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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Ugly as sorry rainbow and gold not what i consider pretty and those Zaitan.. holy.. Shimmering and Mythic weapon skins look better..
  2. Gear like exotics Armours Weapons and Trinkets, precursors and living story mats. boxes of t6 leather or similar glowy gear skins etc.
  3. Other than some of the new EoD class specs (which for me have been amazingly fun) i had not seen any improvement in classes over GW2 lifetime, its been a never ending list of nerfs and debuffs since release.. Its great if others disagree but for me its been a hot mess classes wise..
  4. You've still got to go in to use the sword.
  5. You lose the 3-4k damage when your being dragged backwards and forwards or downed from getting to close to the overpowered champions in owpve.. while i'm circling him hitting him with my ranged damage the whole time.. I guess i might lose 2k while i'm ressing you.
  6. I thought it had different stats.. my mistake..
  7. While i too like the direction. If its right, while they've shown us some of the additions, they have been very quiet about the nerfs as usual. Don't count your chickens... Anet and nerfs go hand in hand.
  8. Dragon Bash has a Ascended EoD trinket Plush thing has dragon stats.
  9. I don't care if Soo Wan dropped 100g loot there is no way i'm going to go through that meta (or kaineng) over and over again.. Thats soul destroying bordem.. No amount of money makes me do unfun things.
  10. You can use scepters on other mesmer classes and its still useless. I use dagger torch/pistol on my Virtuoso.. I very much dislike melee in GW2. too much CC.
  11. Its not the $20 a month.. its when the sub ends you go back to peasant mode.. and can no longer enjoy or play the game like you could...
  12. I thought the Aurene legendaries were ugly and then they out did themselves with the Zaitan ones... Ah Anet making easier and easier to avoid making legendaries lol
  13. No cause if hardly anyone buys the things the prices go down.
  14. As a casual GW2 player i don't think i've used more than three builds or gear tabs..
  15. Same i found all the enemies in EoD and many characters, even the commanders lines were Obnoxious.. Ayumi and Ivan were good additions imo, Gorrik redeemed himself in EoD imo. Everything else story wise was a mess. When did the Commander the character we play become such an ahole... Because they are.
  16. Add me to the list all those mastery points and an npc stops me even going there.. Rata sum is similar those two kids drive me nuts..
  17. While i agree with a lot you said i do not agree the subscription based design works... FFXIV, i quit due to subs.. SWTOR, i quit due to subs.. WoW never played due to subs.. ESO i quit due to subs.. Seeing a theme there..
  18. Its possibly less people buying stuff because there are less people in game so the prices drop.. I don't want to say dying but the game seems very empty for me lately.. Not just EoD.
  19. I really can't see the price changing all that much.. Also you gotta want those legendaries in the first place..
  20. I've never even used Chrono.. its just felt like too much multitasking.
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