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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. Nothing special about them, seems like samething over and over.

    How about something like win a game of Stronghold.Needs more variety that ANY profession can get. Needs some dailies where the reward is just so amazing.Ex. World vs World capture a KeepThe reward on that is AMAZING

    Super rare one could be, win 4 ranked matches in a row.1 mystic clover 1 mystic coin reward

    People do PvP/WvW for the clovers, well give em a tough daily.Consider it like PvP'ers doing tough raids, its too tough for PvP'ers to do.Well 5 win in a row Ranked is tough for PvE'ers to do.

    You have LFGSelling raidsSelling this runSelling this and that, PvE'ers can sell so many things. WHAT ABOUT PVP'ers WHAT CAN THEY SELL???

    ...PvP possible for people to be in LFG and say "Selling playing with you and giving you really good chances at wins in Ranked" possible?

    If the rich people who can afford to pay good players to play with them, play with them enough they might become interested in PvP and get good and not need their services anymore. More people in PvP community is a good community. Especially if its people who are rich in game, because if you rich in game you usually are very good as well.

  2. @KrHome.1920 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:There should be a core build where if someone just stands and doesn't even move the Warrior should 100b that mofo down like he wasn't nothing.Warrior has the best stun lock capability in the game and stun + burst skill is possible frequently (that's even the freaking class mechanic!). ANet knows exactly why what you described is not possible. It would be the next big broken thing.

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:Squishy classes shouldn't be standing and eating melee, but in GW2 squishy class like Necro is a great tank for Warriors. Lich form NOT NECESSARY when its a warriorWhat a nonsense. Core necro is designed to be a tank, because it is slow and hits like a wet noodle with a 150s cooldown noob filter elite skill. And for reaper all you need to do is kiting it for a few seconds and his shroud is completely degenerated or he drops it by himself which does also make him vulnerable. The meta build doesn't even use speed rune.

    The players that have issues fighting core necro are players with training wheel builds with a bad damage sustain ratio and the players that have issues fighting reapers are players that are too greedy to just move away from shroud for 5 or more seconds not wasting any cooldown besides the disengage or a cc. It's incredible how many players can't just move away for some time and will simply facetank shroud right from the beginning or come back after 3 seconds and then start to facetank. I dont get this.

    Esp. for a warrior kiting a reaper is the easiest thing in the world. Half of your skills are mobility skills that even remove soft cc (traited). And your shield block has about the same cooldown as soul spiral. You can completely negate every single soul spiral.

    Easier said then done.Berserker has a lot of CC?? They sure can't destroy anyone who doesn't bother to move at all because they know your class needs a buff and they win easily just blow for blow right in the Berserker's face.

    The CC stuns on necro?Easier said then done.

    Thats like saying ele is best dps for raids because they do 47k+ dps on training dummy.Then when they get to an actual boss. WHOLE different story.

    You talking about CCing like you easily telegraph everything your opponent does. "oh you just cc it and you win"Yeah okay. You get in pvp. WHOLE different story."This guy wont use that skill, HE KNOWS I'm waiting to counter it, HE KNOWS if he uses everything else I'll eat it and die""Oh you just counter that skill and easy win for Warrior they say"YEP, WRONG

    In Stronghold.Mist Champions vs Warrior. Why is this guy not going down. He doesn't attack you, you need DPS, CCIng him does nothing. Counter? They aint even attacking you.Warrior USELESS in Conquest. EVEN MORE USELESS in Stronghold.Everyone else "I kill Mist Champions fine" Warrior "This Mist Champ has got some serious health, I aint doing squat to him and no more skills to press"

  3. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @Lucentfir.7430 said:You do realize his post is saying warriors are fine because the low end doesn't consider it under-performing, aka where all the average lower skill players are. So it doesn't matter if the top players consider it bad because balance shouldn't be dictated toward the top end spectrum, where a lot of what works stems from to begin with and gets posted to sites like this?If you were to read my posts accurately, you'd release that my posts aren't about the low end, but about the
    For the
    Warriors still are dangerous and that's fine.

    If you can't distinguish between the average and the low end, you might want to look into improving that.After all, your posts imply that you are one of the players that always try to improve themselves.

    But rather than power-creeping warrior, other things should be toned down.We don't need more builds that can just roll over players in seconds, we need less.

    Nah,We already have less builds that roll over players.

