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Everything posted by Jugglemonkey.8741

  1. There's actually a thin blue line that appears on your screen when you kneel, indicating your max range. The other good indicator is if you can cast a stolen skill while targeting the marked target; while you have them targeted, if you're outside of 1500 range the stolen skill will fail to cast.
  2. Wasn't torment added to mesmers, thieves and necros at pretty much the same time? If that was the original idea, they abandoned it in vanilla.
  3. You refusing to build and learn to counter that ranger isn't Anet's fault. You have to admit he has a great account name for rage quitting tho.
  4. I have legendary armor and weapons along with 90% crit chance, so your suggestion would add 8k damage to pistol whip, and let's not mention how obnoxious headshot would be with the new piercing trait. I don't think anyone wants that xD
  5. Using a targeted teleport or leap like steal or heartseekers to jump to where the player is then auto attacking often deals with the issue. Assuming it's just desync and not funny business, anyways.
  6. I'm not actually convinced theif can 100-0 another class post patch besides thief if the other guy is properly built (ie not zerker), brings any sort of stunbreak or invuln and plays with a level of awareness greater than a mouldy sock, but playing along with the argument; if a thief can one shot a class before they can react post patch, it would absolutely require assassin's signet, which has a cool down. Soooo, at least part of your post is exaggerated.
  7. There's a new expac announced? Edit: so there's something coming in the distant future. Tbh experience has taught me not to bother speculating til it happens, as they have a habit of announcing stuff so far in advance the hype burns itself out.
  8. +1(+1 shotting included...yes even after recent 'balance' patch) -current build variations included- -Bad Design Can Not Be Balanced-Redesign Is The Only Way I cringe at some of the play by the opponents in that video to be honest. That last reaper may actually take the spot for the single worst reaper I've ever seen. i never blame players but the profession itself. Thief Profession Toxic Design is to be blamed because a non-condition base profession shouldn't never outperform a pure condition base profession...reaper or not...Necromancer Profession is its base core. it is like putting a bicycle against a motorcycle and having it outperform the motorcycle speed.....that would be unheard in a competitive scenery but in the world of Guild Wars 2 'competitive' scenery, Everything is true=possible!! BAD DESIGN IS BAD DESIGN!! -Necromancer Should Be The Strongest Condition Damage Dealer Profession In The Game Because That Is Their Root Core!!!!- Nor Thief, Elementalist, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer Profession should ever be capable to resist their conditions Guardian/Monk being the only Profession who is capable of cleaning all of Necromancer Professions conditions and Mesmer being the only Profession having the power to stop Necromancer conditions from ever casting Restore Condition'Removes all conditions. Removal effect: heals for 10...58...70 for each condition removed.'https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Restore_Condition Blackout'You can use this skill as an interrupt, since any skill being activated by the target when he is blacked out will fail at the end of the skill's activation time'https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Blackout Sooooo, you want to be unkillable vs 5/9 professions simply because you deal condi damage. Fair and balanced. Incidentally, this reminds me of one of my favourite things to do in HoT, which was to troll condi reapers by condi bombing them on a trapper build then using take root (sylvari racial elite) to give myself invulnerability so the reaper couldn't transfer the condis back. They couldn't cleanse anything as reaper had terrible cleanse at the time, so they died horribly every time. Fair and balanced, right? Why are you still engaging him after all these years xDBoredom. Also it's fun to mess with people.
