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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. @"Aeolus.3615" said:wonder if they could fork up some gw1 gvg map just for testing :\ even with bad res

    This game and Quake Champions making similar mistakes.

    Quake Champions has a ton of good Quake maps, yet they "have issues" using them.Guild Wars 2, it already has Guild Wars in Guild Wars. it could fork it up.It already has good maps from Guild Wars. it could fork up.

    Quake and Guild Wars had good #esports scene, very lively PvP scene.Quake Champions and Guild Wars 2 however. OPPOSITE. Crap crap #esports and PvP scene.Both games went out the gates #ESPORTS #ESPORTS4v4 or less ONLY5v5 or less ONLY

    ...Who the heck did 8v8 hotjoins? Its TOOOOO DANG POPULAR.Kill it, force everyone into 5v5.

    ...PvP playerbase DROPS, nobody gives a fuck about 5v5 or less.8v8 is where it was at.SOOOOO MANY in HOTJOINS even though it had unranked and ranked.

    Now... Nobody in hotjoins except daily and few 1v1.

    GW2 KILLED there PvP playerbase by SHOVING DOWN #ESPORTS, 5v5 ONLY because 8v8 isn't #ESPORTS.

    /...Newsflash, you need casuals, and casuals don't like playing #esports, thats what pros do, not casuals.Casuals don't like feeling of nothing but competition in PvP, they want to have fun.FUn is 8v8, it has zerging in it, some people like to be slick about it,

    ...Fun in Quake is FRAGFEST, which you need 16 players not 8 players max.FRAGFEST is pretty much zerging in GW2 when it had 8v8 hotjoins.

    ...Yall take PvP too serious saying "UH disgusted, 8v8 nothing but zergfest aka fragfest"EXACTLY, thats what people enjoy.

    @Tomo.8324 said:All this would do is make more room for more BOTS ?3v3 6man game mode 4/5 Bots off-peak average5v5 10man game mode 6/7 Bots off-peak average8v8 16man game mode 9/10 ?wont change wait time BOTS will just fill the spaces ...Arena net CBA to deal with the bots we got......

    yeah ok, more bots?This game is a MMORPG right?

    In Everquest I remember Guides and GMs, GW2 needs some of these people.It takes too long to remove the bots.I've only seen bots in 3v3 too.

    There isn't a problem with bots in PvP, if anything maybe they all in lowest Silver tier and wood tier, which hardly anyone is at. I only think that because in 3v3 I'm in the lowest silver tier. I've only seen bots in 3v3, and I've played over 5k games.

  2. @Bazsi.2734 said:

    @"KrHome.1920" said:
    1. The server performance would go down the toilet, as friendly fire would double the calculations to be done.
    2. The game is not designed around friendly fire. There are only very few true single target skills at all. It makes a difference whether you can't use a revive in no downstate week or whether you can't use 80% of your skillset effectively.
    3. The random factor is so big, that it becomes gamebreaking. Personally I could play around that in a team of decent players, but in such an event I would avoid any PUG at any cost as most players would ruin my day. And I bet others would do the same or just stop playing.
    4. Such an event is an invitation to trolls and match manipulators.

    Do you have data backing up your claims?

    Do you have any data NOT backing up these claims?

    I aint making any points,

    He's basically saying the aliens are real, and I'm saying, do you have any data showing it?His response was "common sense" which is an opinion

    I aint making a point, so I don't need data.He's making an accusation so he needs data to back it up with data.

  3. @"Bazsi.2734" said:Stricly ranged fights? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sniper%27s_CoverDeadeye wins by default lol. It's good stricly ranged fights do not exist in this game.

    Hrmmmm interesting.But not all ranged attacks are missiles.Some like staff elementalist is an AE on the floor.Necros do AE on the floor too

    Can a deadeye beat a mesmer in ranged combat? Mesmers use a lot of clones, has a lot of CC with clones, ranged CC too to interrupt deadeye long cooldown attacks.

    Now my next question what is considered a missile?I assume https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rapid_Fire is a missile but it doesn't say it is a missileHowever https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon%27s_Tooth is this a missile? Does Sniper Cover block dragon tooth?

    I'm guessing missiles are anything that the crystal creatures in Jade Maw reflect, so scepter ele, all his attacks would land, correct?

    In a ranged fight does deadeye beat scepter ele?Scepter ele trumps mesmer too you think?