    Necro just stands there and whoops ANY warrior without even moving because they pretty good AND because Warriors are a joke.

    With less builds that roll over players? Does this mean NO WARRIORS are good?There should be a core build where if someone just stands and doesn't even move the Warrior should 100b that mofo down like he wasn't nothing.

    Instead we have Warriors that have issues taking down Mist Champions.I used the BEST version of Spellbreaker, which is good not Great not Meta.Mist Champion just running by me and feels like a tank because Warrior can't do jack squat for damage. This build uses berserker amulet too.

    Went from Warriors KING OF CLEAVE. KING OF DPS. Most wanted for CItadel of Flame runs.You just want to stand there? Okay here comes the DPS. (now 100blades EPIC Guild Wars ability... doesn't even do squat worth talkin about)To Warrior can't even do jack squat. Squishy necro feels like a tank PLUS they ANNIHILATE Warriors with abilities. They don't even need to move, can't hurt em, and they DO BIG DAMAGE. (NOT EVEN IN LICH FORM).

    It used to be Necros run from Warriors to avoid cleave.Now its Warriors run from Necros, because even if they stand still... AINT going to kill em. Lich Form not necessary, too easy to even think about Lich Forming.

    So we need less builds that roll over players?Balance is when theres too many builds. There should be AT LEAST 3 builds where me as a Warrior. ESPECIALLY BERSERKER should be rolling over players like they aint nothing.

    Instead, BERSERKER is a joke.Warriors are a JOKE.Warriors NEED. Not wanted. Not an option.THEY NEED A BUFF

  4. @Nylarx.9671 said:

    @Just a flesh wound.3589 said:I don’t normally do pvp either but there is an unranked level of PvP that you can try. That’s where all the PvP noobs are likely to be. Get you a chance to PvP with other low ranking players to advance your PvP track and learn how to PvP.

    I would say: Don't be afraid of ranked Pvp. You will lose a few matches, but then you should be in the bracket you're meant to be. Also it is pretty forgiving as well - you just need to remember that there will be toxic people out there and you just have to brush them off.

    Note: I'm really bad at pvp myself. I have trouble knowing when to dodge, but I still have lots of fun in Pvp matches in low Gold. And free achievement points too :3

    Unranked maybe where noobs are, but its also where the premades are as well.Chances are you'll do worse in Unranked because you have all the noobs on your team, going against a premade.

    Meanwhile, in Ranked...Your playing with people your skill level too.If your bronze your not going to be playing against gold tier or higher. Not even Emerald tier. You play against Bronze.

    You have equal playing field in Ranked.

    Unranked, good luck going against that premade of 3 or more people in the party. No its not going to give you higher tiered players to counter it. It's unranked, tiers don't matter. 5 platinum tiered players will enjoy farming noobs, slim chance of facing another set of platinum players, especially a group of 5 of them. I'd only play Unranked if your GOOD AND/OR your playing with friends.

    Now if only hotjoins gave equally good reward. Hotjoins is better than Unranked because its not matchmaking. Unranked and matchmaking doesn't make any sense to be honest too.

    GW2 started out hotjoins + ranked mode (tournament). It started out fine, but when they normalized matchmaking and nerfed hotjoins. PvP just isn't the same anymore.

    To the mystic clovers. I was here earlier, don't be fooled by 8 hours WvW to get mystic clovers. Read the fine print they put. (With good reward track boosts). Aint no quick way, but reward tracks is where its at. Reward tracks is pretty much only option, because the gambling way will just frustrate you.

    Yes, I wish there was another way. Like do map rewards and say the final reward randomizes and after an hour of being in the zone there is a chance it can be a mystic clover.Seems like there is a lack of PvE content to get mystic clover and not sure if thats what you was hoping for. I don't consider mystic gamble to be part of PvE way to get mystic clover. You don't mystic gamble doing it the WvW or PvP way, why does PvE have to be this way? Hrm?

    Another idea.Have dungeons give small chance to reward mystic clover on the daily dungeon. Because right now, dungeons are dead.

  5. @Lucentfir.7430 said:

    @Lucentfir.7430 said:You balance towards the high end because as player get better and learn you start to see the massive glaring issues, and the internal workings in a class.You balance around the average because that's where the most players are. It's simple as that.

    Also, hurry up and trash your misconception that players get better and learn.Most don't.Most blindly copy builds they find online, whether they are beyond their actual skill or not - and they most likely fail to use them properly.They won't even care about the internal working.The fact that many people even look for builds online is proof enough that people don't care about learning their chosen profession by experimenting themselves.

