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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. @"Astyrah.4015" said:we already have this thread btw :)https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/112992/new-expansion-what-features-would-you-like-to-see#latest 

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:Housing? This is something I would look forward to. I can't customize guild hall, I don't have permission, I'd like to be able to customize something of my own. Housing would be it.A zone dedicated to housing? So that people can see the OUTSIDE part of your house too? This is something I would look forward too.

    but yeah this bit regarding housing, while i want housing in gw2 as well, i would like to disagree with dedicated housing zones due to how easily they get filled leaving the rest of the playerbase without a chance to own a house (see games like Archeage or Final Fantasy 14 for Open World and District/Ward-zone type housing). at the very least they can try copying FF14 but make it so there's more than enough wards per server per region --- but ideally they can copy Wildstar's housing, you have your own house in a floating island somewhere (instanced) and you can enter and leave the house without going through a loading screen unlike in FF14, that way everyone can own a house. they dont really have to copy Wildstar's floating instanced housing 1:1 but say they could add it to a section in Cantha, say Kaineng City there's a big gate there, you interact with it and it takes you to your personal plot of land that you have to purchase to unlock / upgrade.

    Yes but this is not looking forward to as well.

    People don't realize MMORPG when a new expansion comes out..

    Professions once special may become unspecial.As in other professions doing stealth better than Thief.Other professions doing portal and better than Mesmer.

    There's only certain amount of things you can do before every profession feels like they can do pretty much what another profession can do.This is something I'm not looking forward too.

    Then again, I have lvl 80 every profession.

    Expansions bring things you like to see... But also bring things you wasn't expecting and not wasn't looking forward to it.

  2. @otto.5684 said:

    @otto.5684 said:@uberkingkong.8041 We do have graphic sliders for a reason. And Fortnite and GW2 are completely different games with a different target audience. Having said that, MMOs do not get top of the line graphics for a reason. It would be too much with all the particle effects, when there is 20 people + Mobs in an area.

    I do not think we will ever see an engine change. Probably too expansive and time consuming to implement. What I dunno if the current engine could be modified a bit. That would be nice.

    Graphic sliders wont be enough. You'll be doing what I'm doing in Quake Champions, lowering the resolution as well as already having everything low. It wont look fun anymore. If low settings don't cut it, there goes the resolution.

    Fortnite and GW2 are different games. Fortnite is 2017 game and GW2 is 2012 game.This thread is about going to a better graphics engine because all the new and cool games are doing it.Fortnite doing it? It's one of the new and cool games giving you reason to discuss GW2 to do it too.

    Don't go calling apple and oranges when the thread is already apple and oranges.I mentioned World of Warcraft too, which is still #1 MMORPG. You don't see it using Unreal 4.
    " Probably too expansive and time consuming to implement. What I dunno if the current engine could be modified a bit. That would be nice."
    World of Warcraft can afford expansive and time consuming, but it doesn't implement. It knows it would not be nice. It would be opposite. Millions of players cannot play World of Warcraft due to it requiring too much CPU.


    Just because you have a great computer, doesn't mean you know what its like on lesser computers. "just turn it to low", well low aint low enough. I have to play in 800x600 and adjust other stuff down as well, making it look unreadable due to blurry. Thanks for raising the graphics on us says the 495 other guildies, says the hundreds of thousands other players. Think I'll play World of Warcraft, I know my computer can run it fine. Is what they'll be saying.

    Time and resources? Money too?World of Warcraft says we #1, graphics isn't everything. Its the quality. Not the pixel quality. Quality of the image itself. Is it an attractive person in it?1000px of an attractive thing is better to look at then 6000px of unattractive.

    Your machine can't handle 6000px too? The image looks worse now doesn't it."theres a slider for that"yeah ok

    Ya... but that does not mean we cannot improve the graphics. You know, just cuz something has Low PC usability requirement that does not mean it should used. There is a reason why we do not use 90s graphics, even though the performance for that will be kick kitten even on 15 year old PCs.

    Things change. If the graphic engine can support more, Anet could improve graphics a bit. If not, well, GW3 it is.

    If we get to choose between classic GW2 and the new graphics I'd be down with that.

  3. @Arcaniaxs.4519 said:

    @sitarskee.5738 said:I run t1, t2 and t3 fractals daily and people average 3-5k dps, once in 20 games there will be this 17k-ish dude. Even with this low dps, fracs up to t3 are fairly easy and fast.

    Wait untill u meet the ppl in fractal CMs doing 75k dps openings and hold 30k dps lolAlthough 17k dps is decent imo too

    Kind of confusing.3-5k dps is average but 17k dps is decent

    So the average player does not do decent dps then?