  4. Who is best at strict range fights?Like two people are doing nothing but shooting at each other, who is best?

    Deadeye would not be best right? Too squishy?Same with Necro correct? Too squishy?Same with fresh air elementalist correct? Too squishy?Engineer not so much, does little ranged damage but has sustain? Will eventually lose correct?

    Dragonhunter be best maybe? Not so squishy has ranged knockbacks.Maybe Power Ranger?

    What you guys think? Who is best at range fights just duking it out.

  5. @Ragnar.4257 said:Holosmith, Renegade, most Ranger variants. A patient Deadeye or Mirage will also win eventually (although they'll have to temporarily give up the node), and LR Weaver.

    Basically, guardian will win against anything that tries to go toe-to-toe in melee range, and will lose against anything that can stay at 600+ range spamming range attacks or which can dip in-and-out of melee range and drop a big burst each time it does so.

    Wrong, opposite

    Guardian will spank that thief, spank that necro, spank that ranger. That mesmer he will get spanked too.

    Elementalist, Engineer are good counters.

    Pretty much if you have good sustain you can counter the guardian. If your good melee fighting too, you can counter the guardian.Revenant probably isn't bad counter too, torment the fuck outta him.

    Neutral is probably warrior.

    Professions that tend to run away a lot, those are fodder to Guardian... Thieves, Mesmer, Necro, Ranger. Ranger being more close to neutral though.

  6. Something to consider is 3rd expansion is big city expansionGW Factions.

    Real player housingPvP like GW Factions so 12v12, 3 teams of 4 per sidePvE downstate mobs, more than usual. NPCs are gonna be like players, they need downstate tooRacing events. Its a big city, need to make RACING A THING. LIKE GOOD REWARDS. LIKE TOURNAMENT PvPOpen World PvP, GTA San Andres styleOpen World PvP, OSRS wilderness style

    As Nike says"JUST DO IT"


    Thinking of racing, you could race through enemy territory aka another sides Open World PvP. They can obliterate you to help their racers win.So its a mix of having GOOD RACERS on your team PLUS good PvP'ers to knockout those GOOD RACERS

    Then make the racing tourny a win for everyone who participated on that team, like NASCAR its all team based.I'd limit 12 to a team. 12 is low enough to not feel zergy, high enough for guild participation, this includes racers and the PvP'ers/others.Sure anybody can attack em, but for the rewards to kick in, it just rewards the team of up to 12.

  7. @Avatar.3568 said:Yeah first 30 games give increased points/loss, if you are high rated, you even loose more and gain less

    Nope.I was given +50 points, this was on day 1. AND the -50s points.Now on day whateverall I see is +10 to +16

    IF say a good player came along all suddenWon 60 games straight, won all straight in the prelims.

    He probably wouldn't make top 20 because all he gets is +10s to +16s.

    Unfair because day 1 everyone is getting +50s to +100s

    This happens any season....Right out the gates there needs to be a cap, like 1600 is the highest, and wait so EVERYONE is getting fair +10 to 16s. Not select few who exploit right away get insane high score and don't play anymore.

    Those guys get 30 wins, someone with 50 wins 0 losses a week after NEVER be able to catch up to them, they'd have to win insane amount just to get close.

    NEEDS TO BE A CAP on the first week 1600NEEDS TO BE A CAP on the second week 1800then its fair game.

    One of the leagues I saw someone 2200s.How???? Because they exploited the glicko system.

    GLICKO system is BROKEN when it starts new league.It needs TIME TO ADJUST ITSELFNEEDS TO BE A HARD CAP on first week

  8. Yep2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020Having issue where I join a squad, map is fulljoin a squad map is fulljoin a squad map is full...3 minutes later...join a squad map is fulljoin a squad map is fulljoin a squad map is full...join a squad map is fulljoin a squad map is fulljoin a squad map is full..........Same experience in 2020.Meanwhile my instance...No commander...15 minutes later...Still no commander.

  9. Only solution I can see for more rewards.The longer you keep play PvP ranked the higher rewards you get. Have a coutdown thing like in WvW. Difference between PvP and the WvW countdown is PvP should be based on real time. As in if you T6 and logout and login next day, it should be at T1 empty. If you don't play pvp for say 30 minutes it should go down a tier or two.

    This way you get people to play constantly.Constantly means your able to make friends because you see same people more often.Also competitive, pros don't want to take turns not playing to avoid each other. They don't want to lose T6 rewards.

    T6 rewards can be like more pips, more reward track, more gold earned.Magic find??? Garbage, get this outta here. Everyone already knows call of the mist is garbage.

    People want real time rewards, not fake gambling magic find.

