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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. @Jerus.4350 on stationary target fine(perm), you need remeber to not use f3/barrier signet same time, but one after another i'm using tools insted of alchemy, that trait reducs your cd by 5s on f2-f3 (treat is as alternative to Compunding Chemicals) qdps scrapper porvids 16 might, 50%-75% fury and 3-6stability+aoe stun break, protection on f1, (my duo using runes of pack) i personaly do 8-16 might, and for prot healing turret gives aoe prot too yep my f2-f3 have shorter cd, and barier signet got shorter cd cuz of Overlock signet So insted of boon duration, i took skills/traits to have less cd
  2. idk, i'm using full magi with runes of rebirth, max healing stats posible (2031), i spam perm 4-5k barrier around by spaming 1 1 1 on mace -> 75% crit -> 25500hp -> runes of rebirth ignore lethal dmg once f2,f3 20s cd, barrier signet 20s cd build i'm using it for fractals t4 (with qdps scrapper to provid stab/superspeed) or strikes/raids in 90% causes, nothing can penetrate my barrier, i rarly used med kit, so i changed it for healing turret (16s cd)
  3. It's ok scrapper have quickness in pve, witchout it you will need to take adps+qdps with it, means it will be unefective Quciknes Heal Scrapper is perfect alternative to hfb right now, i wuld say it's bit better providing more survability to team in expensce of offensive if you no need aegis to cheat mechanics For pvp/wvw i totaly agree, scrapper schold get quickness back for self only iback quicknes/ or majority buff scrapper dmg in on evry kit in wvw/pvp (with exception to nades as they are fine)
  4. or use skill that prevent you from lethal damage, or use runes of Rebirth
  5. try bomb engi + shread gyro (scrapper), good once you charge into enemy, + you can blind/root ppl
  6. alac mirage/pam brings adional fury+might to team thes days, you no need mentain 25might solo anymore (you can do it with runes of pack tho)
  7. Number of Allied Targets : 3 here
  8. Just make it 3ppl only, and increst steath pulse to 1.5s, removed smoke field can stay That way it wuld be at last usable for solo/roaming group scenario
  9. For me it wuld just inaf if thay make Sneak gyro 3ppl only, and back it stealth duration to before That way it wuld be good pick as roaming scrapper or for small roaming party, insted of that 3s popo magic trick About Purge Gyro it's good as it is now i think
  10. k we know all we need to know xd don't do what you not like to do what about this one or this one, you can select any stats you want What about this one or this one that you can slect any stats?
  11. No, inted of puting 1 bigger expansion evry 3y, thay will put it on parts realising evry year, so 3-4dlc will be equal of bigger expansion No, thay will not remove old content 10-15$ is ok price to pay for year, not evryone is up to shiny costumes/minis, and yearly profit looks beetter for investors/NCSoft, racher then once evry 3-4y + thay will can maybe focus on side dlc like Tengu Race you can wait 3y and pay for 3dlc in row if you like it older way
  12. i'm so ugly even anet can't fix it
  13. like i said it's not your job as ham evry alac heal have low amount of stab, cuz it's job of dps quickness provider do you see any stability here or here or here Tempest and Ham have single skill for it while quicknes providers have 2-3 or aoe stun breaks If you got perfect synergy, then ham > hfb if your got bad qdps, then your screw as ham or any other alac healer
  14. as HQS main, in my opinion it's much easier to play it in pve atm, before you healed yourself only from backpack regenerator and you needed stay around exlixir shell/super elixir to survive Now with Rapid Regeneration, is so easier to play, and even agony not hurts you so much on t4 fractals, + "duble regen" for allys is nice to have thx to medical dispersion field
  15. @Ashantara.8731 Ask them to git gud and grab portal device from raids to put it themselves xd even this one will work from winter festival As hight li player i also not see reason for you to take portal as elite skill, insted of using a item
  16. @Jerus.4350 Here reflect on 2 evry 6s, and f3 25s stab on f3+f4 protection on f1 as autor of post mentioned bit of lack of prot fury and might suply as dps Superpseed And most importent, range ress ability (f5) 4s 35% dmg transfer on bulwark gyro in fractals wher you no need stab as much you exchange elixir B for Blast gyro for more cc, might and aoe stun break
  17. you need pair ham with dps quickness Scrapper As qdps Scrapper you will provde missing stab, superspeed, 3ppl ress of f5, and aoe stunbreak on bypass coating don't pair qdps fb with ham, thats a baisc mistake ham need supply for ress and stab, if it's provided, ham is superior to Healbrand, not mentioning qdps scraper provid alot of aoe cc to a team
  18. it not cost much, maybe for new player or casual person that not know how to farm gold if you play 4h per day, it will take you 4d to obtain commander tag, asuming you watched farming guides, and obtain 20g per h by open word meta events or fishing (20gx15h=300g) You not nessesary need Commander tag, to be a Commander, if your not shy ask ppl around to put tag for you, and lead yourself as lieutenant (officer) As lieutenant you can put marker on youreslf with alt+shift+3, and ppl will see you as moving heart while commander is your personal banner carrier 😄
  19. you got a bit right ther lets go for compromise, and just put a little lower numbers for pvp/wvw
  20. Yep, you will not run curent/my version of Rapid Regeneration as DPS in PVE wher you got healer if curent version of Rapid Regeneration will not change you will run it as dps in pvp/wvw cuz ther 500hp+ per sec is nice to have Yes with 1500 healing stats it will be 1500(healing stats)*0.3=450 450+226=676 (not couting any adional modificators) + 33% from Medical Dispersion Field 676+223=899hp per application of superspeed with modificators it will be around 1k per superspeed as Healer ( As Healer in pve you have around 5-6 superspeeds per 30s cd cycle I not understend your argument are you stating that you will spamming it more then what you do now to upkeep quickness or? as healer your main source of healing is Med Blaster and asuming you will take that trait as qdps, you will have healer in your party togheter with you so it is not efficient in open word it will be just chery on top racher a big deal
  21. Whats your sugestions? Schold it be balanced around pve HQS and making it 5ppl aoe or open word/pvp/wvw roaming bruiser?
  22. guys what you are talking about I'm scrapper main in pve Rapid Regeneration will synergy better with Medical Dispersion Field, it's acutaly buff to heal quickness scrapper (hqs) as your aoe heal per sec will increst here is build Similar it's buff to open word build if you not run bombs/granades As if you using Hammer + 4 gyros you have barrier, but nothink to heal you off once dmg bypass your barrier (for solo bounty) as on dps you don't have regen (until you cope with supply crate witchout exploding it) in wvw/pvp it's little buff to cele roaming scrapper you will have big boomer on top of rapid regeneration 😄 it's only nerf to dead heal scrapper in wvw and small nerf to tank hqs in raids, that propably i'm only one of 5 ppl globaly eu that do it xd
  23. @Sindust.7059 I think you misunderstund me by 1 shot aa, i was not meant to nerf it, racher to merge dmg from 2 shots into one so if curent dmg is 190+253, it wuld be 374(0.6) per shot
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