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Aerick Blackmoore.8167

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Everything posted by Aerick Blackmoore.8167

  1. Dear fellow Lore lovers, Just today while browsing the species category of both GW1 and GW2 I got intrigued by the similarities between Krait and Naga and decided to dig deeper into their history as far as we know, I would like to present the case that they are indeed the same species! Or atleast provide the evidence for it for us to discuss. Let's start by the respective wiki posts of both GW1 and GW2:First I'd like to present the Naga:https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Naga Interesting to note that they are led by Priestess Hanasha Coralfin, why this is of importance I'll elobarate on further on. Next the Krait:https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kraithttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kraithttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadows_in_the_Water_%E2%80%93_The_Krait World Maphttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/a/ac/Tyria_world_fan_map.jpg As for why I believe the Naga are merely the Canthan word for Krait is that Prietess Hanasha is very similar to what an Oratuss seems to be in general Krait society.General physiology seems to be the same between the two species aswell as the fact Naga and Krait oils are sold under the same circumstances, that of being fake medicines.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bottle_of_Refined_Krait_Oil Naga seem to have spread from the Jade Sea(which is next to the Unending Ocean) to Shing Jae, Krait originating from the Unending Ocean spread across Tyria starting as far as we know along the Tarnished Coast. Yet, we never see them along the Elonan shorelines, which to me comes across as odd. The argument against this would be we have never seen a sort of Metamorphisis from Naga as we have in Krait.The question was asked during a may 2018 forum chat, but never anwsered;https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41256/are-gw2-krait-actually-gw1-nagas Hope you enjoyed this little read and would like to hear your thoughts on the matter ! Cheers!
  2. I would buy another Guild Wars game, seeing it evolve from CORPG(GW1) to full-fledged MMORPG(GW2) has been fun!Note that I say Guild Wars game, another game, I'm not too sure...especially if they go towards different genres. The question does feel somewhat relevant, Season 5 to me personally feels like a Eye of the North-type season, wrapping up GW2 and who knows where to next. . . GW3, 3d Expansion? Another Season? Maintenance Mode? Time will tell...
  3. Guess my choice would be Tengu, Hylek, Centaur (no idea how they would make Centaurs and Mounts work, but I'm sure there's a loophole somewhere)
  4. The TL;DR of what's directly said:Skyscales cannot become Elder Dragons.Originally was to be a crystal dragon for lore reasons, but this was scrapped to avoid confusion.Confirms wyverns are also lesser dragons. What this infers: First, confirmation that there are indeed non-Elder Dragon related dragons, a longstanding "is this the case or not" ever since Glint got connected to Kralkatorrik as our other major dragons (Rotscale and Kuunavang) were previously put on par to Glint in relation to the Elder Dragons (The Movement of the World from 2007 related Glint and Kuunavang to each other and compared their differences from the Elder Dragons; an interview with Jeff Grubb in 2010 did the same with Glint and Rotscale; but then we got EoD which made Glint a champion of Kralkatorrik). Second, confirmation that wyverns are among these "non-Elder Dragon related dragons" (this means that said lesser dragons can be corrupted by the Elder Dragons, as we've seen many wyverns corrupted). What's curious is that wyverns are stated to be cousins of drakes. This would suggest that drakes, too, are a type lesser dragons! This would be an interesting callback to two things: first, in GW1, the mechanical race type for drakes was "dragon" (shared with Saltspray Dragons, which visually are snake-like dragons); second, in GW1, there were "Rockhide Dragons" in Cantha, which were very drake-like in appearance. Related to this, at 33:00 a Hydra ambushes the devs, and the same dev explaining the above lore design (Kate Pfeilschiefter) commented "dragon on dragon violence", indicating that hydras also count as a lesser dragon. Thus we would have four species that count as "lesser dragons": Skyscales, wyverns, drakes, and hydras. What's most notable is that they all have the same common attribute of being elementally attuned (most often fire, lightning, or ice) reptiles of four or six limbs. Third: before this, I had noted that the tail and general shape of the Skyscale may suggest that the Skyscale comes from the same "breed" as Kralkatorrik, Glint, and Aurene - all three of whom have the same bulbous tail tip (even baby Aurene, who used a different rigging from the other four models). The "secret plot reasons" and original crystalline look intention makes me feel that this belief is even more likely. Thus, the Skyscale may be the species which Kralkatorrik hails from, but "something" happened to him that allowed him to become an Elder Dragon - something similar to what happened to Kormir with the gods' blessing, no doubt. If these indications are true, then it creates a very, very interesting situation for us. This all would imply that the lesser dragons of Tyria, with some sort of preparation or ascension, can become candidates for Elder Dragon replacements. Without such - like our mount's situation will be - this won't be possible. Once that "some sort of preparation" is figured out, the number of candidates for replacement goes from "three that are now all dead" to thousands. We just need a proper raising from an egg scenario again, times six. Incidentally, though I'm tired of hearing it, this also finally gives us an actual reason in the plot and lore to go to Cantha, empire of the dragon. While reading your part about Kralkatorrik's possible ascension and Hydrás likely being lesser dragons, it got me think about the Deep Sea Dragon, could this be a Hydra ascended? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:%22Tsunami%22_concept_art.jpg And Kuunavang and the Saltspray Dragons and the Rockhide Dragons being able to ascend? Very excited to find out more in episode 6 and Season 5, and I guess we are all getting a little hyped for Cantha? Just a little... I wouldn’t read anything into that concept pic. It is so old now and never played into any context that I think it was only inserted as a cool picture to wow people and get them talking. It’s relevance to anything is likely zero.Most likely you're right, however the concepts do show the DSD (if they really are concepts for the DSD) as a being with more than 1 head, like a Hydra.
