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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. Ping?Well make an ingame DPS meter.Have a command that shares your DPS and its colored differently so people know you aint lying.Maybe some allow DPS share checkbox, let others know your DPS and people type the command themselves and sees other peoples DPS.

    Now people far away you know there DPS, it now checks other people data from their client so ping is no longer an issue.They already have a combat log, so I don't want to hear "it would be a lot of work".Arcdps person gets it up in no time. he has a real job too.GW2 devs, they work on this game, doing it is what they do, they have access to everything they need too.

    If arcdps guy can get it done on his offtime quickly, an Anet dev can even quicker get it done.

  2. Problem with you people is you always think negative.You assume"Those that don't like DPS meters, won't magically like an in-game/official meter and use it to get better at the game."" Based on past performance, the ANet meter would be decidedly inferior to Arc and would be heavily monetized"You think people incapable of bettering themselvesYou think anet would monetize it

    Whats wrong with you, always thinking negative.

    "because we have a limit of 5 weapon skills (and another 5 for weapon swap) 4 utilities and 1 elite skill at a given time."You thinking negative too broMesmer F1-F4 abilitiesOther classes have F abilities toosome of them they change form and its even more

    Why you being so negative bro

    It's like yall come here just to think about nerfing, removing, and negativeJust like my PvP thread, none of them ever heard about BUFF because they all thinking negative and nerfing to solve balance.

    DPS meter worse than arc dps, I don't think so, it will be more simpler, all you need is average, they already provide a combat tab.Ya'll should try being positive for a chance.idk where you got the idea they would monetize this, thats too much negative thinking.

    ...hmm, maybe a speedometer,"NO! they would monetize that!"smh

  3. @Astyrah.4015 said:

    @"uberkingkong.8041" said:Like I said new expansions usually brings more skills, and longer attack chains, this is a bad thing if you ask me.I'm all for new skills, but I don't want to memorize 15+ chain.

    if you even read my post i'm saying, it wont make any profession gain more skills than it already has. at most you'd get new profession-specials (F1~F5) but that's about it

    basically you still have 5 weapons skills (another 5 if your rotation has a weapon swap), and 4 utilities and 1 elite.

    if you're an elementalist or an engineer you'll probably have kits or elements to swap around but that's about it. -- elementalist probably wont get more than 4 elements so that's 4 times 5 weapon skills = 20 weapon skills, it's been like that for core - it's like that for tempest and it's the same for weaver.

    other professions don't have kits or elements to change their weapon skills so they rely on weapon swaps so max of 10 skills for them.

    all professions have a total of 4 utilities and 1 elite skill. you can't swap these in-combat so they remain static (in quantity) in a build's rotation

    Isn't as simple as you make it.They starting to make it where you enter some state and all sudden your skills change.

    Back then, warrior, press 2 that's it besides every now and then use utility. As long as your pressing 2 your doing just as good of a job as everyone else.Now thats a little not much, I'd say the sweet spot is 4-8 button attack chains.19, 26 different buttons for an opening, etc. Thats too much.

    I wouldn't be surprised if next expansion had super saiyan mode, you have all your normal stuff, then you change state like I mentioned above. Now all sudden you have whole new set of skills.

    More buttons to smash.Even longer attack loop.

    Equals = this ele doing 12k dps, this other ele doing 38k.Dps meter I think is issue, get rid of it, yada yada.Nothing to do with DPS meter, its about this long attack chain.

    Yes, I think we should have a meter, so we can tell how efficient we are and helps with making builds other than meta/suggested,but if people want it gone just because they don't want people to know they bad,they going to be bad regardless,fix the long attack loops, make it shorter, should be 4-8 button loop. 26, 19+ is overkill.

    https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/elementalist/tempest/power/10 button opener25 button smashing loop

    seems like attack loop is 18 - 26 buttons to smash to complete a loop.average joes casuals going to remember 18-26 buttons? Ya I don't think so either.They could play the game for months and still struggle to remember 18-26 combo loops.

  4. @maddoctor.2738 said:I'm confused, how is a DPS meter going to help with rotations?

    Lets people know whatever they currently doing is bad, and when someone tells them the correct rotation, they and the other people can see, that the DPS more efficient or worse.

    But thats not the problem, the attack rotation being too long is the REAL solution to this.Knowing people do bad or good dps doesn't solve anything.Close that wide dps gap is the solution and it starts with attack chains being too long.

    A DPS meter will help with making new builds too. Not everyone has to follow snowcrows or be a pro to go outside the meta/suggested build.

  5. Look at this,https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/mesmer/chronomancer/power%20boon/Opening, 26 buttons to smash...Did I mention that is an OPENINGAfter the opening, 18 button loop you have to memorize.

    https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/guardian/guardian/power/Another professionOPENING, 7 buttons to smash, ok this is manageableNow the loop 19 BUTTONS TO memorize and SMASH

    This is where the DPS meter comes into effect, how good are people at smashing 19 to 26 buttons.If you smashing very good, your dps will be good, if you can't memorize, lost track where you are in the loop etc. DPS is bad.

    Thats why I'm suggesting make the attack chain smaller, under 10.MEMORIZING a attack loop isn't skill.

    If you make attack chains smaller, everyone will be doing what they suppose to be doing, there wont be "this guy is doing 12k less than average, boot him"all because he sucks at MEMORIZING an attack loop.

    I say give us DPS meter, people going to use it anyways, people ALREADY use it, its helpful, its a benchmark.Make our attack chains smaller.

    Our attack chains werent this long when it was just core.Like I said new expansions usually brings more skills, and longer attack chains, this is a bad thing if you ask me.I'm all for new skills, but I don't want to memorize 15+ chain.

    I'd rather use skills based on the situation. a few SKILLS means a lot, not 15 attack chain if you want to maintain the 25K DPS.I'm not enjoying the game, its all about my DPS with these long attack chains we have to memorizing.I'd like to be enjoying the game and not worry about is this my 8th attack in the chain, can i do the full chain or must I improvise

    ..Also, if we going to keep going with this long attack chains, just give us macros. So people whining about someone not doing enough dps, they can just say "hey, use this macro, thats it, now you do 25k dps like your suppose to do, it will MEMORIZE the 19 button attack chain for you and do it"Attack chains are too long, thats why everyone isn't doing the damage they should be doing. Some people coming back, some people never look at attack chains, they just use the gear, etc.19 attack chain is pretty dang long, not their fault.

