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The Ace.9105

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Everything posted by The Ace.9105

  1. I have over 10k matches played tyvm. Don't go off-topic. He's being serious though. If you lose to a Warrior it's because the Warrior earned it. When you're against good Warriors, you need to play counter offensively. Don't go ham on something that is designed to counter offense YOU. The Warrior is designed in such a way that it is more rewarding for the Warrior/Spellbreaker to wait for you to take actions, and then he responds to it. With their sheer amount of CCs and ability to burst remove 4+ boons rather frequently, what they are mostly doing is waiting for you to burn CDs during your offense. During this time they respond with things like GS #3, Full Counter, CCs to interrupt you, blocking or invulning to eat burst. Warrior/Spellbreaker is designed almost completely around counter offense. In other words, the Warrior/Spellbreaker is punishing you for ill timed, lofty, and wasted skill use. If you slow down vs. good Warriors/Spellbreakers and force them to take the offensive approach, while you take the counter offensive stance, you'll notice that everything they do is quite telegraphed. Even if you can't kill the good Warrior/Spellbreaker, using this method should allow you to kite it and survive at the least. Oh and make sure to utilize elevation increases & drops, such as jumping up boxes or jumping down a step or two. These kinds of elevation changes stop the pathing of their gap closers and this often renders the Warrior/Spellbreaker into a "slow class", which makes him easy to disengage.Why is the warrior the only class that you have to play perfect against and go all "intelligent" and different? Why is it warrior that requires you to plan your next 5 actions and if you get hit you are pretty much done for unless you have port that can port you out of the wars range? Warrior just has a list of damage modifiers as traits and it's stupid. +10% + 21% + 7% + 1% for every boon on you + 3% for every boon on the target + 25% + 25% or 50% WC + 7% + 7% + 15% + 120 power + Pinnacle of Strength making each might stack +40 power instead of 30 + 25 Might stacks + 350 feroc upon existing + amulet feroc. That's way too much of damage modifiers and even if those all aren't in the meta traits the amount of that many modifiers shouldn't even be the case in any case.
  2. This in particular is what I see as a problem. F1 shouldnt gen might on you AND heal you at the same time, especially when you can run healing signet. That's not fair to any class that needs to play ranged or depends on slow burn dots or lots of low damage hits racking up. Definitely should still hit you like a truck if rush connects though. I earned that/you deserve that. This is actually the entire problem. There is no internal cooldown on the might gain from crits and the health regen from that might gain. For fun, I have a soulbeast setup that uses the trapper rune and Dagger/Dagger + Shortbow. They completely ignore the condition damage this class specializes in by spamming attacks on multiple players that also hit like a truck. The heals on Might gain wouldn't be such a problem for people if not for how Tactics works now and if not for Magebane Tether either. The trait itself is generally fine, its just what ANet has done to other traits that makes it somewhat of an issue. Same situation with Herald and how hard it hits with near every attack. It wouldn't be so problematic if not for the fact that Heralds can maintain 20+ Might essentially the entire time they are in combat.after the nerf herald maintains about 10-15 stacks of might
  3. Because it cant block immune your attacks and is very very easy to shut down. there are plenty of block piercing skills in the game, and warrior is also easily shut down, blind, block, weakness, invulns, evade frames, etc. warrior is beaten by playing the match up smarter and not allowing urself to greed. reaper avoids ur attacks by using speed runes, ports, and positioning, along with ample chill and corrupts. people just dont like the idea that they have to actually play the match up against warriors. I love how warrior requires you to do the same instead of just pressing your skills. i mightve agreed that warrior did too much damage the patch where tactics had 50% modifier and pre nerf rampage, thats no longer the case. if warrior is such an issue for u and u just want to mindlessly spam buttons play mender or sage firebrand with blind/weakness spam mantra. dont be so surprised when a warrior or spellbreaker who is playing properly beats u when ur "just pressing ur skills."Properly playing a spellbreaker means that you cast your combo of skills and keep repeating that till the enemy is dead. There's very tiny windows here and there that allow you to do something against it but other than that the combo is pretty continuous.
  4. ikr, it's like "rush doesn't even hit hard" and then it hits 4.2k to a heavy target with 900 toughness amulet.
  5. Because it cant block immune your attacks and is very very easy to shut down. there are plenty of block piercing skills in the game, and warrior is also easily shut down, blind, block, weakness, invulns, evade frames, etc. warrior is beaten by playing the match up smarter and not allowing urself to greed. reaper avoids ur attacks by using speed runes, ports, and positioning, along with ample chill and corrupts. people just dont like the idea that they have to actually play the match up against warriors.I love how warrior requires you to do the same instead of just pressing your skills and hitting the damage of 3 skills with 1.
