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Everything posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. Kinda, make the unsoloable paths soloable, that’s the only change imo, it’s annoying to try to farm certain paths.
  2. Don’t think it will change much if anything, most players, even with these changes, could still easy tell who’s real and not. It would really only be effective on newbies.
  3. Wasn’t a duel, no. Who in their right mind would ever want to duel a celebeast ? I played engineer as I said earlier. Well it was 3 times, 2 times a spellbreaker joined said man, third time I just got bored of the 5+ min fight because anet somehow decided that celestial soulbeast is a thing that is allowed to exist. Yes but these are quite obvious ! That’s why I said hidden unspoken rules.
  4. No offense taken, didn't even see what you said as insulting even, so there's that xd.
  5. Well personally my honor code is do everything not to lose, and I expect the opponent do the same.
  6. I dont think this is a rule, not even a hidden one, I've engaged such people before, be it 1v1 or 1v3. Usually it goes well.. Usually. A pretty known rule I think, atleast for people who duel. I mean yeah, usually it only happens in a duel tho. I mean yeah, that's obvious.
  7. Tanky sure was an understatement.. permanent protection, regen, 25 might, fury, swiftness, super stab uptime, and ontop of all of that a celestial gear.
  8. Well first two times our 1v1 was interrupted by an enemy spellbreaker, on his team, and when I had to disengage, he procceded to /laugh spam, so I decided to go at it again, I was winning, until again, same spellbreaker comes back to the exact same spot, I had to disengage, he repeats /laugh, and I decide to for a third time to go at it, but after fighting for like.. 5 minutes, I just decide to disengage, not fun fighting a soulbeast that had a 75% uptime on all boons with insane healing, perma protection and 25 might. And then was the block and whisper
  9. He was a celestial soulbeast, so I mean he should have been able to catch me, but I don’t really care much if it is annoying, to be honest. I mean its roaming, not a duel. And the rule number 1. in roaming is to have mobility, I also got him down low every time but surprise surprise 5 seconds later he had 30 seconds of proteection, 13 stab, 25 might, etc etc. Just solo them ezpez. Also to add onto this, he started the fight with me. Not the opposite. Engineer here actually ! See above. x)
  10. That would probably be the likely way they do it yes.
  11. Nope, this person in particular said I just played like a kitten and a coward, like I was obligated to stay and fight when I ran out of cooldowns and he had his. He did not seem very happy that I suggested he should put some mobility in his build.
  12. The ol’ classic block-n-whisper wombo combo. Ofcourse they can’t siege me because I would have to be dead for that 😉
  13. So uh, I dunno what it is recently, but one of the servers I am facing seems reaaaaaallllly salty if you go out of combat, then re-engage them.. Like… Do they expect me to just let them keep killing me or something ? Do they think there is a rule against going out of combat then re-engaging them, like the entire roaming world would be duels only or what ? 😂
  14. If stories are to be believed it costed gold too.
  15. Sheesh, that 2 hour fight does sound pretty fun though...
  16. Sounds like boomer talk innit. But did it used to work like that ? 🤔
  17. Imagine if this was a gameplay mechanic, lord goes down ? R E Z U T I L I T Y.
  18. Haha, what a joke, you’re a funny man !… You’re serious, aren’t you ? 😔
  19. Aren’t relinks supposed to oh I don’t know, RELINK the servers, a new and fresh experience, and not put us in the same link for another 2 months ? Like no dissrespect to my Eredon Terrace homies out there, but kitten I want something NEW.
  20. Come on, again ? Eredon Terrace is nice and all but I also want a new link, you know, the whole POINT of a RE-LINK.
  21. To an extent, but even there you need to activly participate to get the rewards, not much mind you, but its PvE. No. No it would not.
  22. Just instantly no. This literally just encourages leeching. This will punish roamers more than zergs. Also no, Ive defended objectives with like 2-3 people against groups of 20 ish.
  23. Mind telling us a bit more, if you’re a roamer/zergling, what timezone you are playing in vs your server etc ? Just calling it dead without much context isn’t really helpful to like anyone.
  24. If I am honest with you, I dont think this would change much if anything, it’s certainly not the right hing for WvW (in my opinion), WvW needs a better reward = effort system imo. For example weekly chests, the repeatable reward should not be WORSE than the wooden weekly chest. But hey ho that’s my opinion.
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