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Lunateric.3708's Achievements

  1. I casted a MaT ten days ago, see it for yourself. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/503056018 1:37:52 That's not the October Monthly. The October Monthly hasn't happened yet. Pretty sure that one there is the August one. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/91663/october-monthly-tournament-on-11-16#latestArguing about what month the MaT corresponds to is nothing but a poor attempt at not answering the original line of thought. Unless there was a major balance shift that will somehow make "holosmith dominance" a thing for next MaT. Spoiler alert: it won't.
  2. I casted a MaT ten days ago, see it for yourself. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/503056018 1:37:52 Can't wait to see a response. Gonna be tough making a case against a video
  3. Lemme start by saying this was one of the most expected QoL additions to the game for me and I envisioned at the very least similar functionality to previous admittedly third party solutions. That isn't the case, there are several grievances with current implementation of build "templates" and I'll list them here: They aren't really templates, any modifications you apply to your current loadout alter the loadout itself, it doesn't save it as a real template, so to speak.Their monetization is too aggressive. I expected them to cost gems but their current prices make them equally worth to a couple years of MMO subscription (see FF and perhaps WoW) assuming I go for them on every class.Their release is currently plagued with bugs, it's particularly obvious on revenant and its utility skills, they get their order changed constantly. There are more egregious one like funky interaction with infusions but those are in some instances borderline exploits. It can actually eat infusions.The base number of gear templates is too low for people that PvX. It's a non issue for people running fewer builds but here I'm talking from my side of the road.There are probably more things to point out but overall I feel like this release isn't the kind of QoL release we normally get from the company, expected more, could say I personally hold you in a higher regard.
  4. That's the general consensus. It's too tight and the DPS gains are minimal, still plenty more classes with simpler mechanics out there. The hotfix buff we got did basically nothing in the grand scheme of things, Laser's Edge is such a big mod and it's so incredibly binary, the toolbelt change really messed things up too. Here's to hoping they go for a second take on Holosmith.
  5. It's gonna be great, the trailer is extremely well made.
  6. I thought the exact same thing. Gotta wonder what other people play and how meme it can be.
  7. They didn't fix Holo raid DPS, it's still overshadowed by the meta picks and the new ECSU build is very gimmicky, you have to preheat before the boss but pulling the boss is not on you most of the time as a non-tank. Kit lockout is still there and it's still horrible to have with PBM.
  8. I think they buffed the wrong things, kit lockout with PBM shouldn't exist and ECSU builds need to preheat to have any semblance of burst and that's pretty gimmicky. Sword skills have this disgusting aftercast too. Holo is in a better spot damage wise but not sure they were the right buffs.
  9. Team comps for every boss were updated too and Holo was completely erased from all of them. It's official boys, Holo is worse than prepatch in every regard.
  10. I'm okay with Holo getting a stat penalty if it also gets more damage in return. As it stands it's completely underwhelming compared to almost every other class.
  11. Hate anything that has low engagement, like pet/minion heavy classes or elite specs (necro, base ranger, turret engi or gyro scrapper). Love anything that gets to see a wide variety of skills and has versatility so kit engineer, condi weaver, power chrono, condi renegade.
  12. See, Unlike you, I don't want to deprive you of anything That's your own conviction. Mine is that you will deprive me of something, regardless if you realize this or not. Oh dear how mean of me.. so tell me.. outside of self serving ego stroking, what would I be depriving you of? Possibly the opportunity to play raids at all, by starving them of the required playerbase.In any case, more raid releases, as the developers would need to waste time to rebalance all the existing raids for no good reason. Could make the same argument that they should scrap wvw and pvp because it could make expac and living world faster to complete and ship. Yes and do you know why they don't? Because it's content marketed for a specific demographic such that that group of people could get interested in GW2. Please tell me which group of people would get interested to play GW2 because their are easy mode raids? Actually no it isn't... I didn't think I would like WvW at all, in fact I generally dislike PvP period. I was not keen on going into WvW and having to get Gift of Battle in the first place because that was not something I thought I would be interested in. However, guess what? I tried it and got hooked on it. I enjoyed the playstyle of having massive battles and testing my skills against other players more than I thought I would. So no, it's NOT about marketing to that group of players. Instanced content however makes it impossible to find out if you would "enjoy" that kind of playstyle. If you can't get in or your group wipes constantly and you waste 10 people's time because you can't figure it out etc (and don't want to sit through and watch 100 videos etc) but would like to just freaking play it... So while it might be fun for some people who feel like it's "fun" to spend hours of time watching a video about how to play then spend however long trying to find a group of people to play it through and then maybe completing the content. Sure, go ahead and tell people again that it's "marketed" for that type of person. Not everyone knows what is "for them" till they try it and when you have instanced content, well it's obvious that you can't just "try" it. The point is they introduced raids to pull more people in with the HOT expansion. to market to a specific kind of player. Honestly i don't really see where you're argument would prove me wrong. Rather it explains quite nicely why you should lock rewards to specific content. Well beyond the fact that HoT was a major catastrophic failure... I can't see why this was not a brilliant idea. A "major catastrophic failure" does not get followed up by two living world seasons and an expansion. A lot of people found reasons to complain about HoT. It doesn't make it a failure. A lot of people always find reasons to complain about everything. LOL.. what.. did you think that because HoT failed big time they would cease making Living World? Really? And PoF is nothing like HoT. ? hot was a success both commercially and technically and introduced a ton of content. No it wasn't, in fact, Colin openly admitted as he left the Studio, that HoT didn't go over nearly as well as they had hoped. 'nearly as well as they had hoped' does not equate to failure. If it was a big time failure they would not have created another expansion along same lines. Notice.. they didn't create an expansion along the same lines.. Yes, they did, the formula is exactly the same for what both expansions brought. Difficulty, new feature (gliding versus mounts), e-specs and all other things that vary represent pieces of the same macro-picture. And yeah, calling HoT a failure is disingenuous at best.
  13. I have the same bug, opened them all once for the first achievement, couldn't open them again at all.
  14. Then design a mechanic that adds diminished returns to any stacking in that particular mode. WvW balance won't happen regardless though, it's not realistic.
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