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Everything posted by Zekent.3652

  1. One Wolf Pack Trivia: "The concept of this skill was originally designed for the Spellbreaker but the developers decided to put it on the Soulbeast as it made more sense for Soulbeast to double strike once they merged with their beast." And what did Spellbreaker got? -For PvE, really low damage elite but i guess it's not that bad compared to WvW and PvP. -An elite that isn't used for PvP (and probably never was, i started playing in 2019 so i have no idea) -An overnerfed elite for WvW.
  2. No, it's just the same, it's just the same toxic ones: PvP: The same toxic ones who thinks everyone is bad but them, and the same wintraders as always. PvE: The same ones that gets salty really fast in instanced content and the few ones who are toxic in /map chat whenever an event fails. Reddit: The same ones that gives negative votes to almost every single post, commenting to in a passive aggresive way or just directly insulting. This community has toxic parts, like any other community, but its not more toxic lately, its just the same few ones.
  3. So, why are you complaining about this class? complaining about hammer, losing against a build that isn't even a duelist
  4. It's just Cele Cata, SB Rene is not that annoying.
  5. I still remember this... i read the whole thread and this was basically the build that OP in that thread was complaining about... http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEQiNsMCGFbihwKxi2KvdD-zZIPlMFC9KCKYCUyCQFDAA
  6. Man, it's ironic seeing that someone with a druid pfp is complaining about CC. Not like druid spams daze and chains from range 🌚
  7. And bladesworn can only change its direction without tab-targeting ONLY with the action cam, if DT was moveable, this could be a normal thing, being forced to use the action cam for this is kinda similar to being forced to use ESC instead of the stow keybind to cancel skills (Really low quality because it's a gif converted to video lmao)
  8. Warrior only has a lot of might generation because it's basically their only boon, but blaseworn just abuses this. Bladesworn was a mistake. This is probably the result of discipline not being mandatory with this spec.
  9. Fixed it, if you're struggling to a berserker, you should just do better 👍
  10. Huh... i've seen a good number of soulbeast in spvp, at least in 5v5s (NA) because i'm not a fan of 2s and 3s.
  11. So... thief is playable without stealth spam, curious since some forum thieves says that thief is nothing without the stealth spam. Man, i wish that i was able to fight these thieves in WvW but all i see is just stealth spam thieves, i wanna fight something that i can actually see lol.
  12. Yeah, i know, i said "it's a tradeoff at this point" as expression because of that, it's just holding Berserk back, doesn't really has a real point to be a thing.
  13. And you can't even cancel the cast by using other skills like any other weapon, you need to stow or change the weapon set to use another skill.
  14. It's basically just a tradeoff at this point, you can see a "similar" class without a tradeoff getting into "berserk mode" without even being in combat, like soulbeast, doesn't even needs to be in combat to use their big burst combo, something that we can't say for warrior builds like gunflame and berserker in general.
