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Steve The Cynic.3217

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Everything posted by Steve The Cynic.3217

  1. For sure it could. If lightning hits a power line, it can and will damage or break consumer electronics and electrical equipment in nearby houses.
  2. Use the "Direct Link" button on imgur, and paste it into the popup that appears for the "Image" button above the text box (right-hand end).
  3. One that I'd suggest (to help people without Springers) is Loreclaw Expanse in the Plains of Ashford. You usually see lots of downed/defeated in among the fire traps, and when I sat round the back offering ports in /map, a fair number of people showed up. Might be a good idea to say if you're on EU or NA.
  4. Pagefiling has nothing to do with anything. It is there to help off loading in game. I have it on a different hard drive. You'll have performance problems when something wakes up, gets paged back in, and in the process kicks a bit of GW2 out to the page file, for example. It isn't about whether the pagefile and the game are on the same or different disks. If there is stuff paged out to the pagefile, your physical memory is too small for what your computer is trying to do with it. (If there was enough physical memory, that stuff wouldn't be in the pagefile.) If you turn down detail in your graphics settings (shadow-map resolution, texture resolution, character model detail, that sort of thing), you can reduce GW2's memory usage. Are you running the 32 or 64 bit client, by the way? I know that on some lower-end machines, the 32-bit client is automatically preferred. (It also uses approximately half the memory used by the 64-bit client. I've seen the 64-bit client's memory use get beyond 3.5GB.)
  5. @"JacobsHell.6251" I suggest you look urgently at getting more system memory. You have 4GB (and yes, I know, the system requirements say 4GB, but bear with me), and the report claims that you have 2GB of page file in use. That's not good. It means that 2GB of stuff that would like to be in system memory has been kicked out ("paged") to the pagefile, and you're likely to have performance problems because of that.
  6. The human voice actors (for Tyrians) do have accents. They all have their own version of Miscellaneous West American VII. It's not a strong accent (not like, say, Sayeh al' Rajihd's), but if you don't hear it every day, you notice it. (Obvious exception: Boris the Beast.) The Norn most certainly should NOT sound Welsh. Some variety of Scandinavian, for sure, with the actors taught that in Scandinavian languages, the letter written as "J" is pronounced as if it's a "Y". (The storyline heroine of GW1's EotN norn branch is Jora, and that should be pronounced "Yora".) Why does that one Norn woman (Kristyna Sohnstag) in Hoelbrak who's always blithering about steam creatures sound Scottish? They have, indeed, done a good job there, even if the accents are a little erratic. The names are all inspired by British Isles Celtic cultures (Welsh, and Irish mostly), and yet the sylvari don't sound very Welsh / Irish. Yes. Steve Blum does a good job of that for Rytlock, but he's one of the few Charr that sounds like that.
  7. I'm no fan of the human male "Nice gear" lines that you get when you gather high-rarity loot, but on the same stuff, Jennifer Hale does an amazing job with the female sylvari's breathless excitement(1). But the one that makes my ears bleed is a norn female when she gets whichever it is of quickness or swiftness, "Quickly!" But when I ran a second character through the Amnoon parts of PoF, I was amused when listening to Koth Vortena, the casino boss. Er. No. Zalambur, but the voice actor (Ike Amadi) also does Koth (a character in SWTOR's Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion), and he doesn't really do much to make them sound different. The SWTOR female trooper, the female sylvari player character, and Queen Jennah are all Jennifer Hale, but they sound far more different than Zalambur and Koth do. (1) Breathless excitement might not be appropriate when you've found yet another rare Cleric's Iron Sword of Grawl Slaying, but she does a good job with it nonetheless.
  8. Pfft. You can create your character, do the starter instance, and run from the exit point into your racial capital and from there use the portal to go to Lion's Arch. Well, except that each of the five racial capitals has its own Aesthetician somewhere near the "original" bank and Trading Post. Divinity's Reach has TWO, with the second being in the Royal Terrace lounge. So there's no need to go to Lion's Arch to try the sliders.
  9. You may be right. SWTOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic, for those in the audience who don't know) includes a dyeable armour set that looks like the "no armour" undies. Rattataki characters have near-white skin, especially the females, and the list of dye modules includes white/white, and that permits this effect: Up close like this, it's obvious she's wearing actual underwear, but at a distance, it's not so clear.
