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Steve The Cynic.3217

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Everything posted by Steve The Cynic.3217

  1. Read the post above by @GM Magister.8736 : they have a handle on the problem and are trying to work out the best fix. It will be fixed when it's fixed (and they don't yet know when that will be), but in the meantime, you'll have to put up with it.
  2. Excellent news! Thanks for letting us know!
  3. It's not caused by a random key drop. I have the bug, and I've never had a random key drop.
  4. You're wrong. I checked with my marker list (I also have a methodical approach to repeating the achievement, working up from the bottom), and the four that I have "unchecked" are still allegedly open when I visit them. I last visited them before the end of my current achievement cycle, and I've never had a mob-dropped key, so it's one chest a day for me.
  5. I'm guessing it's actually "chests don't reset after the 22 May patch", and of course for anyone with a daily routine (one per day) who started when the chests were first released, that means "partway through the third cycle". The mythical keys that "drop from mobs"(1) would accelerate that, of course. (1) Sorry, but until it actually happens on one of my characters, I'm going to treat it as a myth.
  6. Favourites: Guardian Dragonhunter with GS, LB, and traps, with fire doggies for extra muscle when needed.Thief Daredevil with Staff and Pistol/Pistol.Elementalist Weaver, doing the Elemental Dance with Sword/Dagger.Revenant Herald, Sword/Shield (Glint's Bastion, duh) and Hammer using Glint and Jalis.Reaper with GS. Gravedigger FTW!Nice: Ranger Soulbeast, LB and GS, with Jacaranda and Iboga.Engineer Scrapper with Hammer and Flamethrower. Feeds my inner pyromaniac.Engineer Holosmith, with Lightsabre/Pistol and Flamethrower.Can't "grok": Mesmer.Mesmer.Mesmer.Mesmer.
  7. That's not what I said. I said that you can't just blame it automatically, as a matter of course, without further knowledge, on the Windows update. It might be, but it might not be. Heck, it might even be caused by this thing in Windows 1803 (a bug) interacting with that thing in GW1 and GW2 (which is also a bug). Without being able to look at the code in either one(1), I couldn't begin to speculate whose bug or bugs it is, whereas you jumped straight to "it's Microsoft's fault'. (1) I work as a programmer, and the things I've seen over the years have lead me to put almost zero trust in a snap analysis of a problem. "I updated Windows and these two games from the same company do something odd, but no other games do that thing, THEREFORE it is 100% the fault of the update" is a snap analysis.
  8. I wouldn't automatically blame Windows 10 / April for this. It could easily be GW2 that's doing something wrong that the previous builds of Windows tolerated better than April does. (There was a similar thing on iPhones - Apple released an update to iOS that made it less tolerant of a particular bug in apps, so those apps started crashing out and/or freezing. You'd think that was Apple's fault entirely, but the apps were buggy, and were doing something that the developer guides said not to do.) I would.... Lets not forget that GW2 and GW1 have both been out for years as well as Windows 10 (Windows 10 first debuted in 2015), I never had problems with either GW's on Windows 7 and I didnt have any problems on Windows 10 till i updated to 1803 Creators Update. One would assume that Both NCsoft of Microsoft would of had more than enough time to bug fix and optimise their code no?? Not to mention that Microsoft has a history of releasing updates for windows 10 that broke things. Hence why some tech folk call windows 10 users ' Glorified beta testers'. One would assume that it was the Windows update that borked everything no??? But go ahead pull the wool over your eyes and call GuildWars badly coded. I mean lets just make blind assumptions because we can right?Not automatically. Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn't. And if you say "I blame windows 10 entirely" like that, aren't you just making a blind assumption? The key point is that without access to the code behind GW2, we don't know enough to just come out and say that it is Microsoft's fault. My point about the iOS update was that Apple released a new update, and a list of apps were borked as a result. I know, because I used one of them. Shortly after, the app developer released a patch. Given that, who was at fault? Apple for enforcing their rules, or the app developers for breaking them? Now look at the Windows 10 versus GW1/GW2 situation: other games I've looked at don't do this. What's more likely? Two games do something dubious that's no longer supported fully by Windows, or an actual bug in Windows that only affects those two games?
  9. I wouldn't automatically blame Windows 10 / April for this. It could easily be GW2 that's doing something wrong that the previous builds of Windows tolerated better than April does. (There was a similar thing on iPhones - Apple released an update to iOS that made it less tolerant of a particular bug in apps, so those apps started crashing out and/or freezing. You'd think that was Apple's fault entirely, but the apps were buggy, and were doing something that the developer guides said not to do.)
  10. That made it worse for me. With the fullscreen optimisation disabled, I get multiple black flashes when I wait for the game to load after logging in, AND when I change maps or load a character, I get bounced to the desktop, then there's a flash of black screen, then the desktop, then the character loads into the new map. With fullscreen optimisation active ("disable" checkbox OFF), I don't get the extra black flashes.
  11. Did you commune with the HERO POINT place of power with the "Oiled Ancient Staff Head" in your "normal" inventory? It probably doesn't work if the item is in a shared slot, and obviously doesn't work if it is in your bank. But most of all it does not work at Mastery insights, only Hero Point "places of power".