    • Haha 1
  6. Just thinking about DPS Meter.

    People hate it because they do bad DPS, usually people do bad DPS because they have to do a long attack chain to be efficient.

    Usually when a new expansion comes out, it means more buttons to smash on top of whatever buttons your smashing.Please be mindful, that the intend of this game was originally not to button smash, not to memorize 10-20+ button smashing attack chains to be efficient at dps.

    Please don't increase the amount of buttons to be smashed to be efficient at DPS.New expansion = usually more buttons to smash, they think add stuff add more stuff, thats only way to make expansion good

    Adding and adding more things to smash and memorize, thats not good,Should be no reason for me to memorize more than 10 attack chains, anything more than 10 attack chains is too long, its not fun anymore.It starts to become macros, and select few can do the optimal dps because its not really SKILL, its MEMORIZATION.

    Not being able to effectively do the 10+ attack chains is not SKILL, its MEMORIZATION.Bring this game back to skill, not MEMORIZATION.

    Less attack chains to memorize, and more about WHEN to do certain attacks.

    I'd like to go back to the core and only have to press under 10 attacks, I don't want to go to 30 attacks and have to remember long attack chains.People who come back, they want to jump back into the game, they DO NOT want to have a wiki up and spend all there time trying to get some 10+ attack chain memorized.

    Please do not make me have to memorize 10+ long attack chains.I'm NOT interested in F1 F2 F3 F4 and whole new sets of skills. Which equals to LONG CHAINS to memorize. EQUALS not enjoying game, more worried about am I doing my attack chain, let me enjoy the game, don't overwhelm me with long attack chains.(If I want F1,F2,F3,F4 ill play an elementalist, not everyone needs to be overwhelmed like them btw I hate conjure weapons, TOO many abilities to track)Please do not make me have to memorize 10+ long attack chains.

  7. Yeah but who says it has to be all about runes.Whose to say an ARMOR can be a SET as well as have the RUNES too.

    Just because runes make it similar, doesn't mean the armor itself shouldnt have it.

    Look at a popular game,DIABLO2They have setPLUS you can add sockets to it, and sockets means = RUNES/GEMS.

    Maybe...Just maybe...

    Crafting can add sets to armor, can add sockets to armor.Maybe make those gems that don't get used because runes are better, maybe make them useful.

    Make Crafting GREAT AGAIN

  8. I see a lot of threads about DPS meter, and some asking if it should be banned.Just like people with balance, asking about it and asking about nerfs.

    Nobody talks about buffs instead of nerfs, like BUFF WarriorNobody talks about ADDING instead of banning, like ADDING dps meter.

    People using arcdps, the high end casual that is, the ones doing raids and a few of those doing fractals.I'd compare it to Diablo2 maphack, pretty much everybody used it in Diablo2.In GW2 everybody says Anet says nothing on DPS meter, just like Diablo2.

    Why not just add it to the game. People going to find someway to look at DPS,just add it to the game and have people get good.

    One thing I hate about MMORPG, so much button smashing, have to smash like 20 buttons to do a rotation, I thought GW2 was suppose to be different.Have to smash about 20 buttons just to do efficient dps. What happened to to 1-10 buttons?

    Speaking of which,new Expansion = usually means more buttons to smash.

    Just add the DPS meter, make it easier to do efficient DPS, I didn't play GW2 to memorize long attack chains just to do raids and fractals.Add DPS meterMake it easier to do DPS

    Make it more about (WHICH attack to do and when, not memorize a 20 button smash attack chain

    • Like 1
  9. @Teratus.2859 said:It's extremely unlikely every class will get access to Stealth and even if they did it would never get to the level of access and abuse that the Thief can reach.

    As far as healing goes this game killed off the concept of a holy trinity so if anything having every class be somewhat competent in playing a support/healing role wouldn't be a bad thing.Getting rid of the holy trinity meant that each class should have been somewhat capable of filling each of the 3 roles right from the beginning but this was never the case.Having Elite specs designed to fill those voids and cover for areas of a class where the core profession is lacking is what elite specs should be doing.For example, Thief is lacking a bit in DPS so an elite spec that enhances DPS potential at the expense of another core mechanic like say Stealth or Mobility would be a fair Elite Spec to consider adding... This was pretty much the general idea behind the Reaper spec for Necromancer, big damage at the expense of core Necros natural tankiness but it ended up not being quite as pro damage in the end and Necro's still remained really tanky even as Reapers.. which kinda leaves Reaper in a state of being a general upgrade over the core class in almost every way.Stuff like that is why Anet went back and reworked a few specs to have trade offs like Mirage loosing a dodge etc, if anything there needs to be more of these trade offs with the next gen of elite specs.

    Also just because your class is capable of healing doesn't mean you're forced to play that role, I main a Ranger myself but I don't play healing druid and no amount of nagging me to is going to change that either nor is it going to make me competent at it.If you try to force me to play druid then I guarantee you're all gonna die lmao, you can blame me for that if you want but ultimately it'll be the fault of those who nagged me to use a spec, build and playstyle that I have no experience with nor any interest in playing.You can't just push me into a hospital, give me a bunch of surgical tools and say heal this man and then get mad at me when I accidentally kill the guy.. that would be in every way your fault not mine XD

    As for PvP modes.. I have to disagree, they've never really been well balanced from my experience.Before Elite specs came along I was running such a stupidly tanky Necro build there that despite being a total PvP noob I was easily winning fights against 2-3 players on my own.. it was so broken and it had nothing to do with my non-existent pvp skill.Game has changed a lot since then and there are always going to be changes that make or break certain builds.. things are always being changed and it's impossible to achieve a perfect balance in MMO's.. specially ones like Gw2 that are ongoing and where more class enhancements are pretty much guaranteed.Much like zealex.9410 was getting at.. the only way to help prevent this would be to never release new elite specs or expansions and even that wouldn't guarantee balance either.. and it would be a terrible thing for the game that would result in a lot of people getting bored and quitting.

    You also do have to keep in mind just how much of a Story driven PvE focused game Gw2 is.. as much as it sucks to hear for some people, WvW and PvP are not and never have nor will be the main focus of this game and franchise.. they'll always be a secondary feature.That said though I do generally agree that they have been over neglected and I do think they deserve more TLC from the developers.