    If you were to do the absurd and balance around the top end, even more builds requiring skill beyond the average pop up, people try them out - and fail - then leave pvp, because they can't find builds that suits them.

    the low average endTry looking at some Gauß bells.The y-axis is the amount of players, while the x axis represents the player skill.Even hard-headed people should see that the average is around the
    and not at one end or the other.The low end is about as much of a low percentage as the top end and should be equally dismissed for balance.

    I think the misconception here is you think players don't get better and improve, and then contradict yourself by saying most don't.(meaning some do) , that's easily why good players can read brainlet meta copy pasta builds played by average or bad players so easily, and outplay them even while playing meme builds. Which is why it shouldn't be balanced around the brainlet average, it should be balanced towards entry top end where there's at least some decent players that know how to play the classes decently and knows how it works. I don't even know how any of what you're spewing helps your reasoning why it should be balance towards the low average, but it looks like a lot of malarkey, grabbing for straws..

    Is that some "Do your own research" sort of move?? I'm not the one bringing graphs into this to prove something, so best link/post your your own proof to support your argument, since you're the one trying to convince people why it should be balanced for people that don't know how to dodge and can't think for themselves, and never try to improve?

    He does have a point.I mean, look at Meta battle, the place where average players go and get builds.

    Not a single Berserker build, not a single core Warrior build.

    The build on godsofpvp is a joke too, its just A BUILD, doesn't mean its great or meta, its just something thats the best for warriors right now.... Which isn't Great or Meta.... Which is why WARRIORS NEED A BUFF.

    If warriors suck, no elite players are playing Warrior.How you going to balance it? Nobody is playing Warrior. No feedback because no one is playing.

    You KNOW the balance is bad when nobody is playing a Berserker.

    They should just look at metrics instead of listening to elites or anybody else..01% people playing Berserker? Hrmmm maybe you should BUFF it.Nobody playing core warrior too??Of all the free to play players they chose NOT to play Warrior?Hrmmm maybe you should BUFF the HECK outta it.

    100 blades is a STAPLE Guild Wars ability. It should be as deadly as it sounds.Shouldn't be a SQUISHY necro facetanking it (not in lich form) because 100blades right now IS A JOKE.Just like Warrior in general.

    Squishy Necro (NOT IN LICH FORM) facetanking a Warrior going HAM on it. Perfectly okayTough, Fierce, Majestic Warrior facetanking a Necro while going HAM on it. Not ok. Run away. TOUGH TANKY Warrior is NO match to be in a Necro's face.Necro doesn't even have to move, it OWNS the Warrior going 100b and throwing everything at it. THEY OWN WARRIORS so much, no movement necessary

    Usually.Squishy classes shouldn't be standing and eating melee, but in GW2 squishy class like Necro is a great tank for Warriors. Lich form NOT NECESSARY when its a warrior

    Because Warriors are in such bad shapeThey need A SERIOUS BIG BUFF.

    I mean Warrior can't get in the face of a Necro???What's the purpose of them then?Just be worthless?

  6. Unlike unranked.In hotjoins you can see all the servers.With this it makes the PvP feel more like a community because you just join servers with people you like to play with. You don't have to que up or anything, you just join and start having fun.

    Also spectate? I can't remember how far they have got with this feature, but I believe you can spectate at anytime. Just go into observer mode and start spectating.

    They really should just get rid of ranked and keep tournament. There should be ranked tournament.Right now, its never going to get #esports again if they are hoping for that because ranked is casual mode right now. Even Tournaments is casual mode.

    They need to uncasual the casual.

    And should ranked be a casual mode? Nope, its too frustrating for casuals always being evaluated. Casuals want to have fun, and thats where hotjoins come in.

    GW2 back then, did it right. Right away. It had #esports.Making ranked casualized, ruined the PvP scene.

    People use to be afraid to play ranked, now "just do it".

    Technically if you think about it, unranked you're like to go against a premade that will destroy you.Meanwhile unranked, you are a bronze tier? You'll face other bronze tier, 5050 chance.

    Unranked and be destroyed or 5050 in ranked?

    Hotjoins now, too many servers, you facing a premade, just swap servers. Like how everybody did it back in the days.

    8v8? Thats how it was back in the days, it WAS NOT 5v5.5v5 is when GW2 PvP casual scene started to dwindle.

