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Everything posted by Zekent.3652

  1. Isn't warrior just the most straight up class on their animations? Like no weird flashy AoE ranged bomb or "summons" cast, no stealth, weird green clouds, clones, teleports (if we ignore bladesworn in this case which is also a really small range and conditioned skill), no pets helping them to CC while youre focused on seeing warr's telegraphed animations, etc. I think that the only "confusing" warrior skills are just dagger 2 and dagger F1, these 2 are not the same but still pretty similar.
  2. So, if we say Winds nerf was good, they'll buff it!💪🗿
  3. Well, "bunker" wasn't the correct word, more like just a weird vindi build tanky just on jalis, probably ussing a toughness ammy.
  4. High ranged damage in a build that sacrifices a lot of things for such damage is good. But builds with high damage with also good sustain, dodges, stealth, evade frames animations, stealth, good damage at melee AND ranged, etc. Are the unhealthy ones. But who knows, i might be biased since i main warrior i guess. To OP: don't forget the damage modifiers, full dps gunflame warrior has some good modifiers, and there's an even more meme one that doesn't uses discipline but hits even harder. Here's the gunflame build that i usually play: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEQiNsMCGFbihxKxi2SvdB-DaIPlMFC9KCKYCUyCwWfDAA Damage modifiers: 3% from Warrior's Sprint. 7% from Burst Mastery. 400 or 500 ferocity from arms. 190 extra ferocity in berserk form from Blood Reaction. 10% from Bloody Roar. +300 power from Fatal Frenzy. 3% per boon on you from Destruction of the Empowered. I did a video with this build a while ago, you might learn some things from it: Notice how builds like the bunker jalis rev hard counters it, runs out of gas really fast, and how low sustain it has, unlike most builds of this style, you need to be in combat first which means that the enemy should notice you easier, unless an ally gave you stealth in the middle of the combat, which is a reaaaally rare scenario, only has 1 stunbreak (don't count the stunbreak from Savage Instinct, it's really rare to use it as stunbreak with this build), only 1 stunbreak because you're forced to run both signets for the Adrenaline generation and the unblockable (and might) because of this game with so many projectile hate.
  5. Imagine this case: Losing at 0 vs 300 points or even worse, 0 vs 400, i don't know, haven't played GW1 pvp in their golden era, but at least you should just be able to give up against such a big score difference. And should be the same if you got afks since the beggining of the match.
  6. Ayooo, you can stealth with with light fields now and no one told me 🤨🤨🤨
  7. I dont get it, is this a "warrior is just melee on rpgs" argument? Or are you saying that pistol "isn't melee"?
  8. Burst, stealth, repeat, that's basically the SA thief, you just can't even react to their animations because you can't even see them, and this is not even a thief exclusive problem, but its clearly the class has has way more stealth and that's why people points them. I'm not asking for a nerf to thief, i'm asking for an overhaul to the stealth mechanic that is also abused by a traitline that is literally based on spamming it, facing a stealth spam thief feels more like a guessing game than an actual skill match. Reveal from stealth should also work if you miss the hit on dodging targets and blocking targets. Reveal on casting skills so you can really react to that hit, notice how all damaging skills and buffs has some animation or any effect like icons on their heads losing all sense as soon as you get into stealth. We can discuss the thief status outside of stealth later, but for now, this stealth spam is annoying, unfun and unfair, this current stealth status was never and will never be good.
  9. There are also ranged builds with the sustain of a bunker and the damage of a melee dps, bruh. there's too much of everything, AoEs, condi bomb, powers burst with a bunch of things in the same build, we need nerfs and real drawbacks.
  10. Can we stop pretending that thief doesn't have high burst out of stealth?
  11. Giving a class that desperately needs good ranged weapons, a melee pistol, was like a terrible joke, hope i'm wrong but this only shows the big lack of knowledge that ANet has on warrior's issues, seems like there's a dev in ANet that is obsessed with the idea of giving warrior bad/slow/wacky ranged resources, like warrior's rifle, this thing is depressing compared to ranger's longbow (a bow with more range and faster projectiles than a rifle 💀) In a couple months, this is gonna be the ONLY class without a ranged 1 handed weapon, and the only class with a melee pistol...
  12. There was an angry pve mob unironically saying: "what's this, i don't know whats happening in the screen, i want my living world episode, stop promoting pvp" whenever anet casted a pvp tournament. And i gues they listened.
  13. Weapon master from SotO and warrior... 😭
  14. Spellbreaker with its F2 and with its Strength traitline that is focused on power damage and also dodges. Warrior and thief are usually really good classes to improve your timings and react capacity, both are classes that improves you as player a lot, warrior has lower skillfloor but its ceiling is pretty high, thief has a moderate skillfloor but its ceiling is also high, both classes got one of the most high (if not highest) skill ceilings for PvE and PvP. This if for PvP, we ignore builds with gameplay like perma stealth thief, selfheal bot bladesworn and condizerk.
  15. Sadly yes, sometimes matchmaking memes you really hard.
  16. It's just not true, except maybe willbender and willbender doesnt even has stealth. Not comparing power mesmer to thief, power mesmer runs out of gas faster and is also countered by thief, or willbender that doesnt even has stealth 🗿 (and i'm not even saying this to defend willbender because yes, willbender is broken, but i can see them) Are you playing or killing 11k hp thieves? As i said in my past comment, if a thief died, is because THEY wanted to, honestly, this class has such a good mobility + stealth spam to disengage that if you died, it was 100% your mistake, specially if it was against melee builds. And im not even talking about p/p cele/trailblazer condi thief yet 💀 If you wanna discuss something, at least quote the whole comment and not small out of context parts of a comment. It's just for a better communication i promise.
  17. A support warrior weapon is needed just like GOOD ranged ones, but seems like staff is gonna be a bonking melee weapon, if you preview any staff skin as warrior, it wields the staff just like rev and DD does, like a melee weapon.
  18. My bad, yes they removed it and still removed. Thanks they did, it was dumb.
  19. Is this relic the reason of why they giga nerfed boonstrips (again)?
  20. My most hated spec to fight is not even cele, not a cele harb, not a warrior or ranger, not even an ele or mirage with their invuls. It's by far, thief, this class has so much mobility, dodges with DD spec, revealed removal with Dead Eye, instant port bursts and stealth that's insane. Its the most antifun class of WvW roamming and ANet really needs to adress this class problems, removing the revealed state is dumb, burst out of stealth is dumb, the mobility is insane, who even needs to be tanky when you have such GOOD resources? If a thief died, is because they wanted to, this class has great resources to just not die with all that mobility and stealth. Yes, other classes can be annoying but at least their mobility is not that insane, even with the mobility powercreep and you don't even need to play a "guess what" game because they just dont have so many stealth resources. Honestly, teleport + precast bursts AND stealth is clearly unfair, this game should reveal stealthed users that ported or precasted something, and reveal if they miss a hit on a dodging target and reveal if they hit a blocking target. "But thief is too hard and too skilled, it's harder than other classes, it's nothing without its stealth" -Said the shadow abyss sylvari user. And no, it's not true, stop coping with this dark itachi ego thing 🤧. As i said, other classes can be annoying but at least they dont have "scopophobia" (fear at being seen), at least i can see them.
  21. What about this effect: -3s effect, your autos hits twice. Kinda like axe 3rd auto.
  22. I didn't got credit by doing the strike mission one, it's like if this "counts" but still "0/1" and also gray af if it's completed.
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