  10. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:i think 8v8 can work for stronghold (i would do 10v10 even) and maybe a new gamemode, but not conquest. when numbers start to get too big, classes that can spam aoe effectively are the only viable options. builds will diminish as well since you would have support and damage in the extremes, paired together. might be fun to do once or twice a week tho (sunday and monday?).

    Good idea

    @viquing.8254 said:9v9 with 1 of each class just for the meme and bypass balance.

    good idea> @KryTiKaL.3125 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Eh, people have been saying this stuff since day 1.

    GW1 and GW2 are two very different games. 8v8 GvG in GW2 will feel nothing like 8v8 GvG in GW1. Don't get too caught up in the appearance of those integers there. The more players you stack on sides in GW2, it begins to get zergy, and then you're gonna have WvW in PvP. Hey, if that's what you want then kudos. Just understand what you're really asking for.

    Also, we'd need some kind of new maps and an entirely new game mode to make 8v8 or 10v10 to work. Imo, they should work towards something more like the Hall Of Heroes for an AT event or something. That'd be amazing.

    Dude, we already had 8v8Why you talk "8v8 GvG in GW2 will feel nothing like 8v8 GvG in GW1"?

    Yeah of course its different, but you make it sound like 8v8 would be a nice thing in GW2.

    The game started out 8v8, 5v5 was the new thing.When 5v5 came along (for the casuals), thats when players started leaving.Thats when #esports died (no casuals no #esports)

    Back then, if you didn't do tourny,5v5 was a NEW thing.

    8v8 everybody was enjoying it. Who cared about 5v5 tourny.

    8v8 was too zergy in conquest.

    Yeah because that was casual.Thats what casuals want.


    Thats why there was 30+ full servers going on.Because again, THATS WHAT CASUALS WANT.

    No, that's because the game was new on release, no one knew what to expect yet, and literally thousands of players were playing pvp at any given point in time.

    Yes bro, aint no joke with 30+ full 8v8 servers.I remember picking the 090s because I haded the "server full message"

    Yeah, but things are a lot different in terms of what players want, now that we are 9 years in and have experienced ranked seasons/AT formats/ect ect.

    The meta is also just dramatically different than release day. If you were to try and run 8v8 in a conquest map now, it would result in literally everyone running supports & bruisers only so they can stack together. It'll be Tempests & FBs & Holos & Scrappers & Necromancers forever baby. The more players crunched into a conquest map, the less relevant Thief/Mesmer/Ranger like roles become, because they can't go anywhere without a support/bruiser stack being there. Same thing would happen as with wvw zerging, there won't be a place for the classes designed for mobility and trickery.

    Its easy for you to talk about it, you wasn't PvPing or there at that time.I WAS, I had 3 MILLION GLORY thats a kitten ton

    I've owned this game since day 1 release. I have 15,345 hours played over 2,972 days, and 18,105 games played.

    I spent a lot of time trolling around hotjoin in the beginning. Original Capricorn was my all time favorite map, still is to this day.

    Do you know why hotjoin will never be a thing again? Because there is an entire list of dozens and dozens and dozens of custom arenas sitting there with maximum player capacity team customization, designed exactly like old hotjoins, are the old hotjoins for all intents & purposes, they do the exact SAME THING, but no one ever joins them to play in them.

    Telling you man, things are just different now in 2020.

    And to throw in something else to boot here, have you ever tried 3v3 conquest in a custom arena? It strangely works amazingly well.

    3v3?Nothing but a bunch of bots

    Nothing but people exploiting leaderboard (aka on first day they get to 1900+ rank points, and then the rest of the days they just maintain it, you get +100s on first day, so they exploit it)

    Dude you talking about hotjoins now?Its because they got rid of the glory system, thats why nobody plays them anymore.If you got something with little to no reward vs something with great rewards.... OF course nobody is going to play hotjoins.

    The difference back then was ONLY pros could get the rewards from ranked(which was tournament vouchers), you had to win.Now, its a participation thing for ranked.

    Thats why nobody plays hotjoins now, and it defaults to 5v5.

    Anet killed 8v8In that process it killed EsportsIn that process it killed pvp

    Rose tinted glasses, my friend. Rose tinted glasses. Nostalgia is one heck of a drug, in that it impairs ones better judgment.

    Also, 5v5 is already a bunch of bots. You think 8v8 will be any different? No, it won't because people don't care about this games PvP because ANet clearly doesn't.

    I've only seen bots in 3v3, usually stuck at bottom of silver tier.