  6. That rush would have probably hit me for 10k if i didn't have 900 toughness amulet.
  7. How are you going to dismiss attacks being telegraphed? That's like dismissing sound cues as useless. I'm sorry man but if you are getting pegged by rush then idk what to tell you. Just because you're heavy armor doesn't mean your tanky. Warriors can build squishy, ele can build tanky. It's all due to traits and stats. On warrior before full counter nerf there was no frames to deal damage to warrior and fc got nerfed a bit. The fact that there's still a pretty tiny window to do anything against a warrior remains. By casual skills I mean skills that are not really different/flashy special skills that are meant to do huge damage and you can use pretty frequently like throw axe and rush. Again, not complaining about skills in general, what I am talking about is the damage being too high on warrior.
  8. I could record tons of footage of how stupid warrior damage is and explain the matchup where if you get hit once vs the warrior you are just dead even with it's "telegraphed" animations (which btw get faster and slower with quickness/slow and get hit once and say bye) while the warrior just runs around dodging with attacks that crit you for 7-10k with 25 might and 4k without might. Dodging the matchup is also impossible in a long run since if you do the math the warrior has a cc skill on the meta build every 3s in combat and that's just cc skills without the other high hitting skills so you'd have to dodge more. The build works pretty decently against any other class so that you don't just get 1 shotted by stuff but if there's a warrior in the team fight and it hits you you are done for like in the picture. But, this thread is not about how stupid warrior is. Stupid also doesn't mean that it's op in a 5v5 setting. This thread is about how no class should hit casual skills like rush 4.3k and dodge rolls 2.5k (the trait is a joke) to a heavy armor class with 900 toughness and defensive traits.
  9. I have over 10k matches played tyvm. Don't go off-topic.
  10. The tooltip says 1s of slow but it has always for some reason applied 4s of slow. Is the tooltip incorrect or the skill non-functional? I reported this bug multiple times back in how many years ago and it's still there.
  11. Just tired of the favor of the gw2 class warrior as first being the completely broken and op hambow and then in hot being the completely op and broken condi berserker and then in pof completely op and broken spellbreaker. I was on a heavy armor class and I was using an amulet with 900 toughness and defensive traitlines and I still get hit like a truck by this sad class. It's easy to play, requires no effort and causes toxic chat messages and makes the pvp super unfun. 900 toughness on a heavy class btw
  12. What I mean is that we get a story with unbelievable long release interval that's now even shorter than the normal living story that was not successful in the first place and the game is slowly just declining and there's nothing anet is doing to change things. Now they just call it a saga and pretend that it's more content more often when in reality it's just the teams split to have 1 extra team and less content. Balance of the game is still terrible and the changes to reduce damage has been stated by devs in a live stream to be done by nerfing each of the skills individually which takes a long time meaning that we are not getting balance anytime soon cause they want to do it all at once.
  13. Constantly going to the wrong direction in everything without anything meaningful in the future. How far do we have to go for anet to change or are they just with get woke and go broke mentality where they eventually crash and make excuses and blame toxic white males for their failures or something?
  14. thanks for watching the video/your great input to the topic
  15. I am pretty sure you watched only few seconds of the video, otherwise you would have noted that I was the top damage and kills of that game with the renegade build you say doesn't have damage nor sustain. It's way better in general to avoid all the damage instead of tanking it. Sure, dwarf has more sustain in terms of damage mitigation but getting hit in pvp in the first place is a bad thing and you sacrifice any mobility you'd have and restrict your gameplay to the oldschool currently useless point buker that has no real value in high mobility/high damage/high cc metas. Who cares if there's no synergy between shiro and kalla? Who says that? The skills? Oddly enough, nobody has any success with the dwarf renegade while I am still the only person in the game who has finished a season with 126 games in legend on shiro kalla renegade. The synergy might not be between the kalla and shiro but instead the synergy of these 2 legends comes to the short bow.
  16. Actually, it's not the metabattle build, it's this variant: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAUZlxQLMPaj1RaMOKjRSjMCygp0l+rD-z5IWIZmC9GB5XAiPA Is there any particular reason I should always cast staff 2? Does it have some interaction I don't know?
