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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. @Schimmi.6872 said:The event is shown ingame too, it's on the right side of the screen, the same place all the othe special events and festivcals are shown too.

    Well whadda ya,It is there.

    I've been playing for so long (2013 on and off) and just now realized it because YOU pointed it out to me.

    That area though, has so much clutter, I hardly notice it until YOU pointed it out to me.

    It isn't a bad area now that I know, but when I didn't know, its just clutter, so much in that spot with other clutter. They need to do an awareness thing, like have it flashing a few times when you log in for a year or so (with whatever events going on), so people KNOW for fact its right there. Without someone like YOU telling them.

  2. Few things,So I couldn't find because its 29th September, the events started going on yesterday. So when I'm looking, I'm looking for news that is YESTERDAY news, not a week or 2 ago for stuff going on YESTERDAY.

    Again, whose gonna find it??? Who knows that you have to look 2 weeks ago for information happening YESTERDAY.The other link, first time I seen it, thats something diehard GW2 players know of if anything.

    Thats the problem, this game when they do special events, they put it in places AINT NOBODY LOOKING AT.They need to get with the business analyst, tell him aint nobody seeing this, ARE YOU SURE THIS IS BEST WAY TO GO ABOUT THIS, ARE YOU SURE THIS IS BEST PLACES TO PUT IT. ARE YOU SURE THERE SHOULD BE NO STICKY ABOUT IT IN THE FORUM ITS ABOUT?

    You told me where to look, but maybe 54784395 other people curious, they took a quick look but couldn't find squat about it too. 2 weeks ago for content YESTERDAY, that needs to change. Sure its nice notice, but there should be something DAY OF, that says HEY this event going on now, enjoy. I shouldn't have to go 2 WEEKS back to see whats going on TODAY.

  3. @Arheundel.6451 said:

    @"X T D.6458" said:Just wondering, what the current timetable is for pushing out balance updates. Would like to see nerfs to stealth, boons, and rezzing/downstate...

    Asking for nerfs always backfire...
    eventually your main will be reached by the hands of the nerf god

    I agree with you, also why nerf, buff can be an option too. Usually a profession is too strong because their counters are not good enough.Thats why I made a thread to Buff Warriors


    @"X T D.6458" said:Just wondering, what the current timetable is for pushing out balance updates. Would like to see nerfs to stealth, boons, and rezzing/downstate...

    Elaborate more on Rezzing/downstate, what is it that you dislike about it.

    SHHHHHHHHH.....Don't you ever dare to call for buffs on this forum.....carebears will come running at you with pitchforks , torches and a hangman's knot ..while shouting "PowerCreeeeep, Powercreeeeeppp urgh zug zug" from the top of their lungs...trust me lol

    Don't ever ever ever mention the word "BUFF" on the GW2 forum...here they only want to see everything else but their profession...reduced to ashes on the ground

    Heh funny.

    Thing is, they make content harder and harder, then if you nerf people. You gotta nerf the content too. Thats more work than just buffing 1 profession or 2. Instead of nerfing several and having to nerf more stuff on top of that.

  4. @Arheundel.6451 said:

    @X T D.6458 said:Just wondering, what the current timetable is for pushing out balance updates. Would like to see nerfs to stealth, boons, and rezzing/downstate...

    Asking for nerfs always backfire...
    eventually your main will be reached by the hands of the nerf god

    I agree with you, also why nerf, buff can be an option too. Usually a profession is too strong because their counters are not good enough.Thats why I made a thread to Buff Warriorshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/113407/warrior-needs-a-buff#latest


    @X T D.6458 said:Just wondering, what the current timetable is for pushing out balance updates. Would like to see nerfs to stealth, boons, and rezzing/downstate...

    Elaborate more on Rezzing/downstate, what is it that you dislike about it.

  5. @"ollbirtan.2915" said:Tayga already elaborated pretty well. Not much to add to the fact that it's a badly designed map that is super clunky to play. Too big, too "layered", and too spread out. The objective is the only somewhat "fun" part of it.

    So you just want flatland, maybe if Kyhlo Clocktower was flatened it would be better too?Problem is, this makes certain professions dominant. It takes away from strengths and weaknesses of professions.

