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Everything posted by aaron.7850

  1. They already top the damage meters in wvw by four fold compared to any other classes. And they are getting major buffs and cool-down reductions to their godly AOEs and shades.Those classes and builds that perform badly in wvw are left untouched.I am in utter disbelief, and unless we speak out they just wont give a rat's ass about wvw and the disgusting scourge meta we are in right now.
  2. Before the latest patch, I really like using the "Nearly Completed Achievements" tab to hunt down achievs, but since the latest content update all three tabs are now occupied by the annoying "Glory to the _____ legion/Commendations" that just never end.It is frustrating because I have no way to hide them, and I no longer have an easy way to find out which achievements I am close to finishing.
  3. I just fought one and could not bring him down below 60%, meanwhile he unloaded massive amounts of burning and torment on me and no matter how much I dispelled he kept applying them to me like it was nothing. I hear there is a balance patch coming up, so I expect the appropriate nerfs to be delivered to this broken class.
  4. I am a returning player that quit before HoT came out. I really didnt care at all about core story and just went through the motions.I bought everything and decided to complete all the story up to date. I really loved all HoT through LVS4, it was so good, but once again I find myself not caring about anything that has happened in Icebrood Saga. I can tell there is less passion and creativity going on in this saga.
  5. I like playing support in games, so I decided to level and try out every healer spec in this game in wvw. I have already checked out water eles, ventari heralds, healbrands, scrappers and now I am on heal druid and I think it might be the most unfun and least effective of them all so far. The fact that you have to build resources to go into your "healer mode" sucks. What makes it even worse is that once I am on celestial avatar, I dont even have the time to read the abilities to see what they do before the timer runs out, which runs out QUICK even if I dont cast anything. (and yes, I know that I can read the wiki, but guardian tomes dont have this problem) A lot of the mechanics seem to favor being stationary, which doesnt work in wvw. Whats horrible is that the avatar form timer runs out very quickly even when not casting any celestial skills.. so there is no room for patience and strategy, you cant afford to wait for the right moment to cast your spell, you are encouraged spam because you can only stay in Celestial Avatar for 5 seconds. I can see why I never see druid healers in wvw. What makes this a sad tale is that rangers are already discouraged in wvw because they dont contribute to zerg fights, so you would EXPECT the support build to be useful, but this is not the case.
  6. As someone that also loves Mesmer, I think you will enjoy Revenant, very fluid and a lot of fun toys to play with
  7. Despite what some people might say, i find herald Revenant to be the easiest profession. Go with power Jallis/Glint herald.
  8. Hammer only shines when you can hit multiple targets, so its a good weapon for zerging in wvw.For SPVP and Raids/Fractals, stick to your swords.
  9. Yeah, numbers dont lie. I agree with everyone's sentiments tho.All right, back yo my burn guard!
  10. Installed ArcDPS for the first time and did wvw all day long with different guilds and groups.80% of damage dealt was done by Necromancers closely followed by Burn Guardians. 15% by elementalists. and the other 5% split amongst all the other professions.I decided to try Burn Guardian (I dont have a necro) to test the results for myself.. and there I was, topping the damage meters just by using one skill (SoJ). Now I hate damage meters and all they represent, but I just cant ignore the truth now that I have come face to face with it. Why would I ever play my dps mesmer or dps ranger or dps thief or dps engi knowing that despite my best efforts, my damage only accounts to a minuscule fraction of the squad's dps? If I were a commander, I would only allow necros and guardians to do the dps while the others provide support if they dont have those classes. Unless this is what actually happens and everyone else is aware of this, then forgive my ignorance.
  11. Why Dragon Hunter over Radiance or Firebrand?
  12. I dont like Battle Royales (because I suck at aiming), but this sounds like a very fun idea They should rework EOTM to have weekly "gamemodes", Hearthstone and Overwatch do this and they prove a break from the norm and a fresh experience every week. Sadly devs only care about PVE so this will never happen
  13. Lets assume a scenario where you will be in wvw and 4-6 low-to-avarage skill enemies are going to chase you and try to kill you. Besides thieves or mesmers with their stealth, which class/setup has the best chances to run away or last alive the longest? Considering there will be instances where they will catch-up and throw damaging abilities at you.
  14. Now dont get me wrong, I love Asura, and all 4 of my characters are Asura, and I will never play anything BUT Asura.For female Asura, you have 9 faces to choose from, and 3-4 of them are pleasant to look at while the other options are either "grandma" or "ugly disney villain" But NOT the Male Asura tho... you get only 8 faces to choose from, and only 1 of them is pleasant to look at, that sole option always ends up being my only choice for male asura. The other 7 faces look nightmarish, which makes me sad because we really have no choice! Unless you want to look evil and ugly, you are out of luck! Would it be too much to get a WoW treatment and give us better faces? Charr also have it bad, and its embarrasing that the best Charr model design belongs to an NPC (Bangar Ruinbringer) and that awesome face is not even player selectable!
  15. Mesmer is my favorite class, but sorry dude, if you want to have fun in wvw you must play another profession.Other professions bring Damage AND Utility... or Healing AND Utility... Mesmer is just Utility, 0 damage, 0 healing.Similarly, thieves and rangers also perform very badly in wvw fights, avoid those two too unless you are interested in roaming and fishing for 1v1 fights.
