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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. Look at these threads.Is balance the issue?Or is the issue LAG?Chances are the next patch they will focus on balance which doesn't solve the issue.Other companies like Zoom, they recognize issues like rapidly scaling, security concerns. What do companies like Zoom do? They focus on the issues like scalability, lag, and security. The issues. They put aside meaningless things and focus on the issue, just look at what they say"After several security snafus, the company said it would focus on beefing up its security over the next few months instead of rolling out new features it had planned."

    Look at GW2, the forums rarely talk about balance, but it is overwhelmed with lag, this is just the first page of the forums, look at the sheer amount of.Hello GW2? You there, issue is lag, fix it.This is what GW2 does, we going to spend 4-6 weeks on balance... lag? what about lag? we going to do 4-6 weeks on balance.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/104025/what-happened-to-4-6-weeks#latestList of threads all about 1 issue, lag, only from the first page of WvW forums.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100945/wvw-is-not-playable#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103329/wvw-address-the-lagg-issue#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102958/server-lags-kill-the-fun#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101611/yet-another-skill-lag-complain#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/99947/wvw-servers-i-know-has-been-said-alot-but-it-lags#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103962/lag-wars-2#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103742/insane-skill-lag-in-eu-wvw-help-us-get-a-response-from-the-devs#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103992/bug-lag-or#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103972/lag-is-bad-these-days#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103191/wvw-server-performance-unanswered-post-317#latest20% of the first page of WvW forum is letting GW2 they need to fix lag.This is a lot of posts about 1 issue. Which means it is an issue that needs to be taken seriously.

    The problem is that GW2 uses AWS has its cloud provider.In this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103742/insane-skill-lag-in-eu-wvw-help-us-get-a-response-from-the-devs#latest

    @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:I teach game programming and design and I am almost certain that it is server capacity issue.

    Everytime when there is blob vs blob fight the server needs to do enormous amount of computation. The amount of calculations done increases if it is a 3-way fight.

    Let me inform you of some factsAWS Cloud came about in 2006, it is an old cloud engine. Very clunky and slow.Oracle Cloud came about in 2012, it uses more of the newer technology. It has SUPERIOR performance over AWS

    A user case scenario,April 28, 2020, Zoom rapidly growing due to Covid-19, deals with huge scalability spike in users, it also has security breaches. It needs a IaaS cloud infrastructure if it wants to keep growing and not fade away like Pokemon Go, aka it needs to meet consumer demands quickly and not give into bad rep (Pokemon Go took forever to fix issues). Quickly as in the issue should have been resolved like yesterday.

    Zoom goes with Oracle Cloud because it recognizes that the cloud technology is newer, up to date, has superior performance and is also better than competitors when it comes to security.https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/28/zoom-taps-oracle-for-cloud-deal-passing-over-amazon-microsoft.html?__source=twitter%7Cmain

    GW2 having so many lag issues. It needs to stay modern, it needs to stay with best technology of its time.GW2 lag has been ongoing for years, and Zoom? Zoom fixed issues within weeks, scalability AND focusing on security. Simply by switching to Oracle Cloud.AWS 2006 cloud? It's 2020, and 2006 is 14 years ago.2006 is like javascript. 2012 is like typescript. AWS is to javascript as Oracle is to typescript. It's a big deal when it comes to productivity.GW2 needs to change to the better cloud module. Oracle is well known company, it has the newest cloud infrastructure (Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, Azure, are also old like AWS).

    GW2 needs to change to the Oracle Cloud that will solve the lag issues.

  2. @Burnfall.9573 said:

    @"Kontrolle.3514" said:We have skill lags on every map and ques on every map. its is really unplayable.I think it is because you host your plattform in the amazon cloud. I think its not suited for WvW content.

    GW2 should use Oracle's CloudPoint by point, Ellison went through a series of slides demonstrating how Oracle beats Amazon: its Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) is faster for analytics, faster for online transaction processing (OLTP), and literally thousands of times faster for mixed workloads than Amazon DBaaS

    thousand times faster than AWS for mixed workloads, GW2 should use Oracle, imagine the game being thousand times more smoother.GW2 uses AWS and they don't even take advantage of the other offers AWS includes... Twitch. There's no Twitch drops in GW2, but in ESO they use AWS, they integrate Twitch Drops because

    ESO developers know how to use API's and
    GW2 developer team could use more millennials on their team. Fresh college and knowledge of API's and Integration. Also fresh knowledge of apps to integrate with.

