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Steve The Cynic.3217

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Everything posted by Steve The Cynic.3217

  1. Re: Charged Quartz Crystals: I have 171 left after making the food and the Grow Lamp. Lesson: if acquiring a timegated resource is essentially free, acquire it at every opportunity even if you see no immediate (or distant) need for it. Why? Because one day there might be a reason to use it, and you'll be kicking yourself if you could have made it along the way but didn't. Go round Dry Top and mine all the Quartz nodes (Charged Quartz drops on a semi-rare chance), and visit someone's home instance for another Quartz node and a Krait Obelisk Shard to convert 25 ordinary Quartz Crystals in to a Charged one. You can get more than one Charged Quartz per day. Translation: I'm not really very sympathetic about the complaints from long-time players about Charged Quartz. For new players coming to this after playing only for a short time, sure, it's a problem, but not for long-time players. Before you say it: yes, of course there's no significant "for purpose X" reason to make CQCs in the absence of the Skyscale collection. I made them anyway, mostly because I had the node and might as well use it, but also in case I found a use for them. See the lesson up above.
  2. @"Fhaerron.8604" 1333 MHz DDR3 RAM is not what I'd call "modern hardware". My current main PC (bought at the end of 2017) is: i7 7820X (Skylake X, 8 cores, two threads per core, stock clocks)MSI Raider X299 mobo (proper Intel ethernet, none of this Realtek rubbish)64GB 3000 MHz DDR4 (stock clocks, 8 sticks of 8GB)NVidia GTX 1080 (stock clocks)Twin 60Hz 4K screensUnless there's something "noisy" going on, I can easily get beyond 75 fps on max 4K graphics, and even in noisy stuff (big fights, Effect Animation Central), it's still fairly smooth, er, by my standards, that is. Bear in mind that I played for ages on a machine I built in 2011, one that was on the slow side even then, so I'm by no means a "60 FPS or go home" gamer. But I don't think I've seen it get actually visibly choppy, not like, say, Nier: Automata on the old machine, where I normally got 3-5 fps, and certain types of scenery would reduce it to seconds per frame...(1) My vote in general would be that there's something in what @megal.6275 says, that the GPU isn't working hard enough to build any enthusiasm. (1) Indeed, that, combined with 5K euros won in a random side-draw from the Euromillions lottery, was what drove me to buy the new PC.
  3. Warning to everyone: these icons do not scale well on 4K screens. You have been warned.
  4. @Sila.6748 Great lists, thanks. General note: the treats can be harvested on any map that contains the relevant critters, even lowbie maps like Queensdale or Wayfarer Foothills.
  5. One small thing to add: Or at the ground-level communing HP in northern Crystal Oasis. (Unearthed Ruins in Hatari Tablelands)
  6. Yeah, I did that this (EU) morning. Once I had my required rezzes, I continued jumping to help out other people, and took a moment to answer a rather confused level 10 who wanted to know why people were flinging themselves to their deaths repeatedly. One person pointed out that it brought "I'd risk my life to help you' to a whole new level. =)
  7. Charged Quartz ==> non-issue. I've been accumulating it for no apparent reason for a while now. It is good to finally have something to do with it. EDIT: (There's an operating rule / guideline hiding in there - if there's a timegated thing that you have no apparent immediate need for, make it anyway so you'll be ready when there is an apparent need for it. For that reason, my second account visits my main account's home instance every day to mine Mistonium and now the mote things, to be ready for when I take it on the relevant LW content.)
  8. We can mount when we have aggro. What you can't do is mount when you are classed "in combat". If you're trying to avoid combat, that begins when you take damage because of something a monster did(1), and ends a second or so after the last condition on you clears provided you aren't still taking damage from other sources. So if you can activate the mount skill before entering combat, you're golden, even if the monsters are trying to attack you. (1) The "take damage" part is critical: If you block an attack (Guardians FTW!), you don't enter combat. EDIT: compare this to SWTOR, where you enter the "in combat" state when monsters take an interest in you, even if they never get to actually attack you.