    Think of this,unranked = no controlHotjoins = you see server browser, you see whose playing, you can spectate as wellunranked you wont make any friends, hotjoins over time, possible to make friends AND play with friends. Usually when you already have a friend you play with a lot people want to be your friend because they want to play with you two too.

    Also, sidenote back then anybody that was smart aka they play to tag, play for rewards, could easily get 350+ points a game. When you do this in 5-10 min games vs qued game that maybe better if you win everygame, its a lot faster to rank up and earn rewards.

    So you dang right you gotta make rewards good. The casuals wont go back to hotjoins especially when they just after rewards.Casuals wont go back to hotjoins when all they after is reward track grinding.

  7. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @"felix.2386" said:warrior is much much lower then Good tier, in many top player's eye

    And those top players, who make up a very small percentage of the playerbase, hardly matter in balance issues.The average, where the vast majority is at, is much more important.And there, Warrior isn't as underperforming as said very small percentage claims.

    It is underperforming for them.Metabattle has reviews, those reviews are not from top players. The warrior is not great or meta because of bad reviews from people not top player.

    There is no Great build for WarriorsThere is no Meta build for WarriorsSpellbreaker is the ONLY Good build for WarriorBerserker and core Warrior not even considered good, they that bad.

    Difference between GodsofPvP and Metabattle, Metabattle allows for reviews by anybody. Metabattle has reviews and usually when you have reviews its more legit.

    Who knows maybe that warrior build on godsofpvp is a joke. Not Meta and Not Great and maybe not EVEN GOODNo reviews, nobody to say "this build is meta" "joke build, do not use"

    Your logic is flawed, if you think godsofpvp is better and you say it doesn't matter about top players.Godsofpvp i dont know much, but if a top player made it, and everyone else assumes its good. There you go contradicting yourself.Metabattle, I KNOW its going to get reviewed, I KNOW community will vote on how good it is. It's not a build someone makes and no vote, no review like godsofpvp.

    You "metabattle is unreliable, godsofpvp better"You "dont matter what pros think, its the average player that matters"

    godsofpvp nothing to do with avg playermetabattle everything to do with avg player

  8. @Tharan.9085 said:

    You'll know they found the right balance when every profession is on Metabattle as a Meta build.Right now, no version of Warrior is Meta.Right now, no version of Warrior is Great.

    Metabattle is quite an unreliable source on what is good and bad

    What are the reliable sources then? Do they have Warrior in Meta or Great?Does it include Berserker?Does it include core Warrior?

    Warrior is in a bad state right now, but using metabattle as a reference doesnt work because it'd unreliable and doesnt reflect the meta.

    What is unreliable about Metabattle? Are the builds they post a joke? Are the feedbacks a joke?

    What are some reliable PvP or WvW sources for GW2 builds then?

  9. @Tharan.9085 said:

    You'll know they found the right balance when every profession is on Metabattle as a Meta build.Right now, no version of Warrior is Meta.Right now, no version of Warrior is Great.

    Metabattle is quite an unreliable source on what is good and bad

    What are the reliable sources then? Do they have Warrior in Meta or Great?Does it include Berserker?Does it include core Warrior?

  10. @TeqkOneStylez.8047 said:

    @"Ghos.1326" said:Warrior doesn't need a buff. Other things just still need nerfs.

    yeap, otherwise we get into the cycle of endless power creep again

    Well its either buff one class or nerf everyone else. I think the former is easier to accomplish. Berserk wise,power is just Burst and Die. You have zero sustain and less armor as a zerk thief,which is absolutely laughable. I do think the damage is fine as it is. Condi tank is "Okish" in teamfights,solo not so much because you cant rlly cover those burns up with much else condi's so they can be easily cleansed by about anyone. Ive also ran into some core necs on my condi tank that can just life force forever and your burns wont do kitten but give them more life force,so all you do is try to burn through that life force bar over and over and over and over ( I think theres something off with the life force gain on core nec,its Too much ). I still need to run Sb again and see but tbh i played sb for too long and it started to bore the absolute kitten out of me. Berserk is warris most fun spec,if only it had some more "Oomph".

    You'll know they found the right balance when every profession is on Metabattle as a Meta build.Right now, no version of Warrior is Meta.Right now, no version of Warrior is Great.

    Meta battle isn't this games bible for PvP.