  16. Thank you for the comprehensive reply, I am forcing my way to learn condi weaver (sword/focus) and I am slowly starting to feel the flow of it. I guess things will be easier once I memorize what each skill does and whats its position in my keyboard.I did try tempest D/D but I found the overloads to break the flow of battle for not much gain.
  17. This is for wvw roaming and open-world pve. Just got my ele to 80, I leveled as dagger/dagger. After playing easy classes ele was a truly challenge, but I finally got the feel of it.I unlocked weaver elite spec and to my dismay the dual-weaving mechanic pretty much destroyed everything I knew about ele, its like everything I memorized up until this point didn't matter.So that leaves me with core and tempest. Tempest seems fun but it seems that a lot of those traits will go to waste because I intend to roam solo, is this trully the case?
  18. I'm sorry that you don't understand what I wrote, but I'm not sure how else to explain it to you. Chrono is arguably one of the two most common professions used by a commander (the other being Firebrand) and a single Chrono in a group of 20 players can shift the tide of a fight. Back in the Pirate Ship days they were still effective and seen, but we're in a melee push meta right now. Do you know what works really well in a melee push meta? StealthPortalsCC pulls / Immobs So by all means, declare that I don't understand mesmer. But unfortunately the one here who doesn't understand mesmer in WvW zerging is you. Can you play a DPS mesmer in a zerg? Sure. You'll do mediocre damage and won't really bring any utility to the group, but as an offensive support, Mesmer/Chrono rivals a Spellbreaker in terms of how it can change the flow and tide of a fight....and you think that makes mesmers 'useless'. Mmk. LOLOne of the 2 most chosen professions? I suppose you like wiping in zergs with +15 mesmers, otherwise I don't know where do you see the mesmers in winning groups...Melee push meta is based on support, melee dps and boon strip/corrupts. Mesmer is the worst of all support builds out there, it's the worst all 9 classes at melee dps and has very poor boon strips.Stealth, quite nerfed by all the NPC reveal out there, and completely outclassed by gyro in pushes. Portals, extremely situational and basically gimmicky nowadays, only used now for the sake of it or for sneaking inside keeps by small groups for a PPT that doesn't matter at all.CC is very limited and sits behind high cooldowns.DPS mesmer in zergs is the same as support thief, nice fairy tail you live in... Mesmer is one of the worst classes to bring in a zerg, what you bring is so little that it doesn't end up mattering much if it's game changer. What is a veil when you can stack 4x times with a gyro that has 2/3 of the CD? What is a portal when it's very limited in activation time and damage bombs are not like before? What is a pull or gravity well here or there when you have 10 firebrands spamming pulls, scourges spamming fears and revs spamming knockdowns? All you do by playing a mesmer is fooling yourself thinking you're useful, when your contributions in terms of damage, CC and support are completely overshadowed by pretty much all other classes, even when running non meta builds.Experience from someone who mained mesmer with nearly 4k hours, has played rev for over 600h and now is sitting in OP scrapper with already 200h (mostly because of hammer nerf). My friend played mesmer in wvw for years and it ended the same way.she played support chrono until it got trashed,she switched to dps chrono until it got trashed,she quit wvw when everyone else did last year because people got sick of having their builds trashed.All she wanted to play was mesmer/chronomancer in wvw and now she only plays in pve lol... A few commanders running around on chronomancer does not make it good. You can play anything as commander if you have a bunch of scourges and firebrands at your back.I still consider my mesmer my main because I love the class so much, but wvw is my favorite game mode and this conundrum breaks my heart. Thank god for all those exp boosts I saved because I now have a Rev and a Guardian and both are very fun in wvw
  19. I'm sorry that you don't understand what I wrote, but I'm not sure how else to explain it to you. Chrono is arguably one of the two most common professions used by a commander (the other being Firebrand) and a single Chrono in a group of 20 players can shift the tide of a fight. Back in the Pirate Ship days they were still effective and seen, but we're in a melee push meta right now. Do you know what works really well in a melee push meta? StealthPortalsCC pulls / Immobs So by all means, declare that I don't understand mesmer. But unfortunately the one here who doesn't understand mesmer in WvW zerging is you. Can you play a DPS mesmer in a zerg? Sure. You'll do mediocre damage and won't really bring any utility to the group, but as an offensive support, Mesmer/Chrono rivals a Spellbreaker in terms of how it can change the flow and tide of a fight....and you think that makes mesmers 'useless'. Mmk. Do you even play mesmer? You sound like someone that simply doesnt want the mesmer class buffed.Scrappers offers better stealth and a crap-ton of healing and cleansing.Necros can port too, and also do one of the best damage that wvw has to offer. I dont think any player that loves wvw would chose to main a mesmer knowing well how that all our contribution would be pressing 3 non-damaging utility buttons.
  20. Only reason to use staff is to level alts if you want to play it safely. wvw'ers never use it because its too slow and unimpactful spvpers use axe and sword, a POWER WEAPON... how embarrassing raiders only use axe and forget about staff entirely, how scandalous Its just sad, because I like the feel of it and the way spells look, but in most case scenarios it is outclassed by all the other weapons
  21. Because sometimes I get bored of healing I see there are several builds to choose from, theres burndragon hunter, theres condi firebrand and there is core burn guardian.I do plan on testing each one out, but for those that are experienced, which is more easy or offers the most advantages?
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