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Posts posted by aymnad.9023

  1. @Sigmoid.7082 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:No, LOSing is not an exploit. Sitting on a cart to be immune to knockbacks is.

    Sadly, nothing will happen and people will continue to find more things to exploit until something finally happens. No reason to take these tournaments seriously until then.

    You going to answer my question or not? Which match at which stage of the tournament was this at?

    Can't find this match and any of the VoDs

    https://www.twitch.tv/videos/641997262 at 5h46min48s or 7h31min33s - 7h32min30s. And this is pretty stupid.

  2. You should put PvP in the title since it is obvious many people voted without looking at your post.I main ranger and it does not feel great in WvW. I barely play this game mode my ranking will be made with sPvP in mind. I tried to look at the variety of builds and their viability :

    S tier : Strong in any situation

    • Revenant : Without a doubt the strongest professions right now. No matter the role (pDps, cDps, support [not healer but boons / cc]) and the spec chosen, it performs extremely well.

    A Tier : Strong choice and beneficial for the team

    • Guardian : Really strong one. Good abililty to support and good damage. I see a bit of everything, core support / dps, dh tank / dps (dh being less viable than other specs outside of solo queue), fb support / dps. But they lack physical damage builds, everything has condi.
    • Thief : I think because of the nature of thief it will always perform well in conquest or be so bad it will not be considered by anyone. A good +1 / mobility or pressure.
    • Necro : It does perform well now. Strong on core, decent-good on reaper. And scourge? Well not so strong right now but seems to have a tanky version that “maybe” could be good in the future.

    B : Decent - good but more limited

    • Engineer : Honestly all is on holo. Still really strong spec which alone is definitely A. I sometimes see core do well but that s still not a thing and scrapper is also weird.
    • Elementalist : I find ele hard to rank. It can be impactful or just ok so maybe B+ or A -? Strong teamfight presence on tempest and I find weaver still doing good when I see them. Core always has weird builds, tank or full burst.
    • Ranger : Ranger has a lot of builds running around. Probably one of the professions with the highest amount of “decent - good” builds (too many solo / sidenoder if you ask me). But none of them have a high performance right now.

    C : Sometimes?

    • Mesmer : Some burst on power core or condi mirage buuuuut not performing well. Most of the other specs can eat the damage, the builds are squishy.
    • Warrior : Sometimes you see core burst, sometimes you see a full cc spellbreaker. It seems to be an annoyance but not shining. (I think they were wrong to add extra daze on full counter especially if they want to give buffs in the future)
  3. Thank you for having a week without an active (mini) seasons and the news. Even if it looks like nothing to some players, I really appreciate because it allows to take a break and is the main period where I am interested in trying other professions and builds. (stress free :) )

  4. I see what motivates this. It is frustrating to see a build that requires less effort perform well. I will be the first to say that and some builds you mention are really driving crazy.

    But the goal of the game is not to make harder = better. It is to find a balance for most of the players, allow different playstyles. Even in mobas, shooters, fighting game, strategies or anything with versus this is not possible to maintain. In mobas I play heroes because I enjoy them and am happy to get a > 50% winrate.

    I can already give you my opposite thought. Which ranger build should be on par with revenant? And I already know the answer because the forums made it clear for the past years.

    Edit : Obviously difficulty should be taken into account when you adjust performance but not in a way that makes those options weaker. Just something that makes their performance more constant with a smaller peak (but not to the point where they are not as good)

  5. If you really want an answer you might want to add more information… Because I just see “I do not like it”.

    What do you dislike about it? Options are limited anyway and you probably have figured this out by now, maybe even asked in game.

    The mainhand dagger? If so replace it for a sword and only use autos. That is how I started because I did not have a zerker dagger. Really small dps loss (and safer) but more boring since the rework (before you had at least the instant dodges). I have never seen a mainhand axe. The hybrid part and the fact that autos need to bounce to be good make it a weaker option.The offhand axe? I do not see any issue with that weapon. I always loved it. Replacing it with a warhorn would be a bigger loss than switching the main hand dagger because you do not need to provide boons on a dps build. Replacing with an offhand dagger will not give you anything.

    You do not mind changing stats? You can go condi with dagger or axe (main) / torch + sb. Just be aware which bosses trigger traps and which ones do not + moving / phasing bosses (or range strats) are a bit painful on this build.

