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Posts posted by thepenmonster.3621

  1. @AgentMoore.9453 said:I don't think it'd matter. Dulfy hasn't posted new guides in close to a year

    AFAIK Dulfy got a real job.

    @SunTzu.4513 said:The Icebrood saga is imo lacking at lenght and depth storywise till now...

    I played all three installments on an alt. The whole thing flows like a TV show designed to be binged on Netflix or a comic book designed for the trade paperback. But yeah, playing it as it comes out has been creating a pretty disjointed feeling.

    It reminds me of S2 TBH. I missed it when it came out but going by how brief those are I can imagine what a pain it was to wait it out back then.

    @DoRi Silvia.4159 said:Just take a break from the game and come back when you miss it

    This is the most sane approach to dealing with a commercial product one has somehow forgotten was a commercial product.

  2. @Golvellius.7856 said:Ultimately it's this: We are the crowd and we're not coming. Our reluctance has nothing to do with skill, dedication, intelligence, or challenge. It has nothing to do with our willingness to follow orders. We can read and comprehend - we understand gearing, builds, rotations, timing, dodging, boss mechanics - all the things you hardcore types think ONLY you can understand for some reason. [ snip ] It really is, a big honking chunk of us that do not want to group with a small and very LOUD and toxic portion of you.


  3. Had a better idea: Antipode Commander

    For the past eight years the peoples on the opposite side of the planet of Tyria have been suffering terribly as their magic-dependent societies fall apart due to Tyria's magical balance going insane. A great hero gathers friends to go on a quest to find a cause and a solution. Through their adventures they discover that madmen with magitech on the other side of the planet have been greatly endangering the world by killing elder dragons!

    They gather an army unlike the world has seen before and they begin the long march to put an end to this threat to reality...

  4. Since the thread was nerco'ed:

    In all seriousness, all we got left for a species focused season is the Asura and that... if things remain the same as they have been... means Primordus.

    Personally I currently love the idea that Jormag knows going head to head with the Commander is going to get her killed so she's trying to undermine them. I'd love to see the other remaining dragons take a similar approach. It'd be pretty easy too. Primordus can just tell the council of Rata Sum: "Feed me. Protect me. And I will let you study me. I'll tell you were the secrets of the ages are hidden underground. I will tell you the history of a world far older than you suspect." And if they didn't bite the Inquest certainly would.

    And if not Primordus maybe this is what Steve has been doing in Cantha all along and he has spent all of this time just sadly shaking his head at the aggressive foolishness of his siblings.

  5. S'cuse me. Gonna piggyback on a comment

    @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:The level 80 booster can be used in a 'trial' mode.

    I would like to bring up something to the OP that vets always forget because they're flush with gold: Mesmers are expensive to fully kit out at level 80 for pretty much every recommended build. You might want to run some sort of sturdy alt for the Lvl 80 boost because the free gear you get with the boost will be fine for the job of farming the events in SW. If you can get a good flow and the RNG gods are kind with the loot in Silverwastes you can earn the gold needed for your mesmer main.

  6. @"Yasi.9065" said:Do you see me complaining about being "forced" to do those?

    You specifically?

    If you cant handle doing things you dont like in a game...

    It's a game. Not a job or an obligation. If it doesn't bring you pleasure, don't do it.

    To address your side complaint: I do think there needs to be more dev manpower put into the raids and competitive modes, and not just in the vain hope it'll get you guys to shut up about the game being dead. Each update should have something for everyone, even the side content like raiding.

    That having been said, achievements are 100% opt-in content and if the desire to complete them drives a player to do something they don't like, that's on them.

  7. @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:You guys know that you dont HAVE TO get all the achievements right?

    I have a very fine tuned Effort/ Reward judgement system and PUGging for an emote fails to make it past the suggestion stage.

    I think the main problem people are having is the feeling of being forced to do content. My personal view to having story/ achievements/ gear behind a dungeon, raid, or the like has been, "I don't care enough to bother." But a lot of folks can't shake that completionist drive so this sort of situation always gets their fur up.

  8. @"Abraxxus.8971" said:I saw him not long ago fighting the Shadow Behemoth in the swamp in Queensdale.DcSFAQa.jpg

    You know the RNG gods once gave me Scarlett's rifle. The terrible choice of gold or fashion wars was before me. I chose the gold.

    Then I spent it on the sexy librarian glasses.

  9. @Claudia.1693 said:There is NO WAY I will be able to take out Zhaitan with my thief if I can't even do this.

    Without giving anything away: Yes you can take him out once you're past this.

    That is the other hard part: if I log out (I don't have much of a life, but sometimes I do need to go out, eat, sleep, go to work) it kicks me back to 'meet Caithe and collect the power cores' again - and that just sucks.

    Longer instances like this definitely need a checkpoint system of some sort.

  10. @"Strider Pj.2193" said:You do realize this is for WvW and PvP?

    I wouldn't have written "Getting nerfed to the ground for a game mode most don't play? " for the Silverwastes.

    Anyway, the nerfs might be a good excuse to finish getting the vanity mounts so I can avoid the newly dangerous mobs.

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