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Everything posted by Reztek.7805

  1. Ouch, too bad there are stats available: https://kills.werdes.net/#/matches/archive/ So it's probably time for a "real" reality check here: Unlike the common theme which some forum regulars who are happy like to believe: holiday months have the highest activity. Last year august had 25% more activity than june (last week august vs 1st/2nd week june. and SOTO released around the same time as Janthir ;)). So even IF numbers in WvW were the same as before the WR in June, that would be bad. But luckily they are lower, just 5% though. 😉 Developers ofc won't do a 180 here, but obviously nothing has improved since WR.
  2. Usually those are the same players who keep repeating that rewards in WvW are fine as they are, because otherwise it would attract to many PvE "noobs". And that WvW is for fun and some other excuses. So in reality they farm all day in PvE and happen to spend a couple hours in WvW. So ... no, not WvW players. 😉 There is no good reason to not have a trade option just with ~3 Gob for 1 GoE. And from a WvW player perspective, or probably for 90% of the playerbase, falling prices for legendaries are a good thing. In the end, most of the legendaries are fugly as hell and their "real" worth is the QoL improvement.
  3. So far summer sounded like an obvious explanation, but on the other side holidays/vacation could also mean increased activity. Lets look at the last years at https://kills.werdes.net/#/matches/archive/ (EU) Week: 13.8.21 K+D: 1371143 Week: 10.12.21 K+D: 1107097 Week: 19.08.22 K+D: 930068 Week: 09.12.22 K+D: 852813 Week: 11.8.23 K+D: 1086256 Week: 8.12.23 K+D: 1036234 Week: 2.8.24 K+D: 889139 The last couple years every winter was worse than summer. Although the last week of december usually comes close to summer, probably due to holidays too. 😉 So ... low activity because summer is a myth.
  4. EU T1, 5 Melandrus in a submarine. 🙂 https://imgur.com/mSiH3B9 I guess, running and attacking from under the map also works as intended.
  5. You'll probably have to change security/privacy settings to custom and disable tracking protection (or something like that, no idea how it's called in the english version, should be the 2nd checkbox though). Probably Anet's way of keeping the amount of support tickets low. 😄
  6. I don't really pay much attention to peoples rank, but it was obvious and often said before: for bigger groups match manipulation is super easy with WR. You're only out of luck when both accounts end up in the same team/shard. 😉
  7. Well, population helps a lot with coverage. But how do you have a coverage advantage when you are outnumbered on the whole? Or means on the whole just during a few skirmishes? Because otherwise weekly matches are usually won by population+coverage. And it came as no surprise, that those servers lost their linking partner soon after. I'd say this is also the time when organisation has the biggest effect at all. You usually can't keep it up for several hours. I doubt that this will have a big effect, since there were always players without any organisation. And for farming zerglings on their way back to their guildblob you usually don't need much organisation. And in general you'll probably find for every good player/guild at least a bad player/guild in your team ... which makes us all average. 😉
  8. You're welcome, just found it today. 🙂
  9. Until now, population size has largely equated to strength. It has been that way before linkings, before WR and also after WR. The overstacked teams always ended up on top. And i don't see why that would change. In a 24/7 mode with lots of players individual skill is ... secondary and in the end it only makes a small difference.
  10. Yeah, we should. People who think otherwise probably spend more time in PvE than WvW. 😉 And the artificial fear of PvE players invading the gamemode is nonsense too. PvE players would still prefer PvE if the effort/time needed is the same.
  11. Strange. At least the kills from https://kills.werdes.net/#/matches/archive/ show that between 2024.06.07 - 2024.06.14 the winning team had on average 56% more kills than the last team. In the current matchup that difference is 89%. Maybe you are talking about another year? 😄 Nice try, though.
  12. To be fair, Lyssa also steamrolled in T1. And so will Bava Nisos. The purpose of the system is to create teams that are equally strong, which means there isn't a big difference between tiers. Well, it's not really good at achieving this ... and that's why Lyssa, Bava and so on happen. If they started in T1, 1 team could be stuck with them for the whole time ...