  4. @otto.5684 said:@"uberkingkong.8041" We do have graphic sliders for a reason. And Fortnite and GW2 are completely different games with a different target audience. Having said that, MMOs do not get top of the line graphics for a reason. It would be too much with all the particle effects, when there is 20 people + Mobs in an area.

    I do not think we will ever see an engine change. Probably too expansive and time consuming to implement. What I dunno if the current engine could be modified a bit. That would be nice.

    Graphic sliders wont be enough. You'll be doing what I'm doing in Quake Champions, lowering the resolution as well as already having everything low. It wont look fun anymore. If low settings don't cut it, there goes the resolution.

    Fortnite and GW2 are different games. Fortnite is 2017 game and GW2 is 2012 game.This thread is about going to a better graphics engine because all the new and cool games are doing it.Fortnite doing it? It's one of the new and cool games giving you reason to discuss GW2 to do it too.

    Don't go calling apple and oranges when the thread is already apple and oranges.I mentioned World of Warcraft too, which is still #1 MMORPG. You don't see it using Unreal 4." Probably too expansive and time consuming to implement. What I dunno if the current engine could be modified a bit. That would be nice."World of Warcraft can afford expansive and time consuming, but it doesn't implement. It knows it would not be nice. It would be opposite. Millions of players cannot play World of Warcraft due to it requiring too much CPU.


    Just because you have a great computer, doesn't mean you know what its like on lesser computers. "just turn it to low", well low aint low enough. I have to play in 800x600 and adjust other stuff down as well, making it look unreadable due to blurry. Thanks for raising the graphics on us says the 495 other guildies, says the hundreds of thousands other players. Think I'll play World of Warcraft, I know my computer can run it fine. Is what they'll be saying.

    Time and resources? Money too?World of Warcraft says we #1, graphics isn't everything. Its the quality. Not the pixel quality. Quality of the image itself. Is it an attractive person in it?1000px of an attractive thing is better to look at then 6000px of unattractive.

    Your machine can't handle 6000px too? The image looks worse now doesn't it."theres a slider for that"yeah ok

  5. All MMORPG'ers should know by now everytime a new expansion comes out everyone gets more skills or spells.Then comes a point when the creativity is gone and its just damage increase.Also comes a point when other professions start doing what you do and possibly better (Stealth)... (Portal?!?!)Ex. TimeTraveller Elementalist casting portal, but his portal unlike Mesmer portal, you get to hide in it for 10 seconds and you decide when to come out of it. ON TOP of this, you get portal back to original if standing on the exit portal. (So picture this, enemy portals, nukes the zerg from behind, zerg throws everything on the portal, now everyone is on the other side and attacking from the rear again since they remained on the portal)Ex. of other games making skills once sought after no longer great due to expansions, Everquest, you could track mobs down, Rangers and Druids only. Tracking in Everquest today, pretty much everyone can do it.

    Stealth? Maybe someone will be able to do it better than thieves and mesmer now.Not so much looking forward to this.


    Housing? This is something I would look forward to. I can't customize guild hall, I don't have permission, I'd like to be able to customize something of my own. Housing would be it.A zone dedicated to housing? So that people can see the OUTSIDE part of your house too? This is something I would look forward too.

  6. Yall be talking about Spellbreaker, see thats the thing, Spellbreaker isn't even a GREAT or META build on MetabattleEvery other profession does mutliple great things and once Spellbreaker becomes good at one thing, everybody cries.

    To be honest I don't care about Spellbreaker, that build is terrible (hence not a GREAT or META build).I'd like to see Berserker become good again and maybe core warrior too.How do you name a class Berserker and its not even any good?This is what I expect when I hear Berserker Warrior

    Now that is what I call a warrior,when someone sees us they should KNOW... HERE COMES THE PAIN


    Guardians core is great or meta, the dragonhunter is great or meta, the firebrand is great or meta.Necro core, great or meta, Necro Scourge great or meta, Necro reaper Great or meta.