  5. The TL;DR of what's directly said:Skyscales cannot become Elder Dragons.Originally was to be a crystal dragon for lore reasons, but this was scrapped to avoid confusion.Confirms wyverns are also lesser dragons. What this infers: First, confirmation that there are indeed non-Elder Dragon related dragons, a longstanding "is this the case or not" ever since Glint got connected to Kralkatorrik as our other major dragons (Rotscale and Kuunavang) were previously put on par to Glint in relation to the Elder Dragons (The Movement of the World from 2007 related Glint and Kuunavang to each other and compared their differences from the Elder Dragons; an interview with Jeff Grubb in 2010 did the same with Glint and Rotscale; but then we got EoD which made Glint a champion of Kralkatorrik). Second, confirmation that wyverns are among these "non-Elder Dragon related dragons" (this means that said lesser dragons can be corrupted by the Elder Dragons, as we've seen many wyverns corrupted). What's curious is that wyverns are stated to be cousins of drakes. This would suggest that drakes, too, are a type lesser dragons! This would be an interesting callback to two things: first, in GW1, the mechanical race type for drakes was "dragon" (shared with Saltspray Dragons, which visually are snake-like dragons); second, in GW1, there were "Rockhide Dragons" in Cantha, which were very drake-like in appearance. Related to this, at 33:00 a Hydra ambushes the devs, and the same dev explaining the above lore design (Kate Pfeilschiefter) commented "dragon on dragon violence", indicating that hydras also count as a lesser dragon. Thus we would have four species that count as "lesser dragons": Skyscales, wyverns, drakes, and hydras. What's most notable is that they all have the same common attribute of being elementally attuned (most often fire, lightning, or ice) reptiles of four or six limbs. Third: before this, I had noted that the tail and general shape of the Skyscale may suggest that the Skyscale comes from the same "breed" as Kralkatorrik, Glint, and Aurene - all three of whom have the same bulbous tail tip (even baby Aurene, who used a different rigging from the other four models). The "secret plot reasons" and original crystalline look intention makes me feel that this belief is even more likely. Thus, the Skyscale may be the species which Kralkatorrik hails from, but "something" happened to him that allowed him to become an Elder Dragon - something similar to what happened to Kormir with the gods' blessing, no doubt. If these indications are true, then it creates a very, very interesting situation for us. This all would imply that the lesser dragons of Tyria, with some sort of preparation or ascension, can become candidates for Elder Dragon replacements. Without such - like our mount's situation will be - this won't be possible. Once that "some sort of preparation" is figured out, the number of candidates for replacement goes from "three that are now all dead" to thousands. We just need a proper raising from an egg scenario again, times six. Incidentally, though I'm tired of hearing it, this also finally gives us an actual reason in the plot and lore to go to Cantha, empire of the dragon. While reading your part about Kralkatorrik's possible ascension and Hydrás likely being lesser dragons, it got me think about the Deep Sea Dragon, could this be a Hydra ascended? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:%22Tsunami%22_concept_art.jpg And Kuunavang and the Saltspray Dragons and the Rockhide Dragons being able to ascend? Very excited to find out more in episode 6 and Season 5, and I guess we are all getting a little hyped for Cantha? Just a little...
  6. For me, playing GW1 next to GW2 is lore immersive! It's fun to see the old and new locations side by side.
  7. We haven't seen Magnus ' Eye patch back in store in about half a year that would be nice to see return ! As well as Braham' armor, contrary to his outfit...
  8. Fair is fair, yes it was a long wait, but ! The matter was resolved satisfactory, thank you GM Ultra Viper!
  9. 8 days and counting, I know my ticket isn't as important as a hacked account modem issues, etc. but any further resolve would be appreciated. Entering the 3d week, ticket openend on the 14th of May, this Monday it will the 28th. 2 weeks gone by.
  10. 8 days and counting, I know my ticket isn't as important as a hacked account modem issues, etc. but any further resolve would be appreciated.
  11. Support ticket #6904111, openend on Monday, updated on Thursday, no reply yet, did receive email that ticket had been received. Assuming 5 work days with weekends off it'll take more than a week to reply to a simple issue. @Gaile Gray.6029 any help would be appreciated.
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