    Yep makes sense.They may have killen holy trinity, but its replaced with meta instead.Ex. LFG Fractals T4 daily need HBneed chronoYou don't have holy trinity but you have profession specific roles, 2 of them and 3rd being dps, maybe theres more people seek than HB and chronos so maybe 4.trinity better off than 3 to required roles people seek.Sure can be easily said don't join em, but not everybody has list of friends waiting, not everybody has a guild super active that when you want to do fractal they drop what they doing and do it with you...Some people come back to game and 'whats HB? whats chrono? back in my days we just did these fractals, no specific roles required unless its a speedrun.'..But yes, an expansion would be very boring if they did nothing.Looking at Everquest I haven't played in awhile, but all they do for expansions I think is same skills, just better than last expansion. Everquest probably sick of balancing that, just raise the numbers and no very out of the ordinary spells be given to anyone....I mean do we really need even more out of ordinary abilities?When is enough is a enough?.My worry is abilities leaking out of the profession who was designed for it and now everyone all sudden has access and the one who was designed for it, no longer feels special..Everquest ranger and druid, designed to track nameds. Now everyone tracks in Everquest, druid for sure not best healer not best buffer, not best nothing, very lonely times for druid. Used to be get them because they'll tell you if something is up, now everybody does what druid does, but they also do their own roles and better.

    Very tough decisions GW2 has to make.Game should be fun, how much should we worry about balance. I mean could make tank thieves, would be fun, but balance wise could be a headache.

  10. @"zealex.9410" said:Imbalamce will always exist and i dont think we should abolish expansions because of it.

    Game was pretty balanced with core.Just a lot of times, people picked professions that easy counter to others.Warriors were very deadly back then... But all you had to do was immobilze. An engineer back then was an easy counter to warrior, but not many people played engineer.They used to have an automated response trait, under 25 or 50% condis do 0 damage, and if you CC people that do normal damage you was very tough to kill. Guardians countered them. Warriors can't do anything when CC'ed. But all sudden engineers turn into DPS and Warriors turn into CC. More CC then Scapper. Scapper didn't do squat for dps. Just a slow painful death if you do die.

    Today though, they make random elite specs with no balance in mind. Like all sudden we have warriors that are crazy CC. All sudden engineers do insane damage? Roles reversed!?

    Everytime a new expansion comes out, and strong urge "we should give this profession a stealth" "we should give this profession a lot of CC" "we should give this profession a lot of heals" When they weren't designed for it. Thats how balance is ruined. You have balance,"Hmmm I'm tired of eating what I eat, I want to eat apple from this tree"

    You want more foods to eat? Ok, ok, have fun with balancing the flavor buds."I need something sweet, I need something salty, something spicy, etc etc."

    Perfect balance then introduce humans, lets give them knowledge so they can be stealthy when stealth is needed, be strong when strength is needed, be cureful when healing is need"... All sudden humans break the balance and pretty much someday we probably be the only ones here on Earth.

  11. So a new expansion is coming out, very exciting times.Just want to remind people this is an MMORPG and new expansions AFTER time not so exciting anymore with the changes that come with it.

    PvP use to be a very balanced mode, but now due to more people doing something they not suppose to do, they do more damage now as well, etc.Some classes don't get the luxury, like Warriors.

    I noticed now they have a lot of remove immobilization, which is the HARD counter to playing against a Warrior in PvP. Now they just remove it like nothing. But this did not fix them, just because they can remove it with ease now, they never got the dps they did before back. So they free to do whatever but... They pose no threat because the BUFFS every other profession got was wayy better than "Warriors can get out of immobilization with ease"

    ..I come back and see this and makes me laugh, yet think GW2 is following the same 'new expansion' bane all MMORPGs have no yet figured out.Everybody is going to do whatever another person can do eventually.Who knows, theres could be a stealthy warrior, every profession could have access to stealth.Another profession can do portals, maybe a time-traveler elementalist.

    Sounds cool right?In the long ruin it ruins the vibe of the game.Short term gains for long term pain.Thats my worry.

    Please make profession in line with what its suppose to do. Only few were suppose to be able to stealth. Only few were suppose to be good at healing, etc etc.I don't want"I really played guardian because I like to play as healer, but this new expansion this guardian spec is really good at dps, now everyone wants me to play dps, not fun anymore""I really played thief because I want to sneak through certain parts on dungeons, but now everyone can stealth, not fun anymore, and they made me a healer, I did not play to heal""I did not play thief to be a monk aka healer, I played thief to sneak through dungeons, I wish I was an elementalist time traveler, they do sneaks and portals""I really played warrior because I like to tank, smash and in melee, now I'm turned into a breakbar person, not fun anymore""I really played engineer because I have so many immobilization, knockdowns, CC, but now as holosmith it feels like core warrior, I did not play engineer to feel like a core warrior, I'm upset I get out CC'ed by warriors, my class was suppose to be the class that does CC, not fun anymore"

    If everyone is going to do what everyone else use to ONLY be able to do.Mine as well just merge all the professions, and let people freely swap to whatever they want.Because if you played Engineer when GW2 came out because it was full of CC, now its warrior. Makes no sense that your playstyle is now all sudden another profession.

    Please please, keep profession specific stuff, profession specific.

  12. @Shao.7236 said:

    @Ghos.1326 said:@"Leonidrex.5649" I agree with the bug fixes and QoL updates. Those are always good, in my book.I still don't agree with warrior needing buffs. Once we nerf the 3-4 main things overperforming, warrior will be in a good spot. It's getting shoved out currently because of those things, though.

    Most warriors are used to the fact CC damage did about half the damage then they could use GS to rip through anything with the 50% damage bonus, doesn't work like that anymore.

    There's also other ways to deal great amount of damage, but those options are often overlooked/disregarded because if you have no GS or shield, its not viable according to whatever the reason its always used.

    People are really attached to the old cheesy Tetherbreaker with lots of evades to spare, in turn you had also Might from it which ridiculously buffed damage.

    Yes warrior was used to doing half its dps thru cc's ur right about that so this vid cc no damage bs stripped warrior of half its dps as well as the standard dps drop everyone got, warrior relied on doing that half thru cc and now that's gone,no other class did and warrior got zero compensation thru its non damaging skills hense it was easily called that war would be in a weak state. Easy for u to say warrior can do damage if u just learn how to when u dont play the class which is the problem with the mentality of most the players that flick to this game.... lmao who am I kidding no one flicks to gw2 anymore.