    How does this game not have Twitch drops, smh. All the big games have it.

    Even with GW2 PvP Tournaments, live tourny... 2 years now? It's LIVE!!!! But updates are 3 games behind..... You cant watch the game.... The score updates? They are static, refreshes when the system refreshes.... OPPOSITE of LIVE. But the button says... LIVE!smh

    GW2 doesn't fully utilize Twitch? Just go with Oracle IaaS/DBaaS, much faster, by thousand times much faster, also I hear its cheaper.



    https://cloudwars.co/oracle/zoom-picks-oracle-cloud-infrastructure-larry-ellison-youtube-video/Zoom chooses NOT AWS.Zoom has very HIGH DEMAND, rapid scaling up and down and it needs the best if it wants to stay the best.It is rapidly growing, it wants to use the SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE cloud provider.Who does it chose?

    Oracle Cloud.

  3. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"Kontrolle.3514" said:We have skill lags on every map and ques on every map. its is really unplayable.I think it is because you host your plattform in the amazon cloud. I think its not suited for WvW content.

    GW2 should use Oracle's CloudPoint by point, Ellison went through a series of slides demonstrating how Oracle beats Amazon: its Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) is faster for analytics, faster for online transaction processing (OLTP), and literally thousands of times faster for mixed workloads than Amazon DBaaS

    thousand times faster than AWS for mixed workloads, GW2 should use Oracle, imagine the game being thousand times more smoother.GW2 uses AWS and they don't even take advantage of the other offers AWS includes... Twitch. There's no Twitch drops in GW2, but in ESO they use AWS, they integrate Twitch Drops because

    ESO developers know how to use API's and
    GW2 developer team could use more millennials on their team. Fresh college and knowledge of API's and Integration. Also fresh knowledge of apps to integrate with.

    How does this game not have Twitch drops, smh. All the big games have it.

    Even with GW2 PvP Tournaments, live tourny... 2 years now? It's LIVE!!!! But updates are 3 games behind..... You cant watch the game.... The score updates? They are static, refreshes when the system refreshes.... OPPOSITE of LIVE. But the button says... LIVE!smh

    GW2 doesn't fully utilize Twitch? Just go with Oracle IaaS/DBaaS, much faster, by thousand times much faster, also I hear its cheaper.Pretty certain the game servers need more than just a database to run.

    AWS Cloud and Oracle Cloud is same exact thing, it's an IaaS. Oracle is just less popular even though it is better. Most games go with AWS because they intend to use other services like Twitch.GW2 not using Twitch to the fullest, there is no Twitch drops, I'm not sure why GW2 chooses AWS over Azure or Oracle.

    Must be because they think if they choose AWS they in cool kids crowd.You know like people who pick MacBooks over PC for gaming. Cooler gamer if you play on MacBook? Right? Wrong?...Meanwhile PC performs better, cheaper, etc.

    Hmmm.Sounds like AWS vs Oracle.

  4. @"Kontrolle.3514" said:We have skill lags on every map and ques on every map. its is really unplayable.I think it is because you host your plattform in the amazon cloud. I think its not suited for WvW content.

    GW2 should use Oracle's CloudPoint by point, Ellison went through a series of slides demonstrating how Oracle beats Amazon: its Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) is faster for analytics, faster for online transaction processing (OLTP), and literally thousands of times faster for mixed workloads than Amazon DBaaShttps://www.zdnet.com/article/oracles-larry-ellison-throws-punches-at-aws/

    thousand times faster than AWS for mixed workloads, GW2 should use Oracle, imagine the game being thousand times more smoother.GW2 uses AWS and they don't even take advantage of the other offers AWS includes... Twitch. There's no Twitch drops in GW2, but in ESO they use AWS, they integrate Twitch Drops because

    ESO developers know how to use API's and IntegrationGW2 developer team could use more millennials on their team. Fresh college and knowledge of API's and Integration. Also fresh knowledge of apps to integrate with.

    How does this game not have Twitch drops, smh. All the big games have it.

    Even with GW2 PvP Tournaments, live tourny... 2 years now? It's LIVE!!!! But updates are 3 games behind..... You cant watch the game.... The score updates? They are static, refreshes when the system refreshes.... OPPOSITE of LIVE. But the button says... LIVE!smh

    GW2 doesn't fully utilize Twitch? Just go with Oracle IaaS/DBaaS, much faster, by thousand times much faster, also I hear its cheaper.

