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Everything posted by Jugglemonkey.8741

  1. I wasn't going to get PoF at all honestly. I main thief and at the time I alt'd revenant, and honestly the expac didn't look that appealing for those two classes. Deadeye turned out more fun than I expected I'll admit, but it doesn't change the fact that I only bought PoF because I was drunk and thought you needed it to glide in WvW. I found the gliding mastery the next morning.
  2. Is superspeed rippable or corruptable? If not I'd guess that's another reason daredevil doesn't have it, to keep some counterplay in there.
  3. I can't comment much on soulbeast and mirage as I don't play them, but I know that they are killable. You need boonrip or corrupt to kill a bunker soulbeast, and condi works well against mirages in general. S/P thief is probably the one I have the most issues with of the three, but it's worth noting that the S/P daredevil build has been around since HoT and if anything it's been nerfed since then due to pulmonary impact having it's damage halved and dash getting the exhaustion debuff. The only reason it's suddenly popular is because Sindrener has started running it recently, and it happens to fit the meta nicely. It seems unlikely to me that a build like this would have gone under the radar for so long (literally since HoT) if it was truly as OP as some people make it sound. The only advice I can give you is to use your build templates to give yourself an advantage in specific situations. I main deadeye for solo roaming, so I have the standard glass deadeye build for quick kills and sniping players in larger groups. This build is easily outplayed if the opponent survives the initial burst so I also have my weird boonsteal S/D rifle deadeye build for killing bunkers (lots of boonsteal to steal protection, unblockable to pressure when projectile hate goes up and plenty of projectile hate of my own) and a condi P/D rifle DE build with lots of condi cleanse for killing problematic builds like condi mirages. These three builds are designed so that if something is strong against two of them, it's very likely to be vulnerable to the third. The last template slot is a S/P daredevil build with speed runes for mobility and fights where stealth isn't an option (like near towers or for capping sentries). My main counters are well played warriors and daredevils, since good warriors can just shrug off your damage and daredevil in general shuts down deadeye pretty easily.
  4. It's the same tag, and the video he just posted is actually the second cake ganking video he's done. It's pretty funny, mostly because of how full of themselves cake come across as in their content (I've duelled a couple cake members and had fun, they're good players, but the stuff they put out like the intro to this video is just cringy).
  5. The warclaw basically gave everyone the mobility, evasiveness and immunity to CC that daredevil has, while not having to sacrifice anything within their own builds. Also, toning down evades will help people catch roamers and gankers in their own territory. That's a pretty big buff to "normal" people imo (normal is in quotes because literally everybody will gank given the opportunity).
  6. You mean alacrity? D:Either or. My point is that maybe chill, quickness and alacrity not affecting ini regen is actually a good thing.
  7. Frankly I hope there's no more elite specs because they screw up balance in so many ways, so your answer on what sacrifices I'd be willing to make would be none.
  8. I do use rifle in a DE condi build, but given the choice of nerfing panic strike or sword 2 I'd sooner see changes to panic strike with some compensation given to pistol 2 to even out the condi side of things. Currently I don't see a reason to run hybrid over a trailblazer/rabid/viper mix as the toughness is greater value imo, so this would be a healthy change if we're looking to limit power/introduce more counterplay to stuff.
  9. Thanks. That can explain some of the team fight issues I've had. Does a Greatsword Mesmer or an Axe Warrior have any skills that can break through? I got Stealth-burst by a shatter Mesmer 1v1, and it instantly took most of my health. But I did get a Pistol Whip off (I actually tried to get it off before the burst in anticipation, but waited a split-second too long). My combat log confirmed that I got a successful hit/interrupt of either him or a clone, so I'm guessing I should have been in an evade immediately after, but I was nearly immediately downed instead. A Warrior also seemed to Eviscerate through in a 1v1. I can't remember if it was through a Pistol Whip or a Dagger Storm, but it caught me off guard that I was on my back instead of finishing my skill. Alas, I guess I'm going to have to start recording my matches so I can study such events. There's a mesmer trait that dazes you if you cc them if I remember right. Not seen it played in a while as its in chaos I think, but it totally shuts down pistol whip if it's not on CD. Wasn't there also a bug with eviscerate recently? Where it would hit through evades? Can't remember if/when it got fixed, but the skill was definitely over performing due to a bug within the last year or so. @Kageseigi.2150 said: Thanks. That can explain some of the team fight issues I've had. Does a Greatsword Mesmer or an Axe Warrior have any skills that can break through? I got Stealth-burst by a shatter Mesmer 1v1, and it instantly took most of my health. But I did get a Pistol Whip off (I actually tried to get it off before the burst in anticipation, but waited a split-second too long). My combat log confirmed that I got a successful hit/interrupt of either him or a clone, so I'm guessing I should have been in an evade immediately after, but I was nearly immediately downed instead. A Warrior also seemed to Eviscerate through in a 1v1. I can't remember if it was through a Pistol Whip or a Dagger Storm, but it caught me off guard that I was on my back instead of finishing my skill. Alas, I guess I'm going to have to start recording my matches so I can study such events. Mesmer cant do it, but warrior can pull you with magebane tetherhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magebane_Tether_(trait_skill)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Auspicious_Anguish/history This is what I was thinking of. Apparently the trait was reworked.