    ..Then you have Warrior, Warrior ANY = No meta, No great, Spellbreaker is good, Berserker... They didn't even get considered they terrible.How do you have all these other professions, GREAT OR META builds. Then you have Warriors, Not great at anything and not meta at anything. See a warrior on your team? USELESS. Playing a Warrior? USELESS. How come you not playing META or GREATS? This is Gold tier, you need to be playing the best. Why is this guy playing a Warrior, does he not KNOW that Warriors are not GREAT and ARE NOT META according to Metabattle??!?! smh, there goes my mmr.MakeWarriorsGreatAgain

    Good should be good enough though right?NBA team this year, Golden State Warriors, they missing their Meta players. They have a lot of good players, because to be in the NBA you gotta be good right?WRONG, you gotta be GREAT or META. Thats why they the worst team in the league right now.Warriors got 3 types, core, berserker, and spellbreaker. Only one is Good. And yall know if you aint GREAT or META, you going to be one of the worst players in the PvP season right now.Berserker, they didn't even make it to the NBA, thats how bad they are.BUFF The crap outta these guys seriously.Make em a hard counter to power rangers.

  7. Careful what you wish for.Better graphics means, your computer needs to be up to date as well. Does all 495 people in your guild have good computer?

    Look at these two games, Quake Champions and Diabotical, Quake Champions is 2016 game, it has better graphics than Diabotical 2020 not yet released game. People are going to be playing Diabotical because its easier to run on pc, doesn't require hi end CPU.

    Look at these popular games right now.FortniteDiaboticalApex LegendsWorld of Warcraft

    Do these popular games use Unreal 4 Engine? Do they have amazing graphics?

    It's not much about how crystal clear the graphics is, its how good the artwork is with whatever you have available. Are they making the skins you really want, or they just making stuff you don't even consider part of your wardrobe?You can have amazing graphics game, but if they don't have the right cloths, right weapons, right armor, appearance, etc. Its not that amazing anymore compared to an older game now is it?

    Think of it like this, you have two choices to follow someone on instagram, someone who is attractive and dresses well and all the images are in 1080px. Vs someone decent attractive decent well dressed, but all the pictures are in 6000px.Everybody going to follow the person with 1080 pictures because better quality. Not the image pixel quality but the image itself quality.btwRight now, having a 1TB SSD, 4.0 or higher quad core CPU, 4GB GDDR5 or higher and 32GB RAM, isnt cheap. If it isnt cheap or not too expensive that's when you should make a game better graphics wise because people have it or can upgrade to it easily. Only time this wouldn't be the case is in a Single Player game or maybe a First Person shooter.In an MMORPG, you maybe able to handle new graphics update, but you didn't consider the other hundred thousand player base.

  8. Warriors need a buff. Core warrior is garbage. Berserker is garbage. Spellbreaker is only thing viable and its not even 4.5 or higher in rating wise on Metabattle.Aint even a Berserker build on metabattle.

    Buff berserker. You look at guardian, Dragonhunter, its pretty dang good. Other professions have pretty much every single version of it meta. Warrior just has spellbreaker and its not even good.Buff core, BUFF Berserker seriously.

    How do you have a title, BERSERKER, and its not even meta in PvP? smh

    • Like 1
  9. The next expansion needs more open world content. PvE and PvP.Just look at newer games going from instance to open world.Dynasty Warriors 9. Very bad feedback, but everyone agrees "Open world is a step in the right direction".Just look at the reviews, https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/dynasty-warriors-9/bwmb5js5x7xv?activetab=pivot:reviewstabThe only people who dislike open world is because it is done wrong, they don't say they hate it in general, it wasn't done right. But they all love the direction from instances to open world.GW2 I feel is going from open world to instances.

    Having a lot of instances, raids, strike missions, fractals. Not good thing to focus on.Open world is the way to go.

    The thing a lot of MMORPG's tend to do is start open world aka GW2, and then go into instances. New expansion? Most of the important stuff is in instances.That is the mistake MMORPG's always make after a few years after launch.

    People play GW2 because of open world. When GW2 launched all it talked about was dynamic open world. Due next expansion they need to remember their roots and go back to it.

  10. @phokus.8934 said:

    @"SexyMofo.8923" said:It’s obvious they don’t have the technology. They’ve been using that excuse for years.

    Garbage in, garbage out. Garbage overall.

    One common thing WoW, ESO, GW2 face is in large number battles creates massive lag spikes.They all use AWS cloud technology.

    Oracle performance tests vs AWS

    Without going to better network provider, lag is going to still be there. AWS is ancient old tech, since 2006. Thats when 2GB RAM was a lot. Thats when SSD was not a thing.SSD came about 2010, Oracle Cloud was released after 2010. Uses superior technology.

    You can claim AWS updates itself. But look at WoW graphics, it updates itself too. The groundwork is the determining factor. When it all started 2006 before a lot of crucial modern day tech, it's a recipe for disaster for demands of the current modern era.

    Again WoW, GW2, ESO all use AWS. They all have lag problems. Its a network issue, on the AWS side. Nothing GW2, WoW, or ESO can do about it besides switch to a better cloud provider.