    Hammer is literally designed to do 5k damage after a CC every 3 seconds, yet nobody is bothered to try it but use CC all the time?

    I'm having fun and the reactions people have to how stupidly one sided fights can be with it is hilarious.

    I made an account entirely dedicated to prove that core gw2 is fine and people on f2p accounts can be competitive.

    GreatAxe works too and that's because of how Axe compensates by being stronger than dagger overall in damage.

    Balance at about one prof doing a ton of dps and they need tone down.Balance is about one prof or two, keeps you in check.

    The Reaper, Thief, they people that fight in your face.The warrior sole job is get in peoples faces and beat crap outta em.

    Reaper is suppose to do area damage to people, its not suppose to beat crap outta warriorThief is suppose to hunt down squishies, its an assassin. They suppose to go down quick if you get em and smack em.

    Warrior job, to COUNTER thief, bullrush that thief go HAM on him.Warrior job, to COUNTER Reaper, that reaper wants to stand still in middle of everyone doing his thing, WARRIOR suppose to eat him alive.

    ...Ranger job, immobilize the fuck outta the warrior, which means he can't get in anyone's face, aint nobody he can go HAM on.Reapers eat rangers alive though.Rangers are great against thievesReapers are great against thievesReapers are crap against guardiansReapers are crap against elementalistElementalist is crap against thief.Thats balance.Not everything to do with survivablility and dps. Everything to do with their purpose and are they able to do effectively what they suppose to do. Some classes they counter others like Reaper because of the condi cleanse and healing they keep doing. Some classes counter others because of immense pressure. Some classes counter others because they rely on very nasty quick dps. Others just because they tanky.That's balance

    Warrior is suppose to be that tanky class, HITS LIKE A TRUCK, has a lot of pressure.But once you immobilize them, its GG for them.

    I looked at some of the skill changes they did. Looks like Warriors pretty much a lot of them have remove immobilze.I don't know what this game is doing.

    I mentioned in another thread, core had balance down to a tee, but with HoT and PoF, making some professions do more, eliminating their counters but they still counter others good, thats how balance is broken. Eventually every prof do everything, and it will just be a dps and survivability game.

    The bane of expansions, it makes professions do more what they not suppose to do.Look at Everquest, only Druids and Rangers were suppose to track. Now every class can track just as good as Druid/Ranger. 20+ expansions into the game.Bane of expansions. Looks cool when it comes out, a year later,"game does not feel balanced for some reason anymore"

    Warrior this skill removes immobilize, so many I see now that have it. Funny. You forgot to BUFF their DPS though, those elite specs others have are even more crazy and Warrior isn't Warrior.

    Every other profession is fine, its just Warrior that is bad.Some will say this is my meta, "oh wrong, mine is this" "oh wrong mine is this"At end of Day, everybody has Warrior as unplayable, and those other professions, they make it to Meta sometimes, Warrior makes it to Great NONE OF THE TIMES.

  13. Meta hasn't been fun since core.

    Reason why?They introduce new specs, like Scourge, Reaper, Dragonhunter, Holosmith, etc.

    With no thought of PvP into it.What counters this, who counters this, etc.When they made the core classes, this game was pretty much designed #esports focused. Now that its not here anymore.

    Lets just make a random class, not even consider "who can counter them, should they have limitations so others can counter them"Thats why you have a meta where some professions are WORTHLESS, while others, like necro, have so many options.

    Scourge great? YesReaper great? YesCore necro great? Yescore guardian great? YesDragonhunter great? YesFirebrand great? Yes

    ...core Warrior great? No, maybe good, probably badBerserker great? No, maybe good, probably is badSpellbreaker great? Good, almost great, almost

    They make professions that used to be countered by another profession, more defensive, more pressure, etc. That their counters are no longer a threat. Meanwhile they still GREAT counters who they are supposed to counter.

    Thats why this meta isn't good. They make new profession specs, but they don't think about the PvP portion of it, only "a deadeye would go good in PvE content, lets make em"

    I'm having so much fun making deadeye, its going to be a great spec.Ugh, time to come up with a warrior spec, let me rush this spellbreaker we hardly even use in PvE

    Deadeye AMAZINGSpellbreaker, Berserker, etc. CRAP

    (just making these specs, so people don't whine "how come warrior didn't get a spec")

  14. @Ghos.1326 said:

    @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:I think the warrior is in a decent spot. I just think there is WAY to much aoe going on for them to be effective.

    Do you play Warrior?Can't say they in decent spot if all you do is play other professions and KNOW for a fact you going to rekt any Warrior that gets in your way.

    Just because the other professions are way too over-tuned, doesn't make Warrior any less decent.Warrior doesn't need buffs, the others need to get shaved.

    No sense talking to someone like him. Either he's hard trolling or he's that delirious.

    Yeah, he says others. Which he could have said everyone but warrior.What makes you think everyone but warrior is overtuned?

    Look at it glass half full or nearly full instead of glass half empty or nearly empty.All you do is BUFF warriors and NOW BALANCED.SIMPLEWhy adjust 90% when all that is needed is 10% to be adjusted???

    "yeah the other classes (AKA ALL BUT WARRIOR) not balanced, warrior tho, its decent"yeah ok.Warrior doesn't FIT ALL the others, it aint balance.It doesnt fit them because the others are overtuned you say?BUFF THE WARRIOR THEN."nah we want to nerf all the other professions" "we like negative thinking"Why nerf EVERY SINGLE ONE BUT WARRIOR, so much work, so much to change for balance. When all you had to do was....Make WARRIOR GREAT AGAIN by buffing the heck outta them.