  12. I think there are two different problems. Focus-stealing can happen any time (even when you aren't even touching the mouse OR the keyboard), and affects anyone. There are programs that can be set to watch focus transitions, and therefore tell you what stole the focus. Google something like which program is stealing focus to find them. There is also the problem that's being discussed here, where you can end up with the mouse escaping from the GW2 display if: You are in Full-Screen mode, ANDYou have more than one screen, and your desktop is spread across more than one of them, ANDYou are doing something "busy" and heavily "clicky", especially near the edge of GW2's screen.GW2 normally traps the mouse in its screen, but there's a small fault in that logic if you try (not necessarily by intent) to escape from the trap while you are pressing a button. If you do that, the pointer can (a) get outside the GW2 trap and (b) transfer the click to the desktop or whatever's running on the other screen, which gives focus to the other window, and takes it from GW2, at which point GW2 minimises itself. One thing that can eliminate the minimising is to switch GW2 from "Full-screen" to "Full-screen (Windowed)" (dunno, it might be "Windowed (Full-screen)"), although this comes at the price of removing the trap as well, making it easier for GW2 to lose focus.
  13. I am not a duelist either, but in AION there was a toggle in options to turn off duel requests. Problem solved. For sure, but the equivalent of that toggle exists in only some of the list of games with open-world duelling. If they included it in such a system in GW2, I guess it could be OK, if the list of game-mechanical deficiencies cited earlier in the thread (notably the question of boons) could be resolved. The simplest way to do that could be simply to immunise duellers from effects (boons and the like) sourced from other characters (including your opponent, obviously). I think it's better for that to mean "you keep the boons on you but they have no effect, not their direct effect, and not any indirect effect e.g. skills that interact with boon count" than "boons sourced from not-yourself(1) are deleted". (1) That's important. Your duelling opponent's "broadcast" boons should not affect you, nor should yours affect him. Conclusion: it could be made to work. It would require some game mechanical changes and a "not me, thanks" automatic decline toggle, but overall I don't think it's the best use of Anet's time.
  14. Duel spam is a thing in SWTOR. It's not common, but when it happens, it is intensely annoying, and there isn't a toggle to auto-decline duel requests.
  15. It'd be easy to have a setting to not accept duel requests. Indeed, and then I have to put idiots on /ignore as they run around going "/w SteveTheCynic Duel me" repeatedly. And you'd be surprised at the number of games that have open-world duelling systems and DON'T have that option. If I thought it would be automatically added as part of the feature in 100% of games it gets added to, then I wouldn't mention the problem. So far, I don't remember seeing a game that has duelling AND the auto-refuse option.
  16. It should be shown there (look at the icons to see which disciplines he's working on, and at the text to see which he knows at least something about). I guess that's the whole point: the two presentations (icons and text) don't show the same information. Whether it's a useful idea to be able to forget a discipline is a separate question that I don't have a strong opinion about. I know it's useful to have at least the option of keeping your progress (compare: SWTOR where if you drop a "crew skill", you forget all progress in it and if it's a crafting skill, you forget all learned recipes(1)), but the option to forget? I know I wouldn't use it, but ... (1) SWTOR recipes, called "schematics", are learned per-character, even if you learn them from the equivalent of a recipe sheet, and you can only learn them if you are high enough level in the crew skill to use them.
  17. Good luck getting duels but this is a dead horse, the PvE population has spoken and they say even if it was instanced in the Black Citadel out of sight, it was still too disturbing to their game play. That's not actually what I said. In SWTOR, you can challenge players anywhere, and the fight takes place right there, and there are players who think it's fun to challenge you: Repeatedly until you /ignore them or call them out in /map or /report for harassmentWhen you are level 7 and they are level 60, just for laughs.(1)If the duels are just a form of 1v1 PvP in an instanced arena, with a queue rather than an open-world challenge system, sure, that could work. I wouldn't participate, but I don't see any reason (aside from development time resource limits) to say that it's a bad idea. (1) SWTOR has level sync, sort of like the level scaling in GW2, except that it trims the power of synced characters significantly less than in GW2. Level 60 versus level 7 on a starter planet is more or less an instant squish.
  18. [OPINION] No, it isn't fun to duel people. More to the point, it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want.(0) It isn't fun to have things to do and some random moron who really, really wants to duel you, and won't take no for an answer.(1) It also isn't fun to be level 7 on a starter planet of SWTOR, and some random level 60 idiot decides its funny to challenge you (and all the other level sub-10 characters) to duels. [/OPINION] (0) For me, that means all of them. (1) This was in SWTOR. He didn't stop until I announced "harassment" in the equivalent of /map (although I meant it to be /say).
  19. I have it on lowest settings and consistently maintain 144 FPS in most cases, it doesn't seem to be related. OK, fair enough. I thought it was worth mentioning, at least.
  20. Ah, got it... The "capture" thing that keeps the mouse inside the GW2 window(1) doesn't work while the mouse button is down... That explains why it is easy to reproduce when you are clicking away like a mad thing, but not when you are just running around. (1) Even in "full screen" mode, GW2 has a window underneath the rendered display, but above all the other windows. It is needed to prevent mouse clicks from reaching other programs.
  21. In SWTOR, when people have problems with cut-scenes bugging out and DCing the player, the "standard" advice for the thing to try first is "put the system on the lowest of low graphics, run the problematic section, and put the graphics back to the level you want afterwards". It often (not always) helps. Maybe it's worth trying that in GW2 as well?
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