    Oracle Cloud performs 2 to 10 times better than AWS.AWS is good if it's a game like Diablo 2, only set number of things.Oracle is good if its a stress test. 200 people battles. World boss fights, WvW.

    Zoom uses Oracle because all of a sudden it has a lot of stress tests going on. Rapid waves of people using Zoom platform at sametime. AWS is kitten vs stress test, Zoom knows it, everyone who does the research knows it.

    Thats why Zoom started using Oracle Cloud now, May 2020.

    You really don't know what you're talking about. It's comical and sad that you keep spewing nonsense that you probably believe yourself.

    The reports speak for themselves. No need to do personal attacks.

  11. @Slick.7164 said:Nooo Exact oppisate Give them reason to come out and play

    ThisIncentivize being in high tiers. T1 then T2 then T3, the rest should have no incentives.End of week rewards based on placement, tier, and contribution. Just like how ESO does it (1st place server, 30 day, 1st place leaderboard).ESO doesn't have this issue.

    ESO has it so you can tell whose been grinding it for your world, on GW2 only people causal people know is commanders. They don't know the good players outside commanders like everyone knows FENGRUSH, he is pretty much a solo player. People wouldn't know a solo player thats really good in GW2 because theres no leaderboard.

    With server matchup results matter it makes people want to win.With server placement aka Tier 1 Tier 2 matter, it makes people perform better as a server contribution.With contribution being a factor, it makes people want to grind longer because they want to be highest contributor.

    Everything in WvW right now is just personal. It has no internal competition among the same server. Like player X on Jade Quarry is doing better, I must do better on Jade Quarry so I can be higher than him. GW2 lacks competitiveness among others who are on same server as them.

    Due to this, everyone knows if they go down to easier matchup, it's easier for personal rewards. Thats why you need to add more competition.

  12. @"SexyMofo.8923" said:It’s obvious they don’t have the technology. They’ve been using that excuse for years.

    Garbage in, garbage out. Garbage overall.

    One common thing WoW, ESO, GW2 face is in large number battles creates massive lag spikes.They all use AWS cloud technology.

    Oracle performance tests vs AWShttps://blogs.oracle.com/cloud-infrastructure/oracle-tests-better-in-performance-than-amazon-web-serviceshttps://www.itconvergence.com/blog/ebs-oci-4-key-reasons-choose-oci-aws/

    Without going to better network provider, lag is going to still be there. AWS is ancient old tech, since 2006. Thats when 2GB RAM was a lot. Thats when SSD was not a thing.SSD came about 2010, Oracle Cloud was released after 2010. Uses superior technology.

    You can claim AWS updates itself. But look at WoW graphics, it updates itself too. The groundwork is the determining factor. When it all started 2006 before a lot of crucial modern day tech, it's a recipe for disaster for demands of the current modern era.

    Again WoW, GW2, ESO all use AWS. They all have lag problems. Its a network issue, on the AWS side. Nothing GW2, WoW, or ESO can do about it besides switch to a better cloud provider.

    Oracle Cloud performs 2 to 10 times better than AWS.AWS is good if it's a game like Diablo 2, only set number of things.Oracle is good if its a stress test. 200 people battles. World boss fights, WvW.

    Zoom uses Oracle because all of a sudden it has a lot of stress tests going on. Rapid waves of people using Zoom platform at sametime. AWS is crap vs stress test, Zoom knows it, everyone who does the research knows it.

    Thats why Zoom started using Oracle Cloud now, May 2020.

  13. @DeceiverX.8361 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:Let me inform you of some facts
    AWS Cloud came about in 2006
    , it is an old cloud engine. Very clunky and slow.
    Oracle Cloud came about in 2012
    , it uses more of the newer technology. It has SUPERIOR performance over AWSThat is an incredibly simplistic view on something that probably requires a 200+ page book to fully detail the differences of the two services. Its not always about "newer technology", it has to be the right technology too. The way the GW2 server infrastructure is built may be incompatible with Oracle services, who knows. None of us know anything and I can
    you that no one at Anet is going to say a word on it on this forum if they had any such plans, that is literally on a company management level.

    Its the infrastructure level, all they do is assign the build file to another infrastructure.It's not like changing from C# to PythonIt's not like using JSP instead of HTMLIt's not like using typescript instead of JavascriptIt's not like going from MySQL to NoSQL

    Think of it like a website you have or an appDo you need to change any styles, logic, structure, CRUD, etc. because you of changing from a .net to a .com? No..net or .com could be hosted by either AWS or Oracle or any other IaaS. Only difference is at the server layer.It's just another, a better servers and routers with better logic. All of which GW2 doesn't even touch anyways.If it was a PaaS yes, it would be a lot of work.If it was a SaaS yes, it would be a lot of work.