    This is what Warrior should be like
    You want to fight on node with Warrior? You want to fight warrior head on? Ok your death.You want to shoot warrior and kill him from range? Oh wow, warrior death. Thats balance.You fight from distance YOU BEAT warrior. You fight from melee YOU LOSE to warrior. THATS BALANCE.ANY Version of Necro today I'd own ANY VERSION warrior regardless if he wants to fight from distance or in my face. THIS IS NOT BALANCE.Make WARRIORS GREAT AGAIN

    Yall so negative, NERF NERF NERF.No bro.BUFF

    Negative negative negative. Think positive. Quit complaining about negatives, so many negatives.
    Just buff one and all complaining goes away.
    NERF aint always the answer.Sometimes...BUFF

    ....Meanwhile in PvE, Dev "hey we made fractals a bit tougher since everyone does more dps"NERFS incoming to all but warrior because people think NERFS will bring balance."fractals so hard now, please tune down""say what? people said all but warrior was overtuned, hrmmmmm.... now I must do even more work, tuning 90% for balance took a lot outta me, now I gotta tune all these fractals too""I should have listened to the dude saying BUFF not NERF"

    In PvP"wow now I see why that guy asked if Mist Champs are too tanky, didn't realize warriors don't do squat to them, and now the ALL BUT WARRIORS are on par with warrior, now we all see why these mist champs are too tanky""should have just BUFFED the warrior, now you gotta make MIST CHAMPS LESS TANKY because you listened to NERFS not BUFF"

    You have 90% and you want to say its overtuned?No bro,10% is UNDERTUNED.

    The secret to balance is listening to the right people. Go ahead and nerf 'others' like the wrong people suggest.
    Game is already built around 'others' "overtuned"
    You want to NERF 'others' because they "overtuned"? What about the game "overtuned", oooh now you gotta nerf all that as well.
    You want to balance by fixing 90% rather than fixing 10%. Ohhhhh ok I see how you balance things.
    Oh wow now the PvE things are overtuned you nerfed 'overtuned'All you had to BUFF warrior to bring balance into the 'others' "overtuned 'PvE aspect overtuned'

    Look at Fractals, they the same as when they was when it was just core? Nope, its 'overtuned' now.Just buff the warrior, make the correct decision.

    Good greif these 'others' are so "overtuned"NERF em, it will look good in patch notes.

    Patch notes makes games #esports, the longer they are, the more #esports they become.It has nothing to do with... game just being good and no patch notes even needed.

    "gotta show the boss I'm working hard, I'm going to nerf because I get more patch notes outta nerfing than just buffing the warrior and putting an END to balance""I gotta make anet feel like they will always need me, I can't be like Diablo2, they dont even do balance patches anymore, 3 years into the game they didnt do a single balance patch""I gotta feel always needed, make sure game is never balance, can't listen to this smart guy saying buff warrior, he's just too true""these necros going around like gods, all because the class thats suppose to keep em in check
    are decent""I hate people showing that 5 warriors ownage video because it just goes to SHOW a BALANCED WARRIOR TO NECRO. WARRIOR IS SUPPOSE TO TURN THAT NECRO INTO SARDINES.

    .....Oh you arent suppose to stand in front of a necro, they eat you alive.Well if Warriors were BUFFED, OTHER WAY AROUND, that necro knows better than to go face to face with a WARRIOR.THATS THE PROFESSION THAT OWNS THEM. AND THEY ARE BALANCED NOW.

    Shroud is very juicy and full of health, aint nobody good at cleaving melee.Oh here we go warrior is balanced, they DESIGNED to cleave in peoples face.

    That juicy shroud, gone in seconds, because warrior ate it all. You still want to stand in front of him like you do to everyone else?

    Because, as explained earlier, if you buff that 10% (warrior, as you claim it to be) then it now puts it in the category of overperforming, because currently,
    it still hits hard
    and can survive well. The issue is that the top performing builds right now (holo, thief, reaper) need to be toned down because they do extreme amounts of damage, and quite consistently. Not sure where you missed that, or if you just ignored it.While it may be easier to just buff X, the outcome could be fatal and could put the game in a more horrible position. Just because something is underperforming doesn't mean it needs a buff. Think outside the box.

    Bro, I know you trolling.Just from reading this line."Warrior.... It still hits hard"

    Aint nothing about Warrior and hitting hard is similar.

    Those 3 classes you mentioned.Holo Thief ReaperWhy they meta?

    Because Warrior, the COUNTER class is in terrible shape.Warrior can't keep them in check, they become metaBalance, its I keep you in check. He keeps me in check. You keep him in check.

    Also, I told you, the Mist Champ he's been over tuned too, PvE is overtuned now. You don't go nerfing, you bring things up to par with overtune.

    HoT and PoF elite skills and abilities. Overtuned in general. It happens with expansions.All they did was forgot to tune up Warriors.They forgot to give WARRIORS A BUFF that they gave everybody else.

  15. @"zyra.7860" said:Hi, this is the recent "Class tier list"-made by highest ranked PvP-players. E-specs have included to tiers.

    S tier (Meta) - Engi, Guard, RevA tier (Very good)- Necro, EleB tier - (Not good, not terrible) Thief, Ranger, MesmerC tier (Useless tier) - Warrior

    To a degree I agree. Only reason why some feel Meta is because the ones that are suppose to counter them are Useless. Warrior can't 100blade that guy doing torment in peoples faces (every second is damage, 100b is BO BO BO BOOM)Warrior can't 100blade that guy that likes to build shroud then get in peoples face (no warrior to eat his shroud with his 100 blades)

    I'm not sure what suggestions are here, but if you want to nerf that isn't the best route.BUFF the warrior and you'll see result.I aint talking about (oh make him cc more)I'm talking about what he was originally designed for.You get in his face stand next to him and just want to PBAE conditions on people.He's designed to MOP FLOOR with people who want to get close and stay in his face.

    Notice your not so good, they all range, because people can get away with getting in your face and just do PBAE's.You need someone who eats PBAE's players for breakfast.Make Warrior Great Again

  16. They made GW2 so game is equally difficult either solo or in party.Small party vs large party game adjusts.

    But Todays GW2.HoT, doing some content like the map with Mordemoth. LARGE PARTY LARGE PARTY LARGE PARTY, only 1 version.Thats not how GW2 was designed originally.

    So yes I agree with HoT not being nerfed... But it needs an easier version if less people are doing it.Can't expect people to do 60 person content anymore if only 20 people doing it. And it only has 60 person version, no max players version, no 20 player version, only one version.

    Just like World bosses, if 20 people show up and want to do a world boss, have a 20 person version (i wouldn't go any lower).All you do is adjust the health anyways. If max players show up all you do is raise the health it has. Whats wrong with lowering it for less people?