    Matter of fact, I'd like to see more maps with boxes you have to jump on and stuff, like you can't just run up to me, you have to jump on two boxes to get to me.This offers more style of play.

    You have to think of variety, if you just have flat, only select few professions will dominate, but if you got places where CC is very impactful as in you knock em off and they gotta run around or jump two times to get back on, it adds more variety of play.

    Spirit watch, isnt actually too vertical too (its not on a node and someone is on cliff and you aint (forest of nifhel bridge by node), only vertical part is stairs then flat again, same like other maps) btw, like just like Temple of Silent Storm, that map aint all flat, Spirit watch similar to it.,It aint like you get knocked off a cliff, there's just one part and that rarely happens, the center node. Now off node fighting, sure you can get knocked off and its a big deal, but near the nodes, doesn't happen much.Also in Forest of Nifhel, you can get knocked off center node too, and have to run around the staircase too. That map is still in.

    Too spread out you mention too? Temple of Silent Storm has a ton of spread out spots too. Temple center is just as vertical as Spirit Watch, they didn't remove it.

  6. They did one, you see the PvP BUFF.

    ...Its a matter of, how the heck do you know what is going on.I made a thread about this just now too.

    Your thread, Perfectly proving my pointhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/116129/pvp-buff#latest

    It's like they left a note telling everything about it on a coffee table, because you know people walk by it, buts in on a coffee table on the 5th floor, and how many people know this, how many people walk by it. None. lmaoThats what I think of how they notify people about PvP right now.

  7. @Tayga.3192 said:The map design is weird, it's very vertical.

    Who cares, its what makes it unique. Just because its vertically, doesn't mean you gotta exclude it and outcast it. Some people really enjoy, others hate it. Just like all the other maps. It makes some professions more useful because they knock you off cliff type or something.

    If every map was flat, thieves in particular wouldn't be as strong, aka teleport to higher ground with ease. And other professions. If all maps flat same professions dominate, different, variety maps, variety professions will dominate, not just the flat ground best of the best right now.

  8. Whats the buff about?Game should give me an ingame message about what the heck is going on when I enter HoTM and there is a pvp buff meaning usually something is going on.

    Lemme set things straight.You give us PvP Buff, so obviously something going on. YET......

    1. No notification in PvP forums about it
    2. No notification in game about it
    3. No notification in HoTM about it

    wtf.I have to be REALLY REALLY in the loop to know what the heck is going on.You must put this info in some spot YOU THINK is easily noticable, but nah.FIx it, redo your business analysis on where people look for info.

    Put that PvP notification in HoTM or on the PvP forums on a sticky or something. I shouldn't be looking HARD to find info that you'd like everyone to know whose interested.

    I'm INTERESTED in knowing, but can't find squat, I frequent forums too.Get the business analysis dude to come back here, if he told you that those spots you placed it is the best. Tell him to recheck redo their data.Cuz I aint know where the heck this information I'D LIKE TO KNOW is at.

    ...Sure you can tell me, but when thread is long gone and you do it again. THOSE OTHER people aint gonna know but WANT TO KNOW and NOT KNOW unless you do something about it.

  9. How come spirit watch isnt in ranked. Its one of my favorites. They did it very well, and it brings back memories, one of the earliest new maps they made and PvP was thriving during its time.

    Let me remind you guys of things they did recently too.Capricorn, that map is a goto a random spot, get mega points.Dijion map, goto random spot get random buffs.etc.

    How is spirit watch any less different? Put this map back in ranked. This great map doesn't belong to be outcasted.

  10. @"Kichwas.7152" said:Guild Wars 2 often looks like a game the devs have developed with one sole meta in mind: maximize DPS and do nothing else. Basically stack 10 Firebrands and go to town.

    It's not, but it can look that way because... it's pretty close to that and in some past patches it actually has been that (the 'Berserker gear only' days before HoT came out for example).

    FFXIV has the same problem... and the popular DPS meter and DPS checking website over there reinforce this... NOT with the community, but more dangerously with the devs... the Devs have been 'trained' by the community to keep making fight more and more about maximizing DPS and sliding everything else off the table. The importance of buff managing, CCing, debuff managing, and so on have over time been pushed down in favor of making every class do more DPS... even healers and tanks...