  9. Pretty much my experience, and I'm a klutz. (OK, I mean, I can hold my own in combat, and I'm much better than I was, but I'm still a klutz.) I barged into the south lane and got roflstomped, but that was more because of numbers than aggro range. Thereafter, I haven't had any problem because of the Golden Rule. Er, this Golden Rule: ground-only no-ranged-attack enemies are not a problem when you're in the air. Griffy can help you do that, and so can gliders, and the Dragocopter allows you to stay in one place in mid-air indefinitely.
  10. Luxon armours were revealing, think the exotic set from somewhere in cantha for collection was also kinda nude too. The GW2 outfit doesn't (in detail) match any of the player-wearable Rit armours from GW1, but, as noted, the female set is closest to the Luxon ones. Something similar was true of the Sunspear outfit - it looks a lot like Paragon armour from a stylistic point of view, but in fact it's a good match for some of the GW1 NPC Sunspears. I don't have the patience to go digging through all the various NPC Rits in GW1 to find which one it looks like... Further analysis: the male outfit is clearly closely inspired by (but not 100% identical to) male GW1 Seitung armour, while the female outfit is inspired by (but not 100% identical to) the GW1 Luxon sets.
  11. Once I got my Daredevil, NSS stopped being quite so kitten awful. On the goggle path, Staff Daredevil is the way to go, especially on the horizontal part jumping from gear to gear. (Vault from next to a gear to next to a gear...) But I'm a minor klutz, so Skipping Stones was a major hassle until it was the daily one day, and I could use a mezportal. I still haven't done either Ember Bay or Draconis Mons. Ugh, both of them.
  12. Breathers are actually very cheap because you can get them with berries. You can also craft them. Ascended ones.
  13. In my experience, all MMORPGs work like this. (Er, that is, all the MMORPGs I've played that have explorable maps(1) work like this.) A similar request pops up from time to time in the SWTOR forums, but at least there they don't have any concept of "get this valuable gift for exploring the world again" that we do here. I'd also say in passing that I'm currently working on "map completion" (all hearts, waypoints, points of interest and vistas in all maps of the original game) on my fourth character, and I know that other players have done it on more than I have. (1) Some don't have exploration-revealed maps, but the ones that I've played that do have such maps all did it per-character.
  14. Option B for sure, although I use the cluster of keys in the bottom-right of my main keyboard: $ = Dinoù = Mr Buns= Fishie! = Carlos: = Griffy; = Petey^ = Kitty (when I finally finish the collection)The observant reader will think I have some weird keyboard, but in fact it's a perfectly ordinary French-AZERTY keyboard(1), which does, indeed, make it fairly weird. (1) I live in France, where AZERTY is the norm.
  15. That probably means that they have not been able to identify what causes the bug to bite people, which in turn suggests that it affects relatively few people. After they identify the cause, of course, they have to find a fix that doesn't break other things. ((Caveat lector: I know how software development and maintenance work because that has been my day job for thirty years.))
  16. Pfft. I nuked a female Norn Mesmer because I put a stupid trait on, and every minute, at least three or four times, "Quickly!" Ugh.
  17. Dino: the one that's on fire. (Flamelander). Honorable mention for Striped JarinGriffy: the one that's on fire. (Fire Pinion)Petey: the one that's on fire. (Trailblazer)Anyway, enough of that theme. Fishy: Exo-suit dyed CelestialCarlos: Shrine GuardianMr Buns: Summit Wildhorn
  18. TCP uses IPv4 or IPv6, depending on which version(s) of IP you have available(0) and which version(s) the server has available, although most MMORPGs are IPv4-only.(1) IPv4 was invented in about 1980, not 1970, but it does, indeed not guarantee data rate availability, reliability of delivery, and so on. TCP is responsible for reliability. (0) IPv6 is not a "business-only" thing, and may actually be more common for consumers than it is for businesses. Consumer 4G mobile networks have IPv6 (it's an inherent part of the 4G standards, that IPv6 is available), and there is an ever-increasing fraction of consumer ISPs that provide IPv6. (I have it at home on a consumer full-fat fibre connection.) (1) Mobile phone MMORPGs have to support IPv6 because apps in Apple's App Store must function correctly in an environment that has IPv6 only.