  17. @half blood lord.6047 said:Hello so i dont want to be toxic but i had to do this plz change dailys so players get all the daily chests in unranked mach not ranked i am getting my legendary armor from pvp and try my best in all of ranked mach but sometimes the team wont go for win its like player be ok that they wont kill raid boss and happy to get some magnetit shard from loseing in raids

    Funny you bring this up.I have a Daily PvP thread, I'd like to see WORTHY dailies.One of the Dailies I mentioned.Win 4 ranked games IN A ROW get a mystic cloverYou wont have any problems with people not trying because they gotta win, AND in a row.Its ranked, so you can't pick your opponents too.No point in 2 people trying to be on opposite teams to wintrade because it wont happen 4 times in a row.They'll be on your time once, be on other team maybe 2 times, maybe never.Mine as well suck it up and do your best.

    No point wasting gold to have people lose on purpose either, mystic clover is tough to get, but 10gold * 4 worth? I dont think so, not for 1.But this and that, happens almost never things, and this and that too, which ALSO almost happens never....Simple item, mystic clover, everyone wants to get them, but they also not super expensive where people can cheat to get them. AND ITS A DAILY, Dailies mean... EVERYONE WINS, EVERYONE GETS ON COMPLETION.

    Just think about the 99% other things, which are positive.

    Think positive about it.

    Dailies like these will have people playing with a purpose.

  18. @Tharan.9085 said:

    @Tharan.9085 said:You can sell in ranked and Tournament wins

    Yep you can.Do you see ranked or tournament selling in LFG.No you don't.Maybe once in a blue moon.

    Which means its not really worth peoples time.People not actively seeking it.

    In raids you see people selling them in LFG?
    All day long.
    Multiple people.

    Which means its worth peoples time.People actively seeking it.

    Do you see people asking about "whats fastest way to get mystic clover"And do you see same answers again and again "reward tracks"Add a daily to it, 4 ranked game wins.You'll see all day long people putting there services in LFG because its worth it...How about looking at the positives rather than negatives of doing this.So much aggro with "lets disprove this theory"And in reality, YOU DONT see people selling rank/tourny/builds.

    Yesterday once in blue moon, sure.But in raids and some other PvE content.ALWAYS shown.ALWAYS count on them to be selling raids.

    "but its possible, I've seen, yada yada"Make a day a PVP day once in awhile."the mystic clover daily is up, I'm super excited because I KNOW FOR FACT a lot of people going to be PVPING""
    AND PVPING with a purpose
    because you gotta EARN IT. 4 STRAIGHT WINS RANKED, not easy feat"

    Ppl dont sell stuff like that in lfg because its not really legal, still Happens tho

    They have a limit to 2 players to a team for a reason.Dude, Im talking about wintrading

    You say lfg and people still do it.
    You don't have time to look in lfg when a game is about to start and cross fingers that someone on the other team is up in lfg and says "lose for gold"That never happens.

    "game is about to start, let me check lfg to see if someone is here willing to wintrade"Funny man

    You just trying too hard to knock this idea down bro.Think of good things about it for a change rather than "in a blue moon it happens"

    No, I said ppl dont sell it on lfg, learn to read

    Exactly what I said first, italicized it for you, just look at it. I'll say it againYou say lfg and people still do it.And this never happens.This is like asking to get banned.

    "I'm going to go in LFG and sell gold on website""I'm going to go in LFG and let people know I wintrade for gold"

    yeah okay.I can see someone whispering in the game but out in LFG and let people know you like to lose for gold.

    Yeah bro, you trying too hard to make it seem like a fun competitive daily should not be a thing.Especially whenEVERYBODY wins.Just because that once in a blue moon player wintradesYou not going to always be facing him, or with him. You can report him. He wont always be there.And those .01% after they do what they do with wintrade guy....YOU STILL FINISH DAILY...This isn't winning a ranked season, this isnt winning tournament where only SELECT FEW WIN.This is DAILY. EVERYBODY DOES and EVERYBODY WINSYou trying too hard to think negative about.

  19. @Tharan.9085 said:

    @Tharan.9085 said:You can sell in ranked and Tournament wins

    Yep you can.Do you see ranked or tournament selling in LFG.No you don't.Maybe once in a blue moon.

    Which means its not really worth peoples time.People not actively seeking it.

    In raids you see people selling them in LFG?
    All day long.
    Multiple people.

    Which means its worth peoples time.People actively seeking it.

    Do you see people asking about "whats fastest way to get mystic clover"And do you see same answers again and again "reward tracks"Add a daily to it, 4 ranked game wins.You'll see all day long people putting there services in LFG because its worth it...How about looking at the positives rather than negatives of doing this.So much aggro with "lets disprove this theory"And in reality, YOU DONT see people selling rank/tourny/builds.

    Yesterday once in blue moon, sure.But in raids and some other PvE content.ALWAYS shown.ALWAYS count on them to be selling raids.

    "but its possible, I've seen, yada yada"Make a day a PVP day once in awhile."the mystic clover daily is up, I'm super excited because I KNOW FOR FACT a lot of people going to be PVPING""
    AND PVPING with a purpose
    because you gotta EARN IT. 4 STRAIGHT WINS RANKED, not easy feat"

    Ppl dont sell stuff like that in lfg because its not really legal, still Happens tho

    They have a limit to 2 players to a team for a reason.Dude, Im talking about wintrading

    You say: "Ppl dont sell stuff like that in lfg because its not really legal, still Happens tho"You say lfg and people still do it.You don't have time to look in lfg when a game is about to start and cross fingers that someone on the other team is up in lfg and says "lose for gold"That never happens.

    "game is about to start, let me check lfg to see if someone is here willing to wintrade"Funny man

    You just trying too hard to knock this idea down bro.Think of good things about it for a change rather than "in a blue moon it happens"

  20. @Tharan.9085 said:

    @Tharan.9085 said:You can sell in ranked and Tournament wins

    Yep you can.Do you see ranked or tournament selling in LFG.No you don't.Maybe once in a blue moon.

    Which means its not really worth peoples time.People not actively seeking it.

    In raids you see people selling them in LFG?
    All day long.
    Multiple people.

    Which means its worth peoples time.People actively seeking it.

    Do you see people asking about "whats fastest way to get mystic clover"And do you see same answers again and again "reward tracks"Add a daily to it, 4 ranked game wins.You'll see all day long people putting there services in LFG because its worth it...How about looking at the positives rather than negatives of doing this.So much aggro with "lets disprove this theory"And in reality, YOU DONT see people selling rank/tourny/builds.

