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The Ace.9105

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Everything posted by The Ace.9105

  1. First clip, short bow 4 and yes it says it on wiki cause it's a bug and it's noted there based on people experience. Second clip, the rev doesn't stealth up but the short bow 3 skill just straight up fails after i come out of a dodge. That video has 2 clips together. Given the increasing amount of skills which get the requirement in place that you have to face an enemy to cast them being added retroactively, doubtful this is a bug. Seems more reasonable that it is intended to not allow the casting of this skill behind a player with a fast about face but requiring the entire cast to finish. Not noted as a bug on the wiki, just as an explanation as to how that skill works and that the entire cast has to finish (which is the case for all skills which are not supposed to be cast behind). Missed the second clip and don't really feel like watching a .5 second segment for mistakes. Very well possible that the new skill 3 is has bugs since the rework.If that really is the intended design then it's really really stupid. Why do i get punished and get the skill to full cd and waste my energy if the skill just cancels on cast?
  2. First clip, short bow 4 and yes it says it on wiki cause it's a bug and it's noted there based on people experience. Second clip, the rev doesn't stealth up but the short bow 3 skill just straight up fails after i come out of a dodge. That video has 2 clips together.
  3. Like shown in the video if you do some actions or turn your character the skills fail and sometimes play the animation and use your energy but won't work still. https://streamable.com/sf17z3
  4. Been like this since hot launch. The aoe area of tablet is visible all the time but it's underground so it's really hard to see when you are in the range of the tablet heals.
  5. Again stuck in que, it appears that the problem is with the hall of the mists map. After map selection the game crashes and match is in progress.
  6. Please just only special action key. Jumping on the pads is bad and if you land on the pad you auto proc it.
  7. This thread seems to be full of salty mesmer mains apparently.
  8. Even with double trade offs the class is somehow still meta. I think the "trade offs" are justified cause without them mesmer would be meta^2.What you said is nonsense, like all your complains. In fact, even if they would nerf everything and made your main godtier, you would still find something to complain about, always.Show me that magical meta chronomancer used everywhere in ranked/unranked/at/mAT's ? SHOW ME NOW.Actually, nevermind, either you are just trolling or just that "smart" that cant understand simple meaning of "trade off". Not wasting my time on youTalking about mesmer. Anyways, I don't want renegade to be the class that's just stupid and op and that's why I am concerned about battle scars update for it. Believe it or not I am still ele main and I really don't have main class bias but what I have is bias towards players who play builds that play themselves and then think the are the thing.
  9. Even with double trade offs the class is somehow still meta. I think the "trade offs" are justified cause without them mesmer would be meta^2.
  10. Renegade already has these tradeoffs.Yet presents zero evidence of any /shrug How about You already has these tradeoffs as renegade cause you have skills which if you use you'll be way less efficient in combat so you do way better if you just don't use them.You have no idea what “trade off” means.@bravan.3876 see? He was pretty serious, because its Mase (his favorite thing to do - whine and 99% of what he says makes no sense, this time isnt an exception) Ok kinda funny. But these were the kind of answers i was aiming for tbh. I hoped ppl were more joking about them instead rly meaning them serious but whatever. Lets dismantle this threads goals (its not rly a troll thread but it was made like one to prove a point). I think as confusing as the whole trade off thing is (as you can see in how different ppl in this forum define trade offs in particular for their main classes and when looking at how differently/inconsistent harder some specs are treatened than others) but one thing is clear: Trade offs in Anets agenda/ definition don't care for how good or bad elite specific mechanics or skills/ traits are. So that bow skills suck in your eyes or the traitline itself doesn't worth taking are clearly no trade offs in Anets definition. Only relevant is, if Renegade lost some core mechanic or not. I was sure stuff like "Renegade is kitten","Renagde is a trade off in itself", "trade off are these and those useless skills or traits" etc will be posted. I was baiting for it. It was to show how confused the whole comunity (including myself) is about the whole trade off thing but also to show how inconsistent and unlocigal and unfair the trade off mess is executed, and also how biased the views of forum ppl about trade offs are when it comes to their main class. Like Ace trying to count weak traits or skills as trade off, what clearly is not what Anet means with mechanical trade off by deleting core mechanics from elites. Or the Psycoprophet guy who trys to argue with Anets definition of trade off on Soulbeast and Mirage without even seeing that it doesn't fit for Mirage at all which would just get a second trade off by the one dodge change in terms of Anets definition and is questionable on Soulbeast (because you can argue that Soulbeast already has a mechanical trade off in Anets definition), while not caring that his main class Warrior has no trade off on meta build. In the end in Anets narrowed view of mechanical trade offs, Renegade has a trade off by losing the core f1 skill. It doesn't matter for Anets definition, that the replacing elite skills are much better or much worse than the core skills they replace. Mechanical trade off for Anet is ONLY about just deleting core mechanics in exchange for adding elite mechanics. It also doesn't matter that Anet literally just buffed and for that power creeped core by adding an f1 skill to it, instead rly trade offing the elites from Rev.So all Renegade player can calm down and don't need to construct artificial trade offs for their class to avoid a trade off ala Anet definition, while completely missing the one trade off Renegade already has (in Anets nonsense definition at least) by losing core f1 skill. I will make another thread soon about trade off topic because it got pretty clear that the whole trade off topic is s till very confusing for most ppl. It is completely confusing because it has not rly to do with providing good balance in the first place and does not care if elites are actually rly op or power creeped compared to core or not. Also Anet did not rly explain it well and executed it inconsistent. So i think there still is a big need to dicuss and explain and for that i will make the new thread (if you hate reading wall of text you should ignore the new thread when its up :joy: ). So was your point all the time that anet sucks and can't develop classes? We all know this and we also know that anets idea of trade offs is not consistent. I doubt the company will change. If we talk about the topic then yeah, go ahead and remove 2 bow skills and 1 utility slow. Doesn't change a thing and makes the build actually easier to play without 3 confusing skills nobody in the game reads cause nobody reads anything copied from metabattle.