  5. @sokeenoppa.5384 said:I have all my old gw2 friends as discord friends and we play other games together.

    GW2 needs to improve friendlist, it needs more customization.FacebookFacetimeDiscordBioetc.Additional optionsThat the user gives out. If they don't want to share Facebook, they don't share it.

    Right now its too old, its like 1990s Everquest friendlist, GW2 needs to be up to date.Its 2020 for crying out loud.Get with the times GW2.

    So many apps out there, GW2 needs to learn about API and Integration and start applying it.

  6. I usually dress up NPC's like how you can do in Skyrim.However this game doesn't let you dress NPC's let alone have a housing instance of NPCs of your choice. Speaking of which housing is one of the things I consider fashion wars.Unfortunately people are very against housing in GW2, however they do not take into consideration of the millions of others, the 90% of the rest of the MMORPG population. Maybe the 90% is looking for a fashion war with housing.This is thread I made about housing if you want to see how fiercely people are against housing. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1213868#Comment_1213868

    I would love to showcase my fashion with housing instance with a runway and have my NPCs walk it.

  7. @Ubi.4136 said:

    @"mikdepadua.8376" said:We're mostly 2 people (my brother and I). I think mounts are a big offender of why small scale fighting doesnt happen

    The reason small scale doesn't happen is because the game has two groups left. Zergers, who want to zerg, and veterans who know that your 1v1 or even 2v2 is really just you trying to bait 1 -2 people into a group of 5-10. And even if you didn't set out with that idea in mind, we know that as soon as we engage you 2v2, the blob server you play on will have 10 people just "appear" and there goes the "fight".

    I made a thread about this.People disagree with your thoughts, they say GW2 WvW 1v1s happens and is okay.They say game needs to "focus on other things"https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101940/when-it-comes-to-wvw-eso-does-it-better-change-my-mind/p1

  8. @robertthebard.8150 said:

    @Shadowmoon.7986 said:I would love to point on how dead guild halls are right now. Besides the random decorations, there has been no real updates sinces monuments update. Player housing sounds like it it end the same way, on the long laundry list of abandoned content. But unlike dungeons and raids, those still have replayable, guildhalls have no replayability for the general population.

    Guild halls in this game is
    1. actually too big, it feels more like a zone than a Guild Hall.
    2. Also it already comes furnished, so defeats purpose of spiffing it up.
    3. Also, some players are probably very creative but they have no access rights to spiffy it up

    @"zityz.6089" said:Player housing would work in this game the same way as other games with Player housing. A feature that will be used for a month or two for a person to go "look at all the kitten in my house!" and then it will fade away into obscurity.

    But on the other hand, it will open up a possibility for Anet to sell you a cultural themed dining set in the Gem store...FOR 7 DAYS ONLY!!!

    No it wouldn'tOne big difference between GW2 and ESO is GW2 you reach end game very quickly. In ESO, you still have 700+ CP's to farm. In Everquest, you still have 10k AA's to farm. etc.

    GW2, everybody is at end game, like
    endgame endgame.
    Anyone can do raids, they just need to know how. In ESO you need x amount of CP, in EQ you need x amount of AA. GW2, don't show me gear, show me stuff that signifies you know how to do this raid. In EQ and in ESO, how much CP or AA you have? "You don't have 12k AA, well you need to get that first then we will talk about even more requirements."One other thing with MMO's is people come and go, and one reason housing gets put on the back burner is because they come back and have so much to grind. In GW2 you come back and say "now what"

    That being said, Housing is an endgame feature to have.Games like EQ and ESO, still gotta do a ton more grinding. Games like GW2, I'm at end game END GAME "bored as hell, what to do now, totally wish i could do something creative like housing"

    Exactly what does CP have to do with anything? You can, quite literally, have maxed CP on a level 1 character, and you're still not going to be let in endgame content. Why? Because level 50 is the requirement, not the CP. Fair warning, when you discuss how other games work, beware, some of us play lots of games, and may be hip to "but this game does x", especially when what you present doesn't match up with the reality. Nobody, reasonable, is expecting one to have Caldwell's Silver and Gold before they'll let you run Vet Pledges with them. Vet Pledges are amongst the ways you earn the CP, not the other way around, as you're trying to sell us here.

    You cant get max CP without having been lvl 50.Also, you need to be a lvl 50 with x amount of CP to raid, you wont get a raid with 0 CP being a lvl 50.