  15. Or use cele stats to kill all the stealth spam thieves😶!
  16. I don't know where to start: -Peak Performance: i understand that devs just wanted to make CDR on utilities traitlines baseline, but on warrior this just buffed Defense Spellbreaker and nerfed Strength Spellbreaker. -Defense Rework: we just wanted this class to be good again, not another mandatory traitline, every single warrior meta build is using this; Condi Berserk ( here ) > Spellbreaker ( here ) > Bladesworn ( here ) . -Things that could easily be baseline: Versatile Power. Adrenaline generation while in combat. Burning Longbow autos. Burning Arcing Arrow (like pve) -"On use": Adrenal Health tooltip says that this works on adrenaline spent, but it's on hit. Berserker's Power tooltip says that this works when you use a burst skill, but it's on hit. Only DT3 and Longbow F1 works on use/adrenaline spent. Heat the Soul also just works on hit, not on use as tooltip says. -Remove the ICD from Heat the Soul, it's dumb, just make an exception with Decapitate since this has no cooldown if hits. -Longbow F1 doesn't provides provides adrenaline with its hits. -Flurry change was good but still feels bad, just make the chains works on hits (like 1 second per hit), not instant when the animation didn't even started, reduce its hits, increase its hits damage and just make its animation shorter by doing this. -Rifle 4 chains should've worked simultaneously with the dodge, NOT after or before the dodge. -Rifle 5 does its job, it's simple, a way to keep the distance, sounds good on paper but not in practice, it's not going well with the GW2 standards, just change this, maybe make it a mobility skill that dazes with the rifle butt. -Mace Berserk: it's weird that the F1 has condi damage but the whole mace skills (mainhand and offhand) has 0 condi skills. -Arms: do something with this traitline, it's just the worst traitline in the game, it's like the budget version of Firearms, it's a hybrid traitline but its minnor traits are wasting "tokens" that only favors its condi variant, just forcing the power variant to run something that has no use for the build. -The intel/vision sigil dilema; "i want to use this sigil for my GS + Axe/Sh build since both weapons sets are 1 hit damaging skills" but the sigil has 9 seconds ICD and you're running discipline... 1 is gonna hit like it should and the other one relies on pure RNG for your main mechanic on 1 single hit skill. -Burst Precision feels out of place, i understand that Arms is also the "critical hits" traitline, but maybe it should just replace Heightened Focus to give this class a way to deal with the previous point dilema on Discipline since this tratiline is so focused on the Burst skills, and no one picks Heightened Focus, it's just not worth to pick it, it's just a filler trait. -Vengeful Return a downstate trait in 2023... -Brave Stride: since Stalwart Strength is a thing, just remove or reduce the ICD. -Greatsword: GS2 a longcast selfroot in 2023... GS3 a pre cast on a dodging skill, like the old rifle 4 but kinda better. GS4 is slow and the projectile just disappears and not because it was blocked, it's just if the ground is not flat. GS5 we all know it and even CMC laughs at this xD ( you can see it here ) -Maces: let's hope that the maces rework just didn't moved to create the Ranger's maces. -Longbow: more like "slowbow". -Pistol: why is this a fully melee PISTOL, and really easy to avoid? -Gunsaber: needs a stow with the keybind, it's been 1 year since we've been asking for this. Canceling animations with the ESC key is awful. -Meditations: Natural Healing: it's a really bad heal, what were devs even thinking? Featherfoot Grace: it's the only good meditation skill but still far from being as good as its "golden age" version. Break Enchantments: it's just bad... the damage was hard nerfed over the time and its WvW version was nuked. Imminent Threat: the ONLY taunt on a WARRIOR, and it's a joke. Sight Beyond Sight: i know that devs did this and said "it's gonna be good to counter the stealth spam" but we all know that no one uses this, maybe for GvGs and... that's it. Winds of Disenchantment: they just keep nerfing and nerfing it on WvW and has no use for PvP, maybe if its CD gets reduced if the spellbreaker breaks boons or something else, but for now, there are just better elites. -Rage skills: i won't elaborate here, just make it more attractive and i'll leave a post that has some suggests ( here ). -Armament: the heal and stunbreak are both good. Flow Stabilizer: it's a "clickbait" name i guess since this doesn't gives stability anymore. Overcharged Cartridges: it's a pve skill, it's fine i guess. Electric Fence: it's obviously saying "WvW ZERGS" with big letters but Bladesworn has no place for WvW zergs, berserker and spellbreaker just does a better job, and its stationary mechanic doesn't helps. Tactical Reload: finally got a CDR buff, a bit late but got it, this is a good skill, does its job. And if i don't forget anything else, this post ends here, thanks for reading, let's hope that staff is a good weapon.
  17. For warrior: Unlike most of projectiles hate in this game, just do a melee or AoE hit "to counter" warrior's Aegis. Yes, bsw is carried by its sustain, that spec does nothing without the dumb sustain, and that aspect needs to change. At least it's not another post complaining about a warrior meme build (Gun Flame)
  18. Yes, ranger is scary right now but still far from being "the new signet cata"
  19. I thought that this was a post talking about bugs like GS 5 going to everywhere except to the target, but it's just another post complaining about warrior's damage ☹
  20. Just do it, please, not being able to cancel animations with the stow key, and another selfroot to this class on such a high mobility era, is probably the most anti GW2 combat thing at the moment. Even the Dead Eye is able to move and even dodge while they kneel, on a mostly ranged weapon, so, why bladesworn shouldn't be able to move?
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