    @"Brimstone Jack.3462" said:8v8 these days pretty much means you need to be running the game in dx12.

    You saying the system can't handle it?Already played 8v8, it was smooth. Don't make statements about this game can't handle it when the game was originally designed for it.

    8v8 came before 5v5.

    Why so many balance issues?Because the game was designed for 8v8 and now they have 5v5, which less numbers cause more balance issues.When you get all the way to 1v1 or 2v2. It's nothing but did you pick the meta or not.

    In 8v8, more about skills, it can be 1v1 it can be 3v3, or it can be a big team fight.Not 1 class thrives in 1v1, 3v3, and big team fights.

    More balance in 8v8



    BtwAint none of you seen Ranked 8v8 before because thats never done, all you saw was HERE TO HAVE FUN hotjoins 8v8.

    Hotjoins now??? Just doing daily, not HERE TO HAVE FUN

    This game got rid of the HERE TO HAVE FUN in pvp.It killed it and then brought back hotjoins later hoping people forget and say "hotsjoins is still here"bro you killed it and brought it back, aint the same.

    Hotjoins and EoTM are the greatest things, people loved, HERE TO HAVE FUN....

    Have fun in PvP WvW, unheard of especially when its referring to newbies and casuals and even some pros.

    What they did was killed it, and "EoTM is still here, hotjoins is still here"smh

    I know yall aint doing rank FOR FUN.

  11. @KrHome.1920 said:

    1. The server performance would go down the toilet, as friendly fire would double the calculations to be done.

    2. The game is not designed around friendly fire. There are only very few true single target skills at all. It makes a difference whether you can't use a revive in no downstate week or whether you can't use 80% of your skillset effectively.

    3. The random factor is so big, that it becomes gamebreaking. Personally I could play around that in a team of decent players, but in such an event I would avoid any PUG at any cost as most players would ruin my day. And I bet others would do the same or just stop playing.

    4. Such an event is an invitation to trolls and match manipulators.

    Do you have data backing up your claims?

  12. So we experimented with no downstate WvW.

    I suggest we experiment with Friendly Fire ON WvW.

    As in you have all your team using AoE on the enemy and advancing on them while AoE is still ongoing..... Well they running into there own firestorms and what not, they should be eating all the nukes and dying too.

    I mean in real WvW combat, you don't have people doing arrowstorms and then advancing into your own arrowstorm. You basically do arrowstorm wait for them to charge you or whatever and then melee battle.

    Right now WvW is not realistic, who does a bunch of nukes then advances into their own nukes while its still ongoing?

    So I'd like to see FRIENDLY FIRE TURNED ON mode. Yes that includes you nuking yourself to death too.

  13. WvW is mastery points for WarclawThey should be given in PvE too

    Break the walls down mastery should deal MASSIVE CC damage. Now the Warclaw can be useful in PvE.

    "we need people stay on their warclaws, this boss has many breakbars, and warclaw deals massive breakbar damage"

    now its useful again

  14. @Yggranya.5201 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:They teach real players how to stomp properly.

    My guestion is: why? It isn't used in PvE, so how would that benefit anyone playing PvE? If you think something like this would encourage me to try PvP, you are dead wrong.If cantha is some free for all PvP thing, at least i can say for certain that i won't touch it. I might ignore it anyway, but this would be anet telling me, clear as day, that it isn't for me and i should ignore it. You might not say straight you want open world PvP, but i'm sure that is what this is all about. It's ALWAYS about PvP with people like you.

    If they want to play PvP later, they'll know how to stomp.

    The game teaching is no different than playing Zelda game, like the enemies that only have a weakness if you attack them from behind.Aint like they got a trick up their sleeve, its just oh his friend is coming, he is going to CC, its expected, I should dodgeroll it or use stability, which is expected counter.

  15. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Eh, people have been saying this stuff since day 1.

    GW1 and GW2 are two very different games. 8v8 GvG in GW2 will feel nothing like 8v8 GvG in GW1. Don't get too caught up in the appearance of those integers there. The more players you stack on sides in GW2, it begins to get zergy, and then you're gonna have WvW in PvP. Hey, if that's what you want then kudos. Just understand what you're really asking for.

    Also, we'd need some kind of new maps and an entirely new game mode to make 8v8 or 10v10 to work. Imo, they should work towards something more like the Hall Of Heroes for an AT event or something. That'd be amazing.

    Dude, we already had 8v8Why you talk "8v8 GvG in GW2 will feel nothing like 8v8 GvG in GW1"?