    The DPS meter there, officially is not allowed. Some believe it can get you banned, but the devs have been 'caught' streaming while using it and a careful read of the TOS doesn't actually refer to things like it. No player has ever been banned for using it - many have been banned for acting like jerks with the data they got by using it... a key difference...

    Make a DPS meter here official, and all pretense that there is any class in this game other than Firebrand would... go away...

    The devs would just buff up the raw DPS of every class they wanted folks playing, and ignore the others, and start simplifying fights down to DPS checks and nothing else...

    We're extremely close to that 'game design broken' line, but not yet over it... In fact I would argue that the reason the 'dungeons' never happened past the launch day set was because they did break that line and the team behind them didn't know how to fix it... This is why the pre-HoT meta used to ONLY be stack in one spot with berserker gear and ignore all mechanics...

    • The last thing we want to do is put in a tool that encourages the dev team to jump the last shark left in the line...

    I love FFXIV as much as this game, but as another MMO with so similar an issue - it also looks like a warning call to how to break the design here. FFXIV is only barely saved by having a trinity so you can pretend it's not just a one-trick-pony MMO... but this game doesn't have that 'illusion' to mask flaws in it's design... going down the same path FFXIV did would break things here.

    Yep, follows traditional path of other MMORPGs.new and new stuff... Tanky, and DPS checks.

    They could make a raid where you gotta avoid stuff for 30 seconds every minute which is hard, but they'd rather give this thing a buttload of hp, and DPS checks otherwise everyone dies.With their current motto, DPS CHECKS are needed.The casuals INTERESTED in raiding need it most, and those are the ones not downloading arcdps. Can't do the DPS, outta here you go.

    Yes, 10 firebrands, back in days 4 warriors 1 mesmer. speedruns.

    This game just as bad as other games, yes, they fall into same MMORPG traps too. Thats why I made a thread calledhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/114461/new-expansion-worries#latest

    Everybody focused on "new expansion yay", nobody realizes what new expansion brings to MMORPG games. saturation. About a couple months after new expansion y'all see......Y'all talking business too? More players more money. DPS checks get everyone to raiding level naturally because people more aware, I do this, my dps is high, I do this my dps is low. I know what to do now.You can dps decent, you can do any content.But 26 button openers, 19 button continuous button smashing....Tough to do decent DPS. People get lost in the 26 button opener, start doing useless but flashy skills.

    ....WE TALKIN BUSINESS THATS WHY, they gotta make $$$$.Meanwhile, World of Warcraft is KNOWN for HIGH playerbase, the highest.They aint known for WoW store.

  11. @Carcharoth Lucian.1378 said:@uberkingkong.8041

    You should think the other way around : If Anet can't monetize dps meter, why would they care to develop it?

    I think half full, I think people have good intentions.

    Anet did give you PoF LS, several new fractals, new pvp maps, a random LS.Before anybody yaps, LS you pay if you was not there to get it for free. Aint samething, they reward players who stick around.DPS meter has nothing to do with people sticking around.

    It gets people to enjoy there game more, stick around more because raids are now like fractals to them now. Playerbase.

    Why would you not put in good things that keep playerbase to stick around more than usual. Thats how this game is surviving.

    ..It does a lot of good things, you guys just get too much sometimes.But DPS check, you gotta be silly to think it WILL be monetized.We shouldn't even be talking about it being monetized.

    Just because they monetized build templates, its not same as DPS CHECK. Just because they monetize LS if you wasn't here, its not same as DPS CHECK.WSAD movement, tab targeting, the inventory UI, the mini map, map, THATS SIMILAR TO DPS CHECK.Its nothing but a GET request and 1 function, average.

    They charge you to have option to remove hats?Nope.

    Sure they could charge people to remove hats but they didn't.You remove hats same as everyone else removes hats. You get your DPS CHECK same as everyone else gets dps check.

    Could have charged you for the new pvp maps and fractals but they didn't.

    Yall just need think about them not charging you. Cuz they wont charge you.It does not require mass memory which costs money like build template does.

