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Knuckle Joe.7408

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  1. I am just beyond sick of every multi-hit ability from ele's getting that stupid reduced damage with each hit. I get it might be justified in PvP but in PvE it is dumb. Volcano on fire spear would be amazing if it didn't do kitten damage after 5 hits.
  2. yeah if a new race didn't happen back in GW2's glory days (HoT) it is for sure not happening now
  3. At doing comparable damage to other classes with 5x the effort.
  4. Because these already have other, more popular weapons that ele doesn't have, like greatsword. Pistol fits the duelist theme of the mesmer, and necro already has greatsword, which is cool. None of these 2 would be thematically aesthethic with a longbow or a shortbow, but an ele is, because of the arcane archer archetype and how ice, fire, shock and earth arrows are already familiar with most of the high fantasy fans. At the end though, pistol might be cool if we finally get a proper, competitive ranged option for ele. The only reason I (and i guess most people) want a longbow on an ele is because we lack any good ranged options, staff has been sitting in the dumpster ever since HoT's meteor shower nerf, and scepter is alright I guess but I kinda see it pseudo-ranged.
  5. arcane archer over spellslinger any day of the year we could've been this ages ago but anet loves to sUbVeRt eXpEcTaTiOnS
  6. I see that sand shade durations is so inconveniently short now, I think it was 20 secs before? Now they expire before a rotation lol, feels like a pain keeping them up. How do you guys play now, with this 8 second duration? Do you spam 3 of them every 8 seconds or just place 1? I feel like it takes way too much time managing these things now, barely have any time to use other skills.
  7. yes wanna do dmg? other classes do similar or better with less effort wanna do support boon? see above wanna do healer? see above
  8. who do you want to antagonize? putin? the devs are the ones making these kitten changes
  9. bold for you to assume we're getting longbow. We all know we gonna get some kitten like axe or torch
  11. I feel the creatures of the deep that drove away the largos and the karka is a DSD retcon, and if it isn't, qhat could be more powerful than soo won/elder dragons?
  12. there's a collection called the six that contains jade stattuetes of the gods, every god's statuette says ancient, only lyssa's description states in was made "recently".... hmm?
  13. why tho, seems so random, it's like devs want to force us to try their new specs
  14. bro we're not even playing end of dragons yet and you're thinking of the next spec...
  15. Visited it today and saw this gigantic stone, with glowing inscription. Seems to be just a piece of a bigger one? https://imgur.com/a/MsIykW6
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