    GW2 is not created using Amazon platform tools, nor is it created using any Amazon applications.
    Platform is the Unreal Engine, Unreal Engine has nothing to do with AWS.
    Lets look at GW2 careers (this tells you about their stack and development)
    Network EngineerC++ and Unreal Engine, no nothing with AWS related
    neither of those is AWS related, GW2 isnt tied like a knot to AWS

    Senior Software EngineerC++ and Unreal Engine, no nothing about AWS
    neither of those is AWS related, GW2 isnt tied like a knot to AWS

    all they that is different when they switch to Oracle cloud is after creating the build file, they use terminal commands for Oracle cloud instead of AWS cloud, its really not hard to send out production to the cloud

    C++ and Unreal Engine can be run on any cloud, its not AWS specific

    Thus your argument is invalidWe are talking about the IaaS layerThis is the bare bottom layer, its not like Mac or PC. Its like do you want SSD or HHD (SSD, HHD can be used any OS(OS is like GW2). (analogy)Obviously Oracle is newer, its the SSD and AWS is old and clunky its the HHD (analogy)Just look at things from 2006 and compare to 2012.If you think oh "oh they do updates"Look at Everquest/World of Warcraft, they do expansions, same structure, its still old and clunky.Look at GW2, same system over the years, its pretty much the standard (GW2 came out 2012, Oracle Cloud came out 2012) even though 8 years passed byAWS is like vanilla Javascript, who does that? Oracle is like Angular, React, Vue

    Oracle is just outright better, and it's just as easy to switch like changing your cell phone provider.
    (You can use your phone the apps on your phone, etc., only thing that changes is footprint, some providers have better coverage than others, speed, cost. Nothing about your phone or what apps it can do or use is affected)

    Oracle and AWS are disk drives.All it is, is taking out the HDD and switching it to a SSD.Oracle is that SSD. And we all know how much nicer it is then HDD.No OS modifications needed after swapping from HDD to SDD, easy change.All you do is copy your data to a better disk drive.No special, days of debugging needed. Just copy to to other disk drive.Processing data on HDD, slow, 12 seconds computer is readyProcessing data on SSD, fast, 3 seconds computer is ready.

    12 seconds, GW2 is laggy3 seconds, GW2 lag is gonekeep compounding it, laggy all day long with AWS.This is where BigO, comes in, O1, 1 is the cloud provider, AWS you will be laggy. You need to change the 1, and thats where a better IaaS comes in, and thats Oracle.

    Looking at those job descriptions, an engine developer is unlikely to have any interaction with writing code for network interfaces or those interfaces themselves. Writing netcode is a whole different aspect of programming and can get so low-level it may often overlap or be more heavily-tied to computer engineering.Improving server-side operations, especially when it comes to improving efficiency (even with external hosts), is a whole different beast requiring a whole different set of skills.

    The way you describe the use of these services and their respective performance gains is also extremely naive. Considering you can't even get the terminology in your analogy correct, I'm going to immediately just say you have almost no working knowledge about the subject OR industry experience working with proprietary technologies in business partnerships.

    Sorry, but the people at ANet surely know more than you do, considering I'm certain I know more than you do, and definitely know less than the people at ANet.

    The whole point of showing the job descriptions is exactly like you said, none of it even ties with netcode. Even the network engineer job.https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/1753778Network EngineerC++ and Unreal Engine, no nothing with AWS relatedneither of those is AWS related, GW2 isnt tied like a knot to AWSAnd you saying he doesn't even do small bits to solve netcode, yes my point exactly.He needs to know unreal engine plus C++?? Network engineer?? No Cisco certifications preferred?? Hmmmm...

    Thats why I keep saying they can't do anything about it, they have to switch to better provider than AWS. You have a lot of choices like Google Cloud, Azure, IBM, even Salesforce Heroku. But GW2 and ArenaNet company is in follower mode right now. So they narrow vision and only see AWS as option, only see Unreal Engine as option.

    Just like this guy says too.