  10. Thanks. That can explain some of the team fight issues I've had. Does a Greatsword Mesmer or an Axe Warrior have any skills that can break through? I got Stealth-burst by a shatter Mesmer 1v1, and it instantly took most of my health. But I did get a Pistol Whip off (I actually tried to get it off before the burst in anticipation, but waited a split-second too long). My combat log confirmed that I got a successful hit/interrupt of either him or a clone, so I'm guessing I should have been in an evade immediately after, but I was nearly immediately downed instead. A Warrior also seemed to Eviscerate through in a 1v1. I can't remember if it was through a Pistol Whip or a Dagger Storm, but it caught me off guard that I was on my back instead of finishing my skill. Alas, I guess I'm going to have to start recording my matches so I can study such events. There's a mesmer trait that dazes you if you cc them if I remember right. Not seen it played in a while as its in chaos I think, but it totally shuts down pistol whip if it's not on CD. Wasn't there also a bug with eviscerate recently? Where it would hit through evades? Can't remember if/when it got fixed, but the skill was definitely over performing due to a bug within the last year or so.
  11. I have autos disabled by default both on the skill bar and in options, it's not worth losing the stealth from something like that.
  12. I've been trying out Sind's S/P build for a bit of variety, but it's been a long while since I played daredevil much. What sigils do people run in WvW these days? I remember energy/bloodlust, air/fire and draining/absorption being a thing, that still current?
  13. Honestly condi DE with rifle still feels fine, you can still get reasonable ticks which is fine given the 1500 range and the fact it pierces. I was using rifle as a support weapon to build malice and force cleanses ready for a P/D spike though, so that might be why I'm not as bothered by this change as some seem to be. ^ gotta agree with this tho, I'm still annoyed my trap build no longer exists. I'm hoping it's just a perception given I don't play those classes, or that the next balance patch will see more consistent changes.
  14. You can achieve that kind of damage pretty easily on DE just by spamming spotter's shot with leeching venoms traited in SA. This is the build I use;http://gw2skills.net/editor/?Pa1AQpjlFwAZbsOmJO2OrvKA-zVZYMhiRG1YzQOKlIDhMLgcjgeTAvPAhrHu/rRVA-wMark applies 2 stacks of poison, increased by potent poison to 3 stacks. Panic strike applies 1 stack, 2 stacks with potent poison, and because it does damage it applies the traited spider venom for 3 stacks per shot. So going off what Sir Vincent III.1286 said, you only need to mark and land 2 spotter's shots before you're doing the kind of damage you're talking about. Poison durations on most thief skills are already sufficiently high to be dangerous, so I built torment runes for the sustain (2k+ heals off P/D sneak attack if all shots hit) and to get enough duration to get 13 seconds of torment on a max malice P/D sneak attack with 11 seconds of torment on shadow strike. It works best as a way to poke and force cleanses while not exposing yourself to harm unnecessarily, while saving the P/D spike for when you're sure they can't deal with it.
  15. Same here, it always opens on wardrobe. Kinda annoying.
  16. Compare to Malicious Intent, they are indeed inferior in terms of general use. However, they are not useless. I don't personally use One in the Chamber but I see here that it has some uses. As for Collateral Damage, I only use it when facing a group of mobs (i.e. pocket raptors) but the re-Marking gets really annoying in this situation. What they can do with Collateral Damage is to automatically mark one of the mob that received damage if your target dies. This way, if done correctly, we can chain the explosion to all the mobs. However, after the introduction of Pitfall, I don't use Collateral Damage anymore to clear trash mobs. Diable 2 corpse explosion was one of those satisfying game mechanics for senses, I'd hit up all the expansion and episode maps if it had that kind of quality of life improvement. I'd love a corpse explosion type trait, but honestly it would have to be a necro thing really. Stolen Item with Improv was a good stealth breaker a while ago when it felt like there was too much re-stealth creeping around for a few matchups long enough for someone to launch a pull or interrupt. It's also a decent target ping if they're trying to lose you with line of site. I agree in your average matchup though, I also forgot about stealth on heal and all that, redundancy kinda keeps that trait dusty Yeah, I was running it a while ago on an acro trick DE S/P build, it certainly has it's uses. I feel that build gets eaten alive once there's more than 1-2 enemy players tho, SA is a much safer option which like you say means the trait is made redundant.