    Yeah of course its different, but you make it sound like 8v8 would be a nice thing in GW2.

    The game started out 8v8, 5v5 was the new thing.When 5v5 came along (for the casuals), thats when players started leaving.Thats when #esports died (no casuals no #esports)

    Back then, if you didn't do tourny,5v5 was a NEW thing.

    8v8 everybody was enjoying it. Who cared about 5v5 tourny.

    8v8 was too zergy in conquest.

    Yeah because that was casual.Thats what casuals want.


    Thats why there was 30+ full servers going on.Because again, THATS WHAT CASUALS WANT.

    No, that's because the game was new on release, no one knew what to expect yet, and literally thousands of players were playing pvp at any given point in time.

    Yes bro, aint no joke with 30+ full 8v8 servers.I remember picking the 090s because I haded the "server full message"

    Yeah, but things are a lot different in terms of what players want, now that we are 9 years in and have experienced ranked seasons/AT formats/ect ect.

    The meta is also just dramatically different than release day. If you were to try and run 8v8 in a conquest map now, it would result in literally everyone running supports & bruisers only so they can stack together. It'll be Tempests & FBs & Holos & Scrappers & Necromancers forever baby. The more players crunched into a conquest map, the less relevant Thief/Mesmer/Ranger like roles become, because they can't go anywhere without a support/bruiser stack being there. Same thing would happen as with wvw zerging, there won't be a place for the classes designed for mobility and trickery.

    Its easy for you to talk about it, you wasn't PvPing or there at that time.I WAS, I had 3 MILLION GLORY thats a kitten ton

    I've owned this game since day 1 release. I have 15,345 hours played over 2,972 days, and 18,105 games played.

    I spent a lot of time trolling around hotjoin in the beginning. Original Capricorn was my all time favorite map, still is to this day.

    Do you know why hotjoin will never be a thing again? Because there is an entire list of dozens and dozens and dozens of custom arenas sitting there with maximum player capacity team customization, designed exactly like old hotjoins, are the old hotjoins for all intents & purposes, they do the exact SAME THING, but no one ever joins them to play in them.

    Telling you man, things are just different now in 2020.

    And to throw in something else to boot here, have you ever tried 3v3 conquest in a custom arena? It strangely works amazingly well.

    3v3?Nothing but a bunch of bots

    Nothing but people exploiting leaderboard (aka on first day they get to 1900+ rank points, and then the rest of the days they just maintain it, you get +100s on first day, so they exploit it)

    Dude you talking about hotjoins now?Its because they got rid of the glory system, thats why nobody plays them anymore.If you got something with little to no reward vs something with great rewards.... OF course nobody is going to play hotjoins.

    The difference back then was ONLY pros could get the rewards from ranked(which was tournament vouchers), you had to win.Now, its a participation thing for ranked.

    Thats why nobody plays hotjoins now, and it defaults to 5v5.

    Anet killed 8v8In that process it killed EsportsIn that process it killed pvp

  16. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Eh, people have been saying this stuff since day 1.

    GW1 and GW2 are two very different games. 8v8 GvG in GW2 will feel nothing like 8v8 GvG in GW1. Don't get too caught up in the appearance of those integers there. The more players you stack on sides in GW2, it begins to get zergy, and then you're gonna have WvW in PvP. Hey, if that's what you want then kudos. Just understand what you're really asking for.

    Also, we'd need some kind of new maps and an entirely new game mode to make 8v8 or 10v10 to work. Imo, they should work towards something more like the Hall Of Heroes for an AT event or something. That'd be amazing.

    Dude, we already had 8v8Why you talk "8v8 GvG in GW2 will feel nothing like 8v8 GvG in GW1"?

    Yeah of course its different, but you make it sound like 8v8 would be a nice thing in GW2.

    The game started out 8v8, 5v5 was the new thing.When 5v5 came along (for the casuals), thats when players started leaving.Thats when #esports died (no casuals no #esports)

    Back then, if you didn't do tourny,5v5 was a NEW thing.

    8v8 everybody was enjoying it. Who cared about 5v5 tourny.

    8v8 was too zergy in conquest.

    Yeah because that was casual.Thats what casuals want.


    Thats why there was 30+ full servers going on.Because again, THATS WHAT CASUALS WANT.

    No, that's because the game was new on release, no one knew what to expect yet, and literally thousands of players were playing pvp at any given point in time.