    @Aria Lliane.8693 said:I'm so disappointed to see GW surrender to Unreal Engine. As a gamer that tried many Unreal Engine games and as a Software Programmer that experimented using UE.I'm very sorry to see this happen.Most games I tried from Unreal Engine have even worst performance than GW, just look at some of the most played games in 2019 from UE and see how kitten they are (Pubg, Paladins, Dauntless, Fortnite), or even old games like Ark, still have kitten performance.At least gw2 can run in a 2010 Core 2 Duo. Go do that on any of those games.I myself started experimenting with UE, and man performance is not their thing, just make an empty game with nothing on it, and its automatically heavier than GW.I was really hopping they would follow good examples, like Path of Exile that after investigating decided to use use Maya with some custom tools, or maybe the mighty Bungie with Destiny 2, but no, ANet always making the weird decisions that no one understands.I really hope they don't regret this.I myself (as a no-one and belonging to no company) will stay with Godot.

    GW2 and ArenaNet company is in follower mode. Just like millennials with Apple products, they only see 1 option, all the other options even though better, they don't recognize due to narrow vision.

    You want lag to be fixed, you go with Oracle Cloud, just like what Zoom is doing.Zoom is a company that sees big picture, it KNOWS a lot of people are using its product now, it NOWS it needs to combat lag to keep customers happy.IT KNOWS other options than AWS.It KNOWS Oracle Cloud is the way to go.Period.

  14. @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Playing GW this last week made me realise I would kill for a wardrobe.I've bags full of weapons only because they look cool.Also a wardrobe would make people play more to collect skins.

    This is what makes items worth what they are worth in this game.
    If you could get a crappy not max stats FDS and wardrobe it, and then get a crappy skin max stat weapon and switch it to FDS, it ruins the whole economy of GW.

    Games like Diablo 2 and GW have it set this way to promote trade. People especially remember Diablo2 as one of the games were you have to do a lot of trading with others and some things even though its not universally accepted people will take because how tough it is for them to get it (Personal taste, specific skin/weapon they want with good stats)

    That is why GW2 has a lot of junk items because of the wardrobe system and everything has set stats, no min/max range.Unidentified Rare gear. Unidentified Common gear. Etc etc. You have these unidentified gear randoms because its flipping junk, they know it and you know it. But in games like Diablo2 and GW it may be very valuable, it's your discretion how valuable it is to you.

    GW2 you goto tradepost, you see 100000 some stuff, "do I have in wardrobe, yes? ok its junk"Don't tell me about once every year precursor chance or exotic gear chance, there is junk exotic gear too.

    In Diablo2 and GW gear is exciting to see what it is, in GW2, its not exciting they know it and you know it, hence they make it all unidentified loot to save you time getting rid of the junk.

    Easy, unlock is only possible if you get a req9.As for the trade system you can keep it. If there's one thing that is absolute trash in GW is the inexistence of trading post and having to rely on spamadan to sell/buy stuff.

    Look at Diablo2, the best game during its time. It didn't use tradeposts.Trade posts eliminate communication with each other. One thing GW2 lacks in. GW2 is pretty much a solo players game. No sense of community hurts it from being an all time great like Diablo2.

    GW is regarded as better than GW2 as well, having a sense of community really helps.I'm not talking about guilds, I'm talking about random people talking to other randoms.

    In GW1 you have random dance parties, in GW2 I haven't seen any random dance party.Everyone is too busy focusing on self rather than community.

    In Diablo2, you show someone this super cool weapon or armor. You make people go crazy showing you all there prize loot trying to convince you to trade. It happens in GW as well.

    In GW2 nobody cares about anybody because they do everything through a tradepost, the community aspect goes away.

  15. @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:Playing GW this last week made me realise I would kill for a wardrobe.I've bags full of weapons only because they look cool.Also a wardrobe would make people play more to collect skins.

    This is what makes items worth what they are worth in this game.If you could get a crappy not max stats FDS and wardrobe it, and then get a crappy skin max stat weapon and switch it to FDS, it ruins the whole economy of GW.

    Games like Diablo 2 and GW have it set this way to promote trade. People especially remember Diablo2 as one of the games were you have to do a lot of trading with others and some things even though its not universally accepted people will take because how tough it is for them to get it (Personal taste, specific skin/weapon they want with good stats)

    That is why GW2 has a lot of junk items because of the wardrobe system and everything has set stats, no min/max range.Unidentified Rare gear. Unidentified Common gear. Etc etc. You have these unidentified gear randoms because its flipping junk, they know it and you know it. But in games like Diablo2 and GW it may be very valuable, it's your discretion how valuable it is to you.

    GW2 you goto tradepost, you see 100000 some stuff, "do I have in wardrobe, yes? ok its junk"Don't tell me about once every year precursor chance or exotic gear chance, there is junk exotic gear too.