  9. @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:I feel like GW2 currently has a lack of medium-rare drops that are somewhat exciting.I remember in GW1 we would all get excited the moment someone dropped a glob of ectoplasm, an obsidian shard or a rare weapon. We would congratulate each other in chat and share drops if someone had abyssmal luck. The closest GW2 ever got to this was Orichalcum and Ancient Wood Nodes where we would inform each other about their location and sometimes make huge detours just to get that node. Since these resources had their rarity significantly nerfed since PoF, that aspect is lost.

    The only drops that excite people on a semi-regular occasion are ascended armor and weapon drops now. You can sometimes see people ping their ascended drops at Tequatl or Triple Trouble and I feel that this excitement is part of what draws people back to these events.

    Infusions and invisible boots are really too rare to excite anyone. I know a lot of people are still trying their luck, but it carries more an atmosphere of resignation and desperation than excitement.

    Yeah I agree,in GW1 people showoff flaming dragon sword drop, it was like WOW! I'll trade you this for it!GW2 seems like ascended ring drops, nice (dont really care but nice).

    I think you know it is a good system when people want to trade you for it.In GW2 I don't really know anything that drops that people probably going to want to trade something for it.

    In ESO, you got this weapon with this set and this stat? Can I trade with you?

    GW2 "can i trade with you?" does not even exist.-Diablo 2 "can i see it" "do you want to trade?"-ESO "can i see it" "do you want to trade?"-GW1 "can i see it" "do you want to trade?" (this one guy, x, he has all this cool gear, he made good deal with me)-GW2 links ascended gear, thanks for run (never sees any of them again, no social bond again)

    Item rariety is missing, due to small things.Which affects social part of game due to item rarity being a small thing that affects social bonding

    Trickle down effect

  10. Rather than just say something sucks, fix it.Let's take a different approach and compare to other games. Because things like item rarity feeling/excitement/worthwhile/etc. happen in other games, and theres so many other games out there, and we should be taking the best from each game and come up with the best solution. This happens through discussion.

    Talking in terms of quality of drop, and how often it happens.If you was to compare GW1 drops would you say GW2 drops are rarer to get?Compare to Guild Wars 1

    • I remember GW1, item drops the stats would vary, you could have very rare sword drop but if stats werent perfect it aint going to be worth much.
    • GW1 has a lot more skins that drop too, even just core GW1. Flaming dragon, crystalline, etc etc etc. It was random and could've been off anything.
    • GW2 pretty much unidentified gear and always perfect stats if you lvl 80
    • Does this make GW1 drops feel more rare, and how about feel more exciting to get?

    Compare to Diablo 2

    • Diablo 2 drop is similar to GW1
    • People loved to do Baal runs and getting ready to click on stuff he drops was a game itself
    • Diablo 2 not only had colored items that were rare, so do i go after the colored word or look for runes like Um and Zod
    • Compared to GW2 drops does GW2 drops feel rare to you and how about feeling of excitement when you get something
    • Compare Diablo 2 runes vs GW2 runes. Is getting say Rune of Scholar as exciting as seeing an Um or Zod rune drop in Diablo2?

    Compare to ESO

    • ESO drop is similar to GW1 is similar to Diablo 2
    • The item is not always perfect stat, not always a certain skin (theres huge amount of skins), and has so many dungeon gear that actually are useful (the set can be useful)
    • ESO set gear is similar to how G1 did set gear, was GW1/ESO set gear more exciting to see than say crafting runes to make a set gear?
    • GW2 not many skins, you have masterwork, its like 3 different skins, you have rare its another 3 different skin, and Exotic its around 3 different skin
    • GW2 doesn't have set gear, or does it. Do you consider sigils/runes exciting in GW2 since they are separate from gear?

    Compare to Dynasty Warriors (sure its not an MMORPG, but it has drops, this is about drops)

    • The drops are similar to GW1, is similar to Diablo2, is similar to ESO
    • Sets are similar as well, being that you complete a set you cannot change what it gives and usually it gives something very very good if its complete set
    • GW2 sure you can put 6 runes of scholar on anything, but does that lessen the impact of excitement as say having a complete set of Cow King's Leather set in Diablo2?
    • Dynasty Warriors just like GW1, Diablo2, ESO the stats are not always perfect as well

    Also do some drops feel too rare? And do think the excitement level would be higher or lower than a super rare drop in another game, but where its rare enough it takes a week or month to get just 1

    • I ask this because I hear people say "I've never seen a precursor, never seen this and I've been playing x amount of years"
    • Another thing to keep in mind, the rare drops in GW2, the stats are pretty much the same as ascended that you may already have or worse. In other games if it took literally a year to get, the item usually was very godly, not just worth a lot of money on the TP.