  12. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:DPS CHECK, universal, doesn't take up a butt load of memory, they aint gonna charge you, aint no game charges for DPS CHECK.I agree that should ANet implement their own DPS system that they don't NEED to charge for it. My point is that they COULD charge for it if they wanted the additional income from it. No one should be surprised if that were to happen.

    Just like court man,Has this happened with other people? Nope.Verdict not happen.

    In video games,Has this happened in video games? Nope.Not happening.

    Oh sure, there is .000001 chance that this will be the first time it happens outta 32478324 cases.Oh sure, in video games, this could be the first game where you gotta pay for an ingame DPS check outta 4357438573 games.

    Why you making it sound so bad. Think about positives for once.

    ..New game releases, doesn't have tab targetting they thinking about doing it.THEY COULD charge us for implementing this everyone, just remember that.347382478239 games, never had tab targeting a very very useful thing people would probably pay for, none of the games charge people for it.Think of Old School Runescape, you gotta CLICK on people, if they implemented tab targeting, they could make a few bucks from it.Very much so COULD HAPPEN that they charge people.

    OSRS COULD HAPPEN that they implement wsad movement, and CHARGE people for it.Games back in days, pretty annoying to play, people would pay for wsad movement.Is it happening that they charge people for it though???

    DPS Meter is in that category, NOT the category of build templates.Its 1 thing universal, just like WSAD movement, tab targeting etc.Its not customized 5 templates per 234782342 characters per 3245738294 accounts.Thats why bank you gotta pay, its customized, thats why build templates you gotta pay, thats why characters you gotta pay. Customized customized. No two people will have same account, character inventory, etc. As in, if you added something new, oops they not same anymore.DPS check, all it does is average.Its never going to do pie r squared for one person and other formulas for 43738294 people, it says 1 thing, average 1 x 23478234. not much compared to 5 x 34573894223 x 3748247932

    • Sad 1
  13. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @"Krzysztof.5973" said:No. I don't want another poorly created tool in place of something that already is well made and it's free.I can't imagine ANet would implement a tool like this and monetize it without the community crying P2W. However, it's not like I haven't been wrong before.Before they introduced their own version of "template" system, i wouldn't have believed they would be able to both butcher and monetize it as much as they did either. And notice, how the system not meeting with a warm reception did absolutely nothing to improve its quality.

    I wouldn't define the template system as being P2W. Some might deem a monetized DPS meter to be. That was kinda my point. It could also be wrong.

    How would a dps meter be p2w?(I don't think they should add it because I don't see a reason for that, but in the end I actually don't even care if they add it or not. Just asking because I'm curious about the meter being somehow "p2w")

    Hypothetically, in order to be actively included in end-game content, players would have to buy the DPS meter. That's what I meant.

    Buy the DPS METER?
    Name me a popular game where the DPS meter has to be bought to be used.

    Do you have to buy tab targeting. Do you have to buy squad chat, do you have to buy using enlarged map?Shouldn't worry about having to buy a DPS meter.

    Ease up there chief. Did you not see my previous post? I was warning that if Anet implemented their own DPS meter that it might be monetized in which case some might consider it to be P2W.

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:Buy the DPS METER?
    Name me a popular game where the DPS meter has to be bought to be used.

    Do you have to buy tab targeting. Do you have to buy squad chat, do you have to buy using enlarged map?Shouldn't worry about having to buy a DPS meter.I thought the same about build template system before they introduced it, and yet we both know how it ended - badly implemented and overmonetized. I wouldn't expect dps meter to fare any better.

    I used to play this game for fun. Now it has become all about reward.Shame on me.

    Ther are 2 types of pplthat who play for funthat who play to be best

    both ppl have diferent game style,

    first group don't want dps metter cuz thay play for fun not to imrpovesecound one need dps metter so thay can improve to be best, and to see how well thay do compare to others

    You do realise those that play to be the best also play to have fun?

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:Buy the DPS METER?Do you have to buy tab targeting. Do you have to buy squad chat, do you have to buy using enlarged map?Unlike the other functions you mentioned, a DPS Meter is not part of the core gameplay functionality.

    It's no more than a Quality of Life tool, just like the loadout system.And we all know which QoL addition got monetized to hell and back.A DPS meter wouldn't happen much better.

