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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. Nonsense, i'm hight tier qheal scrapper main on raids w1-w4, and t4 fractals+ you not constantly trying to execute finishers, your doing it while your normal rotation you have might rotation that you blast most of your skills while blast gyro to have 25 might, so it's 2in1 (infusion bomb->blast gyro->acid bomb->weapon swap to cancel jump->sheld 4) and bam you have 24s quickness up (mainly shield 4, and acid bomb togheter while blast gyro) then when your on med kit, you pres 3 (watter field) or bulwark gyro to blast acid bomb that went of cd f5 blasts itself, but it's not nessesary Thats it, literaly
  2. true, ppl overeacting, the only think that changed is you can bring more utylites now, and your not depended on gyros that much also you have more blast finishers, then superspeed skills i personaly have more fun with new playstyle, as with x2 more quickness now, i can focus more on healing as qhs, or as qdps, i can more focus on water field blasts/leaps for aoe healing, even supply crate apply quickness now
  3. take that build, full berserker : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwgYbsGWJOuLvtWA-zB0QhZAAA-e Now seperete thinks for 2 first you know 5+3, you can also 6+3 (on medic field) then blast gyro is combo with throw mine, if blast gyro is in cd, you can use throw mine in f1 or f2 function gyro whenever you want Schold be easier now
  4. i rly like new way of apply quickness, it feels now more rewarding for knowing your field managment, and quickness last twice as much, so you can take more magi gear on healer, the only think i lack yet is fury application outside of runes of pack On qheal scrapper you got might combo, wher you using acid bomb+magnetic shield while blast gyro infusion bomb you can blast in cleasing field, and elite mortar kit, provids you with fields you need, as you using acid field+blast to aply aoe weaknes for mobs in fractals anyway, or flash shell to blind them evrythink got it's purpouse now Even on qdps, you can use blasts/leaps while your medic gyro to aoe heal team, and you got huge cc arsenal (throw mine, blast gyro, supply crate) Not mentioning you will get sword and mace in next dlc that got stun (3 on mace) and leap (2 on mace) or (2 on sword)
  5. I'm also against it, if you give engi weapon swap, thay will prob nerf overall dmg, as you will have 5 more buttons that you can dmg with
  6. what locking you up? like i said if you press weapon swap, while your acid bomb, skill will go up, while you will jump in place, insted of catapulting you far away if you mean qdps hammer 3, you can use it while evrythink is on cd, like 5+2->gyros->3 same hammer 3 got buffed dps wise some patchs ago, it's worth to use it, as it's twice dmg then your whole auto chain (it got 3.6 power multiplicator)
  7. Yep, it's even better now Not mentioning, flame blast, and posible condi quickness build
  8. Need Stability -> Defence field (part of skill with field) Need Aoe stun break -> Bypass Coating (part of still with field+blast that also provid 13 might aoe) Need healing -> Blasting/Leaping while Medic Gyro Need Boonrip -> Throw mine, that is blast finisher (3+1 boon strip) Need 3 ppl ress evry 25-35s? f5 (that also give aoe swifness now) Need Aoe superspeed? any gyro skill or f1 Need Aoe mass cc? 3+5 on hammer (stun+leap+dazex2 in one) + blast gyro (3s stun), + throw mine (2s stun)+ Supply Create (2s stun ult) All that as full dps, yep Supply crate is aoe condi cleanse/heal/cc and blast as ult in one
  9. Yeh like, finaly one sain person here xD flame blaster have 6s cd, you actualy will can play cqdps scrapper atm while using fields from mortar 2-5 button or bomb kit (2-3 button) We definitly play different game from ppl up https://killproof.me/proof/SHitE
  10. Any Field, you just need blast or leap Even water field work from medic gyro or f skill from shred gyro The only think changed is insted of granades you bring throw mine (12s cd) In pve you can aoe 100% quicknes as full berserker scrapper with this : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwgYbsGWJOuLvtWA-zRIYRUwXG1mAVUA2ONUYGAA-e ( boon doration went up from 17% to 23%) i tested it on raid golem with alacrity (PVE)
  11. your not picking scrapper, it's scrapper picking you
  12. i tested it and you can do 100% quickness on full berserker (23% concetration) for utylites i used medic gyro, shred gyro, throw mine, blast gyro 28-31k dps
  13. did you forgot that Elite mortal kit have 4 fields in it 🙄 from 2 to 5 button
  14. that statment is false you can animation cancel with weapon swap Also quickness now apply 6s insted of 4s, and +3% power conversion to concetration from kinetic acelerators it's huge buff for qheal scrapper (in pve) What you guys talking about, are we play different games?
  15. nope in pvp/wvw still 10% concetration to power insted 13% and might+fury insted of quickness
  16. idk what you mean, as main i do them witchout thinking, you can leap while your medic gyro or blast gyro, or your 5+3 on hammer xD
  17. qheal scrapper can 22-29s of quickneess as well atm not mentioning full berserker qdps scrapper with 100% quickness uptime, cuz rocket boots
  18. you stack it up to 22-30s atm compare to 12s before xD as qheal scrapper main, i love new change as quickness is 4s->6s yet +3% concetration more from power conversion (10%->13%) f5 is now aoe swifness And it's much easier to apply might huge buff this patch
  19. why you need skyscale, when you have medizooka 🧐 And glider secound jump Skyscale is for boomers
  20. Depends how you perisve character you play If you bound character as mirror coppy of yourself then nope If you not see a character as you, then you can do whatevr image of "hero"/ *protagonist* suit your taste
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