    Anyways,thinking about the unidentified gear now, its useful they stacked them so I can dispose of them easier, but does it really create excitement of drops like GW1, Diablo2, ESO does?Or is unidentified gear really just garbage, yes the 1 or 2 gold is nice, but maybe just give me money instead of garbage gear?Do you think GW2 drops are garbage should and make drops be more exciting?

    So many factors to take in, determines how exciting/worthwhile/feeling the drops are in a game.

  11. @Shadowmoon.7986 said:I would love to point on how dead guild halls are right now. Besides the random decorations, there has been no real updates sinces monuments update. Player housing sounds like it it end the same way, on the long laundry list of abandoned content. But unlike dungeons and raids, those still have replayable, guildhalls have no replayability for the general population.

    Guild halls in this game is

    1. actually too big, it feels more like a zone than a Guild Hall.
    2. Also it already comes furnished, so defeats purpose of spiffing it up.
    3. Also, some players are probably very creative but they have no access rights to spiffy it up

    @"zityz.6089" said:Player housing would work in this game the same way as other games with Player housing. A feature that will be used for a month or two for a person to go "look at all the kitten in my house!" and then it will fade away into obscurity.

    But on the other hand, it will open up a possibility for Anet to sell you a cultural themed dining set in the Gem store...FOR 7 DAYS ONLY!!!

    No it wouldn'tOne big difference between GW2 and ESO is GW2 you reach end game very quickly. In ESO, you still have 700+ CP's to farm. In Everquest, you still have 10k AA's to farm. etc.

    GW2, everybody is at end game, like endgame endgame. Anyone can do raids, they just need to know how. In ESO you need x amount of CP, in EQ you need x amount of AA. GW2, don't show me gear, show me stuff that signifies you know how to do this raid. In EQ and in ESO, how much CP or AA you have? "You don't have 12k AA, well you need to get that first then we will talk about even more requirements."One other thing with MMO's is people come and go, and one reason housing gets put on the back burner is because they come back and have so much to grind. In GW2 you come back and say "now what"

    That being said, Housing is an endgame feature to have.Games like EQ and ESO, still gotta do a ton more grinding. Games like GW2, I'm at end game END GAME "bored as hell, what to do now, totally wish i could do something creative like housing"

  12. @"kharmin.7683" said:

    I hope not. If players want Wildstar housing, then they should play Wildstar. I would prefer Anet spend their resources on content that would appeal to what I believe would be a larger portion of the player base.love this quote, I hope they do that too...Being an open solution as it is, the solution could be in-game housing,that appeals to large portion of playerbase.

    This is like my MBA course,Macy's, etc have been going downhill since Amazon became very popular, what should they do?"They should focus on selling online" "They should sell online" "They should do online marketing"...They've been selling online since before Amazon was a thing.They should a lot, the issue is, how, in what way specifically

  13. @Hashberry.4510 said:I don't like that sort of system where you farm a boss over and over hoping for 'your' drop. This is one reason why I play this game, to avoid that style.

    Yet that is how Tequatl and others is done.

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:The issue with this system is that a large percentage of players will rush it at release to get all of the skins. There then will be players that are upset how these small-scale bosses are difficult to get to as they spawn randomly and die so quickly (sound familiar?). They'll request changes which will then make them like everything else thus failing to accomplish what you intended.

    Also, the boar in Queensdale hasn't been a champion in like 6 years.

    Thats why you have many sets, many bosses.If 2-10 people band together because they working on something that is a good thing.Who says it always has to spawn too, it could spawn based on RNG. Which makes those 2-10 people stick together longer and actually form some kind of bond, like recognizing the other player,

    rather than 20+ people come to fight a world boss and you probably wont recognize anyone again even if you see them again and again because there is too many people around everytime.

  14. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:And this is how the top 3 MMORPGs have such a large playerbase, they are diverse in what they have.