    @"Krzysztof.5973" said:No. I don't want another poorly created tool in place of something that already is well made and it's free.I can't imagine ANet would implement a tool like this and monetize it without the community crying P2W. However, it's not like I haven't been wrong before.Before they introduced their own version of "template" system, i wouldn't have believed they would be able to both butcher and monetize it as much as they did either. And notice, how the system not meeting with a warm reception did absolutely nothing to improve its quality.

    I wouldn't define the template system as being P2W. Some might deem a monetized DPS meter to be. That was kinda my point. It could also be wrong.

    How would a dps meter be p2w?(I don't think they should add it because I don't see a reason for that, but in the end I actually don't even care if they add it or not. Just asking because I'm curious about the meter being somehow "p2w")

    Hypothetically, in order to be actively included in end-game content, players would have to buy the DPS meter. That's what I meant.

    Buy the DPS METER?
    Name me a popular game where the DPS meter has to be bought to be used.

    Do you have to buy tab targeting. Do you have to buy squad chat, do you have to buy using enlarged map?Shouldn't worry about having to buy a DPS meter.

    You missed his point entirely. If Anet adds a DPS meter, the expectation will be increased by raiders that people will use it. That's not something we should promote, since it's not a necessary feature to be successful raiding. Furthermore, it's not a crazy idea that Anet would do something to make this a purchased feature in the game.

    Anyways, I don't see the harm in a DPS meter if people want to self monitor, but I don't see the need for it either. If you are playing the meta builds ... someone has already characterized that DPS output for you. It's not like people are going to discover something they didn't already know.
    1. Raiders already have high expectations. You need to I. Have KP II. If your DPS you need to contribute your share. People look at DPS after they fail, and they adjust BASED ON DPS. Whisper "your dps is a little too low, we gonna have to drop you". It already happens because ANET made raids DPS CHECK. With DPS CHECK content you need DPS METERS. Yes we have arc, but not everyone has it downloaded, some people think they may get banned for using it, "no official statement". Thus you need an IN GAME DPS METER.
    2. DPS METER is an average, simple. Calculate AVERAGE of dps. NO GAME has monetized DPS METER. NO GAME.
    3. Builds template to DPS METER? You really comparing this to DPS METER? Having a mini map, a big map, being able to TAB TARGET is more close to DPS METER than build templates.
      • Build template requires moving around gear, putting gear in inventory, making a button to do so, and so forth. Having a DPS meter, its just text, shows up average of combat, DONE. No gear involved, no storing inventory, no moving parts, no UI changes. Simple look at combat log, oh there is DPS.
      • You want 5 different templates? well serves them right they charge you, it takes up a lotta memory, took them a lotta time to do too, a lot of things changed.
      • Problem with people these days, they see data and categorize. "DPS check that is under QoL, QoL they charge people", how about thinking of it practically, do I need 5 templates of DPS check? Will it significantly change UI? Where will it go? ..... Oh its just text. Just because its a QoL like maps, tab targeting, etc, its simple you not going to be charged on simple stuff. Build templates thats not so simple stuff. Build templates would fall under Macro, you basically press a button and it does several changes you'd do manually in one shot. Build Templates = Macro. AND ITS CUSTOMIZED per player DPS check, thats just average, its not changing a dang thing. AND its universal

    You guys overthinking way too hard. Way too much negative thinking going on here.btw, DPS METER helps players get good, yall assume, I'm bad, I'm staying bad, nothing can help me so no DPS METER.

    Oh yeah I forgot to respond to "what about play for fun"This is raids, fractals, and strikes we talking about, its end game content.Usually raids, sometimes fractals and strikes, involves wiping.And wiping occurs when people don't do there share.When wiping fun, turns into hostile "player c aint trying, healer does more dps, kick him the heck outta here, hes a loser"

    You want to solve fun, its not DPS METER, its the DPS CHECK content you should be being vocal in.We don't even have an IN GAME DPS METER, and yall still getting heat from raids.