    Yes bro, aint no joke with 30+ full 8v8 servers.I remember picking the 090s because I haded the "server full message"

    Yeah, but things are a lot different in terms of what players want, now that we are 9 years in and have experienced ranked seasons/AT formats/ect ect.

    The meta is also just dramatically different than release day. If you were to try and run 8v8 in a conquest map now, it would result in literally everyone running supports & bruisers only so they can stack together. It'll be Tempests & FBs & Holos & Scrappers & Necromancers forever baby. The more players crunched into a conquest map, the less relevant Thief/Mesmer/Ranger like roles become, because they can't go anywhere without a support/bruiser stack being there. Same thing would happen as with wvw zerging, there won't be a place for the classes designed for mobility and trickery.

    Back in 2013 there was still 30+ servers. There was 30+ servers until they forced everyone into unranked and ranked 5v5s.Now look at it.Years of success 2012 2013 2014 hotjoins PACKED. esports thrivingIts not our fault the viewership was low, MORE PEOPLE PLAYING and enjoying then wanting to watch a 5v5 matchup.

    More marketing and advertising was needed, NOT everyone needs to be doing 5v5 and that will make people watch it.


    Too dang late now.

    Already dumbed PvP ALL the way down.Ranks 80 is nothing anymore.Rank 80 was AN HONOR in Guild Wars.GW2 makes rank 80 look like nothing

    Partying up, PEOPLE ACTUALLY partied with a PURPOSE back then.

    It wasn't just a Plat+It was we need this and that

    Its easy for you to talk about it, you wasn't PvPing or there at that time.I WAS, I had 3 MILLION GLORY thats a shit ton

  17. OSRS Wilderness

    So basicallyUnderworld Zone, but its Open World PvPYep a lot of great PvE stuff to do..... BUT if anyone wants to kill you, they can kill you.

    Even better,Open World PvP WITH TEAMS. TEAMS being your guild you are playing with.ALSO, theres no restrictions on how many players from a guildcan be there too.So if 50 guildies there, and 5 people from your guild, tough luck

    This would make guilds useful again, because right now, people just use them for the buffs.

  18. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Eh, people have been saying this stuff since day 1.

    GW1 and GW2 are two very different games. 8v8 GvG in GW2 will feel nothing like 8v8 GvG in GW1. Don't get too caught up in the appearance of those integers there. The more players you stack on sides in GW2, it begins to get zergy, and then you're gonna have WvW in PvP. Hey, if that's what you want then kudos. Just understand what you're really asking for.

    Also, we'd need some kind of new maps and an entirely new game mode to make 8v8 or 10v10 to work. Imo, they should work towards something more like the Hall Of Heroes for an AT event or something. That'd be amazing.

    Dude, we already had 8v8Why you talk "8v8 GvG in GW2 will feel nothing like 8v8 GvG in GW1"?

    Yeah of course its different, but you make it sound like 8v8 would be a nice thing in GW2.

    The game started out 8v8, 5v5 was the new thing.When 5v5 came along (for the casuals), thats when players started leaving.Thats when #esports died (no casuals no #esports)

    Back then, if you didn't do tourny,5v5 was a NEW thing.

    8v8 everybody was enjoying it. Who cared about 5v5 tourny.

    8v8 was too zergy in conquest.

    Yeah because that was casual.Thats what casuals want.

    Thats why there was 30+ full servers going on.Because again, THATS WHAT CASUALS WANT.

    Yes bro, aint no joke with 30+ full 8v8 servers.I remember picking the 090s because I haded the "server full message"all it took was 8/16 players and viola it gets packed real quick.

    PLUS you can spectate if you just want to watch others play.PLUS you can switch teams, for those wanting extra challenge

  19. @Linken.6345 said:Kinda sad that @uberkingkong.8041 think nothing have changed in cantha during the 250 years spanning bettwen gw1 and gw2.The city could have been demolised by a tusnami or something since bubbles have been terrorising the sea bettwen kryta and cantha.

    NahSee what I could see happening,The heroes too busy fighting dragons, that Cantha got very corrupt, instead of dragons we fighting gang bangers. They be rolling up on their roller beetle, lay smackdown on real players. They teach real players how to stomp properly and rez properly.

    Why they have a dragon saying "you need me" because everything got corrupt while all the heroes out doing hero things... Back home got corrupt.

    It's like Medieval ages, you go out to battle and win a war, meanwhile politics and stuff back home get corrupt since everyone at war.