    In Diablo2 and GW gear is exciting to see what it is, in GW2, its not exciting they know it and you know it, hence they make it all unidentified loot to save you time getting rid of the junk.

  16. @Dusty Moon.4382 said:

    @"Ayrilana.1396" said:The uptick in lag complaints is due to everyone being stuck at home and using the internet at once. Other networks/companies are experiencing lag issues as well. People are also very quick to blame Anet’s servers when it could very well be on their end or somewhere in between.

    So true. The other thing that might be happening is a DDOS attacks on AWS. I know other games are currently experiencing this issue , TERA is one. That can also cause lag.

    Thats why Zoom diversifies, something Guild Wars 2 could learn from.Guild Wars 2 should invest in Oracle Cloud strictly for its WvW.AWS just isn't designed for complexities like WvW, that is something a newer cloud like Oracle has strong points in.

    Think of it like AWS is duo core, and think of it like Oracle is 8 core processor. You have WvW, 100+ instances of people, you need a lot of cores.You need Oracle Cloud which can deliver.

    Why do you think the military did not chose AWS? Because it's just not good enough compared to the other clouds.https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/25/microsoft-wins-major-defense-cloud-contract-beating-out-amazon.html

    Azure is pretty much best at security.AWS is pretty much like Apple, nothing special, just everyone uses it.Oracle is pretty much performance.

    2019 trends?Azure beats AWS2020 trends?Oracle beats AWS

    Ongoing trends, people going after quality rather than popularity, people not going with popular AWS, because there is better out there.GW2 needs to be quick to react, it needs to go with Oracle before everyone wakes up and realizes its better for gaming.GW2 needs to stop being late mover and start being leader.GW2 assumes AWS is best.Other companies, look at the stats.

  17. Not sure if any of you went to college. But they have wifi, and when everyone is using that wifi, LAG happens.Zoom being smart "hey everyone is using AWS, lets switch to Oracle, its fast and not many are on it"Everyone else is slow, and the people on the new wifi are normal speed.

    You see a lot of LAG recently, it's because people at home on the internet. Services using AWS is clogged up and causing lag.Another thing, multi cloud platform. It is ok to be something like 30% AWS 70% Oracle cloud.

    One other thing, Oracle has been doing cloud before AWS, it just recently entered IaaS because everyone else is doing it.AWS is like Apple, everyone does it because its cool.Oracle is like PC, people know Oracle cloud is better and more cost effective too.

  18. @Dawdler.8521 said:The GW2 engine isnt even close to the Unreal Engine. It's Anets own engine.

    @"psyt.9415" said:They know all this they just dont have money to do anything about it. What ever funding they did have NCsoft pulled out from under them and laid that other team off. They have enough money to keep the status quo and put an expac out here and there and thats it. They arent getting money to re-write the engine as at that point they might as well make GW3. they aren't getting money to get better servers either so they are stuck on AWS like everyone else. There isnt really much they can do if you look at it objectively as NCsoft by the looks of it isnt willing to invest anymore than they have to at this point in the games life cycle. The question is even if they were willing to do all that would that drastically increase their earnings or would it just be throwing money at the game with no return? Better off putting out Cantha and getting to work on or licensing a better engine for GW3.

    The issue isnt about GW2 engine.Could be the engine from the greatest game today.If you run on slow outdated servers, you going to keep getting lag.

    Servers is the issue.Think of it like dialup vs hi speed internet, it doesn't matter if your on super computer, your going to get lag until you change your service provider.

    AWS is a service provider and Oracle is a service provider. Oracle is better, its 2012, its not outdated like AWS 2006 servers.

    Only way to fix lag issue is changing to a better plan or server.If it has terrible coverage, you change the provider. Just like a phone provider, Sprint has crappy coverage? You switch to Verizon or AT&T.

    Oracle has better servers, its not outdated.Proof?Look at Zoom, 2 days ago they needed more servers, fast, reliable, and provide better security.They went with Oracle, they chose Oracle over AWS.

    Biggest company booming right now? It's Zoom.Scalability is another plus for Oracle.

    April 28, 2020, its UP TO DATE, TODAY'S BEST user case scenarioGW2 needs to fix lag?Switch to Oracle.
  19. @"Thornwolf.9721" said:Just overhaul the guild hall system, give us more guild halls and more customization and make guilds mean something. Bam player housing, with a twist and it can help you make friends to enjoy the game with. If you don't want to be social then fine, don't join a guild but the basic premise is already there for this type of feature and it just needs attention to make it good enough.

    Guild hall wouldnt be bad if they want to do it that way.Hotel style would be pretty cool like others have mentioned.