    This is what will make you better, which when you are better, you have fun. PeriodWith build templates you taking up their memory, because its customized to you.Tab targeting, big and mini map, etc., AND DPS CHECK, its universal, everyone has same text with average, everyone tab targets the same way, everyone has map the same way. They don't have to make new objects that take up memory which costs them money, like you see with build templates...Build templates, if everyone had 5 of them for free, its customizable, not unviseral unlike DPS CHECK. So that means 5 TIMES the amount of players.... Yeah thats a lot of memory to keep. Serves them right to charge you...Bank space, Amount of characters you have.... It's all memory they customized to specific account, just like Build Templates. Serves them right to charge you.DPS CHECK, universal, doesn't take up a butt load of memory, they aint gonna charge you, aint no game charges for DPS CHECK. When people check DPS, for EVERYONE it just calculates average, its not doing a special formula per account and giving you 5 templates of it, something like that, I can see them charging you because you want them to do something crazy and thats going to create a lot of objects which take up a lotta memory.DPS check, all it does it average, it doesn't do pie r squared, cubic formulas, etc. Same formula for everybody, thats why its universal.Tab targeting, same method for everybody, thats why its universal.Build templates, you have this trait I use these traits 234u789324879032 other people got different traits, and they want it times 5? Build templates =7534832457 x 5 is a lotta memory. Serves them right to charge all yall...One style map for everybody...One style tab targeting for everybody...One style DPS CHECK for everybody.Thats free stuff....Build templates, 5 choices of customized per 3478392478392 players per 43576843578439 characters they haveThat's costly, you pay for that. Be thankful they gave you a few for free. I can't imagine 10 x 45734897534 x 345376824923

    ..As for fun, it aint DPS METER fault, you get good by using it, you have fun when your good enough to do hard content.

    If you suck, and you doing hard content, of course you not going to have fun, of course you going to get kicked.How you going to get better? Aint no dps check for you. You just want fun, theres nothing to track you and let you know you get better.You probably not even using arcdps.

    Not to be rude, but its hard facts that... You stay sucking without DPS METER and your goal is just fun.Maybe if you decide to be serious, sure you probably don't need DPS METER.

    But DPS METER helps a ton.It's like you want to LIFT more. You don't have weights. Sure you could lift to certain point doing body workouts.But without weights aka DPS Meter, you aint gonna get 500 squats you need for big boy competition aka raids aka weight lifting shows.

    Sure body workouts are great, but to lift more, you need some kind of weight. Course you can get really strong and fit without weights, but we talking about you going to have to lift heavy stuff. You going to need some weights, whether it be tree trunks, barbell dumbell. You aint gonna get to 500 squats just doing squats without weights.

    Thats what DPS meter does, to make people better faster. You track yourself, just like lifting weights, you track how much you lifting by seeing "oh this is 200lbs, now its 235 lbs"

    Kind of thinking I'm getting here is. People will make fun of me if I goto the gym.Bro, people don't care about you, they at gym to focus on themselves. Goto the dang gym, start lifting hi numbers.

    People help you get better in gym, people help you get better if they see your DPS."bro do 2, just spam it all the time, forget the rest, you'll be more effective then. those other skills are garbage just flashy"Get the DPS meter, start doing hi dps.You'll have fun.

    • Sad 1
  14. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @"Krzysztof.5973" said:No. I don't want another poorly created tool in place of something that already is well made and it's free.I can't imagine ANet would implement a tool like this and monetize it without the community crying P2W. However, it's not like I haven't been wrong before.Before they introduced their own version of "template" system, i wouldn't have believed they would be able to both butcher and monetize it as much as they did either. And notice, how the system not meeting with a warm reception did absolutely nothing to improve its quality.

    I wouldn't define the template system as being P2W. Some might deem a monetized DPS meter to be. That was kinda my point. It could also be wrong.

    How would a dps meter be p2w?(I don't think they should add it because I don't see a reason for that, but in the end I actually don't even care if they add it or not. Just asking because I'm curious about the meter being somehow "p2w")

    Hypothetically, in order to be actively included in end-game content, players would have to buy the DPS meter. That's what I meant.

    Buy the DPS METER?Name me a popular game where the DPS meter has to be bought to be used.

    Do you have to buy tab targeting. Do you have to buy squad chat, do you have to buy using enlarged map?Shouldn't worry about having to buy a DPS meter.