  9. +1(+1 shotting included...yes even after recent 'balance' patch) -current build variations included- -Bad Design Can Not Be Balanced-Redesign Is The Only Way I cringe at some of the play by the opponents in that video to be honest. That last reaper may actually take the spot for the single worst reaper I've ever seen. i never blame players but the profession itself. Thief Profession Toxic Design is to be blamed because a non-condition base profession shouldn't never outperform a pure condition base profession...reaper or not...Necromancer Profession is its base core. it is like putting a bicycle against a motorcycle and having it outperform the motorcycle speed.....that would be unheard in a competitive scenery but in the world of Guild Wars 2 'competitive' scenery, Everything is true=possible!! BAD DESIGN IS BAD DESIGN!! -Necromancer Should Be The Strongest Condition Damage Dealer Profession In The Game Because That Is Their Root Core!!!!- Nor Thief, Elementalist, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer Profession should ever be capable to resist their conditions Guardian/Monk being the only Profession who is capable of cleaning all of Necromancer Professions conditions and Mesmer being the only Profession having the power to stop Necromancer conditions from ever casting Restore Condition'Removes all conditions. Removal effect: heals for 10...58...70 for each condition removed.'https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Restore_Condition Blackout'You can use this skill as an interrupt, since any skill being activated by the target when he is blacked out will fail at the end of the skill's activation time'https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/BlackoutSooooo, you want to be unkillable vs 5/9 professions simply because you deal condi damage. Fair and balanced. Incidentally, this reminds me of one of my favourite things to do in HoT, which was to troll condi reapers by condi bombing them on a trapper build then using take root (sylvari racial elite) to give myself invulnerability so the reaper couldn't transfer the condis back. They couldn't cleanse anything as reaper had terrible cleanse at the time, so they died horribly every time. Fair and balanced, right?
  10. He'd have been better off on core necro as scourge gives too many AoE's that the thief can dodge through to get cleanses, and shroud also gives you much more effective health to work with than barrier does. He should have put doom and geomancy sigils on his weapons along with the traited AoE weakness and bleed on shroud entry along with one foot in the grave to break the daze, so he can use shroud as an instant cast pbAoE to punish the thief and load him up with condis between his evade frames as he ports in. Doing this alone would have landed 6 bleeds, which is more than the necro lands in that entire fight. He also should have run towards the thief when he ported back, and placed marks on his return points. This would have negated the cleanse the thief gets from porting back, loading more bleeds, and would have put much more pressure on him by forcing more cleanses. Necro is tanky but cannot sustain under pressure, while thief is evasive but, critically, also cannot sustain under pressure. The thief will lose if you force it to trade blows and don't attack into evades, so it's to your advantage to be aggressive but not spammy like this player was.
  11. This. If you go straight for a +1 on mid to tip that fight in your team's favour while a bunker that can hold the point goes home, you basically reverse the situation described above. If they sent one to close and one to far, your bunker can hold close meaning your +1 creates a 4v2 in your favour on mid. The opposing player on far then has to choose between leaving the point to help mid, leaving it open for you to decap, or staying put and losing mid. Going mid on thief gives you waaaaay more options than home.
  12. I did wonder what happened to the pig pet.
  13. Didnt know Sindrender also went by XxkazuyaxXX Yes sorry @Bigpapasmurf.5623 master of thieves was really exaggerated. I currently run the condi rifle build (SB for getaways or to stun res's) however this gave me an idea. How do you think the build would be impacted if you used Binding Shadows over Blinding Powder? Swapped my SB for P/D and WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Much Nastier. Yup. Condi DE with P/D built for torment duration is really quite nasty atm. Pretty fun to hunt condi mirages with it. Oh yea. Fought one like 5-6 times. Changed thei rbuild each time (was core and came back chrono as well lol). I get ahead o fmyself and sometimes fail that initial burst. Im not built for torment but for poison (came from rifle condi). Still nasty and needs to be looked at lol.The main reason is because repeater is such an easy way to spam bleed as a cover condi atm, you're going to be hard pressed to cleanse the torment from the malicious sneak attacks if you only have a couple of cleanses. With trailblazer gear I get 13s duration on those stacks, I use skale venom for additional burst (don't need smoke screen as power damage is lower now) and tormenting runes. Between the runes, the venoms, shadows rejuviation and the leech on sneak attack you get a hefty amount of sustain too. Frankly it's another reason why trailblazer and dire shouldn't exist in WvW, if I was forced to take a viper carrion build it would be a lot more reasonable.
  14. I run full out zerk thief and most high crit heart seekers reach 6k tops but yes I've gotten 10k backstabs also dull dps build but very glass. With ranger pets doing 5k passive damage and spec like fb doing 36k burns in seconds while having crazy sustain for itself and group but yes nerfs thiefs 6-10k if all stars align glass build bursts lol unreal.Warriors my jam and their in a tough spot after patch except for splb f1 which will be fixed soon but no reason to nerf thief more, it's been nerfed enough. You can get 9k heartseekers vs glassy targets while running full marauders. DA Trickery DD with infiltrators runes, executioner and assassin's signet. That's on enemies already on very low health tho. Not sure what DE can do with that personally, but I don't run D/P normally so hey.