  11. Renegade already has these tradeoffs.Yet presents zero evidence of any /shrug How about You already has these tradeoffs as renegade cause you have skills which if you use you'll be way less efficient in combat so you do way better if you just don't use them.You have no idea what “trade off” means.@bravan.3876 see? He was pretty serious, because its Mase (his favorite thing to do - whine and 99% of what he says makes no sense, this time isnt an exception)All I said was that the trade offs mentioned are already in place.
  12. Today I had a troll player in my team who was following me the whole match, but without fighting. He used very obscene names for his ranger pets btw.Eventually a bot ??? I dont know, but the next match he was in the opponent team and he was actively playing then.These kind of players dont care about loosing rating, and I think afk players in generally dont care for anything. Apart from that, imagine you win 3 close matches, hard ones. And then you loose one very high, no matter for what reason. You would have won 0 points then. lolI would rather knit myself a bobble hat then Well, at least you'd have some chance to affect the end rating of the match cause now you just auto lose -14 when you have an afk player and there's nothing you can do to reduce that loss.
  13. Renegade already has these tradeoffs.Yet presents zero evidence of any /shrugHow about You already has these tradeoffs as renegade cause you have skills which if you use you'll be way less efficient in combat so you do way better if you just don't use them.
  14. Renegade already has these tradeoffs.Yet presents zero evidence of any /shrugNice quoting, very entertaining!
  15. Renegade can get 105% aka immunity to condition damage for 10 seconds unstrippable or a fat passive 55% anytime it wants, could have possibly have perma vigor, fury, swiftness with a selection of perma 25 might or alacrity with high stability and protection uptime, still can in WvW. Has few of the most dangerous AoEs that can support and destroy anyone given they try to contest it without using any of their sustain, that's only if you're not using Shiro which is the worst to pair with Kalla, why even bother. Probably the greatest synergy out of all other traitlines given it's not made up and used with stupid intend, because 99% of the time that's what people do. Playing it like it's meant to chase people (lol) or mash on someone like it's the lazy herald/shiro the entire playerbase is so used to, again only a few selected people can do and play outside that easy build and see the immense value renegade can achieve with the right plays and ideals. Been fighting all kinds of renegades and the shiro one is still the most efficient renegade build in conquest.
  16. That would mean, having an afk-player in team, we get punished even double then. Very bad idea. The system would reduce the amount of afk players cause it would matter to gain more score to not lose so much rating.
  17. What I've always wondered is that why don't we have a rating system based on the score of the game? Let's say that the maximum amount of rating you could earn is 20 and the minimum amount of rating is 5. If you win the match 500-0 you gain +20 and If you lose 500-0 you'd lose -20 rating. Then the rating would be scaled based on the points your team gets vs the points of the enemy team so that if you lose the match for like 450-500 you'd lose -5 and if you lose 400-500 you'd lose -7 etc. and the winning team gets that amount of rating.
  18. Renegade already has these tradeoffs. The bleed spirit is useless and not worth to use cause it wastes your energy and gives you nothing and the short bow has 2 useless skills number 2 and number 3 that you never use cause they can't hit anything and do less damage than your auto attack. It would be the exact same if 2 bow skills and that utility skill would be just deleted.
  19. Please anet, increase the tick rate of the game! The desyncs are really bad and I get hit by skills before the animation has even started half of the time while there's no rubberbanding that would indicate lag issues. The ping is also fine all the time (around 60) and my own skills work normally.
  20. I just want to be able to run out of combat and swap my build for optimal herald chase rotations to get more ports. Just thought that would be a fun idea.
  21. Please take a look at thief stolen skills like essence sap. It still inflicts 4s of slow despite the tooltip has says 1s since the release of hot and the damage on essence sap is over 4k per hit. Stolen abilities shouldn't be stronger than thief stealth back stab after the nerf.
  22. Currently with this cc damage rework some classes have clearly stronger cc skills with the same duration and lower cd/cast time than others so there should be some kind of normalization to hard cc skills like: 3s cc would have 60s cd,2s cc would have 45s cd and1s cc would have 30s cd or something. This is just an example of normalization and it's not how the normalization should be done necessarily but it is there to give the idea of how the cc skills could be done to be fair for every class.
  23. I am not complaining about speed runes right now and I never stated that I have problems against speed runes as they are now. I am talking about how the game is after the patch. If there's a rune that lets you basically not die ever if you are actually good at the game and can kite I can ensure you that people don't care what the class "needs" and they will pick the rune for it's op effect. The answer to this is to take the speed runes on other classes as well but that causes the situation where everybody runs the 1 rune and it means that the rune is clearly too strong and needs to be removed or nerfed.
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