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Everything posted by random.9803

  1. Great changes that just made me give up on this game mode after 12 years ,objective achieved . But they don't care because they have no clue..
  2. After 12 years I surrender ,the WvW game mode has no interest for me now. Well done powers that be .
  3. Seems as though someone is in an alternate reality , love the changes to thief ,wait what nothing done
  4. Hmm so you don't like ppt on empty borders and running from fights
  5. Don't you like ppt on empty borders and running from fights
  6. A show of hands who think WvW is a fun mode to play , with the invulnerable boon blobs with no means of defence .
  7. The date for both is still 2035 same as balance patch 🤣
  8. Delete Stealth , Delete Thief , Delete Boonball. Delete Superspeed, and just randonly Delete something elses
  9. Thief really is a waste of time see them either kill them or avoid.
  10. Old deaf dude looking for guild on FC play at OCX time other times when not working old point and click player give it my best shot
  11. Give JQ link a try NSP look for GONE Guild on JQ they dont run from fights
  12. OK so you limited Dragon banner to area around objectives , well done. so now how about the charr car from camps stop them from roaming all around the map and bound to the camp they are attached to Thank you in advance
  13. I really think it is about time they did something with mistform ,your lucky enough to down and Elementalist near towers after he has blasted you with his nonsense broken build and lo and behold he mistforms into the safety of a tower to regen in safety, I believe once downed the option to mistform into a portal should be unavailable. The easy option should be removed imo
  14. Are we saying that BG is not stacked? And that’s it’s not stacked in OCX? To be fair BG is stacked in nearly every time zone, but BG’s guild groups will actively avoid NA prime time just so they can ppt without opposition from an opposing server with no OCX coverage Pffft
  15. Still wondering where you came up with the fanciful 80 in OCX for the aforementioned server apart from stackable servers
  16. Hmm is is apparent you have not been in OCX for quite awhile unless it is the opposing stacked servers you mean 80 v 5 but oh well keep dreaming I guess its free.
  17. Yup , they have been lots of double teams but they keep bouncing back ,more determined than bandwagon servers
  18. NA is not in freefall it is just transfers to lower servers to avoid T1 at any cost , spread the load ,apparently majority of servers would much rather bully red borders in lower tiers as it is easier for them to PPT empty zones and the reward being they would not have to actually compete in T1 ,much easier to go to forums and complain ,I mean everything has been made easier to take structures and literally T3 are indefensible these days , a spoon of concrete and a glass of water and harden up is the option.
  19. Is it because people wanted to play most of the time without running around barren borders ,time zones matter for a lot of people ,as for these so called "fight'" guilds when the going gets tough they leave a server crippling it 1 spamm and straight line running isnt fighting ,call it what it is blobbing . Call me a fairweather fine I'm happy with that to be on a server that suits my time zone BG all the way
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