  13. Yes it should. And if it's true that the first week had the highest K+D for some time (i don't have the stats) then i would assume that either a lot of players came back to give it a try or/and the regular players spent more time in WvW during the first week.
  14. I refered to reality, not your vivid imagination. The pool of players was divided into 18 teams, now the same pool of players is divided into 15 teams which results in higher populations per team and more interactions. As long as there are no limiting queues, reducing tiers will always increase the K/D stats. Nope, time played is the only value of interest here. Which you can try to derive/assume from K/D as long as you compare the same amount of tiers.
  15. The 2 statements do not contradict each other. More people in the teams make it more likely that they actually meet each other and interact more often. Except those tiers were not empty but all tiers had less players. If you play for an hour and meet an enemy every 10 minutes OR if you play for an hour and meet an enemy every 5 minutes is a big difference in activity, but not in time played. And therefor the number of tiers is relevant when trying to compare activity.
  16. Someone could also say: They removed ~17% of the teams to get ~9% more activity.
  17. Not sure if that would have been an issue with the old system. When linkings started EU had like 27 Worlds. 10 of them did not get a link, 14 were linked with another world to get 7 teams and the remaining 3 worlds formed the last team. So it seems like they could have linked as many worlds as they wanted into 1 team (unless they stated otherwise somewhere). Would have been fun with 6 Servers in 1 Team! 😄
  18. To be fair he talked about prime time and the site shows pretty much that red is outnumbered during EU prime. And anyone who actually plays in that matchup can see that every evening. It's green vs blue, red stands no chance of defending anything. Yesterday people even started to ask if there's a red team in this matchup. 😄 This is during EU prime though. On a sidenote, i wouldn't call EU T2 very balanced either. Especially not for "Ettin's Back" (red).
  19. While the 2nd "reshuffle" is much worse than Anets 1st attempt, Palawadan is far from dead. (EU T5, green) https://www.gw2matchup.com/home?region=eu https://www.gw2matchup.com/matchup?id=2-5 The team that could complain is blue, Domain of Anguish.
  20. You could also search for the current tier you are in (https://gw2mists.com/matches/na) and then compare the tier and colors (https://www.gw2matchup.com/home?region=na) to get the old names of a matchup to use at https://wvwintel.com/ I found it easier than comparing points.
  21. So? A random page with a random list of names? How long do those guilds play/week? And when do they play? I ended up on Lyssa this time and so far red is totally outnumbered during prime time. "Their prime time" seems to be the early morning, just like https://www.gw2matchup.com/matchup?id=2-1 suggests.
  22. Yeah i know what you claimed, it just doesn't add up. Server linking was introduced in April 2016. The mass immigration was at the end of 2018 and the post you linked is from ~2019. So if you want to prove your point that server-linkings killed communities, find a post from 2016. And btw. at some point in time almost every server was top 3 EU.
  23. Umm? No? As you can see by the first answer in your link, that's not what really happened. At that time Kodash had all the german bandwagoners there are, calling themself fight-guilds ofc. Btw. this also included a lot of drama with Riverside (They "stole" the Riverside community guild before they transferred. For those who understand german and want to read some drama: https://de-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/3989-kodash-mein-beileid/ 😄). When (edit: the next) server links came, Kodash was way too overstacked to get a linking partner. And the first ones to leave were the bandwagoners. Who could have known? 😉 So both communities at that time were destroyed by "fight-guilds", not by "the old system".
  24. This time the "reshuffle" seems to be way worse than the first time. EU T4 (Bava Nisos) seems to be the new Mirror of Lyssa. T1 and T5 look not that good too. https://www.gw2matchup.com/home?region=eu But NA seems to be totally messed up. Esp. T3 and T4. https://www.gw2matchup.com/home?region=na Impressive.
  25. Ummm? No? Some Players wanted something new and a BIGGER map at that time. So having more space between objectives is the consequence of a bigger map. And btw. Anet wouldn't agree to "hinterlands" too: https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/essential-elements-of-the-new-borderlands/ You mean the one person who wrote something about the desert borderlands lately? Wow. Nice gaslighting attempt.
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