    @WorldofBay.8160 said:

    @Teratus.2859 said:I am of the mindset that all non event based humanoid enemy types in Gw2 should have a downstate mechanic.Maybe not all of them. I know that I would get tired of having to use a finisher for each and every one.

    you don't have to. if their HP are lowered killing + cleaving might just take as long as killing HoT or PoF mobs but if you manage to get stab/invul stomps up you kill them pretty fast (while this at the same time makes oneshots bad as downstate cuts off any overkill damage which is also good imo).

    i also liked the few downstate mobs, especially the exalted traitor that hasn't been mentiooned yet. so far enemies don't try to rezz while they already got interrupt mechanics, so if rezz mechanics are implemented, little groups of 4-5 low HP sentient allies could roam around rezzing each other and trying to interrupt stomps. you can put quite a lot of dmg on them while they rezz and if you interrupt their rezz you get even more out of it. i certainly like the idea.

    Yes,this would in turn help people get better at PvP too.As in the NPC gives himself stability, and stomps on someone (you have to strip their boons and CC em), and if they rezzing their allies, they use a knockback to anyone stomping.


    I'd like to see events where its not you running all the way to Jade Maw, but events where the enemy is fighting against you, not necessarily a defence event but where the enemy actually has Artifical Intelligence and goes after you and you become HUNTED.

    Playing defense and being hunted are two different things.Its 2020, there is such thing as AI

    Easy enough to implement too, just google it.

    Its 2020


    BTWSince these things are PvEIt'd be nice in meta events, where NPC required around 5 to 20 finishers to officially die depending on how many people show up. Anything more than 20 is just too much, too cluttered.

  20. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Eh, people have been saying this stuff since day 1.

    GW1 and GW2 are two very different games. 8v8 GvG in GW2 will feel nothing like 8v8 GvG in GW1. Don't get too caught up in the appearance of those integers there. The more players you stack on sides in GW2, it begins to get zergy, and then you're gonna have WvW in PvP. Hey, if that's what you want then kudos. Just understand what you're really asking for.

    Also, we'd need some kind of new maps and an entirely new game mode to make 8v8 or 10v10 to work. Imo, they should work towards something more like the Hall Of Heroes for an AT event or something. That'd be amazing.

    Dude, we already had 8v8Why you talk "8v8 GvG in GW2 will feel nothing like 8v8 GvG in GW1"?

    Yeah of course its different, but you make it sound like 8v8 would be a nice thing in GW2.

    The game started out 8v8, 5v5 was the new thing.When 5v5 came along (for the casuals), thats when players started leaving.Thats when #esports died (no casuals no #esports)

    Back then, if you didn't do tourny,5v5 was a NEW thing.

    8v8 everybody was enjoying it. Who cared about 5v5 tourny.

  21. @Bazsi.2734 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:Should make an 8v8 season....I aint want to discuss this.

    The discourse about not wanting the discourse is a wonderful thing.

    No discussion is necessary for 8v8.

    GW2 core was ALL ABOUT 8v8GW2 PvP was most successful with 8v8

    No discussion needed.Already proven, just go back to 2012 2013

    How do I go back? Trust me I want to, but HOW?!

    You can't go back and play during 2012, 2013.It's already proven success, you was doing something else, your fault.


    Thats why its very important, when they run a game, especially with a series.That they hire someone whose played GW, GW2 in its prime.

    Just because you played Guild Wars in 2018, that isn't Guild wars. You'd have to had played it back in 2008 to truly know what its about.You've had to played GW2 back in 2012 2013 to truly know the glory days of PvP

    Just because you picked up the game now and started who knows when, 2016? 2016 isn't anything special time about GW2.2012 2013 was GW2 glory days of PvP

    What's funny is people accustomed to 5v5, some people say "it will lag"... funny. I remember 8v8, it wasn't laggy at all.It's like people accustomed to gem store being the only way games make money.... Funny, Diablo2 never had a gemstore, it made too much money.

  22. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @"Timbersword.9014" said:I appreciate the down state on toxic knights, but it works there because they're like the lieutenants among a group of chaff. It sets them apart as "leaders" that refuse to die and not just some mob with a color ring around their portrait indicating a bigger stat pool.Getting a "captain" mob mixed into the chaff in events like a rare spawn (as in one every 3-5 repeats of an event) or as an event boss could be pretty cool.

    Exactly this.

    The new expansion is a city right? Bunch of thieves guild thugs?Need some meta events with boss like mobs.

    They need to be able to go into downstate and not just die.

    Its a city expansion, they mimicking real players. Real players go into downstate.