    Yes, top mmorpgs definitely rely on their housing system to draw players. :Dgw2 already has home instance. Why do we need more of the same?

    customization part of it missing

    other mmos, you buy place, its empty, no furniture, you gotta spiffy it upgw2 mmo, place is free, furniture, no spiffy up

  15. @Kiba.9743 said:I never use my home instance. BUT if they allowed to put guild decorations in home instances, I think I would spend more time in mine. I enjoy making decorations but never really have a guild hall where I can personalize something for my own, and that's really just the key for me.

    Same, for me with guild hall, it feels like buying a place with furniture, kind of ruins of the creativity.

  16. Saw it a few days ago with Chaith, he got stuck.Happened to me today, I got stuck.

    I believe we was playing a norn, and I was a norn as well.Ranger longbow 4 stuck me where the in one of the side ledge areas at middle node in foefire map.

    No way to get unstuck besides dying and the enemy team took their time getting good lead before coming to kill me.This game needs a way to get unstuck, if I'm not in combat or in same spot for for too long, I should be able to type something where it moves me 300 feet somewhere safe.

  17. @dodgerrule.8739 said:Honestly guild halls should have required defending the guild hall aswell so that it would feel like you’re actually claiming it.

    Homes could be that way

    Very possible, it's Cantha and its all about homes. Could be like GTA San Andres

    @"Ayakaru.6583" said:No, extremely unlikely.And "everyone jumps in the river, so GW2 should, too" is hardly any argument.It doesn't add any gameplay value outside a niche group of roleplayers.Sorry, but i don't see it happen.

    And this is how the top 3 MMORPGs have such a large playerbase, they are diverse in what they have.

  18. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:I don't believe any of those things are a necessity. GW2 doesn't need to do everything that < insert MMO > does.

    I think you're wrong. I think lack of variety in environments has hurt GW2, and the type of indoor environments described by the OP are often what dungeons provide in other MMOs - they help foster a sense of immersion that the open world can't. This is glaringly missing in GW2 and it's to the game's detriment.

    But the OP is not talking about dungeons they want indoor open world zones.

    Which can be dungeons too,If any of you played Everquest, Karnors Castle is a giant castle dungeon zone, thats what I'm talking about here.Not really LDoNs (Everquest thing), Cadecus Manor, Veteran Dungeons. Which all are instances.

    I'd like open world dungeon feeling. WoW has this, EQ, ESO has it somewhat, its not as huge in ESO, but its not small (you can rush to the boss that sometimes is there, but dies quickly because people come to see if he's up and kill him and leave, or stay and grind till he spawns, but not really a major zone). GW2 does not have this experience.

    GW2 kind of has it, but doesn't, like with HoT, Chalk zone, theres some areas with poison, you basically just show up for achievement and one and done. It needs more depth to it, this game has too much one and done, it really defeats the feeling of a dungeon. I'd like places where thats what people do after their dailies is hangout in the open world dungeon, have it as an option at least.

    Thing is, its meaningless in this game, dungeons usually have reward, doesn't have to be super amazing too, I prefer it sometimes rare though, as in you only get it from that dungeon. Thinking about dungeons and this topic, if they pretty much opened up dungeons, it they'd already have it, but since its a bunch of instances, this game lacks dungeons. Open world.

  19. @"Sobx.1758" said:Based on your recent threads, it seems all you want to do is restart playing a "new mmorpg" that's basically an mmorpg you've already played. That's just bad.

    WvW? Somehow it's worse than eso, despite you claiming it has better fighting system.

    Small scale bosses? You know they're in the game, but since they don't drop named (or similar) items on a low drop rate, it somehow doesn't count.Pve? It doesn't have enough indoor experience like "that mmorpg". Go spam dungeons if being indoors is somehow important for the state of the game.

    You tracking me or what? FunnyWvW and PvP are two different things. Maybe in ESO they would be similar, but in GW2 PvP is totally different than WvW, its tourny based system and its better than whatever 5v5 ESO has going on. However WvW, yes the WvW, that is a lot better on ESO.

    GW1 had small scale type bosses, they dropped unique armor like I mentioned in that thread, its no different than asking for capes another thing GW1 has that people have been asking for on and on, before they finally brought it in.

    GW2 doesn't have that indoor experience, this isnt tied to any particular MMO, its something, the standard of what a lot of MMO's have, GW2 lacks it, it has hardly any of it.

    These things are like phone features, you expect a camera on your phone, you expect wifi capabilities, these are things expected of MMO's. Good town experience, indoor zone experience, named boss mobs that drop unique set of gear.WvW its pretty much popular when ESO and GW2 did it, so its fairly new, but the direction GW2 has been going with it, its wrong, still missing stuff to be competitive with other WvW type games. Its new, you have to compete with it. Bringing up topics like that is more helpful than. "I'd rather developers focus on other things".

