easiest skill to avoid.Gs mobility is one of those things people have no clue what they are talking about. The cd is huge. If ranger uses it to go away, he concedes the node. If he doesn’t then he used it to avoid a skill and has 0 mobility left on gs.The knockback has a huge animation + a big warning because it can only be triggered after the first block. So a double warning sign.The only skill that is hard to avoid is hilt bash. Since it has >90% chance to be followed by a huge bear attack, you know that is the only time you need to trigger a defensive utility.Conclusion ?L2P issue : check

    Please do tell us all about the "long" cooldowns. Maybe with some numbers, and the numbers for comparable skills on other classes.

    We promise not to laugh. No, seriously.

    Feel free to check all the meta builds to have an idea of how it plays out compared to those and you will realize something ranger (or warrior btw) do not have compared to all of them. Additional skills / transforms. All the metabuilds have way more skills. So try to feel smart if you want you know ranger will be tied way more to the cds. (+ high predictability).

    Do you mean like these?

    Or were you more referring to these?

    You mean those ridiculous cds or requirements ? This time you might have to be the one giving a comparisonWe promise not to laugh. No, seriously.

    Ah right, yeah, Beastmode has such a long cooldown. So long. So much longer than Tomes. And it has so many requirements! It's so much harder to get into beastmode than Reaper shroud. You have to do...... and build up........ ! And then of course there's the problem of over-heating in beastmode.

    Wauw, I never thought about it like that before.

    I don't even think Ranger is a problem, I just enjoy your weak arguments :)

    Funny how you avoid the point :smiley: but keep dodging I enjoy it.I am sure a necro will struggle to build lf to get multiple viable skills with decent cds and I am also sure lf disappears on downstate like CA or has the same cd.

  18. @Markri.9475 said:

    @"aymnad.9023" said:...Edit : it also misses on targets just running in the opposite direction

    Where was this argument born from (Ive seen it before)? It is in no way unique to ranger GS.Most melee attacks are 130 range as standard. autos on GS are 130 range.However Maul is 220, hilt bash is 300.I dont see warriors arguing that their attacks are "countered by opponent moving away", yet most of their attacks are 130 range.

    Hilt bash 300 will miss on moving target. Same for swoop even if it has a long range.

  19. @Ragnar.4257 said:

    @aymnad.9023 said:Lack of sustained damage : checkLong cd : checkHuge warnings : checkThe burst has both a huge animation and a massive sound warning making it one of the easiest skill to avoid.Gs mobility is one of those things people have no clue what they are talking about. The cd is huge. If ranger uses it to go away, he concedes the node. If he doesn’t then he used it to avoid a skill and has 0 mobility left on gs.The knockback has a huge animation + a big warning because it can only be triggered after the first block. So a double warning sign.The only skill that is hard to avoid is hilt bash. Since it has >90% chance to be followed by a huge bear attack, you know that is the only time you need to trigger a defensive utility.Conclusion ?L2P issue : check

    Please do tell us all about the "long" cooldowns. Maybe with some numbers, and the numbers for comparable skills on other classes.

    We promise not to laugh. No, seriously.

    Feel free to check all the meta builds to have an idea of how it plays out compared to those and you will realize something ranger (or warrior btw) do not have compared to all of them. Additional skills / transforms. All the metabuilds have way more skills. So try to feel smart if you want you know ranger will be tied way more to the cds. (+ high predictability).

    Do you mean like these?

    Or were you more referring to these?

    You mean those ridiculous cds or requirements ? This time you might have to be the one giving a comparisonWe promise not to laugh. No, seriously.

  20. @Ragnar.4257 said:

    @"aymnad.9023" said:Lack of sustained damage : checkLong cd : checkHuge warnings : checkThe burst has both a huge animation and a massive sound warning making it one of the easiest skill to avoid.Gs mobility is one of those things people have no clue what they are talking about. The cd is huge. If ranger uses it to go away, he concedes the node. If he doesn’t then he used it to avoid a skill and has 0 mobility left on gs.The knockback has a huge animation + a big warning because it can only be triggered after the first block. So a double warning sign.The only skill that is hard to avoid is hilt bash. Since it has >90% chance to be followed by a huge bear attack, you know that is the only time you need to trigger a defensive utility.Conclusion ?L2P issue : check

    Please do tell us all about the "long" cooldowns. Maybe with some numbers, and the numbers for comparable skills on other classes.

    We promise not to laugh. No, seriously.

    Feel free to check all the meta builds to have an idea of how it plays out compared to those and you will realize something ranger (or warrior btw) do not have compared to all of them. Additional skills / transforms. All the metabuilds have way more skills. So try to feel smart if you want you know ranger will be tied way more to the cds. (+ high predictability).

  21. Lack of sustained damage : checkLong cd : checkHuge warnings : checkThe burst has both a huge animation and a massive sound warning making it one of the easiest skill to avoid.Gs mobility is one of those things people have no clue what they are talking about. The cd is huge. If ranger uses it to go away, he concedes the node. If he doesn’t then he used it to avoid a skill and has 0 mobility left on gs.The knockback has a huge animation + a big warning because it can only be triggered after the first block. So a double warning sign.The only skill that is hard to avoid is hilt bash. Since it has >90% chance to be followed by a huge bear attack, you know that is the only time you need to trigger a defensive utility.Conclusion ?L2P issue : check

    Edit : it also misses on targets just running in the opposite direction

  22. @youle.5824 said:To the few claiming that sitting in cart is an exploit, if you hadnt noticed on most nodes theres a spot you can stand where knockback wont push you off node. 80% of the nodes have this and its very much intended as a counterplay by using environement, which is a big part of gw2 pvp.Not really? Those spots are not present on every node + they just prevent you from being pushed too far away from the node in one direction, not from moving at all. Saying this is fine and the same would be lying.

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