    Edit : I gave a try tonight to different weapons (without the correct sigil) on a zerker set and sword or dagger mainhand + axe offhand + gs are the best options. Looked like lb / gs was decent / good but slightly harder (because no clear rotation exists to my knowledge so I had to make one up and because of the cd + long autos). No idea how it performs on a "real boss" but it will be a bit lower than sword / axe + gs.

  6. Still have no clue why they nerfed skills with the most obvious tells on ranger. I already said in other topics that only birds (hawk, eagle) F2 needed a change because it is frequent, got damage and little to no animation so you need to change at least one but whatever. They listened to forums where people want anything on ranger nerfed even if it does not make sense. That is how it has been for more than a year now.

  7. @Infusion.7149 said:A bit of overreaction there, no?Literally everything on that list is core ranger, so saying it is a soulbeast nerf is a bit strange.Kick (Rock Gazelle) is the pet damage not the merged one. The merged one had a 0.94 coefficient.Charge (Rock gazelle) has a daze on both the merged skill and the pet one, so either one retaining damage is already different than other CCs in the game.

    You are not perma merged (if you are something is wrong), meaning gazelle also affects slb and the gs hits slb way more because both its burst and defense are tied to it.

  8. For starters I think sicem slb is hit hard. Way more than core ranger. And I guess this was not the original intent.Tiger : Why nerf the skill that is easy to see? I guess it still is going to do decent damage and be playable but 25% might just make it unimpressive without all the modifiers. I am happy that they did not nerf anything else on tiger but ….Birds (hawks, eagle) are still animationless. I still think this is the main issue. You can have low frequency, damage but add an animation. This is why I do not get the tiger nerf. I am happy that they did not nerf anything else on birds. (stats)Gazelle : why nerf the static attack? Nerf on charge is small, it looks fine.GS nerf : just WOW. THIS IS TOO MUCH !!! I mean the cds are just hilarious. GS on ranger with the reduction talent has more cds than other weapons? What is going on?!I am probably going to move to the condi builds because marksmanship / beastmastery / slb is just not rewarding enough for its super low defense and people still rez / heal faster than it deals damage.

    Edit : as for other professions, I guess necros will be less frustrating and easier to kill. Curious to see how engie are impacted. Burn guard does as much if not more damage than slb for more sustain,. Rev (condi and power) is untouched.

  9. This is an interesting question.Usually in solo rpg I play a weird hybrid character. I like being tanky (healing or magic defenses like a mage warrior), having allies (summons / mind control) so I often end up doing a small amount of damage.I played 2 mmos before gw2. In both of them I was a summoner profession. I loved them. I could either spec into aoe poison mage or healer. Healing was one of the reasons I picked those professions and I really enjoy being a healer. I also love how cc can be impactful for both offense and defense.So you would think necro will be the perfect fit for me? Well no I am a ranger. Necro did not fit the support role at first neither did it have a permanent pet (also someone told me I would not enjoy it).This is could be why I want a corruption ranger and a healer ranger so badly in PvP.

    What else do I play in rpgs? After the summoner I take a warrior but never play them for too long, then go to a druid playstyle (which also allows to be a hybrid mage / healer / warrior).

  10. @Aaron Forestman.4758 said:As you get more comfortable with healing and your group gets more experienced with mechanics, you can choose which CA skill to quick draw based on the situation. If you're maximizing damage and giving your group plenty of might, quick draw CA 5 with skill 4 in between the two uses of 5. If your party needs more healing, quick draw 4 with a 5 in between the two 4's. Pretty much only use your quick draw on CA 3 if you have people in seriously bad states, as it'll hurt your might output quite a bit.Great tip that can refill might for all the squad in between phases. But since druid / chrono can maintain might easily it is often not needed. I found that quick heal and double cc or blast was more usefull in general. (most of my squads are mixt randoms and guildies :) )

  11. Hi,

    Are you more concerned about having to do mechs while being a main healer in general or just for a specific boss?Because doing mechs is what makes your job interesting and add variety. This is why I do still enjoy wing 1 as a druid (overheal, kiter) and get more bored on some bosses.Most of the bosses have a specific set of attacks. Once you know them you can chill a bit and refill your energy between phases.For the healing skill all 3 are great. I prefer healing spring even if the spirit is recommended on more static bosses just because this is what I played for so long (pve, pvp + I enjoy the combo field blasts with quickdraw)