    They focus on other things, it wasn't what you want, debbie downer wanted, etc., and people bring up ideas and debbie downer makes the statement again "I'd rather they focus on other things".

    "I'd rather they focus on balance, the game has been out for 6+ years, and I'd rather they keep doing more balance"

    I'd rather they get stuff GW2 lacks, and give 360* of everything I enjoy in MMORPG's, and to this I goto the forums and talk about it.

  20. Probably entices raiders to do Strike Missions.Thing they need to understand its guilds that do the teaching, since coming back 2 years ago, being here for around a month.I have not seen a single "Guild x we do PvE, ... ,... ,... recruiting we have 440+ members, join us!"I mentioned earlier about lack of raid training guilds, probably caused by having strike missions, I use to be able to find random pug raid training guilds, I had to be in discord, but now I dont find anymore pug raid training guilds. I do know how the RA discord now, but those people who dont visit forums, who cant get a good guild because, probably not many anymore, etc. They aint going to know about RA training, and probably not know about strikeforce because I still don't even know what it is, where it starts, or even the purpose. I just know about raids. And could care less about about strikeforce being easier content introduction to raids.

    This game is already heavy "read the wiki, read the metabattle and go with the meta", I read too much already, I'm ready for raids with reading I've done and videos I've seen. I just need to DO IT and get my rhythm going, I do not need baby steps strike missions.

    Thats like Burger King awhile ago, "we have kids meal and big kids meal", um big kids meals, kids meal is for losers, strike missions are for losers.This is about precursor though, and someone mentioned it entices people to do, its the raiders its enticing more than the casuals learning to raid, we already complain enough about not having legendary (I finished Bolt recently) and RNG too great. Rather raid and consistent and get full set of legendary armor. Seems like everybody who raids has full set.

    I just really dislike strikemissions, because it made getting groups for pug learning raids a ton harder to find, thats all it did (yes I know about RA thank you, I'm ok now, this is when I DID NOT know about hidden secret only couple people in the know know).

    btw I support the big guilds, the games been out too long, I'd like a couple big guilds over hundreds of tiny(might not be here next week guilds, big guilds more likely to survive a year than might not be here next year tiny startups)

  21. All you do is look up pvp leaderboard, send them mail tell them you looking for carry and they'll carry you if its a good deal to them. I already seen some players mention this thread to good players.

    Match manipulation I think is more for people who cause you to lose, its not for you to report winners. As in people who decide to go afk when you could have won it or had chance.

    Botting I think is when they using cheats, like back then on Spirit Watch there was something where people could cap it in like 2 seconds.

    Leaderboards, I feel you can't really cheat it, unless you pay for other team to lose. 2v2s that guy FlySofar he only had 1 loss, while the other people 3 - 100, they all be around 10-50 losses 10-30% losing rate. Thats skill to win 100+ games and only lose once, if it was people giving him free pass, he'd have around the same amount of losses as the other guys. Top 1 and 2 had 99%+ win rate, thats skill especially since its random, and theres usually someone better than you who don't care you paying them, if they paying people. Top 2 where top flipping 2, for real.That last 2v2 was actually whose best at 2v2.

    That guy was above the cap for legendary he was in his own division. You're going to eventually face someone who can beat you, but not with him. Those people 3 - 100 on leaderboard probably millionaries, but the 1st and 2nd guy they the billionaries. convert the money to skill.

    Tournaments don't mean anything really, so I don't have problem with people paying for wins personally. If you do have a lot of money to spend on this, I'd do it on monthly tournament though, it seems to have passed, team usa didnt win or maybe someone paid them. You get title, and seems like your someone who goes after achievements.Thing with tournament is, they going to beat you anyways, so really doesn't matter.

    Speaking of tournaments, this game needs to do push notifications or something for Monthly Tournament, I can't believe I missed it. Live Matches needs a feature where you can watch them via twitch or something. This game in regards to tournament, all the UI of it is broken and they don't even give two. It's like they could have something going good for them, but they just didn't finish the job completely, hence my saying earlier "Tournaments isn't even a big deal"GW2 has WvW scoreboards perfectly fine, yet they lack motivation to reuse the code and ensure its properly working for PvP in regards to Tournament.

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