  15. Have 3 nodes.Have an orb in the middle of the map.Takes 2 seconds to grab it from middle, but can quickly pick up if someone drops.When holding orb you can't use weapon skills, and your slowed down.If you cap it on an enemy node you decap the node and get +25 scoreIf you cap it on a neutral node, +25 scoreIf you cap it on a node you control +50

    ..In rank:We have maps like Capricorn where you have to stand someplace and you get points. We have maps where you get unique abilities. We have maps where you kill lord and you get mass points.How about a map like this?..I'd like to see it in ranked too.

  16. @Noah Salazar.5430 said:Many players wuld stop doing raids/fractals/strikes with pugs, if thay block option to check dps of others or your

    That also wuld result to need of nerf of some content as it will become too hard or ppl will come do that content only with guilds

    Exactly why they need a DPS METER.

    @Yggranya.5201 said:

    @Yggranya.5201 said:When i played FFXIV for four months straight as i had nothing better to do, there was like 50 in a thousand dungeon groups where people did their job properly. When i say "did their job properly" i mean they actually played the kitten game. I admit, i got REALLY tired of it. In fact, that experience is the sole reason i made these account on the forums of games i play, so i can let people know that what they do is truly despicable.

    And what exactly means
    doing their Job properly
    actually playing
    the game to you?If you mean using the optimal rotations and caring about min-maxing, or knowing every aspect of encounters before seeing them ingame, then those 5% might actually be too high of a number.But that also implies that you consider people, who have fun in their own way, aren't actually playing properly.

    I have rare met any players in FF14 who weren't playing properly.But then again, playing properly means for me simply that they use more skills than their attack chains.

    No, i mean that they use their basic rotation and actions you learn from doing the job guests. Like a dragoon who doesn't use blood of the dragon or a monk who doesn't use form shift or black mage who only uses ice magic and never activates enochian. Also not standing in every single AoE as they are too distracted to dodge. Can't enjoy the show when the game inconveniently gets in the way.

    As in, you simply read the ability description and tested to see how it works in combat. That can't be too much to ask, right?

    Every day i saw this and at the end of it i was so DONE with it. You don't have to believe me, that won't change facts. I said i have played all classes to max level to simply make sure you know that i know what i'm talking about. There isn't any doubt, it's just the usual MMO "coop" experiance.Notice, that (with the exception of infamous ice mages, which are a very extreme example, comparable to GW2 players in full nomads), the average FFXIV player, doing their own version of rotation (instead of the proper one) is still likely doing around
    of the top benchmark DPS. By FFXIV standarts, they
    doing their job. You just have too high expectations, and expect average players to play on the same level as top 5%.

    Notice, though, that the very same people doing 50% of the top benchmark (which is enough for everything except the handful of higher mode instances), if they were playing gw2, they would be doing 10-20% of top dps. That is the difference between those games. The same skill level, but in one game it creates 5 times greater difference than in the other.

    I don't care about doing top DPS, all i care about is that they do more than spam a single attack that is in the middle of a combo. It's true that not everyone was as lazy or more accurately, paid at least a little attention when they were watching those videos so they wouldn't be called out for it. Pointless to call them out, as their friend are there making sure they won't ever get kicked. If they have 2 friends with them, then i might get kicked for simply mentioning it. Most did the basic combo, while never activating abilities that are required to use the actually powerful oGCD abilities. I have never cared that there is an optimal way to play, all i ask is that you ACTUALLY PLAY THE kitten GAME.

    Like i remember a dragoon who spams nothing but disembowel, nothing else. dragoons who never activate disembowel and of course, never use chaos thrust and never use any jumps, just spam the basic combo. Red mages who use verfire and then verstone, occasionally using corps-a-corps and instantly displacement after that. Before you say anything, yes, this was something that happened all day, every day, with some version for all jobs. Not everyone was as obvious about it as that, but they weren't much better.

    To put it quite simply, i couldn't care less if you do the most or the least damage, as long as you are playing the game. Why is this too much to ask and so hard to understand?

    Has nothing to do with being top dpsDPS METER has everything to do with......Are you doing enough to win?Whose slacking? Is there role dps? Time to give them tips, so that......You can do enough DPS to win.

    Nothing to do with egos and being top dps.Everything to do with, beating DPS CHECK Guild Wars 2 Content.