    Sabir is probably as hard for you as it is for anyone because this is a boss were all the squad does the same mechs. If too many fail, all fail. This is where your job can be stressful because the boss or the adds start stacking too much.For his breakbar use your special action with everybody and use regular ccs (pets / ca 3) to try to finish it or just stabilize his breakbar so your allies can finish it.Try to heal the people who do the adds before they leave. They will get beaten up pretty hard otherwise. But your main focus should be to stay stacked around the boss, they will probably come to you to get some heal.The wind is actually pretty easy to avoid. There is a pattern on the ground around the boss. It looks like a +. And tornadoes do follow the border meaning if stay close to Sabir and not in the borders of the + you never get inside once and lose your buff or time to heal. You and the all squad should stay on the same part just before the red tornado.

    If this is training or in vocal people can also tell you about the positioning.

    Edit : On some bosses you can also pick search and rescue to tp people for rez (Cairn), protect me (Sloth if your team does not have enough stab) or a push (glyph of tide). But the one you are most likely going to take outside of the spirit is entangle for bosses that require immob. I almost never use my spirit of nature before the last phase. I usually wait for a timing where things start to get out of hand and we will need it. Maybe people will not advise to do it (never asked how other druids feel about it but my squads always loved it), but since you move often and its tp has a long cd, he will die if you use him too early.If you see a boss for the first time, try to stay alive, listen to people and then you will know how to cycle your heals and cds. While CA is restrictive you also have a great range that can save people if they are too far (and repositioning with staff). The combo 2 + 3 is extremely good (high condi clear and huge heal) if you can land it.Lastly entering CA triggers quickdraw. Meaning you can use you CA 3 twice in a row if you have the good timing. (double heal, double blast, double cc)

  12. @RisenHowl.2419 said:

    @aymnad.9023 said:So what do we see in this video?Tiger dies easilySmokescale is tanky and does not deal a lot of damageIf that was on a sidenode the ranger would have ran away and you would have decap or he would have died trying to prevent you from doing so.

    yeah, smokescale is only 2x as tanky as a player and deals 2x the damage the ranger does. Not half bad for an AI that can stick to you like glue

    and as for the tiger, sure if the ranger doesn't call it back or swap pets. Guess you should just eat all the ranger's damage and avoid the tiger right? Since killing it was completely pointless.

    You should take a closer look at your own video which shows otherwise and go behind your bias. No pet has twice ranger dps and twice its tankyness. Not to mention that I even saw ranger using his heal to try to sustain the pet, meaning he does not have it for himself.Ranger cannot swap back pet anytime it wants. And if it call the pet back, it needs to be out of the node, otherwise you will still kill it (cleave which you have a ton on your build). So it is a win for you any day.As for ranger damage, it is lower than what you expect.

    Just keep practicing with all the tips given to you and you will see that "the sidenoder god build" that you and the forum mention is not that good. What this build is definitely guilty for is beeing way too easy to play but every previous sidenoder build still does a better job.

    check the meter in the upper right. The pets do 2/3rds+ of the total damage. Kind of ridiculous that a bunker spec deals more damage than a dps using an AI. Where's my 8k turret hits? 4k flesh golem AAs? Why don't clones chase you around with +30% move speed doing 4k AAs?

    You might want to explain how those numbers mean pet does more damage when you have range damage mitigation, the ranger is busy running away from you and his attacks are missing? I am not sure this is the correct way to analyze it. Again you will win any day on a node exactly for those reasons. Ranger has to run away from you and his damage pets cannot take any of your damage. You even see him ordering pets to stop going on you and follow him while he runs away to try to keep them alive.

  13. @RisenHowl.2419 said:

    @"aymnad.9023" said:So what do we see in this video?Tiger dies easilySmokescale is tanky and does not deal a lot of damageIf that was on a sidenode the ranger would have ran away and you would have decap or he would have died trying to prevent you from doing so.

    yeah, smokescale is only 2x as tanky as a player and deals 2x the damage the ranger does. Not half bad for an AI that can stick to you like glue

    and as for the tiger, sure if the ranger doesn't call it back or swap pets. Guess you should just eat all the ranger's damage and avoid the tiger right? Since killing it was completely pointless.