    They should have wider accessibility when it comes to creation, like a member can create his room in the GH instance. Rather than "creates all or not able to create anything" options.

    It's just right now, it is in need of improvements. Needs more things to customize, like placing vendors, placing GH related things whereever you want. Making the walls however you want. Customization in GW2 is very bad.Its just a template with few customizations.

  20. @Thenme.6491 said:There are plenty of places inside and out to get lost in... many caves are there, not to mention the open world dungeons. Many labs to explore, underwater tunnels, caves, mountains plenty of buildings to get in and out of. Pirate ships in and out of water to explore.

    Did you even play the game?

    You can't get lost in them, because its just a small part of a map. Usually has nothing real to offer too. Its a one and done achievement. It needs to be more permanent, like it has something serious to offer that is repeatable.

  21. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"uberkingkong.8041" said:Let me inform you of some facts
    AWS Cloud came about in 2006
    , it is an old cloud engine. Very clunky and slow.
    Oracle Cloud came about in 2012
    , it uses more of the newer technology. It has SUPERIOR performance over AWSThat is an incredibly simplistic view on something that probably requires a 200+ page book to fully detail the differences of the two services. Its not always about "newer technology", it has to be the right technology too. The way the GW2 server infrastructure is built may be incompatible with Oracle services, who knows. None of us know anything and I can
    you that no one at Anet is going to say a word on it on this forum if they had any such plans, that is literally on a company management level.

    Its the infrastructure level, all they do is assign the build file to another infrastructure.It's not like changing from C# to PythonIt's not like using JSP instead of HTMLIt's not like using typescript instead of JavascriptIt's not like going from MySQL to NoSQL

    Think of it like a website you have or an appDo you need to change any styles, logic, structure, CRUD, etc. because you of changing from a .net to a .com? No..net or .com could be hosted by either AWS or Oracle or any other IaaS. Only difference is at the server layer.It's just another, a better servers and routers with better logic. All of which GW2 doesn't even touch anyways.If it was a PaaS yes, it would be a lot of work.If it was a SaaS yes, it would be a lot of work.

    GW2 is not created using Amazon platform tools, nor is it created using any Amazon applications.Platform is the Unreal Engine, Unreal Engine has nothing to do with AWS.Lets look at GW2 careers (this tells you about their stack and development)https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/1753778Network EngineerC++ and Unreal Engine, no nothing with AWS relatedneither of those is AWS related, GW2 isnt tied like a knot to AWS

    https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/1988141Senior Software EngineerC++ and Unreal Engine, no nothing about AWSneither of those is AWS related, GW2 isnt tied like a knot to AWS

    all they that is different when they switch to Oracle cloud is after creating the build file, they use terminal commands for Oracle cloud instead of AWS cloud, its really not hard to send out production to the cloud

    C++ and Unreal Engine can be run on any cloud, its not AWS specific

    Thus your argument is invalidWe are talking about the IaaS layerThis is the bare bottom layer, its not like Mac or PC. Its like do you want SSD or HHD (SSD, HHD can be used any OS(OS is like GW2). (analogy)Obviously Oracle is newer, its the SSD and AWS is old and clunky its the HHD (analogy)Just look at things from 2006 and compare to 2012.If you think oh "oh they do updates"Look at Everquest/World of Warcraft, they do expansions, same structure, its still old and clunky.Look at GW2, same system over the years, its pretty much the standard (GW2 came out 2012, Oracle Cloud came out 2012) even though 8 years passed byAWS is like vanilla Javascript, who does that? Oracle is like Angular, React, Vue

    Oracle is just outright better, and it's just as easy to switch like changing your cell phone provider. (You can use your phone the apps on your phone, etc., only thing that changes is footprint, some providers have better coverage than others, speed, cost. Nothing about your phone or what apps it can do or use is affected)

    Oracle and AWS are disk drives.All it is, is taking out the HDD and switching it to a SSD.Oracle is that SSD. And we all know how much nicer it is then HDD.No OS modifications needed after swapping from HDD to SDD, easy change.All you do is copy your data to a better disk drive.No special, days of debugging needed. Just copy to to other disk drive.Processing data on HDD, slow, 12 seconds computer is readyProcessing data on SSD, fast, 3 seconds computer is ready.

    12 seconds, GW2 is laggy3 seconds, GW2 lag is gonekeep compounding it, laggy all day long with AWS.This is where BigO, comes in, O1, 1 is the cloud provider, AWS you will be laggy. You need to change the 1, and thats where a better IaaS comes in, and thats Oracle.

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