  17. Just some casual chill renegade ranked gameplay. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubyi-KLfk5U
  18. How on earth is it even possible to have anet devs notice that skills like rampage are overperforming and those skills getting buffed/existing in the game? "Rampage has been overperforming since the initial change that brought its cooldown to 90 seconds, and continues to with the cooldown at 120 seconds." This change was like forever ago and rampage was already too good before the change and people wanted to get it nerfed but instead, somehow it got buffed despite overperforming?!?!? Any explanations/excuses for this? How is it possible that we have the worst balance ever and op skills are getting buffed and then suddenly you guys at anet are like "oh, these skills are overperforming after they were already overperforming and after the buff we made that made it overperform even more. Let's nerf it this time." ??????? The development of gw2 balance is comparable to having a security breach that shows ppl bank information for everyone for 2 years and then after the damage is done the devs be like "oh, we noticed that and we are gonna fix it in the next upcoming patch sometimes during this or next year." Maybe the game is like this cause if I type anything "Anet offensive" aka negative words/feelings about the game (not sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows or quaggans and whatever nonsense we have in gw2) to this post it gets deleted so the feedback anet gets through the main channel is crippled to the point where these comparable things happen. I suggest rehiring the moderation team or change rules to allow people to express how they feel about the game as long as it's not personal.
  19. Nah. Renegade is finehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JGMXUZEM1s More to the point, what are those keybindsRazer naga keybinds.
  20. Build templates just ruined the normal build stuff completely for me. Also, the templates keep resetting my skills to their original order on revenant.
  21. Nah. Renegade is finehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JGMXUZEM1s
  22. It seems like I missed some posts that apparently got toxic and were removed. Are we gonna have the duel?
  23. Nice. Notice a problem just like 100 years too late and then make decent fixes to the skill that should have been done when the problems initially started. Now we have the fix coming but another question is: what the frick is taking so long with it?!?!?! C'mon Anet Step up your game and start actually acting!
  24. Nice gameplay man, but I’ve actually played against your more times than one and ima be real with you; That build is subpar and you usually get wins just by being flat out better than people at the game. I never actually consider you competition or a threat when I see you in game. Whenever I’ve seen you I tunnel vision you or ignore you completely when you are running the trait for energy on swap and you riposting shadows over and over and over cus your damage is just too low for me to even care. If a team of mediocre true top 50 players your build would be on farm. I can think of multiple builds from multiple classes including my own Rev build that would (and I personally already have) farm you 100-0 with no chance for you to come close to winning. I remember that time I saw you in FFA arena. You struggled against a meme build but I think you have slightly tweaked your build since then... still no contest, you’d get farmed. Especially using shortbow. Anybody that knows how to LOS is going to meme you. I would like to see you try to 1v1 some of the better warrs and other high stun classes from N/A so you can get an idea of how trash that build is. Yeah, we fought like during the first month after I made the build so there's that and then there's NA ping which is like 150-250 depending on the day. Sure the build isn't a holo or spellbreaker but it shouldn't be. Those classes are stupidly overtuned still after the nerfs. Saying that there's multiple builds that would farm the renegade 100-0 the whole match is false tho. I have also beaten you in a 1v1 a few times. The counter builds are spellbreaker and holo if they are good but that's also true for other classes as well and you can avoid them pretty easily in a match. My main point here is that renegade isn't a bad spec. It's actually a pretty effective spec and doesn't really need nerfs. What does need nerfs are the overtuned classes and that's not just the case for renegade but other specs as well. You have never actually “beaten” me. If I recall I was playing sometbing like celestial on old meta Rev when you won just as a test for my own perception of what works. We can set up a time for 1v1s if you want. I’m pretty sure even my condi build would 100-0 Renegade. We can, you have an EU account?
  25. Nice gameplay man, but I’ve actually played against your more times than one and ima be real with you; That build is subpar and you usually get wins just by being flat out better than people at the game. I never actually consider you competition or a threat when I see you in game. Whenever I’ve seen you I tunnel vision you or ignore you completely when you are running the trait for energy on swap and you riposting shadows over and over and over cus your damage is just too low for me to even care. If a team of mediocre true top 50 players your build would be on farm. I can think of multiple builds from multiple classes including my own Rev build that would (and I personally already have) farm you 100-0 with no chance for you to come close to winning. I remember that time I saw you in FFA arena. You struggled against a meme build but I think you have slightly tweaked your build since then... still no contest, you’d get farmed. Especially using shortbow. Anybody that knows how to LOS is going to meme you. I would like to see you try to 1v1 some of the better warrs and other high stun classes from N/A so you can get an idea of how trash that build is. Yeah, we fought like during the first month after I made the build so there's that and then there's NA ping which is like 150-250 depending on the day. Sure the build isn't a holo or spellbreaker but it shouldn't be. Those classes are stupidly overtuned still after the nerfs. Saying that there's multiple builds that would farm the renegade 100-0 the whole match is false tho. I have also beaten you in a 1v1 a few times. The counter builds are spellbreaker and holo if they are good but that's also true for other classes as well and you can avoid them pretty easily in a match. My main point here is that renegade isn't a bad spec. It's actually a pretty effective spec and doesn't really need nerfs. What does need nerfs are the overtuned classes and that's not just the case for renegade but other specs as well.
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