    Yesterday once in blue moon, sure.But in raids and some other PvE content.ALWAYS shown.ALWAYS count on them to be selling raids.

    "but its possible, I've seen, yada yada"Make a day a PVP day once in awhile."the mystic clover daily is up, I'm super excited because I KNOW FOR FACT a lot of people going to be PVPING""
    AND PVPING with a purpose
    because you gotta EARN IT. 4 STRAIGHT WINS RANKED, not easy feat"

    Ppl dont sell stuff like that in lfg because its not really legal, still Happens tho

    They have a limit to 2 players to a team for a reason.All they do is say "will play ranked with you for gold"Viola!!2 players max to a team, and this player is just being his teammate for gold.Whats wrong with tournament and 4 good players having a baddie join em too?Not their fault if they win, they'd win regardless.

    The way they have ranked set up, you can't cheat it, 2 players party max is too tough to beat.Only way to defeat the system is if other team forfeits.

    Ranked means you play against same level, so 4 plats and a bronze is going to lose against 5 plats. Can't carry someone to #1 if its 5v5 ranked.

    Only way to defeat system, other team forfeits and/or someone good is playing your account.All they do to counter someone playing your account... Location IP.Oh all sudden this guy is no longer in Texas, he's playing from Florida. All of a sudden and now he login back in Texas so quickly. Yep, appropriate actions taken now.

    If anything. Dailies that are VERY NICE. Like a mystic clover for doing a hard feat. Will encourage non-cheaters, to party up, which is good for PvP.Can't spoil something NICE because you have .01% people who will let others do what they do to get you something.99% would very much so like this.Its a DAILY,meaning EVERYONE can achieve.Its not a competitive, DAILIES are not competitive. So .01% doing there thing, doesn't affect the 99%.Tournaments, Ranked season finishes, THAT does affect the 99%, but DAILY? Only .01% wins.Daily's are a solution for everyone to be happy. Just do it and EVERYONE WINS.

  21. @"Tharan.9085" said:You can sell in ranked and Tournament wins

    Yep you can.Do you see ranked or tournament selling in LFG.No you don't.Maybe once in a blue moon.

    Which means its not really worth peoples time.People not actively seeking it.

    In raids you see people selling them in LFG?All day long.Multiple people.

    Which means its worth peoples time.People actively seeking it.

    Do you see people asking about "whats fastest way to get mystic clover"And do you see same answers again and again "reward tracks"Add a daily to it, 4 ranked game wins.You'll see all day long people putting there services in LFG because its worth it...How about looking at the positives rather than negatives of doing this.So much aggro with "lets disprove this theory"And in reality, YOU DONT see people selling rank/tourny/builds.

    Yesterday once in blue moon, sure.But in raids and some other PvE content.ALWAYS shown.ALWAYS count on them to be selling raids.

    "but its possible, I've seen, yada yada"Make a day a PVP day once in awhile."the mystic clover daily is up, I'm super excited because I KNOW FOR FACT a lot of people going to be PVPING""AND PVPING with a purpose because you gotta EARN IT. 4 STRAIGHT WINS RANKED, not easy feat"

    4?3 is possible to get lucky5 is possible to be unlucky4, its not too lucky or unlucky.games usually 8 mins with 2 min wait, 40-1hr of playtime, not too long. 3 is too short 5 is too long

  22. @Ghos.1326 said:

    @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:I think the warrior is in a decent spot. I just think there is WAY to much aoe going on for them to be effective.

    Do you play Warrior?Can't say they in decent spot if all you do is play other professions and KNOW for a fact you going to rekt any Warrior that gets in your way.

    Just because the other professions are way too over-tuned, doesn't make Warrior any less decent.Warrior doesn't need buffs, the others need to get shaved.

    No sense talking to someone like him. Either he's hard trolling or he's that delirious.

    Yeah, he says others. Which he could have said everyone but warrior.What makes you think everyone but warrior is overtuned?

    Look at it glass half full or nearly full instead of glass half empty or nearly empty.All you do is BUFF warriors and NOW BALANCED.SIMPLEWhy adjust 90% when all that is needed is 10% to be adjusted???

    "yeah the other classes (AKA ALL BUT WARRIOR) not balanced, warrior tho, its decent"yeah ok.Warrior doesn't FIT ALL the others, it aint balance.It doesnt fit them because the others are overtuned you say?BUFF THE WARRIOR THEN."nah we want to nerf all the other professions" "we like negative thinking"Why nerf EVERY SINGLE ONE BUT WARRIOR, so much work, so much to change for balance. When all you had to do was....Make WARRIOR GREAT AGAIN by buffing the heck outta them.

    This is what Warrior should be like

    You want to fight on node with Warrior? You want to fight warrior head on? Ok your death.You want to shoot warrior and kill him from range? Oh wow, warrior death. Thats balance.You fight from distance YOU BEAT warrior. You fight from melee YOU LOSE to warrior. THATS BALANCE.ANY Version of Necro today I'd own ANY VERSION warrior regardless if he wants to fight from distance or in my face. THIS IS NOT BALANCE.Make WARRIORS GREAT AGAIN

    Yall so negative, NERF NERF NERF.No bro.BUFF

    Negative negative negative. Think positive. Quit complaining about negatives, so many negatives. Just buff one and all complaining goes away.NERF aint always the answer.Sometimes...BUFF

    ....Meanwhile in PvE, Dev "hey we made fractals a bit tougher since everyone does more dps"NERFS incoming to all but warrior because people think NERFS will bring balance."fractals so hard now, please tune down""say what? people said all but warrior was overtuned, hrmmmmm.... now I must do even more work, tuning 90% for balance took a lot outta me, now I gotta tune all these fractals too""I should have listened to the dude saying BUFF not NERF"

    In PvP"wow now I see why that guy asked if Mist Champs are too tanky, didn't realize warriors don't do squat to them, and now the ALL BUT WARRIORS are on par with warrior, now we all see why these mist champs are too tanky""should have just BUFFED the warrior, now you gotta make MIST CHAMPS LESS TANKY because you listened to NERFS not BUFF"

    You have 90% and you want to say its overtuned?No bro,10% is UNDERTUNED.