    You should take a closer look at your own video which shows otherwise and go behind your bias. No pet has twice ranger dps and twice its tankyness. Not to mention that I even saw ranger using his heal to try to sustain the pet, meaning he does not have it for himself.Ranger cannot swap back pet anytime it wants. And if it call the pet back, it needs to be out of the node, otherwise you will still kill it (cleave which you have a ton on your build). So it is a win for you any day.As for ranger damage, it is lower than what you expect.

    Just keep practicing with all the tips given to you and you will see that "the sidenoder god build" that you and the forum mention is not that good. What this build is definitely guilty for is beeing way too easy to play but every previous sidenoder build still does a better job.

  14. So what do we see in this video?Tiger dies easilySmokescale is tanky and does not deal a lot of damageIf that was on a sidenode the ranger would have ran away and you would have decap or he would have died trying to prevent you from doing so.

  15. @Revolution.5409 said:

    @Abyssisis.3971 said:Seeing more necros is the side effected of nerfing rangers... haha

    Dude, Ranger hasn't gotten any Nerf yet.

    Players are playing Necro because you can be competitive even by pressing keys randomly or simply standing still to eat damage on the spot.Let me remind you that the last few patches targeted slb really hard.Slb was notorious for being a necro killer. So your definition of ranger is very selective.

    I know that Slb has received heavy nerf but it is useless to think about what has been, my comment was however in reference to all the discussions that have been opened in the last period here on the forum.

    The current Slb can still eliminate a Necro even if not as easily as before.

    It can but the requirements to do it are pretty high. (it is way harder than before)But this is not a necro problem. All professions can pump out enough damage mitigation to tank the damage period (or even more than that).

  16. @Revolution.5409 said:

    @Abyssisis.3971 said:Seeing more necros is the side effected of nerfing rangers... haha

    Dude, Ranger hasn't gotten any Nerf yet.

    Players are playing Necro because you can be competitive even by pressing keys randomly or simply standing still to eat damage on the spot.Let me remind you that the last few patches targeted slb really hard.Slb was notorious for being a necro killer. So your definition of ranger is very selective.

  17. I think we can have all. After all, I said multiple times before the patch that the previous balance was fine and I enjoyed it because we had a large variety of builds (bruiser, supports, burst,…) and all the professions were performing well in ranked.

    I think the patch allowed condi builds to find a better place, it also allowed some alternate builds to rise. (not meta, but ok-ish like druid condi).

    But it NEEDS to reduce tankyness / healing / damage mitigation on some specs. This is a major source of frustration right now. Lots of builds are too forgiving.

    Right now I play a zerk, eagle rune, marksmanship, beastmatery, soulbeast. I can (sometimes) get those one shot. But god is that frustrating.All the meta builds can facetank damage (even the output of sicem + one wolf pack) while I cannot stand longer than 10s of aggression. If I get someone down, people rez faster than I deal damage, I cannot interrupt the rez or stomp because I will die (cc from tempests, aoe from rev).

  18. The classics:You will never be legend / Why am matched insert rating ? This is why I lose (check player profile and is lower than me).All the meta build that can stand my burst and kill me saying I am the one “braindead".

    Top reasons I do not trust anyone even in plat:People telling me to stop playing condi druid when I was power slb (pof release)People telling me that my ranger slb sicem is a duelist option and I should ask "insert known non ranger player" about it because I am bad. (2 days ago)

    Great times:Not being stomped. Allowing me to rez into decap.People saying thank you / wp when I did something right. We all say it so rarely. When people do I am so happy. (This is why I love mvp votes in mobas, at least you get a little something even if you do not get most of the votes)

    Frustrating times:3L / 1 V ratio last weeks of a season when I stood in the top 250 the all season.Getting a connection issue in a match (dc) and being blamed / reported by everyone (even though my team was losing everything before and I still end up with 2 top stats).

  19. @"Tayga.3192" said:I guessed every meta build correctly except for thief lol


    No you were not fully wrong. Despite what op claims an information is missing. Time period :). This was dropped later (after most people posted their concerns):https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97627/balance-update-update-pvpEdit : And yes the current meta makes it hard for thief to do anything on its own. It needs to be paired with a rev (then oh boy…) or it is mostly on decap duty (as far as I have seen in my games).

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