  15. Didnt know Sindrender also went by XxkazuyaxXX Yes sorry @Bigpapasmurf.5623 master of thieves was really exaggerated. I currently run the condi rifle build (SB for getaways or to stun res's) however this gave me an idea. How do you think the build would be impacted if you used Binding Shadows over Blinding Powder? Swapped my SB for P/D and WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Much Nastier.Yup. Condi DE with P/D built for torment duration is really quite nasty atm. Pretty fun to hunt condi mirages with it.
  16. Power, Condition and Bunker is how Guild Wars 2 balance itself. Just like everyone else,Thief Profession adjusts itself with the meta of choice. The Toxic road in all of this is and why this isn't a good look is...... for the past 8 years......there is nothing new to this -No Lessons Were Learned-Thief Profession can still +1 shotThief Profession condition is still ToxicThief Profession can still perma-stealthThief Profession can still stack stealthThief Profession Mechanics and Skills remain ToxicThief Profession Teleport continue to be exploitable Thief Profession is still Bad Design The only remedy to this is for a complete redesign or to completely remove this profession altogether until than......Guild Wars will never coexist with Toxicity As I've said before, you just straight up hate thief. You base your position on that emotional reaction rather than relying on on any logical argument. It's fine to hate the class, just admit it for what it is dude. On a more personal note, be careful how you quote the Bible. I don't imagine God likes His words being taken out of context any more than we do. Solomon-Proverb are everyday applicable lessons.and guidlines. The quote I used are the lessons of repetitions and the reality of continual unlearned lessons.and seeing it for what it is Speaking of God, God want his words to be applicable through actions, not by words. With growth through learning and telling us the harsh reality when they aren't meet. We are human afterall including Anet and us players. We all make mistakes and the results of it are by our actions. Words not action will turn things arround. Until than, this is the reality and the casualities when serious actions are continually being thrown under the rug. The main lesson here us, 'Nothing Will Change If You Don't Change' '"Thief Profession will never be healthy or competitive to the game and it's community unless f its redesigned'"You're right in a sense about the book of proverbs, although that book has an underlying theme too, read chapters 1 to 3 through in one sitting and you'll see that it's not just a collection of wise sayings. That quote however is from Ecclesiastes, which shows the futility of man's work and of living for any reason other than to glorify God. Applying that quote to an MMO is really not the right context at all haha
  17. I still take Trickery for the other stuff anyway. M7 has a good lineup of stuff and you can still hit a DJ at 5 Malice if you need to but I'm going to try BQoBD off and on and see what feels best. I grabbed whatever Life Leech and Siphon that can fit into my mirror builds that also doubled up as something else to make the most out of slot choices. I have to supplement my big heal somehow anyway and they're all going off as consequence of what I'm already doing. I wouldn't call that a valid answer though since I don't see anyone going for anything close to meta touching those and even my food adds to the line up which means I'm not taking that Damage reduction but I have to have get the momentum on taking out that health bar but still take a hit or two. I feel like I can ease up a bit in this weeks matchup and might try some other gimmick. True that. The problem is sustain without disengaging; the old CS SA DE build had one or two attacks that could one shot then you had to back off and wait for the mark cooldown, now the damage isn't enough to get that effect so the build isn't viable imo (A +1 DE is just straight up inferior to DD in every way). I'd rather take my SA trickery DE build that can fire off less damaging but more consistent attacks, and that can survive for a time outside of stealth. Life leech does add up tho, it's the main reason condi DE works so well imo (tormenting runes plus skale venom on P/D, on top of SA regen and leech). It's hard to get that level of sustain on a power build without sacrificing too much tho. Hope you find a good build out of it somewhere ^^
  18. Power, Condition and Bunker is how Guild Wars 2 balance itself. Just like everyone else,Thief Profession adjusts itself with the meta of choice. The Toxic road in all of this is and why this isn't a good look is...... for the past 8 years......there is nothing new to this -No Lessons Were Learned-Thief Profession can still +1 shotThief Profession condition is still ToxicThief Profession can still perma-stealthThief Profession can still stack stealthThief Profession Mechanics and Skills remain ToxicThief Profession Teleport continue to be exploitable Thief Profession is still Bad Design The only remedy to this is for a complete redesign or to completely remove this profession altogether until than......Guild Wars will never coexist with Toxicity As I've said before, you just straight up hate thief. You base your position on that emotional reaction rather than relying on on any logical argument. It's fine to hate the class, just admit it for what it is dude. On a more personal note, be careful how you quote the Bible. I don't imagine God likes His words being taken out of context any more than we do.