    You would be surprised how many think it is.

    What is then?Where is information showing Warriors are doing great?

    All I see is information Warriors not GreatAll I see is information Warriors not Meta

    Prove me wrong.

  11. @Caedmon.6798 said:

    @"Ghos.1326" said:Warrior doesn't need a buff. Other things just still need nerfs.

    yeap, otherwise we get into the cycle of endless power creep again

    Well its either buff one class or nerf everyone else. I think the former is easier to accomplish. Berserk wise,power is just Burst and Die. You have zero sustain and less armor as a zerk thief,which is absolutely laughable. I do think the damage is fine as it is. Condi tank is "Okish" in teamfights,solo not so much because you cant rlly cover those burns up with much else condi's so they can be easily cleansed by about anyone. Ive also ran into some core necs on my condi tank that can just life force forever and your burns wont do kitten but give them more life force,so all you do is try to burn through that life force bar over and over and over and over ( I think theres something off with the life force gain on core nec,its Too much ). I still need to run Sb again and see but tbh i played sb for too long and it started to bore the absolute kitten out of me. Berserk is warris most fun spec,if only it had some more "Oomph".

    You'll know they found the right balance when every profession is on Metabattle as a Meta build.Right now, no version of Warrior is Meta.Right now, no version of Warrior is Great.

  12. @kharmin.7683 said:Hmm... ok, I see what you're saying. I'm not convinced that such a system might run counter to what would be in Anet's best interest for an MMO experience. /shrug

    This MMORPG is all about building friendships.

    @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:You can always add a note to their name, such as: PvP (Friend), or Fractal (Friend), etc.

    That requires work, you also have to add them as a friend and they have to add you back.

    With this system, after you do some game mode, PvP, Fractals, etc. You just press the like button or something and all sudden next time when you have urge to do PvP, Fractals, etc. You play with someone familiar if they need to do it again.

    After 100 or so rounds, I'm sure you'll have made a friend.This mode is not super beneficial for the socialable players, its very beneficial for the unsocialable ones, the solo life.This mode gives them friend, all they do is set themselves active for PvP, Fractals, etc. the other person sees it and clicks on somebutton and it asks the player playing the game but also interesting in doing some PvP as well or Fractals, raids, etc. if he still wants to part and then party up happens.

    No sending a message, its all done via UI. Sure the players could send each other messages if they want, but these are quiet, solo life players. A lot of modes in these games are done with party, and its nice for them to count on someone else they like to be looking for same kind of game content.

    Yes, you can just make friends, yes you can just add note. But that requires work, you have to communicate. Solo players avoid communication if they don't have too. Maybe two players liked playing with each other, but neither feels like putting effort into messaging or adding friend. Maybe because they thought the other guy was too good for them, and the other guy thought the same.

    This is the mode that helps with those issues.Just makes making friends and/or playing with same people again even better...How often do you see people in PvP put themselves in LFG? Like hardly any.How often do you get into a fractal and it's nothing but wipes, would like to play with someone you know is actually trying and pays attention.

    Friend takes work to add friend, takes work to ask friend "hey you want fractal, pvp, etc?"You just made that person your friend, its gonna seem weird to ask, maybe you haven't played with them in a long time too. It's not easy to predicate when all sudden you going to take a break and say to self "I gotta put notes on all 40 of my friends because I'm not going to remember what all 40 of these guys do".

  13. @Ovark.2514 said:

    @Ovark.2514 said:I don't remember 8v8 even being a thing.... but YES to bringing back HJ! Girls just wanna have fu-un after all.

    Not every server had experienced players stacking teams too.What's funny is that when all the good players would stack on a team, I would jump onto the other team for the challenge.

    Exactly, and there is only certain amount of good players. Meaning there will be servers without them.ALSO, why would they play hotjoin when they know they win ranked game 70% or more of the time? It's fun thats why.

    Worse case scenario isn't always going to happen too.

  14. @Multicolorhipster.9751 said:8v8 was good, but that was also when everyone was new to the game and we didn't have elite specs. Nowadays that would probably just translate to a lot of zerging, snowballing, and since everything is generally more tanky; never ending stalemate zerg poke-fights.

    I don't think that was removed just to promote esports, but also to give PvP some more identity rather than have it be closer to WvW but in a smaller arena, without gear stats, and with less downtime/running between objectives/queue times.