  17. Another vote for one in the chamber on certain builds that take shadow meld but not improv. It depends whether you want more damage on the initial +1 (in which case MI is better) or more opportunities to sneak attack. That said, it's only really a benefit if you're running a set with no inherent stealth (so P/P, shortbow or S/P), if you're on condi (so you're taking potent poison over improv) or if you're not running DA or SA, so acro trick DE or CS trick DE basically. With the rework to SA in particular giving stealth on mark and on heal, that plus the stolen item and shadow meld gives enough stealth to dump malice reliably in most situations so for anything other than the situations described above you'd be better off with MI. As for collateral damage, it's a fun trait to mess with but AoE damage after I've killed something is rarely as useful as a stronger opening attack from MI. If it did the AoE blind on target with a sneak attack that would be so much more useful, but possibly OP even without the damage.
  18. Is the duelling area used much in EU? I don't check it often admittedly, but it seems to be empty when I do :/
  19. What will core offer that DE can't with these changes? The way I see it P/D will be just as dangerous on full condi since a full malice sneak attack with leeching venoms stacks and doom/torment sigils is pretty brutal even without deadly ambition. What this does is make all thief condi builds have a little more ramp up time, which isn't a bad thing at all really. I can see your point about grieving stats on DE though, if you were running that gear with thorns runes you may now be better off with viper stats and tormenting runes. I think this is a better combo for DE anyways as it capitalises on the sneak attack plus leeching venoms for some very nice sustain and damage, you'll get less power damage but it'll still pack a punch. Edit: the 120 condi damage is going to be the make or break point with the new version of the trait for me I think. Without that, I'd seriously consider taking mug instead. With the incoming changes DA will be a must. P/d also better synergizes with SA than most weapons and SA is a must. What I get from TR Over DE is confusion, more boon removal and more condition removal. The 15 percent to condition damage out of lead attacks is nice too. You put that in with bleeds poisons torments and confusion there some hard ticking pulses in there. The poison stacks will tick an extra 20 percent on top of that turning 3 stacks into 4. Fair enough. I was mostly wondering what about the patch specifically makes you want to change really, it seems like you were already thinking of changing regardless of the trait change. I still think DE with the torment on sneak attack is going to be better, if only because the number of opponents running high resistance uptime builds is pretty low, and those builds are better fought with a dedicated boon rip build. Now build templates are a thing having several specialist builds works better than an all rounder, especially since thief gets to choose when the fight starts. I run cleansing sigil on rifle, hide in shadows and shadow step, I find that's enough cleanses to deal with anything provided I don't try to facetank, and the ini regen from M7 outweighs anything that trickery brings imo. If it works for you then by all means go for it tho :)
  20. What will core offer that DE can't with these changes? The way I see it P/D will be just as dangerous on full condi since a full malice sneak attack with leeching venoms stacks and doom/torment sigils is pretty brutal even without deadly ambition. What this does is make all thief condi builds have a little more ramp up time, which isn't a bad thing at all really. I can see your point about grieving stats on DE though, if you were running that gear with thorns runes you may now be better off with viper stats and tormenting runes. I think this is a better combo for DE anyways as it capitalises on the sneak attack plus leeching venoms for some very nice sustain and damage, you'll get less power damage but it'll still pack a punch. Edit: the 120 condi damage is going to be the make or break point with the new version of the trait for me I think. Without that, I'd seriously consider taking mug instead.
  21. This. I wouldn't consider playing daredevil or core without trickery, because they tend to focus on burst and retreat playstyles with D/P and S/D, both sets that really need the extra ini to work well. Rifle and P/D don't really need it though, because they either hit hard enough to not need a followup attack or the boost from M7 keeps them able to sustain an attack indefinitely with proper malice management.
  22. Yeah don't do that, else you'll find Revenant and how the dual-swords Unrelenting Assault fits perfectly with the Thief and the single-sword Precision Strike and Deathstrike. However, I'm not jealous, I'm peeved. Swear to God like a week ago I was about to make post exactly about those Revs sword skills and how they should have been on Thief along with Rev Staff 3 but then I scraped it cuz theres no point anymore.Well, the devs did a "what would you like to see on thief?" Q&A post before HoT, then we got rev. So it's unsurprising you thing that those things fit thief, because a lot of that core rev stuff was actually suggested in that post.
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