  19. You either have to take trickery or M7 in general these days I think, it's very difficult to press an attack without either of those things. Especially since the last patch's damage nerf, I think you're better off building ini regen and going for more of a bruiser build now. Going all in on damage doesn't really have the kick it needs anymore.
  20. I actually totally agree with the portal + permastealth bit. The stealth is fine imo, lose the portal though as the class really didn't need that. Either that or make the portal a daredevil only thing; that way you get portal or shadow meld, not both.
  21. That's true, but I did preface my post by saying that this is from a thief's point of view. Other classes have less stealth for sure, but they also have way more options in terms of blocks, reflects, and general defensive skills that I don't have on my thief. My point to the previous poster was essentially that to say there's no way to deal with stealth because you lack a reveal is a lazy approach to balance and to the fight, there's a ton of things you can do to negate the advantage if you think about it. When fighting a thief you have to consider what type of thief you're fighting. If you're on a scrapper against a deadeye, yeah, trying to outstealth for the opener is probably a waste of time, but by stealthing in that situation you will get a long duration (assuming sneak gyro, hammer leaps and elixer s toolbelt skill are all used) where the deadeye can't hurt you as most deadeye builds require a target and LoS. This gives you time to heal the damage from the deadeye's opener, time that ticks down the cooldowns on any defensive skills you used before stealthing, and time for you to move to a better spot with obstacles to LoS the deadeye. You're also on one of the most tanky builds in the game; if you see him use smoke fields near you, stand in them to reveal the thief as he leaps through it for stealth. If the smoke field is far away, run in the opposite direction to it; the thief then has to choose between not having enough stealth for his next attack as he chases, or leaving stealth to use ini for mobility, both things work in your favour. I'm not saying that any one of these things on their own will always do the trick, but taking in mind the type of thief you're dealing with, you can use a combination of them to limit the thief's options and give you opportunities. Well, firstly, thanks for reading it. Secondly, this is all from the standpoint of me playing a thief, as I said earlier, and I can tell you from experience that these tactics do work. The thing to remember with thief is that you're not fighting the build, you're fighting the player; you'll have to evaluate your own class and look for ways to mitigate the thief's advantage and put pressure on him. Simply complaining that you don't have a reveal therefore there's no counterplay is lazy gameplay, speaking honestly. If memory serves you're a necro main; necro is a lot stronger vs a lot of things now because damage has been reduced across the board, and you don't have many defensive options besides tanking anyway due to your class's inherent design. So do the same thing that warriors do; build tanky enough that one shots aren't a problem, but don't sacrifice too much damage so you can play aggressively knowing that you'll win by attrition if you force the thief on the defensive by trading blows. You probably have one of the worst matchups with thieves, but thieves have lousy matchups against DH, holosmith and quite often boonbeast too. Just the way it goes really.