  19. You request sounds fine to me, brief and clear. Be patient, i'm sure someone will get to you. They certainly won't ignore you completely, it just sometimes takes a while. If that was the whole ticket, it's no wonder it took a while. No information about: Name, race, sex, class, level of characterWhen it was deletedWhich "home world"Which toolsanything concrete.I did the same thing, deleting a character who was carrying the basic unbreakables (so it was "only" (!) 2400 gems), and I provided all the information I cited, and no problem. They confirmed that they had found the right character, then mailed me a replacement set of tools. The key point is that the more concrete information you provide, the easier (and faster) it is for them to find the character.
  20. "sprint like beetle"? When was the last time you saw a horse sprinting at 130+ mph?
  21. You don't actually need an account, but if you have an account, the site will remember your key for you.
  22. OMG, yes. That moment was just jaw-dropping. Yes, I started with Prophecies, and I did the Gwen thing. Then later on a different character, I dug through the tunnels under Kamadan and stomped through the mountains outside Boreal Station, and there was this huge building, and I descended to the bottom of it. And this woman comes out and describes who's in charge of the building, and finishes, "I'm Gwen." There's a permanent dent in my floor where my jaw hit it.
  23. I agree, having gone mostly barefoot for decades, but I appreciate that some people have a deeply seated, if irrational, paranoia about them. (Often because they have the perception that they are uniquely and horrifically germ-ridden, a fear of which are played up in current media.) to be honest the issue is not with the feet but how a bare foot can be injured and blood born pathogens are a real thing and a big problem Continuing to wander off topic, but I knew a guy many years ago (when we were both students - I haven't seen him in over 30 years) who had a wibbly-jibbly irrational anti-fetish about feet. To him, bare feet were the most disgusting part of the human body by so far that the differences between the other parts were basically irrelevant. And of course people who habitually go barefoot outside develop harder skin on the soles of the feet, reducing the incidence of injuries. Back on topic, sort of. The clothing in the beginning of the thread is indeed gorgeous, although my own mesmers wear ... other things. One wears the Aurora set (light Temple armour) dyed various shades of medium purple, while the other wears ... this: https://i.imgur.com/R9nWDgB.jpg (sorry, it's a big picture because it's captured from a 4K screen's character-select page, and I've been too lazy to shrink it.)
  24. I went into that situation, but in the role of your friend. The claw was the last last last thing I needed for the collection, and my favourite Reaper arrived in the recommended bit of DS. There was already someone there farming smokescales and we partied up. A couple of minutes later, I had it, bound it, and claimed Dark Harvest from the collection reward. The poor (...) who I had joined up with had to continue after that. I direct your attention to the "punch line" of a song by The Fools, whose lyrics can be found at dmdb.org/lyrics/life.sucks.html, Life Sucks, Then You Die.
  25. I wouldn't want to comment about the bright flashy stuff, but for motion sickness, you have to consider what causes motion sickness "in the real world". It's fairly straightforward: The eyes say one thing about the world and its orientation and your movement through it.Other senses(1) say something else about the world and its orientation and your movement through it.Your brain can't process this conflict.You get sick.That's why closing your eyes can help, because you remove one side of the conflict. Now let's translate that to video games, both in general and specifically GW2 and its mounts. The movement you see on the screen says this about what's going on, via your eyes, and yet those other senses say that you're sitting relatively motionless in your chair. Conflict. Sick. It doesn't affect everyone like that, and one thing that should help here (since "close your eyes" isn't a good idea in a video game) is to reduce the angular size of the view into the game world - use a smaller screen at the same distance, or the same screen further away, or play windowed mode with a smaller window. Options for reducing the "induced motion" on mounts (i.e. reducing the "sway" and "bump" that you'd get from actually riding a biped dinosaur / hopping bunny / etc.) should help reduce that conflict, except that the game doesn't have them. (1) Yes, other senses. There are way more than just the five "classical" senses: Balance, driven by the semi-circular canals in the inner ear.Total-body linear and angular acceleration, also driven by those semi-circular canals.A pile of kinesthetic and proprioceptive senses that tell us where our body is relative to our heads(2).(2) Processing the sensory data from the body to produce this information is fairly intensive, and puts "we only use ten percent of our brains" firmly in the category of nonsense, since it requires something like a quarter of our brain mass to do it.
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