    But like @"Justine.6351" 's video shows perfectly, Hotjoins were a hotmess. I don't know why there's a crowd that even wants them back.

    Rewards were far below what Ranked offers, and they were only quicker than Unranked because one team would usually get all the best players and then triple cap so the games end very quickly. Like boosting essentially.

    If the player count was at its highest, you also have to consider the game was new around that time. Kind of jukes the stats because games pretty much always start out with player counts at their highest and either gradually or suddenly decline. That has nothing to do with 8v8 or Hotjoins.

    I KNOW YOU DIDNT PLAY back then, because you say "triple capping for the win"Hotjoins back then you didn't win games to get the most rewards.You tagged players, and got insane score like 400. YOU COULD LOSE, BUT YOU HAVE 400 score, thats 400 points. Whose the real winner here? The winning team with highscore guy of 225 or the losing team with a player with 400+ points??!?!?!

    Hotmess?Don't know anybody in GW2 that wants it back?

    Because those players that left (way more left than currently playing now). Those are the people who want it back.

    Of course nobody now wants it back, you only have diehards right now, all the casuals left.When you have a system that is near dead, #esports no longer.

    You don't ask the people who still play what they want, you think about those tens of thousand that left, why they left.

    8v8 was not a failure mode. They forced 8v8 into a 5v5, and got rid of hotjoins for a bit to force everyone into ranked/unranked.... Matchmaking.They forced hotjoin mode stopped it, so everyone would play in matchmaking.

    They forced a successful mode into a failure mode.

  15. @Ovark.2514 said:I don't remember 8v8 even being a thing.... but YES to bringing back HJ! Girls just wanna have fu-un after all.

    The game started out with 8v8 mode. Back in 2013 2014. They wanted to focus everyone into #esports (5v5 mode) and thats when playerbase dropped. #esports dropped a couple years after.

    8v8 was very popular, they removed it even though it was popular and forced people into 5v5 hotjoin and then introduced ranked and unranked.When something is going for you, you don't remove it.

    Not every server had experienced players stacking teams too.

  16. @jwhite.7012 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:Mist Champions are too tanky, take forever to bring down, almost stronger than the lord. They need to be toned down a bit, if anything have a 5% max hit cap, so they not too squishy either. Right now its like 2% every 2 seconds. Too tanky.

    Any class/build with dps can melt those things man. It only takes about twice as long as it would to kill Svanir or Chief. If you get multiple people on them say 2+, they die really really fast, and those things don't even fight back.

    In my opinion those things need to turn on players and deal damage while they proceed to the gates. Make them apply counter pressure to the players, which will in turn make them more difficult to kill.

    Well I was playing Spellbreaker, the metabattle build one, the 4.5 star one. There isn't a berserker on metabattle.Ya'll need to show some videos of them melting. Because they aint melting to 4.5 star metabattle Spellbreaker. Btw it uses Berserker rune, so it IS dps build.

    How much damage are you pulling every match? 100k? 200k? 300k?

    edit: spellbreaker is used for it's boon strip and daze spam. Not damage lol

    Yeah no kidding. Can't do any damage, every hit is like 1-3%. This build is using a berserker amulet too. Rated 4.5 on Metabattle. Highest warrior rated build.

  17. Say what you want. But thats when GW2 pvp population was at its highest.The current trend of popular games is not duels, 2v2 or 3v3. It's a lot of people.

    Just because it was toxic too, didn't stop people from playing it. You look at those games with a ton of players, very toxic. But so many people play.

  18. @"kharmin.7683" said:Isn't this what "guilds" are for?

    In guilds most of time you have to rep, sure there are some that don't require rep. (PvP guild, rep us, fractals rep us, raids rep us, guild missions rep us)ALSO, Guilds require work too if you want to PvP which is rare thing but some players enjoy it, you have to socialize to get the other memebers to do it, fractals, etc. too.

    This system, at the end of each mode. Put a checkmark by them if you liked playing with them.This system does the work for you.Guilds you gotta do the work.

    This is why solo players stay solo players."too much work to get others to play with me"This occurs even in guilds."I'm in a guild but no one talks to me"They have to do effort of talking to someone and the other person has to do effort responding back.

    Its better to have a system Just put a checkmark here if you'd like doing PvP with this person again. Just put a checkmark here if you'd like to fractal with this person again.

    I say after 100 pvp matches after 100 fractals, because both players have to match, and both players do it as much or willing to do it again even though they matched.Theres no limit to the matching too, and players can remove others if they later decide they don't want to pvp or fractal with the other player.