  10. The ticket queue is backlogged at the moment, and the current wisdom is: Don't submit other tickets for the same issue. That increases the backlog and doesn't help you.Do wait a couple of weeks before becoming stressed about it, since that's the typical delay at the moment.My best guess is that accepting credit is what did it. Setting the Stage is an anomaly in the Personal Story - it is the same for everyone, except that it isn't the same for everyone, in that it gives you a "next" mission that is determined by a choice you make in the previous mission. If you do it by yourself, it gives you the next mission for the Order you selected previously. Of course, what happened is that it gave you everything that your wife got as rewards, including access to the same mission she got access to, rather than the one you would have gotten if you had done it by yourself.
  11. I think it's wrong to call that notation a title. It's more an informative element, a hint about its strengths (or weaknesses) in combat. I remember the Mordrem Thrashers (?name? the floaty flowers that zoom along spewing a trail of poison) and their "title" / combat-characteristic-notation Vulnerable from behind, which doesn't sound like much of a title. While I liked being "Knight of the Thorn" on my closest-thing-I-have-to-a-main, I must say that "Dauntless" beats it.
  12. Festival of the Four Winds = big ol' party on the beach. Noteworthy:Way out on one of the more southerly islands in the Labyrinthine Cliffs zone, there's an interactable hut marked "Changing Room" or something like that. If you interact with it, your character disguises himself or herself as wearing just the "no armour" undies. Not exactly a swimsuit, but not way far off.It's possible to glitch the diving goggles on the airship so that when you dive into the water, the goggle mode doesn't reset. So you remove your armor and stand around doing what? Or you guys want to have maximum skimpy armorness and play the game as usual?Personally, I'm not that fussed by skimpy armour, but there is a certain amount of exactly that. Also, in general, MMORPG characters, especially the women, are far from ugly, and people like looking at them. Armour hides that. And on the question of skimpy armour, look up "fortunately I was wearing my armour" in Google Image search. Chainmail bikinis work as armour by attracting arrows, swords, etc to hit them instead of the bare skin nearby.
  13. Festival of the Four Winds = big ol' party on the beach. Noteworthy: Way out on one of the more southerly islands in the Labyrinthine Cliffs zone, there's an interactable hut marked "Changing Room" or something like that. If you interact with it, your character disguises himself or herself as wearing just the "no armour" undies. Not exactly a swimsuit, but not way far off.It's possible to glitch the diving goggles on the airship so that when you dive into the water, the goggle mode doesn't reset.
  14. Geez. If you're getting bounced all the way back to GW1, Joko is stronger than we feared. OK, I admit it, that made me laugh. Thanks.
  15. OK, with the fixed random-fractal crash, I can get to the queens. I debugged the stuck conversation there, and activated the portal to the next step, with Blish's arm gone through and all, and when I try to go through, I get bounced to Lion's Arch instead. No crash, but no Kourna either. So Cleopatra Aegyptus is in Kourna but Cleopatra Aegyptus cannot go to Kourna. (Um. One of them is in GW1, and the other is in GW2, obviously.)
  16. The wiki, like the GW1 wiki before it, is hosted by ArenaNet(1), rather than being merely "blessed with their support", but it is, indeed, maintained by us, the players. (1) The clue is in the domain names for the wikis, "wiki.guildwars.com" and "wiki.guildwars2.com" rather than e.g. "guildwars.wikihost.example.com"
  17. Jennifer Hale also does a bunch of voice work for SWTOR, including the female trooper (and trooper, specifically Commando, is my favourite class.
  18. @Dvantaman.3617 You probably should say whether you are playing on an NA or EU server (doesn't matter which server, but it does matter which region).
  19. I noticed that there were some krait that didn't count for me... Not sure if this is the same as what you've experienced. But I have just been going to where the Krait Witch spawns in Kessex to farm Krait there and it started working more consistently for me. Not sure why it didn't count all krait but it works at the Krait Witch. That's right. Not all krait count. I've had success farming the ones in the water east of the Kraitbane Haven WP in the northern part of Caledon Forest.
  20. So its fine that if you wanna go buy gold etc.. you simply add thegold seller to your friends list.. makes sense... The point on the gold seller thing was the spammers who send their spam by mails rather than /map, /say, or /whisper in chat. The spammer isn't on my friend list, nor am I on his (because by reflex I reject weird friend requests that come out of nowhere).
  21. Probably, and don't forget that there aren't any foes around if you do it during the day (YMMV at night when the casino coin stuff is up), so you can switch out and wear some junky gear fitted with six Superior Runes of the Traveller and get a speed boost that way.
  22. And when you aim your throws, if you're aiming manually, aim at his feet because that's how manual aiming works.
  23. Guild Wars 1 does it as well. (Not a surprise, really, since both games are from the same company.)
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