  22. If the game is too hard for you you could try some mobile games, maybe something with autoplay would be a good fit, don't have to work to counter anything. what is the counter of stealth?playing class without detection :/and i cant see overlords or overseer flying over me.. and i dont have a scan or a mobile turret. :( Then hide in spawn or log off if you can't. Or try some more emojis. I ask you again.What is the counter to stealth? When you dont have detection on your class.Speaking from a thief perspective (so no inherent class reveals); You can use stealth yourself, in order to negate their advantage and gain the opening strike. You would not believe the amount of pressure this can put on a player if done consistently. You can use skills that track through stealth (basically anything with a longer cast time or channel in conjunction with the skill queue) to pressure when they would otherwise be safe. I often queue a P/D 2 into malicious sneak attack on an enemy entering stealth, as long as the buttons were pressed when the target was visible the channel of sneak attack will hit. You can use terrain to your advantage; LoS to deal with ranged stealth builds like deadeye, bottlenecks and tight corners in conjunction with AoE CC and damage to pressure daredevil, spots where ports do not work reliably to deny shadowstep for the escape. You can build to condi bomb in the times they are visible, and heal when they enter stealth on low health knowing they can't risk an attack right then. You can use skills that target players regardless of if they are stealthed or not; deadeye stolen items when used will trigger a hit that deals damage to the marked player irrespective of stealth as long as they are in range, so using that in a condi build to apply a spider venom stack along with doom sigil and torment sigil can load up the thief with condi even when he's in stealth. Odds are there's more than one skill that functions in this way. You can drop area blinds/projectile reflect/blocks and wait for the stealth to expire. You can drop traps/preparations, stand on them and wait for the thief to engage. If he dodges through the trap to trigger it, he's within melee range so nuke him with PBAoE skills. You can use mobility skills to kite; a lot of heavy stealth builds have lower mobility than the average on other builds, so he has to choose between keeping up or keeping stealth. Either way it works in your favour. You can use z axis mobility vs builds that lack it either by design or through cooldowns; holosmith cannot port, so if you port onto the top of a wall when he stealths his advantage is totally negated. You can force a fight near sentries or towers with the sentry buff to mark the player and gain the advantage. You can use target painters and throw them at the smoke fields, revealing the thief. That's just off the top of my head. There are plenty of ways to deal with stealthed opponents, if you think clearly, know the class and what they can do and use terrain effectively.
  23. It's pretty disingenuous to say it's a 50% reduction in combat options. It's a 50% loss of pet combat options for soulbeast compared to pre patch, but You need to consider the other specs, not the previous state of soulbeast. Considering soulbeast increased the number of pet skills by introducing the merged mechanic, you lost some core options and gained some new ones. So it's not a 50% loss at all compared to the other ranger specs, which is all you should really be comparing soulbeast to anyways.
  24. they are always 'bad players' the usual (what i find interesting, Thief Profession players even uses the word Toxicity as a meme' in their game play and even attach it to their name to describe how Broken and Toxic Thief Profession is and yet you say otherwise) -i encourage you to ask these Thief Profession players in the videos of how 'bad' those players are....dying to Toxic Bad Design- i can even provide additional Thief Profession players if needed.....as many as you want. They also know Thief Profession mechanics inside-out without any B.S actually here is one as a start- soon to be the next meta in line And again you mislead people by showing them only what is beneficial to you. You say that the Arena does nothing to thieves and allows this style of play to exist with impunity from the beginning of the centuries. This video is from September 3, 2019. But the Anet reacted and this build was badly nerfed after 1 month with hotfixes and new patch. Like the rest of the condi builds due to changes in the Deadly Arts. Which by the standards of Anet is pretty fast. And with the new patch will be nerfed even more.And in this video there are no one-shots, no permastealth. It's just rifle 2 skill spam.But of course you do not want to tell about this. Since this is contrary to your statements.All classes in the game have toxic braindead builds. You say contrary? you did not bother to read my post and why i even posted that video to begin with. It is quite understandable why you are quick to defend Thief Profession without giving yourself a chance to see what the other person have to say. -Anet has a business to maintain and are given choices to promote healthy competition to players who are ready to defend it- I have nothing more to say to you Ive recreated this build roughly 2 months ago and while it has many weaknesses (projectile hate/cleanses/resistance/immunity to immob...etc) this build still needs a nerfing imo It has been nerfed today.Panic Strike: Reduced poison duration from 2 seconds to 1 second.Potent Poison: Reduced bonus poison duration from 20% to 5%. Used it post patch and it def wasnt enough. Just takes a tad longer to do its thing.Can confirm. Out of the builds I use, my condi build is the only one that needed no changes post patch. Honestly tho, I don't have a problem playing condi if the encounters I get favour it. If every other class cheeses it, why shouldn't thief?
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