    The secret to balance is listening to the right people. Go ahead and nerf 'others' like the wrong people suggest.Game is already built around 'others' "overtuned"You want to NERF 'others' because they "overtuned"? What about the game "overtuned", oooh now you gotta nerf all that as well.You want to balance by fixing 90% rather than fixing 10%. Ohhhhh ok I see how you balance things.Oh wow now the PvE things are overtuned you nerfed 'overtuned'All you had to BUFF warrior to bring balance into the 'others' "overtuned 'PvE aspect overtuned'

    Look at Fractals, they the same as when they was when it was just core? Nope, its 'overtuned' now.Just buff the warrior, make the correct decision.

    Good greif these 'others' are so "overtuned"NERF em, it will look good in patch notes.

    Patch notes makes games #esports, the longer they are, the more #esports they become.It has nothing to do with... game just being good and no patch notes even needed.

    "gotta show the boss I'm working hard, I'm going to nerf because I get more patch notes outta nerfing than just buffing the warrior and putting an END to balance""I gotta make anet feel like they will always need me, I can't be like Diablo2, they dont even do balance patches anymore, 3 years into the game they didnt do a single balance patch""I gotta feel always needed, make sure game is never balance, can't listen to this smart guy saying buff warrior, he's just too true""these necros going around like gods, all because the class thats suppose to keep em in check warriors are decent""I hate people showing that 5 warriors ownage video because it just goes to SHOW a BALANCED WARRIOR TO NECRO. WARRIOR IS SUPPOSE TO TURN THAT NECRO INTO SARDINES.

    .....Oh you arent suppose to stand in front of a necro, they eat you alive.Well if Warriors were BUFFED, OTHER WAY AROUND, that necro knows better than to go face to face with a WARRIOR.THATS THE PROFESSION THAT OWNS THEM. AND THEY ARE BALANCED NOW.

    Shroud is very juicy and full of health, aint nobody good at cleaving melee.Oh here we go warrior is balanced, they DESIGNED to cleave in peoples face.

    That juicy shroud, gone in seconds, because warrior ate it all. You still want to stand in front of him like you do to everyone else?

  23. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:I think the warrior is in a decent spot. I just think there is WAY to much aoe going on for them to be effective.

    Do you play Warrior?Can't say they in decent spot if all you do is play other professions and KNOW for a fact you going to rekt any Warrior that gets in your way.

    Just because the other professions are way too over-tuned, doesn't make Warrior any less decent.Warrior doesn't need buffs, the others need to get shaved.

    Over tuned?More like Warrior is under tuned, and Warriors need a buff.

    You try killing a Mist Champion as a spellbreaker, the best version of Warrior right now? Unfortunately the best version isn't meta, and isn't great. Hence why it takes a Spellbreaker forever to kill what to them feels like a TANKY mist champ. But everyone else "Mist champs are squishy"

    Yeah ok, your logic, others are overtuned but the lone profession, the warrior is decent.Only because you can kill em and you dont want to struggle against them unlike engineer, necro, guardian, ranger, every other profession but warriors.Make Warriors GREAT AGAIN.

    "yeah they decent, no need to buff, they have a 'good' build on metabattle, so they decent" "ya ya just because every other class is great/meta cough I mean overtuned doesn't mean warrior is not bad cough I mean decent.

    Decent in this game?Fractals and Raids. Fractals "use the mist potions I dont care if you don't need em and decent, we want great or meta, so use the potions or you get kicked"

    Decent???We talking decent????

    I want to see Warriors. GREAT AGAINAnet needs to BUFF the JEEBERS outta warriors. They decent, people talkin decent.You look at Necros, you look at engineer, guardian, rangers, etc. They taking advantage over warriors, they are doing GREAT.BUFF WARRIORSMake em GREAT again.

    You see this?

    You stand still and fighting a warrior. You die. Noobs haven't learned lesson in video, they die fast.Warriors back then, one trick pony (get in face and SMASH) (counter by not stand still and dodge bullrush)Warriors today, no tricks. (counter warrior by smashing every ability you have, if you have enough META/GREAT abilities, you can stand still too)

    Today, stand still, NOT EVEN TRY, you OWN warriors because they decent AND OTHERS ARE GREAT.Has nothing to do with scourge doing secret move, core necro doing secret move. They spam every ability (no need to try hard and do the secret combo killer) and woop a warrior trying too hard.

    ..And you got that one dude saying "just time and wait for them to do that one move and then you start stunning".... yeah only if the others abilities they have were DECENT... that one move you stun.... Thats a META move. The other moves they are GREAT.GREAT trumps DECENT anyday."stun heck outta em... meanwhile Mist Champ, feels like a tank, they don't attack you so you can stun the heck outta em.... Decent warrior not so decent anymore now are they"One trick pony decent warrior can't do its trick, no more decent they are. worse than decent they are now......Meanwhile one trick META necro.. can't do its trick? No more META they are... Great they are now...Great beats Decent anyday.

    "no buffs warrior they decent""nerf meta necro, oh hes great now, still beats decent"All these other professions are meta/great but warrior. they good shape, decent.

    Necro you can play 3 ways, Scourge, core and Reaper (GREAT GREAT GREAT AND META.Warrior only spellbreaker is decent, berserker and core, not playable (DECENT, UNPLAYABLE, UNPLAYABLE).

    But you know, warrior is decent they say, and no buff them they say.Dude says "balance around pros... no pros playing berserker no pros playing core... reaper, core necro and scourge sure they play sometimes"Dude says "balance around avg joes, the avg joes will be using meta battle (pros says meta battle sucks and use soemthing else, well, thats why these guys are avg joes they use metabattle), no berserker, no core.... scourge, reaper, and core necro YES YES YES.

    Warriors are decent, no need a buff they say.Balance around pros they sayBalance around average joes they say

    All the ways you look at it. Warriors remain decent.Decent better than GREAT? NODecent better than META? NO

    Strat for playing with warriors back then, get all the enemies together and let the WARRIOR GO HAM.HO HO HO you can't move, in my face.... ONE HUNDRED BLADE OWNAGE TIME. Enemies "holy crap I ate the entire 100 blades I have no health left"Strat for playing with warriors today, cross fingers because they not great, meta... NO PERKS. They decent.eats a 100 blades like it didn't do squat to him. (today, classic Guild Wars skill... turned into a joke) "give me a couple more 100blades please, I'll eat all of it too"

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