    Were did you get info that its a city expansion?You have spouted that in a few threads now

    You ever play Guild Wars?What about Guild Wars Factions?

    kitten right I'm expecting 15 player PvP too
    Not no 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 anything under 5v58v8 was prime in GW2, whoever doing PvP in GW2 right now is very dumb.what about 7v7 6v6 8v8???? HRMMMM???8v8 was PRIME TIME, GOLDEN AGE of PvP in GW2.kitten right I'm expecting 15v15. ANything more than 20 is too much.

    [non-gw2 video]Just look at the video picture. BIG kitten ZONE BIG kitten CITY zone.

    I'm expecting(...)

    It doesn't matter what "YOU'RE EXPECTING", the question was for the source on the upcomming update, you gave no source, that's all there is to it. From what you're saying for now it's a possibility, but nothing confirmed.
    1. PvE MOBS they need downstate, its a city zone, city zone has player like mobs... player like mobs should have a downstate

    No, pve mobs don't need downstate and they should not have it. There's no point to implementing it, even moreso if what you've just said is somehow your main "argument" for it.

    Its 2020, typical expansion isn't gonna cut it anymore. 2020 is about being CREATIVEIts 2020Its 2020 so expectations ARE HIGH

    (....more "IT'S 2020" rumbling, as if that's supposed to mean anything...)

    What is a "typical expansion"? What are you even going on about here?

    Everyone knows what the next expansion is about.It has a trailer already.

    Now within first 15 seconds.... Music and what you see, Oh yeah Guild Wars Faction

    GW FactionsJust listen to the musics, GW2 and GW Factions same thing its obvious.Its obvious what the next expansion is going to be about. JUST AS OBVIOUS AS HoT.

    So yeah againBIG CITY EXPANSIONIts 202015v15I'm expecting it

    Make zones or A ZONE RACEABLE first THEN PvE it up.

    It's 2020I'm expecting BIG THINGSMMORPG with NPCs riding on mounts?Yep something I would expect

    Its 2020PvP 15v15I'm expecting it

    Oh yeah this is PvE downstate thread.NPCs they player likeThey need a fucking downstate

    There should be dungeons where its you vs them, it shouldnt be simple static dungeons.PvE mobs need to be more NON STATIC

    As in your in the zone and SOMETIMES YOU ARE HUNTEDSOMETIMES A PvE party comes and hunts you down

    Its 2020Big expectationsI have the BAR INSANE high


    Easy to implementIts 2020GOOGLE ITAlready been DONE

    The bar is HIGH in 2020People had enough of low expectations.2020 is a big year this is the year WE EXPECT BETTER of people

    WE EXPECT BETTER of video game developers.ITS BEEN DONE BEFORE


    Just do it

    My bar is highIts 2020

    These PvE mobs, they like real players, they deserve downstate. PERIODbtw what I mean by make zone raceable first, is You put the streets in BEFORE you start building buildings BEFORE you add fluff and PvE.

    So many things expecting. No excuses I want to hear. This game, makes more then enough money, they've already done it previously. THERE IS NO EXCUSES to give them.You give them EXCUSES there expectations go lower. I for one aint one of the kind of people who give excuses for OTHERS ESPECIALLY IF THEY ALREADY DOING FINE.

    They did 8v8 PvP fineThey did EoTM fine

    EXCUSES lead to EMPTY EoTMEXCUSES lead to DEAD ASS PvP and EMPTY 8v8 which lead to not so good PvP and DEAD #esports

  23. When you start the league you get +100s within an hour, then after a bit it goes to +50s, then it goes to +15-25s, then it averages at +7-+15.

    So what happens is some players they get to 1900s real quick, stop playing and play a few games to keep their rating.

    So, if say you do 10 loses 3 wins and at 1000, if you don't play another game for say 4 days and win. You'll be getting +10s.However, if say you do 10 loses 3 wins at 1000, you play games and win on the start of league day, you'll get + or -, 50-100

    So those who don't play on start of day are screwed, and those who exploit it by getting 30 wins and at 1900+.If you did 30 wins a week or 2 after the start day, you wouldn't be anywhere near 1900+.

    Solution.Add a cap of how much rating points you can get per day.Such as have a cap on league start day, 1600 is the highest, a week later 1700 is the highest, a week later 1800 is the highest.This will make it so people don't automatically be #1 on day 1 and nothing you can do about it. (all they do is play 1 game every 5 days, they exploited to very high rating points, nearly impossible to get that high after a week since the start date, you'd need to quadruple the wins they have)

    Glicko system or whatever they run, is exploitable when new league starts

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