    Of course you do rewards, because that's incentive to get players to party up.

    So yes guilds help, but not really. You still have to do the work of "socializing".This system, just matchup, you don't have to socialize at all, you just like playing with them. No socializing, but you are in fact socializing by playing with them.

    Have this be a pvp list, a fractal list, etc. All you do is click on their name and click on request button. If accepted you party up or have them join the party.

    Makes forming pvp groups easier, fractal groups easier, in the current way with friends or guild you gotta ask the guild ask the friend, this way "do you want to join this person in doing fractals accept or decline. No asking necessary.You can still be a non talker, a solo'er type player, but you have these easy socializing features and maybe turn into a socialable player.

  19. When GW2 first started PvP, it had hotjoins and tournament.It was thriving time for PvP, we still had #esports AND very good casual community.

    Now with ranked casuals feel they have to take the game very seriously, and there is no #esports. Casual community is not as plentiful and enjoyable as it was back when it was hotjoins as the main mode.

    Seasons should stay, sure have the season rewards still there, but hotjoins should be just as fast if not faster for reward tracks.I really miss the 8v8 mode, yes it was chaotic, but that didn't mean it wasn't fun, that meant it was very fun. This way people can play with friends in PvP again. I agree that Seasons should limit player size to 2, because if not you going to have premades making life hell for solo'ers. But hotjoins, if you can get a premade team of 8, hell good for you.

    Sure its probably going to be manipulated, but that didn't stop the noobs from playing it. Manipulated as in experienced players stacking team if they can manage it, swapping to the winning team if they can manage it.

    All you have to do to help noobs from being a lamb to the slaughter is turn on the rating system when looking at other players. It should be on, it promotes playerbase awareness. As in if someone is a Legend, you can clearly see it. If they gold you can clearly see it. Noobs are dumb but when you make it very obvious, they aren't THAT dumb, well most of them are not. As in 8 no ranks getting slaughtered by gold and above.

    Whats the point of being ranked a legend if no one can see it too.

    But I'd like to see the return of hotjoins, just like how popular it was back in the days when PvP was thriving.You had your turn at trying to make a comeback with season duels, 2v2, 3v3. People want casual games, they don't want #esports vibe. They only play ranked because its way better rewards than hotjoin. They have to grind pvp for some item.

    People played hotjoin back then not because they had to grind, because it was fun and the rewards were on par if not better than ranked, unless you win ranked a lot like 60% of the time.

    8v8 was when the casual community was at its highest. 5v5 brought it down, 2v2 did not help, 3v3 did not help, 1v1 did not help.Matchmaking did not help either.Matchmaking was made to force everyone to be in #esports mindset. There is no #esports anymore. Casuals will watch #esports play, but they want nothing to do with #esports they want casual.

    People obviously want to be rewarded for their time played too.

    Also, in Starcraft, when you played with or against a ladder ranked player, in casual mode or ladder mode, any mode, you saw their rating. Whats the point of PvP rating system if you not going to show it off, especially in casual or even ranked. I mean everyone is obviously the same rank as you, why even hide it? Why hide it in unranked. I mean its matchmaking. Why have a matchmaking system if its not really working as its suppose to, too.

    I'd like hotjoins to return, as 8v8. Reward system should favor reward tracks, if you want the ranked mode stuff you play ranked mode.I'd like rating to be shown in all PvP modes. Why hide it? If unranked matchmaking isnt work as intended, if everybody knows who cares. Everyone knows its not working and they play it, they know it, they'd feel better if knowing for fact why they getting beat so bad, rather than talking amongst selves, these guy gotta be platinum right.

  20. I'd like to purpose a new friends system. Or just enjoy these players in certain modes system.Like PvP, usually these guys only do PvP, but you want raids, fractals, you want guild missions too.

    How about A new set of friend type for all kinds of modes like PvP, fractal, dungeons, etc. mode.

    Then when match/fractal, etc. ends, it promotes, did you enjoy playing with these players. Instead of asking to join as a team, it says join their friends, or ask them to join your friends.

    Then whenever you do PvP if they are part of the friends the game checks to see if any of those other players are playing too, and if so it gets both of you playing with each other.

    Can work in fractals too, like did you enjoy these players in fractals, add them to your list of players you'd like to do fractals in future with.