    Why do people get kicked for bad dps?Because people sick of wiping and not passing the DPS check content.

    Need DPS METER so that, instead of everyone angry leaving, they see whose been slacking, give them tips to do better dps, and WIN.

    That 1 DPS slacker, causes people to angry leave groups, people think everybody is bad, buts its just that 1 dude. All you do is tell him we need you to pick up slack, this boss aint gonna die unless you do your share of dps so we can meet the DPS CHECK content, this rotation works, do it.

    GW2 fractals, strikes, raids. full of DPS CHECK. DPS CHECK you need a DPS METER

  17. @Nephalem.8921 said:

    @"uberkingkong.8041" said:How many buttons you have to push if your dps?Easy to do job properly when you don't have to memorize a 26 button opener, 16 button continuous button loop for optimal dps.

    Maybe play wow if you want every class getting dumbed down to 3 buttons? Some ff jobs even have 15+ skills openers. 15 different skills. The majority of gw2 builds are very simple. Only condi engi and condi sword weaver are quite hard but nobody plays those to begin with.The thief dps rotation consists of 3 buttons btw. The problem is that even the simple ones are too hard for some because they cant be bothered with reading their traits.

    You give praise to thief?Lets lookhttps://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/thief/daredevil/power/8 button opener 7 or 9 button bursts.Optimal, they did good...I hear in WoW people have mutliple hotbars (10 skills per hotbar or whatever)1-3 buttons, yeah ok.


    But if it is true.Look at the playerbase, millions upon millions. #1 MMORPGAll because its easy to play, rotations are simple to do.Thats why its BEEN #1 since 2004 or so.They do something RIGHT.

    ..Just because you have no issues doing 18 button openers 25 button loops.Doesn't mean the millions of players who choose not to play GW2 can do it too, and probably why they don't play.Not skill.25 button 18 button. Thats memorization, which is not skillSkill is knowing what to do when, not run up to something, _MEMORIZE _the 18 button opener 25 button loop.Jump, get out of the way, use a certain attack like melee only, etc. Thats skill.Not any attack 18 button, works on everything type deal.Thats DPS CHECKNeed a DPS METER for DPS CHECK content.So I can tell, is Subject 7 going to die, or do I need to start giving whoever is slacking some tips.So that our DPS METER meets the minimum for this DPS CHECK content.

  18. @crepuscular.9047 said:

    @MrNecro.7485 said:If you never played, it would be an instance of land, where you as a player can place every placeable object as you wish (furniture, trophies, fun gadgets, mining nodes etc.) via controlling of their X,Y,Z positions in the instance.

    I have one! It's called guild hall. :)

    Not everyone has modify access.

    It's his own guild hall, you'd be surprised how many people out there have a private guild hall

    If many people doing this, they need to make housing then.It shows how many people interested in this, so make an official housing, make it good.Attracts players from other MMORPGs to come here.

    People play MMORPGs for niche things, like they love to craft, they love to do housing, etc.

    People outside GW2, they don't see housing.A good MMORPG has a good outside view, as in people who don't play the game, they look at it and see what it has.They see no housing in this game.Frankly, Guild Hall is too big too. Has no outside view, still not enough creativity.I don't want all these NPCs, I don't want this cannot remove object over here.

    Thats a guild hall.We want creatable housing.Not create a guild hall.

  19. @Trise.2865 said:

    @Scavarius.6059 said:since when are classes/elites only good for one thing. you worrie too much, since all we have is a teaser, not even a trailer.

    @VocalThought.9835 said:I'm not saying that Warriors should start using magichere is the thing: warrior already use magic. they just utilize it differently.

    Can you give an example?

    Here's a few:How does the sword come back after you throw it?How does the bow fire two arrows simultaneously with perfect accuracy and no apparatus?How does holding pretty tapestries make allies stronger/tougher/faster/harder to knock down?How does being angry let you shoot a gun harder?

    1. Boomerang throw
    2. Put two arrows and shoot
    3. Just like country flag on battlefield, boosts morale, good morale boost makes you tougher faster harder to knock down
    4. Focus better when angry, aiming at parts of body that do major damage rather than shooting for sake of it
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