    Right now the friends list, seems like its just do you enjoy them in general, you might really like doing fractals with them, but adding them to friends list is different story.

    Add a bonus to playing with them too.

    After about 100 PvP games you'll find someone to PvP with, with this system.After about 100 fractal runs, you'll find someone to fractal with, with this system.

    Yes people can just do it on their own. But players who usually solo this mode will make them more social. All you do is click "yes I'd PvP with this guy again", "yes I'd fractal with this guy again". And if both matches you get another list like a friends list but more I want to play with you again in this mode again type list.

    Make becoming friends easier. This doesn't even have to be friends, but like I like to play with you in PvP list.Then maybe if both players are on, one of them sends the other a pvp? message, because you have them flagged as you like to PvP with them.

  21. @TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:Let me translate it for the rest of you guys:Warrior, Berserker, Spellbreaker doesn't smash enemy 100-0 when I smash keyboard with face. Warrior bad. Warrior unplayable. Pls buff. Me don't want think, me want smash. Smash is good. Good balance weak, smash face on keyboard stronk.

    No need to thank me.

    Go look at Metabattle, Warrior isn't Great nor Meta. Idk what the deal is with you.

  22. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:Mist Champions are too tanky, take forever to bring down, almost stronger than the lord. They need to be toned down a bit, if anything have a 5% max hit cap, so they not too squishy either. Right now its like 2% every 2 seconds. Too tanky.

    Any class/build with dps can melt those things man. It only takes about twice as long as it would to kill Svanir or Chief. If you get multiple people on them say 2+, they die really really fast, and those things don't even fight back.

    In my opinion those things need to turn on players and deal damage while they proceed to the gates. Make them apply counter pressure to the players, which will in turn make them more difficult to kill.

    Well I was playing Spellbreaker, the metabattle build one, the 4.5 star one. There isn't a berserker on metabattle.Ya'll need to show some videos of them melting. Because they aint melting to 4.5 star metabattle Spellbreaker. Btw it uses Berserker rune, so it IS dps build.

  23. @Aktium.9506 said:

    @setdog.1592 said:How might a 15v15 pvp map benefit the pvp community?

    By reminding everyone of why the mode actually is 5v5.

    Even 8v8 hotjoins were a complete kitten back in the day.

    8v8 hotjoins were dope.PvP was very popular back then.Then they got rid of 8v8 hotjoin for 5v5 to prep everyone for #esports.Flashforward today, PvP doesn't even have #esports. It's pretty much dead. And 5v5s is still going on.

    Hrmmm maybe duos will bring people back. NOPEHrmmmm maybe trios will bring people back. NOPE

    Hmmm... Maybe you had it right the first time. Got greedy with #esports forcing everyone into 5v5, taking away HOTJOINS for a bit to force everybody into rank. Now you wondering where you went wrong.

    Yes 15v15 would be good.Wanna know why? Most of these premades they are 2-6 people friends/group.15 is too much for those 2-6 premade groups to win easily because they have to account for 10 other people, 2-6 people is only 20-40% of the group. They are not guaranteed a win unlike duos trios.

    Playerbase is small because all it has is small teams. It will grow when you have a larger team size. People like big fights, not #esports pro league, Quake Champions, Guild Wars 2, 5 people or less teams.

    esports focus killed this PvP. It was right with 8v8, so many FULL hotjoin servers.

    When you say it was kitten, its because it was tough to ensure a win a majority of the time because it aint easy to fill up a team with 8 great players.Quake Champions is a dead game because 4v4* and a duel focusGW2 #esports is dead because 5v5 focus down the throats of everyone

    Look at the games doing good, Fortnite, Apex Legends. Sure they FPS, but this is PvP, PvP is more FPS than it is to MMORPG. 60 player mode, 100 player mode. People don't want to be dueling, they want team modes. 5v5 is ok, but its like 1 of 10 range of acceptable, 8v8 10v10 is more comfy. People less likely to call you out for being bad because its hard to tell when you have 8 players on your team. But in 5v5 or 3v3 2v2, if you are bad, you'll be hearing it ALL DAY from your teammate and people do not want to play in a PvP mode with hostile atmosphere, hence 8v8 was great, and 15v15 would be great too.

    WvW isn't PvP, theres no arrowcarts, no defending a keep, etc in PvP. You don't have Conquest mode in WvW too.

    8v8 was great, I have no idea what you talking about.

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